Posted by 1x1 w/ Lexi (2)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:44:31
Plot to be put up

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 05:37:10
Eros gritted his teeth, "I don't know," he was going to say something else but he ended up keeping his mouth shut. When the food came he started eating the salmon that he had ordered for the both of them.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 08:07:33
The hope that Heidi had felt shimmered away. She had to remember that Eros wasn't who she wanted him to be. He was his own person with his own mind and if she wanted that loving mushy gushy guy she would have to look somewhere else. Heidi sighed before she ate the food, drinking small sips of her wine as she did. When she finished, her plate wasn't empty since Heidi was never one with a big appetite. She looked at Eros, biting her bottom lip, before looking away.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 08:47:00
Eros looked at Heidi's lip again and shrugged his shoulders. "I said I don't know, not no." He saw the dissappointment in her face so he quickly made sure she heard the right thing. Once he had finished eating, he got the waiters to take away the plates and bring out a small dessert.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 09:01:07
"I know, and I heard you," Heidi whispered, releasing her lip from her teeth before she looked as the waiter come in with their desserts. She took a look at Eros's chocolate before at her own vanilla, realizing that he must have known that she didn't like chocolate. She smiled before thanking him and eating about three bites.

(( if she tried to go on that date with Darby, do you think Eros would like dominate her or let her go ))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 09:17:25
((You'll see ;) ))

Eros finished his dessert and got the waitress to take both of theirs away when she saw Heidi was done. "C'Mon let's go." He got up from the booth and left a big tip for the waitress. He got in his car and looked over to Heidi. "How was that for your first time here?"

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:13:14
"You're trying really hard," Heidi said looking at her hands once they had gotten back into the car. That had been the first time he'd ever asked her a question. Eros was never one to ask for things, he always demanded, so it was weird to hear those words leave his mouth. She bit her lip in the dark where she knew he couldn't see before nodding her head. "It was really nice. I don't usually eat at places like that."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:22:11
Eros nodded but he couldn't really relate, whenever he went out, he always ate at fancy restaurants for he had quite high expectations but when he ate at home his expectations dropped slightly. He got out of the parking lot and drove back home, staring out the front windshield and not looking anywhere else. Once he got back, he walked inside and took the keys off the counter Amanda had left. "Here are your car keys back."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:26:55
Heidi took the keys that Eros was handing her, happy that he was giving them back to her. Him having them had made her pretty nervous. But at least he wasn't taking everything away from her. She gave him a soft smile, about to say more before her phone began ringing. She looked down and saw it was Darby. Should she answer? Of course, she should. Heidi bit her lip before excusing herself.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:30:25
Eros followed her with a sneer when he saw the way she was looking at the screen. He stood behind her in her room and he knew she couldn't tell he was standing there because if the conversation she was having with whoever was on the other end. He could hear the voice pretty clearly.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:32:33
Darby was saying he was busy this weekend and would have to cancel but asked her if she wanted to just do their date on Thursday. "Yeah, I'm free Thursday," she tells him, almost hearing his grin across the phone, as he said how happy he was. "I can't wait for our date. I look forward to it. See you soon." And Heidi hung up before she turned around and bumped right into Eros.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:36:15
Eros had a glare on his face hearing everything that they had said. He took her phone and held it behind him before gritting his teeth. "I thought me trying was good enough but-" he cut himself off not wanting to say anything stupid but he walked out of her room and back into his, slamming the door hard to prove a point. He still had her phone in his hands and it took every ounce of effort not to throw it against the wall, watching it shatter into little peices.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:41:01
Heid's eyes widened when Eros took her phone away. She was surprised that he didn't yell at her though she watched as he left her room, going back to his own and heard his door as he slammed it behind himself. She almost wanted to cry, instead letting out an exhale before she breathed in and out a bit before walking to his room and opening the door, not bothering to knock. She swallowed. "Maybe you can calm down?" She asks, closing the door behind them but leaving her back pressed against it.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:45:11
Eros swore, through his anger he had forgotten to lock the damn door. "Get out." His hands were in fists, the one with the phone in it was squeezing so tight it could've popped. He brought her out to dinner and treated her decently but right after she makes plans with another man. This is why he didn't do relationships.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:57:40
Heidi heard the swears leave his mouth and saw his fists tighten until she thought that she would surely have to purchase a new phone though with her salary she didn't think that would be a big problem. She could tell that her setting up a date with another man had hurt Eros's feelings even if he chose to show that through his anger. "I couldn't bail on him," she says quietly, looking at her hands for a moment before meeting his eyes. "We'd already planned, and he'd been there for me when you weren't. Nothing is going to happen with Darby and I. We're just friends."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 12:02:38
Eros met her eyes and gave her a nasty snarl. He was so close to throwing a punch at god knows where but instead he threw her phone on his bed and grabbed her shoulders roughly. "It was a day and I'm new to this fucking dating thing but I'm pretty sure when someone calls something a date, it's not just between two friends. Get out of my fucking room or I will haul your goddamn ass out myself." He wanted her out other wise he will do something he would regret the next day, like hurt her.

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