Posted by 1x1 with Drkshdw

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 05:22:25
A vampire is going around and killing off government officials because of the excessive hunting that the government is putting towards the vampire species. No human outside of the government knows about the hunting but all vampires are known to be vile creatures, even though it's not always true. When a girl realizes the boy she has been crushing on is a vampire, she immediately believes that he is the vampire killing all the government officials.

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:55:42 by Jazzy {Lexi's Adopted Sister} (#75773)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 02:09:03
(( Sorry for the wait, I've had a busy weekend - so far, I'm hoping today will be more tame. ))

Kelsie shrugged as she scrolled through the website of a restaurant, "I was thinking Denny's. There's breakfast options still at this time actually." She showed him the menu from her phone so he could choose something.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 03:59:50
((Ugh, busy weekends are the worst...))

He nodded a little, playing with a strand of her hair as he looked at the menu, "Just order me one of everything that doesn't have spinach in it..." He rested his chin on her shoulder, kissing her neck softly.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 04:15:56
(( Yea I know lol ))

"That's going to be a lot of food." She warned but went ahead to do so anyways, "Wait you're a spinach hater?" She didn't mind the vegetable but he didn't pass her as a picky eater, especially with the amount of food he ate.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 04:18:20
He rolled onto his back, putting a hand through his hair, "Yeah I know, but I'm starving." He laughed a little at her next question, looking at her again, "Yes... I am a spinach hater, as you say. I've had bad experiences with it as a child..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 05:32:11
"Those are the worse." She muttered shaking her head, "I hate cauliflower..." Then she pressed order after selecting everything on the menu without spinach, also getting a few things for herself too. "Okay I have a feeling this order will take a long while to actually complete." She laughed, shaking her head.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 05:34:47
He nuzzled her head gently, rubbing her shoulders for a moment, "I don't necessarily hate cauliflower, but it's not my favorite... I really like asparagus, though." He laughed with her, smiling, "It'll be worth it in the long run... With any luck, I won't be hungry until lunchtime tomorrow."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 05:44:15
"Okay story time. I'll fill you in on what happened when you 'died'." She said, it wasn't a good time for sure but there was certain things that happened which made her want to laugh at herself.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 05:45:35
He smiled, turning to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her against him, resting his head against hers, "Okay, ready for story time... Let's hear it."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 06:06:13
"Alright so when I first needed to feed, that was when Sophia was still adjusting to everything I told her and I didn't know what to do exactly so when I found someone I had to knock him out before sitting there and staring at his wrist for a solid three minutes. It took so much of me to actually bite him..." She remembered the moment so vividly.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 06:08:58
Damiaan tightened his arms around her as she talked, sighing quietly, "On the bright side, at least you aren't an idiot like me and bite your used-to-be best friend's neck..." He nuzzled her neck, rubbing her back, "It'll be okay, baby, I'm back now..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 06:37:59
"I like it when you call me that." She smiled and snuggled into his side, sighing deeply, "And I definitely missed doing nothing with you."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 06:44:59
He smiled back, kissing her head, "And I like calling you that..." He rubbed her arms, smiling again, pressing his lips to her forehead, "I don't know if I really missed doing nothing, but I definitely missed you... Also, I am now a very claustrophobic person."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 10:19:01
"Does that mean you don't enjoy cuddling anymore?" She looked up at him and pouTed, even though she understood why he would be claustrophobic now.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 10:24:17
He rolled his eyes at her, smiling at her expression, "No, Kelsie. I just don't like elevators anymore, which sucks because I have to take one to get home." He put his face in her neck, "I still like cuddling... So what else happened? If that's the extent of your storytime I'm disappointed..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-26 10:52:34
"Well...I did also sort of almost bite Sophia." She thought about her words for a second, knowing they probably didn't make much sense but shook it off. "I guess seeing all the blood pool around you made me sort of hungry and I hadn't realized until all of the adrenaline drained out of my body."

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