Posted by 1x1 with Drkshdw

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 05:22:25
A vampire is going around and killing off government officials because of the excessive hunting that the government is putting towards the vampire species. No human outside of the government knows about the hunting but all vampires are known to be vile creatures, even though it's not always true. When a girl realizes the boy she has been crushing on is a vampire, she immediately believes that he is the vampire killing all the government officials.

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:55:42 by Jazzy {Lexi's Adopted Sister} (#75773)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:30:04
Kelsie glanced down at his stretched out hand and put hers on top of it, "Yea but we were talking about how Sophia is a creepy stalker with mad skills so I just assumed you were still stuck on the topic."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:34:58
He turned his hand so that he could intertwine their fingers, and laughed at her comment, "While she may have mad skills as you say, I had just forgotten about her."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:38:01
"Mad skills is an understatement." She said and saw that he was just pulling up to the driveway, "I'll text you with the when and wheres for tonight asap once Sophia gets back to me."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:40:36
Damiaan laughed at her, and squeezed her fingers before leaning forward and kissing her softly, "All right, just make sure we aren't getting steak again. Do you want me to bring you your car now or later?"

((He could drop her car off and then run into Dan, DRAMA))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:42:42
"Later." She kissed him back and smiled against his lips, "After the beach maybe..." Pulling away she reluctantly released his fingers before stepping out of the car, "See you tonight old man."

(( Yeaa ))

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 01:42:10
Damiaan squeezed her fingers, and leaned to the side so he could see her better when she stepped out, "Don't call me that, and I need your keys."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 01:46:32
"Right," she reached in her purse and handed him her keys, "You will always be my old man." Giving him another quick kiss on the lips she closed the car door and walked back to her house.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 01:49:38
He dropped the keys into the center console, and shook his head at her before kissing her back softly. He leaned back in his chair, sort of fuming but not really about her calling him an old man, and dangled his hands over the top of the wheel as he watched her walk back into her house, making sure she made it inside safely. Not that there was a reason for her to not, but still...

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 01:55:47
(( Is Dan behind the car or in her house ))

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 03:33:57
((In her house, just have her turn around when she gets inside and see him standing there))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 03:38:00
Kelsie closed the door with a wham and locked it behind her. She went strait to her kitchen to get something to drink but a scream escaped her throat when she saw Dan standing there with his arms crossed. "What the hell?" She knew it would be no use to run away so she reached into the drawer and pulled out the largest knife in there.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 03:48:13
By the time Kelsie screamed, Damiaan had already driven away, but he was planning on bringing her car back sooner, he didn't want to just leave her stranded her without transportation.


Dan unfolded his arms when she grabbed a knife, and shook his head, "If a British cutlass can't kill me, do you think a simple kitchen knife can?" He put his hands in his pockets, and took a step closer to her.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 04:08:26
Kelsie didn't care that it wouldn't kill him, she just needed some sort of security rather than nothing. When he took a step towards her, she backed up two steps, "What are you doing here?" She realized now that the call she had gotten was probably from him but she still had no idea what he had said then.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 04:13:01
Dan took more steps towards her, and grabbed her hand so she couldn't stab him with the knife, "What am I doing here?" He laughed, then leaned his face closer to hers, "Damiaan practically loves you, if anything happened to you he couldn't live with himself. And that would be very nice..." He tongued his fangs, and pushed Kelsie against the counter.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 04:15:59
Kelsie struggled against his hold but her shoulders were too sore for her to have done any good. "Haven't you got enough blood you know...killing all those government agents?" She said flat out, the knife dropping hopelessly on the ground.

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