Posted by Dawn of the wolves (RP sign up) (open)

nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 17:04:44

dawn of the wolves

a lady with skin pale as the moon silver eyes and silver hair to the ground walked up to you from the drankness of the forest.

"why hello child I am the moon goddess what is your name"











"welcome to the upper north forest's of west virginia there are there packs of werewolves. they are the top three of the packs of the world Blue crescent moon pack, Scarlet moon pack and running stream pack. Blue Crescent Moon Pack is well known for their planing of attacks and battling ways they will help if you help them in return. Now the Scarlet Moon Pack they are ruthless and show very littler mercy if you want their help you give them what they ask in return. The Running Stream Pack are calm and helpful but can beat a person if they wanted they will help you but you will give them something in return".

she went to leave but faced you once again

I forgot to mention there are rules you have to fallow"

1. Alpa word is law

2. beta is in charge when Alpha isn't ther

3. Beta becomes alpha if none or the alpha heirs want the alpha title

4. If any high ranking wolf is challenged they have to accept

5. In a challenge no one can kill the other but make them submit to the other

6. If challenger wins the fight they are imdetily the rank they taken

7. The only time the Alpha or Luna role be challegned is when the Alpha and Luna's daughter or son that will take their rightful role is the only time the Alpha and Luna

8. If the son of the Alpha wants the title of the alpha then he has to battle his father until one submits

9. Anyone wanting to travel between packs must have promition from their alpha and the other packs alpha

10. Any and all rouges will emiditly will be captured and taken to the alpha or dugeons

11. Respect others and treat them who you want to be treated

12. Be fair and have fun

13. In other please but "Dawn wolves" If you read the rules


Blue Crescebt Moon Pack

Alpha- Jae
Luna (alpha female)-
Beta female
Gama (third command/head warrior)- Nexo
Healers (1/3)-SeokJin
Trianies/teens (13 – 17)- Dot

Pack house

Scarlet Moon Pack

alpha- ChangMin
Luna (alpha female)- Skyler
Beta- Akecheta Jakarta
Beta female
Gama (third command/head warrior)-Kenzo
Healers (0/3)
Trianies/teens (13 – 17)

Pack House

Running Stream Pack

alpha- Jager
Luna (alpha female)- Octavia
Beta female- Accelia
Gama (third command/head warrior)
Healers (0/3)
Trianies/teens- Snow (13 – 17)

Pack house


Dakota (Kota)

Mates and Requesting

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Edited on 24/02/17 @ 18:27:32 by nafira15 (#101270)

nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:37:39
korea aint on but maybe you can add a beta warrior hunter healer or pup or another gama

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SpeartheCat (#106568)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:40:10
Okay, it was just an offer, I don't mind either way :)

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:40:58
okay i was just asking do to the little numbers in scarlet and running

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:46:08
Logging of for now, will reply in the morning

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:46:38
okay night dire

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Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:47:17

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:48:26
See y'all (I'm on lioden time exactly so expect me to be on round 8-9)

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:49:32

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Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 14:49:55

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 15:50:09
now that snow shifted he is now condsidered a trainee and can start training for warrior healer gama or beta since beta is free he can try and gama he can try for that too since no one holds that spot

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Iceclaw123 (#101273)

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Posted on
2017-02-23 03:53:46


pack- none


apperance-human form

wolf-wolf form

personality- dominant- can take care of herselc in battles, caring- only cares for friends and family, kind-only nice to people she knows, loyal- loyal to friends and family,

sexuality- straight


other-dawn wolves

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-23 03:56:57

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ℬat-ℭat 😼 (#67654)

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Posted on
2017-02-23 12:56:21
“Name’s Akecheta, Akecheta Jakarta.”
Akecheta Jakarta.

“I am what one would consider to be of the male gender.”
Male, Man, Brute, Dog.

“I belong to the Scarlet Moon pack. Only the best pack there is.” *Grin*
Scarlet Moon pack.

“I am the Beta of this pack, and I don’t plan on losing this rank anytime soon…Unless it’s to go higher of cause.”
Beta male.

Appearance (Human)
“You got eyes, yes?...Well, use em”

Akecheta is a rather masculine looking male, with a fit, well-muscled body. His hair has been allowed to grown down to just below his shoulders and is a dark brown with tones of lighter browns throughout. His thick, curly and is almost always pulled messily up into a ‘Man-Bun’ exposing his wide forehead. His ears are small and rounded with his lobes being pierced. Moving down a little on the face you’ll notice two long, dark brown eye brows which take just about all of the brow-length room (Idk what I’m saying.) they sit directly above the eye with little-to-no gap between the brow and the eye. A pair of almond shaped eyes sit neatly on his face, they are a lighter shade of brown compared to his hair and have golden brown flecks throughout. Akecheta has a slightly rounded nose which holds large nostrils, one of which is pierced with a silver nose ring. His cheeks are full and soft, with slightly pronounced cheek bones. Moving down to his lips you’ll notice they are full and soft with a light pink to a pail fleshy tone. Jaw line is strong and square and sports dark brown, facial hair that is neatly trimmed and kept very short- Just enough to give a slightly rough and rugged look. Above his top lip lays a short, neatly cut moustache.

Holding his head is a strong, neck that’s not too long. His shoulders are broad and well-muscled and hold long, muscular arms, the right arm has a black tattoo sleeve. Large hands which have been toughened by hard work and thick, fingers decorated with several rings. Akecheta holds two rings on his right Index finger and three on his right middle. His ring finger has one ring on it, though it’s not a wedding ring. All his rings are either silver or gold with no patterning or gems on them, aside from one ring which can be found on the bottom of his middle finger that is black with silver edging. On his left hand he has four rings, one of which is a large green gemmed one.

This man has a wide, well-muscled chest with a rib cage that slightly sticks out and when he stretches or is breathing heavily you may see his ribs. Torso is lean and also well-muscled sporting the faint outline of a 6-pack. Long, lean legs which make for powerful limbs to run and move around on.

Now, to talk about his clothing. Most often this male is seen in straight leg jeans, shorts or Cargo pants. Shoes consist of brown boat shoes with white lases, black or white and blue thongs (Flip flops? XD Idk), white Joggers or just nothing at all. Tees, long sleeve tops, muscle shirts and flannies are what he most often has a top. Light, thin hoddie, leather jackets or a jumper. Sometimes has a dark green or dark red beanie on. Likes to have thin, frameless sunglasses on.



A fairly large, brute with a sleek, muscled frame. A thick slivery-black coat and golden yellow eyes.


Short-tempered and has a wild, raging anger: This is a man not to tick off, with a temper that can only be described as ‘like a bomb’, incurably fragile and if triggered will explode and leave a trail of mass destruction. In other words, don’t piss him off or you’ll most likely come off second best.

Arrogant and cocky: Likes to think himself as better than everyone else, despite that being far from the truth.

Self-cantered: Not really caring much for anyone else aside himself.

Is a smart ass and has snarky attitude: His smart ass comments and snarky attitude can rub people up the wrong way, and even more so when he takes a joke too far.

Rude and disrespectful: If told not to do something, he’ll be the one that does it.

Loyal and will always be there for the ones he holds close: Once you’ve gained his friendship, you’ll have it for life, unless you do something REALY bad against him. He is always willing to help out his friends and will defend them when needed.

Protective: Is wildly protective of those he considers friends and his family. Do wrong against he holds close, and you’ll have this guy to answer to.


Bi-Sexual- Gender neutral


(Find out in the rp, he’ll have flashbacks etc.)


- Has a thick French accent

- Pic was from: Also sorry the pic is so big, but I forgot how to re-size

- Dawn wolves :p

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-23 15:04:12
Accepted pls post it on the character sheets and I'll add him on the lists and u can start

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.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 11:23:43
(Heres the character I said I'd make to be the mate for Nexo!)


name- SeokJin (Prefers to be called Jin)

gender- Male

age- 24

pack- Crescent Moon

rank- Healer

personality- Caring, 'Motherly', likes to care for others

sexuality- Straight

history- Jaejoong's best friend who's pack just disbanded so he's joining Joongie's pack

other- Dawn Wolves

picture sources-

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