Posted by Dawn of the wolves (RP sign up) (open)

nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 17:04:44

dawn of the wolves

a lady with skin pale as the moon silver eyes and silver hair to the ground walked up to you from the drankness of the forest.

"why hello child I am the moon goddess what is your name"











"welcome to the upper north forest's of west virginia there are there packs of werewolves. they are the top three of the packs of the world Blue crescent moon pack, Scarlet moon pack and running stream pack. Blue Crescent Moon Pack is well known for their planing of attacks and battling ways they will help if you help them in return. Now the Scarlet Moon Pack they are ruthless and show very littler mercy if you want their help you give them what they ask in return. The Running Stream Pack are calm and helpful but can beat a person if they wanted they will help you but you will give them something in return".

she went to leave but faced you once again

I forgot to mention there are rules you have to fallow"

1. Alpa word is law

2. beta is in charge when Alpha isn't ther

3. Beta becomes alpha if none or the alpha heirs want the alpha title

4. If any high ranking wolf is challenged they have to accept

5. In a challenge no one can kill the other but make them submit to the other

6. If challenger wins the fight they are imdetily the rank they taken

7. The only time the Alpha or Luna role be challegned is when the Alpha and Luna's daughter or son that will take their rightful role is the only time the Alpha and Luna

8. If the son of the Alpha wants the title of the alpha then he has to battle his father until one submits

9. Anyone wanting to travel between packs must have promition from their alpha and the other packs alpha

10. Any and all rouges will emiditly will be captured and taken to the alpha or dugeons

11. Respect others and treat them who you want to be treated

12. Be fair and have fun

13. In other please but "Dawn wolves" If you read the rules


Blue Crescebt Moon Pack

Alpha- Jae
Luna (alpha female)-
Beta female
Gama (third command/head warrior)- Nexo
Healers (1/3)-SeokJin
Trianies/teens (13 – 17)- Dot

Pack house

Scarlet Moon Pack

alpha- ChangMin
Luna (alpha female)- Skyler
Beta- Akecheta Jakarta
Beta female
Gama (third command/head warrior)-Kenzo
Healers (0/3)
Trianies/teens (13 – 17)

Pack House

Running Stream Pack

alpha- Jager
Luna (alpha female)- Octavia
Beta female- Accelia
Gama (third command/head warrior)
Healers (0/3)
Trianies/teens- Snow (13 – 17)

Pack house


Dakota (Kota)

Mates and Requesting

roleplay thread

Character Sheets

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Edited on 24/02/17 @ 18:27:32 by nafira15 (#101270)

Iceclaw123 (#101273)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:13:43
name- Frost


pack- scarlet pack


apperance- uknown


personality- kind, loyal and playful


history- Frost was born in the blue crescebt pack. Her mom died from an illness and her dad died from an attack from another pack.

other-Dawn wolves

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Edited on 22/02/17 @ 13:30:46 by Iceclaw123 (#101273)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:14:51
Oh rip just ignore what i wanted to do with her then XD but no that's fine with me too xD

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:15:27

name- Nexo Bluenight

gender- female

pack- Blue crescent Moon Pack

rank- Gama

apperance- long black hair pale skin bright blue eyes

wolf- solid black that brings out her bright blue eyes

personality- caring- she will help others but to new people or strangers she will not show it. Quiet- she keeps quiet only when she needs to speak her mind. dominiant- She has proven she can take care her self for the many fights she has been in the past. sweet- She has a gentle side not many see but very few see's it and she doesnt show her emotions that much but everyone has a breaking piont.

sexuality- striaght

history- unknown

other- dawn wolves

name- Dot Bluenight

gender- female

pack- blue crescent moon pack

rank- pup

apperance-brown short flat hair with green eyes and pale skin

wolf- spotted brown wolf with black and different shades of brown with forest green eyes

personality- Sweet- she cares for everyone she think is good. Short temper- all though she small cute and a pup she can be ticked at the slightest thing not done right. Head strong- she gets her way most of the time but not always do to her older step sister. Dominiat- like her step sister she can take charge alot without even knowing it. Sweet- she can help others if she wanted and will do so.

sexuality- striaght

history- she is the step sister of nexo from her fathers side after he was captured by a group of rouges.

other- dawn wolves

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Edited on 22/02/17 @ 13:16:43 by nafira15 (#101270)

nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:25:27
so dire you want me to move her back or keep her there cuase if she and jager mates she will have to stay there

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:28:25
They are true mates so she will stay in Rising Stream,

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:29:53
okay then

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:34:55
hey added a chat and question fourm so we are not sitting here and chatting in the sign ups okay

And i am making the rp chat now that we have a few charaters in each pack

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Edited on 22/02/17 @ 13:36:53 by nafira15 (#101270)

Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:37:13

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:39:46
i know and i dont know when i will be done but i will add it under the chat and questions okay ^^

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Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:40:58
Can't wait, message us as soon as it's up!

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:41:58

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:43:50
Name: Dakota (Kota)

Gender: Female

Pack: none as of yet

Rank: Rouge

Appearance: Dakota is 5"6 and has shoulder length blonde hair, preferring short hair so she didn't get too hot. Her eyes were a forest green and her skin tan. Her body is covered in scars and faint bruises due to her past.

Wolf: Her wolf was the opposite to her, outgoing and at times viscious, despite when Dakota is in human form and in control, when she feels threatened she always tries to take over but Dakota doesn't let her. The wolf was a reddish colour with patches darker then others.

Personality: Dakota was quite and shy, keeping to herself at all times. She was quite jumpy/skittish. She found it hard to trust others and tended to just stay away from others, being why she was rouge.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Dakota was abused most of her life due to her mother dying at a young age and since her father and her mother were true mates, her father couldn't handle it and blamed his daughter. Once she got to about 17 she ran away and became a rouge.

Other: Dawn Wolves
Also she is still quite young (about 18)

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Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:53:06
Wait so does this take place in modern day

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nafira15 (#101270)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 06:59:02

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Simba (#106560)

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Posted on
2017-02-22 07:35:04
How's the RP forum coming along Nafira?

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