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Posted by | Addition of Rules re: Reverse Studs |
![]() Mei (#53317) Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 12:42:58 |
Hello all, I have a small suggestion regarding reverse studding: For some background information, I have seen quite a few leopon and dwarf owners claiming that it is within their right to keep cub(s) if a product of a reverse studding includes more than one dwarf/pon. While I understand it is within a seller's right to determine the terms of sale, the term "studding" itself (at least on Lioden) means that the buyer of the studding gets whatever is produced, no matter how desirable or undesirable. Here's what I mean - male studs have absolutely no say or power over what happens with their offspring by mothers from other prides - why should this be different for females? The player buying the studding bought the studding, and so it is their right to keep anything and everything from the results of it. Secondly, I've seen other suggestions regarding reverse studding "safety" features, involving what looks to my inexperienced eyes like an extremely complicated coding process. I believe this suggestion, if implemented, would eliminate the need for such a feature, as it clears up any confusion regarding who owns what in reverse stud litters. So, here's my suggestion: Add to/modify the rules regarding promised based transactions to include a section specifically about reverse studding, something along the lines of; "Reverse studdings must be conducted under the same conditions as regular studdings. The buyer of the studding is entitled to the entire litter produced from that studding, unless they cannot pay the stud fee. In this case, the mother's owner is entitled to the litter." As an added note to the above, the stud fee should be the buyout for trade including the cubs belonging to the buyer of the studding - this is the best way I've seen to keep things scam-free. I also understand promise-based transactions are not being moderated anymore, but I think this small modification could cut down on the unfairness, possible scams, and confusion currently existing because of reverse studding suddenly being allowed. There are also some grey areas that I understand to be regarding things such as aging stones - what happens if a player cannot provide the aging stones for the litter? And etc. Please comment if you have additional suggestions, pros, or cons to add to this suggestion. Thank you for reading and considering! |
littleclod | 3x ros G3 ferus (#92938) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 12:53:34 |
I support. Were I to ever pay for a reverse studding to a leopon, and by some miracle came out with twins, I would want to keep them both. If you pay for a breeding, then you deserve the entire litter-the same as a regular studding. Nothing more to say except thanks for making this suggestion. c: *note- I'm not a leopon owner, I can't really decide for anyone. this is merely my personal opinion. ![]() Edited on 23/02/17 @ 19:58:31 by littleclod|mottled primal| (#92938) |
😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 12:57:15 |
I dont see anything wrong with the owner of the female being able to lay out terms as they see fit, so long as they are stated up front. Some do not want to sell the rights to the entire litter. I think that should be left as their choice. ![]() |
Fading Angel (G2 2k) [Frozen] (#81854) Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 12:57:43 |
I 100% support! A studding is a studding therefore you paid for all that was produced. Must fees I've seen for pons are 100+GB plus items And you have to pay everything again for a second try if you get no pon. Which is a lot of GB for failed attempts! And a lot of GB just only be allowed one special cub Edit: Dog breedings it's normally a set fee OR pick of litter! Not both! ![]() Edited on 23/02/17 @ 20:04:00 by Faded Moon (#81854) |
Micah [Mandarin Ferus] (#68002) Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 12:58:39 |
No support. If you're a pon owner, you'd know just how hard it is to get pons made. Twins are rare tbh, so it's honestly not that unfair for a pon owner to ask to keep one of the cubs. Besides, you get first dibs in most cases right? ![]() |
*Bitten* Primal {BrF} (#77601) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:01:04 |
I agree 100% For what most of us pay for those RS it seems only right that we get what we paid for in it's entirety not just what the mothers owner deems fit. They should not be allowed to double profit off of liters they did not contribute to. Look at pons for instance, you need the gb for the studding, then you need the scrote, the IBF, the black stallion and anything else you want to add so you are shelling out quite a bit of gb (in a sense) to the owner of the mother ![]() |
😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:02:18 |
I am familiar with dog breeding and I know that it is not uncommon for studding arrangements where litters are split. So a studding does not always=100% to one party. If you want the entire litter, negotiate for it. It will probably require a higher premium. ![]() |
Mei (#53317)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:03:05 |
I might have been more on board with what Locust said had it been the same for male studdings. But as things are, male studs have no say over what happens in litters fathered by them and born outside their pride - why should it be any different for female studs? Caleb, I understand the loss of income can be frustrating; however the player who purchased the studding, in male studdings, owns the entire litter no matter how luck favors or does not favor. Female studdings should not be any different just to account for player greed. ![]() |
Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:04:16 |
It's a decent idea, but I don't support because in every thread where the leopon or dwarf owner is advertising their reverse studding, they explicitly state the terms and conditions - it is up to the buyer whether or not to accept the terms and continue with the transaction. And if the specific reverse-studder is unclear with their specifications, prospective buyers can always ask for more information. Some people are more willing to haggle around the yohimbe bark requirements or aging stones than others, so it's up to each individual. No one's forcing the buyer to participate in the promise transaction and it is thus at their own risk. ...As for possible scams and unfairness, there's no way around that, unfortunately ^^ ![]() |
Mei (#53317)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:09:27 |
Locust, I understand that happens in the real world. I didn't make a point of that mainly because that is not how it works on Lioden - male studdings have never had a feature involving the male having any say in their outside-of-pride litter. Terrinthia, that is true; this is probably an opinion based issue more than anything. However, I feel that it just adds so much bad taste to the community when people can be greedy and be rewarded for/get away with it. That is why my stance remains as is; I am not forcing anyone to agree with me, but that is where I stand. ![]() |
Micah [Mandarin Ferus] (#68002) Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:10:18 |
Actually, food for thought here and correct me if I'm wrong. (Building on what Terr said) Reverse studding is a promise based transaction. So therefore, mods will not moderate it. At all. So, this suggestion could actually be obsolete seeing as they already stated they will no longer interfere with promise based transactions and its at the risk of the player. ![]() |
Mei (#53317)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:11:41 |
I'm aware of that, yes. I am proposing an amendment to that statement. ![]() |
😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:17:39 |
Stud owners have every right to employ identical terms for their males. It's just a lot more uncommon and much harder for them to enforce. ![]() |
Legato Bluesummers || Rogue (#98067) ![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:19:30 |
I can think of two players who allow you to keep ALL cubs, regardless of how many pons are in a litter. People aren't forced to agree to the terms the other pon breeders are offering. You are perfectly within your rights to find another member offering reverse breeds that allow you to keep all cubs produced if you want to keep them all. Honestly, I've seen very few reverse breeders wanting 100gb+. Most I have seen have been offering /at most/ 90gb and most around 50-60gb mark. Some even less! Beyond that, multiple pon litters are so RARE it's not likely to happen. It's basically just as "in the event of" sort of clause. <3 ![]() |
bucky 🌈 (#38222)
![]() Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:19:57 |
I agree with Terr in that owners are already setting up their own terms for reverse studding and its up to the buyer to do business with them. Its like commissioning an artist, if you don't agree with their TOS and prices, don't buy art from them ya dig? And since like others have said its still a promise based transaction and can't/won't be moderated ![]() |
Fading Angel (G2 2k) [Frozen] (#81854) Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 13:22:36 |
Dwarf RS has been around 50gb and lower ^^ I was speaking pons. Lowest Pon I've seen is 75gb and that still does count for all the items. Must asking for 20barks which is a other 75-100gb alone ![]() |
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