Posted by Make A Wish Roleplay Thread

TheWildPack (#99669)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 04:44:28
Here the Family roleplays together! We never know what the next roleplay will be!

Season: Fall, Weather: Cloudy

Roleplay Members:
~LuciferThorne~| ~MAW~

More coming soon!

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Edited on 06/03/17 @ 14:36:53 by TheWildPack (#99669)

TheWildPack (#99669)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 12:51:17
Masked Soldier, Raged Soldier --- Mentions Anyone else who answers.

"Pull the egg out of the Hatchery." A voice broke through the egg.

Her ears strained to hear the voice as a movement opened her eyes. Her twin looks back at her, blinking.

"Its hatching! Wait... Is that... Twins! Both females?"

"Yes Doctor." Another voice joins the first.

Her eyes blink once more as she climbs out of the shells.

"What shall we name them?" The First voice asks.

"Raged Warrior and Masked soldier." A new strong but gentle voice adds.

*Dream over*

"Come on Girls. Right here now" The Master commands softly.

Masked Soldier looks at her sister and trots silently to The Master, ready for another day of work.

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Gyrendolen (#106188)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 12:59:36
The hybrid dromaeosaur yawned widely, showing her teeth. The fox-colored creature pushed herself to her feet, eyes flickering open. Light filtered through the trees and dappled the creature's, Arcane's, pelt. Fur and feathers ruffling, Arcane raised her dark muzzle, breathing in deeply, ears turning back.


OOC: I role-play in past-tense, hopefully that's not a problem, it's just easier for me.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:00:54
{watches fellow dragons commune with one another}

Mother: "Tatsuo, don't you want to play with the others?

Me: "no..." {flies away in search of more enjoyable friends}

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TheWildPack (#99669)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:16:37
(Perfectly fine Gy)

The run around the cage was boring. As usual. Masked Soldier yawns before going to the part of the fence she had been working on breaking. The hole was definitely bigger, but big enough to fit her and her twin through? Definitly not. She dug around some more before yipping to her sister to help. Her claw stuck in the fence. Together they ripped it out of the fence and made a hole wide enough to escape. Then they run.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:19:46
I had gotten tired from flying for so long, so I had landed at a somewhat small watering hole for a drink and rest.
After a well needed drink, I fell asleep, a tad hungry from the long flight away from home.

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Gyrendolen (#106188)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:22:00
Sucking in too deep of a breath, Arcane sneezed as she inhaled dust. She shook herself, her pelt rippling in the slight breeze. Water was her first priority, she decided, and breathed in again, scenting for the clear smell of water. Once she had gotten a hold on the scent of water, she turned and lightly trotted towards the source of the scent.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:27:19
I had hidden myself in the darkness of the rocks near the watering hole, hiding from potential danger.

I have been very lonely as I was not like most dragons.. wasn't very strong, and not that smart like most of my brothers and sisters.

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Gyrendolen (#106188)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:32:17
Edging in to the shore of a wateringhole, Arcane stood tall on her long, dark legs. Flicking an ear and scanning the area, she decided it was safe enough. Lowering her head, she scooped up a mouthful of water and raised her head to swallow it while watching for any potential threats.


OOC: For an accurate construction of her coloration, just look up a maned wolf. Her behaviors are a mix of dinosaurs and modern-day mammals, especially maned wolves.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:35:14
I awake to see a strange creature I'd never seen before.. I had been holed up with only other dragons as company. Hoping to make a new friend I excitedly pounce up and run toward the stranger, forgetting that I was a big, fire breathing dragon with large sharp fangs.

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TheWildPack (#99669)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:43:47
The twins ran towards water, jumping in it to cool their scales down. Twisting around they search for prey to eat.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:46:26
{is splashed by the water} I became quite annoyed to be splashed and looks at the intruders that interrupted my chance to make a friend and roars in anger.

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Gyrendolen (#106188)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:46:35
Her gaze shifted, noticing the dragon as it darted towards her. Interpreting it as hostile, Arcane's first instinct was to take up a defensive stance, rearing back, ears flattening against her skull, her hackles rising. Her lips pulled back from her teeth, a sound similar to that of a maned wolf's roar-bark mixed with a reptilian hiss ripping from her throat. As her relaxation dissipated in that mere second, the sickle claws on her feet hyperextended, lifting off the ground.


OOC: Seriously, listen to a maned wolf's roar-bark. It sounds so awesome.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:49:14
I look back at the stranger, that I wanted to befriend, and wonders why they looked ready to attack. I recall my actions and turn my small golden body around, sad that I failed to make a friend due to my idiocy.

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⛧August⛧ (#93898)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:55:50
Nighting's ears perk up and he takes to the sky, flying swiftly towards the sound of the commotion that comes from the direction Tatsuo had gone. Getting there in record time, he observes the strange creature threatening his brother. The strange noises coming from it's throat are nothing short of hostile. Nighting had never been a strong dragon, but what he lacked in strength he makes up for in speed and intelligence. He lands between his brother and the creature, head low and wings outstretched to his sides. Tatsuo had turned away in defeat, but Nighting knew very well that turning your back on a hostile opponent will only lead to being attacked from behind, so he guards his brother, keeping a focused gaze on the enemy.

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Edited on 04/03/17 @ 21:13:28 by Crow (#93898)

Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 14:00:30
I turn back to look at my brother, I had always felt inferior to Nighting, but felt comforted that he would bother protecting me. I looked at the stranger and move my body in submission, hoping to show I meant no harm.

I didn't want to hurt anyone, but if they attacked I would not hesitate to use my fire against the stranger.

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