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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 00:35:52



A Literate-Advanced Warriors Roleplay

Mod: InsertCleverNameHere


Deep in the forest, a bustling clan of cats — Breezeclan — thrived peacefully, hunting, sparring, and praying without much conflict. They were the only clan around, after all. Their numbers had grown large enough and their power great enough so that any blossoming clan didn't survive more than a few years before being absorbed into the superpower. That is, until a brand new opportunity arose.

The year is 1960. Starting in a remote country, a pandemic quickly infected much of the human population. It showed no symptoms and kept relatively hidden. Until it didn't. The disease worsened, causing a plethora of deadly effects. Soon, human civilization was wiped out, leaving behind the concrete jungles that they so favored.

Twenty years after the extinction, Breezeclan discovered one of the small, crumbling cities and claimed it as their own. As the cats grew accustomed to the space available to them, rifts formed between groups of cats and the once-great clan was split into thirds, each clan occupying their own districts and buildings.

Now, ten years have passed and the clans have cemented their place in the city, driving out many of the non-felines and accepting the majority of the former kittypets. Breezeclan has been long forgotten, but the three clans that came from it have flourished. Willowclan, a medium-sized clan, inhabit what used to be Finley Creek High School. Hillclan, a large and friendly clan, has taken up residence in Knight's Run housing edition. Lastly, Cloudclan, the largest clan, occupied the "Tallstone," an office building that towered above the city until a day ago.

In a day, the unmaintained and broken building creaked and groaned under the pressure of a storm. The Cloudclan cats, most of them asleep were none the wiser as beams buckled and the building began to collapse. In the end, half of the cats escaped. Included in the casualties were the Leader, Deputy, and Medicine Cat. After the dust settles, the surviving Cloudclan cats have a choice: find another clan and hope they accept them or attempt and carve out new territory, knowing that the remaining two clans won't give up their land without a fight.






A medium-sized clan, Willowclan finds privacy and ample training opportunities in Finley Creek High School. Their leader, [NAME] [DESCRIPTION]. The secretive clan, skilled in the art of stealth and combat, is certainly a force to be reckoned with. The dozens of rooms in the school would certainly hold many more cats, but any cat that wish to become a part of Willowclan's ranks must pass a difficult test of strength and prowess.


A large and friendly clan, Hillclan has made their home in the Knight's Run subdivision, taking up residence in the many abandoned houses. These sometimes annoyingly chipper cats focus equal parts on combat and diplomacy, training their cats to be well-rounded in all areas of expertise. They are led by [DESC], [NAME.] Because of their large numbers, warriors are constantly hunting through the plains and farmland for prey.


Before the Tallstone's collapse, Cloudclan held the largest population, all skilled in combat and strength. They were a proud, brave clan led by the humble Pigeonstar and his Deputy Petalstream. Hazelflight, the clan's warm-hearted Medicine Cat was often revered as the best across the city. The collapse of their home stripped the once honored clan of half of its members, including the Leader, Deputy, and Medicine Cat, leaving the rest to find their own destiny.


•Rules & Guidelines•

• All LioDen roleplay rules apply.

• Powerplay and godmodding are unacceptable. You WILL be called out.

• All mature content must either fade to black or be taken off-site. Mild violence and innuendo should be fine so long as you are mindful not to overdo it and respect the boundaries of your fellow roleplayer.

• This is intended to be an literate/advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) with proper spelling and grammar. Occasional writer's block is understandable.

• Please be active. Let me or know if you are taking a hiatus or need to drop the roleplay. Keep in mind if you take a high position and disappear without warning, your character will be replaced to keep things moving.

• DO NOT answer questions from/welcome brand new RPers. Direct them to me or instead.

• You may have as many characters as you wish so long as you are active with all of them.

• Swearing is allowed in moderation.

• The naming and ranking system used here is very similar of the Warriors novel series.

• Hate the character, not the player.

• Kits become Apprentices at 6 moons, Apprentices become Warriors at 12 moons/1 year.

• Restrict 1x1 to just conversations. Make sure that you are not cutting anyone else off/ignoring them or making too much time pass.

• Your characters can't have be in an amorous relationship with each other. So no crushes or mates with your own characters.


•RP Threads & Character Sheets•







© InsertCleverNameHere 2017 - All written aspects of this thread (including the Stuff and Things thread, Bio threads, and RP threads) are the intellectual property of this user. If this thread is found anywhere other than on Lioden or under any other user, the poster will be asked to delete the thread. If the thread is not deleted in 48 hours, legal action will be taken.

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Edited on 07/08/17 @ 17:40:56 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 19:43:33

Super short thing with Lionshade, but I'm so done.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-06 05:50:55
I am back from an unsaid hiatus, my uncle died and we went to maine to visit the family

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-06 07:55:31
All of Insert's posts are beautiful what the heck aha

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-06 08:37:04
Oh geez, thank

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 03:21:06
I signed up to be part of Cloudclan- do I need some stuff I need to work on for the application for it to be fully accepted? My character is Shadowwatcher uvu

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 04:17:35
Nope, you're good! You can post as soon as you want.

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sharkguts (#116913)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-07 14:53:29
hi !! may i reserve willowclan deputy if it's still open?

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kaslinky (#59840)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 15:20:56
Hailecho is the deputy for Willowclan, though I'm still working on her sheet! ^^

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 16:21:17
I have a quick question before I post:
In the description of the clans, it said that the tallstone was Cloudclan's home until a moon ago. Does that mean a moon has passed, and should I post as such? Or are we starting from when it collapsed?

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Edited on 07/08/17 @ 16:21:58 by WubWubBub (#46785)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 17:41:15
I meant to change it to a day ago, so the collapse was just the night before.

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Tufty (#29680)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 23:42:13
Can I play one of Swiftstride's kits if they're not already taken please?

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 07:54:23
Is there a HillClan deputy? if not, I applied for deputy when I posted Wolfclaw's form.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 09:08:12
You've been accepted!

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-08 09:21:11
Wait, I thought Bronzeclaw was the deputy of Hillclan? I applied for it before we decided to get rid of the other clan.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 09:27:23
Thank you! :)

Oh, well if you applied for deputy before I posted Wolfclaw's form, then I won't take his spot. Its Insert's choice.

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