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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 05:51:27

A Descendants Roleplay

Image result for tumblr isle of the lost images

It's gone. Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Those of the Isle and those in Auradon are both being blamed. Each finger pointing to another. Nobody knows who really took the wand.
The one thing that is certain- everybody now wants it. For one reason or another.

Roleplay Thread

Welcome to this Descendants based roleplay! Characters will be from both movies. Canon characters will be available but limited, OC's are also welcome [as long as they don't replace another canon character- parent wise and such] but will also be limited. Just to keep the amount between canon and OC's as even as possible.
Much knowledge of the movies aren't necessary, as long as the basics are understood. If you want to play a canon character and aren't too sure about the movies, I recommend at least looking through their wiki page if not watch the movies.
A new plot has been introduced into this roleplay, different to the movies. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me!


Canon Characters [those in italics are taken or reserved];

- Mal ( Daughter of Maleficent )
- Evie ( Daughter of The Evil Queen )
- Ben ( Son of Belle and The Beast )
- Carlos De Vil ( Son of Cruella De Vil )
- Jay ( Son of Jafar )
- Uma ( Daughter of Ursula )
- Harry Hook ( Son of Captain Hook )
- Gil ( Son of Gaston )
- Lonnie ( Daughter of Fa Mulan )
- Jane ( Daughter of Fairy Godmother )

If there are any characters not listed you would like, feel free to PM me and I can add them.


Please read the rules, there aren't too many.

1. Please no godmodding, it's fine for your character to be strong and whatnot but make sure they have their weaknesses.

2. Please have a basic understanding of the movies/franchise. You don't need to be an expert, just understand the easy stuff.

3. Obey all lioden rules, they still apply here.

4. Swearing doesn't bother me but considering this is from Disney, It would be a little out of place.

5. Keep explicit scenes in PMs or fade to blacks, thank you. If you've read this far, put 'Poison Apple' in the 'other' section in your application.

6. Respect all the other players. Hate the character not the player.

7. If you want to kill a character off, make sure it's okay with the player first.

8. Please try to be literate and minimum responses in a roleplay are a paragraph.

9. There is no discrimination against any race, gender or sexualities here.



Please post your applications here to be accepted before posting them in the character sheets.




Notable Relationships;

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ;


Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture];


Short Roleplay Example;


My form will be up in the Character sheets shortly if you need an example.


Current Characters;
- Uma & Ben| Bumblehugh (65260)
- Alessandra | BlazeRed (27478)
- Harry & Jane | The_Young_Wolf (113379)
- Conall & Carlos| GoFlukeYourself c: (121554)
- Airini | Blue Wind (99904)
- Mal | Auron (82222)
- Evie | Pyromaniac (62196)

Descendants characters and places belong to Disney. All rights go to Disney.

Picture source- belonging to Disney

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:06:55 by bumblehugh (#65260)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 08:03:23


: Name :
Alessandra Westergaard

: Full Title :
Lady Alessandra of the Southern Isles

: Age :
17 Years

: Gender :

: Sexuality :
Bisexual - Biromantic
[With a slight preference for males.]

: Parent :
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles
[From 'Frozen']

: Notable Relationships :
None ATM
[Open to friends/enemies/love interest]

: Location of character :
Isle of the Lost

: Occupation :
Student, Baker

: Appearance :
Alessandra is a bit on the taller side for a girl, and she stands at exactly 5'7". She has long legs and a lithe build, allowing for graceful, swift movements; but she definitely isn't without curves. She doesn't have many of the same features that her father does, and not many people would guess that she's the daughter of Hans, but she has inherited a few traits such as his freckles and high cheekbones. Aside from her cheekbones, however, most of her facial features are rather delicate, and some might describe her as 'baby-faced'. Unlike many of the teens on the Isle of the Lost, her hair isn't dyed some crazy color, and instead is hazel brown with a few lighter streaks. When her hair is down, it cascades over her shoulders in waves, but she loves styling her hair, and whenever there's an event, no matter how small, she'll put her hair up in an intricate braid. Her eyes are deep brown.

: Personality :
Alessandra, upon first glance, seems like a sweet, innocent girl who is kind to everyone in the Isle of the Lost. She can often be found helping others out and telling off any pesky younger children who are trying to steal. However, under her smiley facade there's a whole different person. She's actually very silver-tongued, and finds it easy to manipulate or charm others into doing things for her, and she can talk herself out of almost any situation. She's rather good at pretending to be the 'good girl', but if someone manages to make her mad enough, her facade just might crack, revealing the manipulative girl underneath. She's also very flirty and self-confident, so if she's interested in you she'll definitely let you know. She goes after what she wants with ruthless determination, and is willing to manipulate or blackmail anyone to get what she wants. She's also every bit as power-hungry as her father, and likes bossing others around; but if it goes the other way around, and someone tries to tell her what to do, she can get very snappy. While all this may make her seem like a terrible person (which she kinda is), if you do manage to get close to her she'll be extremely loyal, and she'd only lie to her loved ones if she thinks it's what is best for them. Her friends will also find that she has an amazing sense of humor, and she always seems to know exactly what to say to cheer someone up.

: Other :
The image at the top of the page is linked to it's source.
Poison Apple.

: Short Roleplay Example :
[This is from a dog roleplay that I was a part of. As proof that it's my writing, here is the thread.]

Iclyen watched as the lifeless body of a dog was dragged away by another Healer. A Husky, just like her. 'And there goes another one. Another dog that could have been useful to the pack, killed off by the Queen.' Everytime she heard Braelynn order for a dog to be killed, she lost more respect for her Queen, and by now so many dogs had been killed that Iclyen had none left. The only thing keeping her from defying her orders was the knowledge that she'd be executed if she did. 'The only reason she still has power is because everyone fears her.' She thought, almost getting lost in her thoughts when she was snapped out of them by the voice of Braelynn herself. She was going to fight one of the victors. Everyone seemed to be shocked, aside from Iclyen, of course, who still looked as calm as ever. She already knew how this would turn out. The Queen would win, of course, nobody had ever beaten her, but she wouldn't kill the male; because if she thought he was good enough to spar her she'd probably want to keep him around. So, with the outcome of the battle so painfully obvious, Iclyen saw no reason to stick around and watch. "I'm going to get a drink from the river, I'll be back soon." She announced to the other Healers on duty before getting up and padding away from the Arena.

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 01:59:18 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 08:14:29
+ BlazeRed |Brilliant! Accepted and thank you for applying :> Go ahead and post it in the character sheets whenever you can.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 08:20:39
Thanks for accepting me! I probably should have mentioned this in my form, but I only saw the first Descendants movie, not the second. I hope that's alright!

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 08:25:05
Yeah, that's all good. The only big differences are some new characters and whatnot. This roleplay should be different to the movie plots [mostly] and so it wouldn't matter if you didn't know the plot of the second movie.

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 09:48:18

Name; Harry

Age; Seventeen

Gender; Male

Notable Relationships;
Uma [Captain, closest friend]
Gil [Friend, Crew Member]
Mal [Enemy]

Location of character; Isle of The Lost

Occupation; Student, Uma's First Mate

Appearance; Harry is rather light-skinned, which pairs well with his dark hair and striking blue eyes, the shade of the sea. His figure is well-built, and his attire would easily match someone's assumption of what a pirate might wear. Sometimes Harry can be seen sporting black guy-liner, which only makes the color of his eyes pop even more.

Personality; Harry is most notable for his unpredictable behavior, no one can ever tell what this devious pirate's next move might be. He can be boisterous too, and those who strongly dislike him would often say that he can be overwhelmingly ignorant. When it comes to his sense of humor though, the crew will describe him as being rather amusing when in the mood for it. Harry often shares the same views as his Captain, their close friendship means that her goals are one in the same with his. There is one matter that everyone can be certain of, it is that Harry becomes absolutely furious when someone snatches his hook from him, some might even say he is borderline obsessed with it.

Short Roleplay Example; Harry sauntered down one of the many dark and mysterious alleyways in the Isle. With him of course he has his trusty hook, but unlike his father, he has to hold it and keep it in his grasp. This makes the sharp object in question the easy target, all it would take is someone prying it from Harry's firm hold and it was theirs. Harry had one destination in mind, and only a single person that he intended to speak to. Uma, his Captain, is the figure he talked to the most, when he is not running errands for her, he can always be found right by her side. Harry is undeniably loyal to the crew and his Captain, he would do anything if it meant those closest to him would benefit from his actions. Finally, after walking some distance, he reached the restaurant, pushing open the pair of swinging doors. After discarding of his sword by placing it in the Sword Check container near the entrance, his eyes flicked around in search of Uma.

Other; Poison Apple

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Edited on 08/08/17 @ 09:52:08 by The_Young_Wolf (#113379)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 09:56:58
+ The_Young_Wolf | Yay!! Harry looks good. Accepted! Go ahead and post in the character sheets c:

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 10:01:31
Thank you for accepting! Very excited, and hope more people join.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 10:02:52
As do I hahah, I'll keep advertising but after a few days or so I'll put up a Roleplay thread regardless.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:12:26
Photo Source.


Name; Conall "Bieste" Eudrad.
|Wolf, Beast, Protector|

Age; 18

Gender; Male

Parents; Son of Merida

Title; Prince of DunBroch

Notable Relationships; Merida, Open

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ; Auradon

Occupation; Student, Blacksmith

Companions; Samuel, large black wolfhound.

Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture]; Conall is a genderbent version of his mother basically. He has the same fiery red hair, that reaches past his shoulders, and soft blue eyes filled with determination to become more than just a title and name in his land. His skin is a fair caramel with small speckles of sunspots, freckles, lining his arms and across the bridge of his nose. A few scars line his fair skin as well from years of training with his grandfather and uncles in the traditional art of sword fighting and other natural events his people took part in in festivals to prove their honor. He stands at a staggering six foot four inches and is filled in with hard earned muscle from years training in his youth and participating in his countrys sports and ancient festivities.

Personality; Aloof and loyal alike his mother, Conall is a man you can trust with minor issues. He is calm, kind and friendly to all that show honesty and loyalty to him and their friends. He is wise beyond his years and akeen to learning new things. The young man hardly has to raise his fist to get attention or make his point through sheer force. The only time you will see him angry is if you hurt those he loves.

Short Roleplay Example; An exhausted breath left the chapped lips of the young prince, a bead of sweat glistening down his brow and falling into his gaze causing him to close that eye with a minor wince. His hand setting the bow down onto the outdoor table to his right side as he moved to tie his ever growing red locks up and help keep the sweat from his sapphire gaze. With a cloth in his free hand now wet from pouring some water from his bottle onto it, he wiped his brow and face clean of sweat before setting the sweat saturated cloth down and picked his bow up once more. A new arrow strung between his finger tips, easing the heavy draw string back til his shoulder burned from the weight of the bow biting back on him. As he lined the shot to center on the dummy several hundred meters away, he closed his eyes to draw in a calm breath then opening them to recenter his target and released the string. TWACK! The sound of the arrow smacking into the target satisfied his well attuned ears and caused a happy grumble to leave him as he resupplied his string with a new arrow and continue his target practice training.

Other; Unlike his mother, his ears are pierced with black hoops. Small and thin just to show his inner rebellious side. And he loves cake. GIve him cake and he'll love you. | Poison Apple |

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Edited on 08/08/17 @ 13:13:50 by GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:16:30
+ GoFlukeYourself | Cool, cool- Accepted! Go ahead and post in the character sheets.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:36:55 <- What his voice will be like and his secret hobby xD

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:40:42
ahh! ^^ I love it. Thanks for including that :)

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:41:16
Youre welcome ^-^

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 14:02:33
*coughs* For.. inspiration.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 16:09:25
Alright, just one more question, then I'm done c:

How are the characters from the Isle of the Lost and Auradon going to meet? Are more children of villains going to be allowed to go to Auradon?

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