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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 05:51:27

A Descendants Roleplay

Image result for tumblr isle of the lost images

It's gone. Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Those of the Isle and those in Auradon are both being blamed. Each finger pointing to another. Nobody knows who really took the wand.
The one thing that is certain- everybody now wants it. For one reason or another.

Roleplay Thread

Welcome to this Descendants based roleplay! Characters will be from both movies. Canon characters will be available but limited, OC's are also welcome [as long as they don't replace another canon character- parent wise and such] but will also be limited. Just to keep the amount between canon and OC's as even as possible.
Much knowledge of the movies aren't necessary, as long as the basics are understood. If you want to play a canon character and aren't too sure about the movies, I recommend at least looking through their wiki page if not watch the movies.
A new plot has been introduced into this roleplay, different to the movies. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me!


Canon Characters [those in italics are taken or reserved];

- Mal ( Daughter of Maleficent )
- Evie ( Daughter of The Evil Queen )
- Ben ( Son of Belle and The Beast )
- Carlos De Vil ( Son of Cruella De Vil )
- Jay ( Son of Jafar )
- Uma ( Daughter of Ursula )
- Harry Hook ( Son of Captain Hook )
- Gil ( Son of Gaston )
- Lonnie ( Daughter of Fa Mulan )
- Jane ( Daughter of Fairy Godmother )

If there are any characters not listed you would like, feel free to PM me and I can add them.


Please read the rules, there aren't too many.

1. Please no godmodding, it's fine for your character to be strong and whatnot but make sure they have their weaknesses.

2. Please have a basic understanding of the movies/franchise. You don't need to be an expert, just understand the easy stuff.

3. Obey all lioden rules, they still apply here.

4. Swearing doesn't bother me but considering this is from Disney, It would be a little out of place.

5. Keep explicit scenes in PMs or fade to blacks, thank you. If you've read this far, put 'Poison Apple' in the 'other' section in your application.

6. Respect all the other players. Hate the character not the player.

7. If you want to kill a character off, make sure it's okay with the player first.

8. Please try to be literate and minimum responses in a roleplay are a paragraph.

9. There is no discrimination against any race, gender or sexualities here.



Please post your applications here to be accepted before posting them in the character sheets.




Notable Relationships;

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ;


Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture];


Short Roleplay Example;


My form will be up in the Character sheets shortly if you need an example.


Current Characters;
- Uma & Ben| Bumblehugh (65260)
- Alessandra | BlazeRed (27478)
- Harry & Jane | The_Young_Wolf (113379)
- Conall & Carlos| GoFlukeYourself c: (121554)
- Airini | Blue Wind (99904)
- Mal | Auron (82222)
- Evie | Pyromaniac (62196)

Descendants characters and places belong to Disney. All rights go to Disney.

Picture source- belonging to Disney

Character Sheets

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:06:55 by bumblehugh (#65260)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:51:52
I didn't know how detailed to make the relation section woops XD

Anyway when I read Isle of the Lost (the book) it made me so sad when Carlos figured out what his mom truly loved. I almost threw the book against the wall cause it revealed something of the Children that aren't quite displayed in the movie, or they were downplayed.

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 16:43:48

Name; Jane

Age; Fifteen

Gender; Female

Notable Relationships;
Fairy Godmother [Mother]
Carlos [Boyfriend]
Evie [Friend]
Mal [Friend]
Jay [Friend]

Location of character; Auradon

Occupation; Student, a part of Auradon's Cheerleader Squad

Appearance; Jane has dark brunette hair that cascades down past her shoulders, and aqua blue eyes. She is naturally beautiful, and she realizes this truth now that she has matured and become much more confident. Jane would not like to admit it, but there were moments in her past where she was incredibly self conscious, especially when it came to her overall appearance. Jane can often be seen wearing blue, along with other more lighter colors.

Personality; There was a point in Jane's life when she could be defined as rather reserved, though by now that trait is long gone. In her younger years Jane craved to be approved by her peers, she did not view herself as being pretty enough, and was caught in the mindset that she had to possess beauty in order for her to be properly acknowledged. Jane has since had a boost of self esteem, she knows how wrong her past way of thinking was. She has an open heart, and is eager to help anyone in need. Jane has also proved that she is capable of holding her own. But, she does have her own set of weaknesses too. When something is not going according to plan, she becomes very agitated. At times Jane can be clueless as well, it could take someone several attempts before she completely understands.

Short Roleplay Example; N/A

Other; Poison Apple

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-12 16:57:07
Hey Bumble does the effects of the Wicked World spinoff apply here? Liek the characters they made just for the WW show and the traits that were shown that may/may not be in the movies (haven't seen 2 yet :D)

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 01:41:04
Alrighty, Jane is accepted. If you could post it in the character sheets, that would be great :)

Concerning the Wicked World spinoff, I haven't seen any of it ahah so I wasn't planning on bringing it in. If there's a specific thing from the shows that you'd like to have. It might be okay.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-13 01:43:26
Well I was asking cause like in that show (with no real reason for it) they made some characters like Jane and Janes friend have magic even though they didn't in the movie or books.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 01:51:09
Oh okay. I suppose that can be up to whoever plays them. Preferably not though.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 07:03:32
Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to rush things, but when will we be starting?

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:07:58
That's okay! I'll write up the plot description on the roleplay thread first thing tomorrow [or now, depending on how long I can stay awake] and hopefully have it up and running by tomorrow. [UK time]

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Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 19:11:20
Is there space for 1 more? c:

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 02:42:02
Yeah!! There's a list of available canon characters above and OC's from Auradon are currently needed more. ^^

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Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 06:42:27
Ok, so I originally wanted an OC villain kid but Evie grew A LOT on me in the second movie. And I'm a chemistry nerd. So I'm going to try for her.

Name; Evie

Age; 17

Gender; Female

Notable Relationships;
Friends: Mal, Carlos, Jay
Enemies: Any of her friends' enemies really.
Love interest: Doug
Nice to anyone else c:

Location of character ; Auradon

Occupation; Student / Gownmaker (as seen in 2nd movie)

Appearance ;
Even if she is not the child of the fairest of them all, she's a sight for sore eyes. Standing at 5 ft 4 inches, the daughter of the evil queen has a long thin frame. Dark blue hair cascades over her shoulders and frames her fair face. Her eyes are dark brown. She wears mostly blue and black clothes and is never caught without some accessories like her ruby necklace. Evie takes care of her appearance, there is never a hair out of place or a smudge in her makeup.

For a villain, Evie is actually quite nice. She might be vain at times but never self-centered. Loyal, she is sure to stand by her friends through thick and thin. Though in the past she was a bit of ditsy and a flirt, her new life in Auradon has allowed her to delve deeper in the world of science where she has discovered her inherent smarts and a knack for chemistry. She is also a quite talented fashion designer. Her color scheme may be black and blue but she has a heart of gold.

Short Roleplay Example;
Ok, time to work. She sits down at her desk and pulls out her chemistry notebook, flipping to a fresh new page and sliding out a work sheet. A small groan leaves her lips. Although lewis structures are almost drawing they are far from being pretty and the last time she tried to fix this by moving around the electrons the teacher had told her it was all wrong. She begins working but after a while her attention is caught by a page peering out of her sketch book. Since her old one was back in the Isle this one is empty and longing to be filled with beautiful creations. The page sticking out is her latest design, and once finished it is sure to be her masterpiece. I have to do my homework now or it will be late she thinks to herself. For a few minutes, she half-heartedly continues drawing dots and lines but the tug is way too strong and her mind is already picturing hems and folds instead of sigma bonds. “Rotten to the core.” She whispers before sliding her notebook to the side and grabbing her sketch book.

Other; Poison apple

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 07:46:30
Just to let y'all know, Airini is open for friends/enemies/etc.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 07:51:04
Ooh yay! Evie is accepted :> Please go post in the character sheets.

I should have the roleplay up and ready in 10-20 minutes everyone! Thanks for being patient :)

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 07:58:02
Can't wait to start!!

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Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 08:18:36
Yey thank you <3

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