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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 05:51:27

A Descendants Roleplay

Image result for tumblr isle of the lost images

It's gone. Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Those of the Isle and those in Auradon are both being blamed. Each finger pointing to another. Nobody knows who really took the wand.
The one thing that is certain- everybody now wants it. For one reason or another.

Roleplay Thread

Welcome to this Descendants based roleplay! Characters will be from both movies. Canon characters will be available but limited, OC's are also welcome [as long as they don't replace another canon character- parent wise and such] but will also be limited. Just to keep the amount between canon and OC's as even as possible.
Much knowledge of the movies aren't necessary, as long as the basics are understood. If you want to play a canon character and aren't too sure about the movies, I recommend at least looking through their wiki page if not watch the movies.
A new plot has been introduced into this roleplay, different to the movies. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me!


Canon Characters [those in italics are taken or reserved];

- Mal ( Daughter of Maleficent )
- Evie ( Daughter of The Evil Queen )
- Ben ( Son of Belle and The Beast )
- Carlos De Vil ( Son of Cruella De Vil )
- Jay ( Son of Jafar )
- Uma ( Daughter of Ursula )
- Harry Hook ( Son of Captain Hook )
- Gil ( Son of Gaston )
- Lonnie ( Daughter of Fa Mulan )
- Jane ( Daughter of Fairy Godmother )

If there are any characters not listed you would like, feel free to PM me and I can add them.


Please read the rules, there aren't too many.

1. Please no godmodding, it's fine for your character to be strong and whatnot but make sure they have their weaknesses.

2. Please have a basic understanding of the movies/franchise. You don't need to be an expert, just understand the easy stuff.

3. Obey all lioden rules, they still apply here.

4. Swearing doesn't bother me but considering this is from Disney, It would be a little out of place.

5. Keep explicit scenes in PMs or fade to blacks, thank you. If you've read this far, put 'Poison Apple' in the 'other' section in your application.

6. Respect all the other players. Hate the character not the player.

7. If you want to kill a character off, make sure it's okay with the player first.

8. Please try to be literate and minimum responses in a roleplay are a paragraph.

9. There is no discrimination against any race, gender or sexualities here.



Please post your applications here to be accepted before posting them in the character sheets.




Notable Relationships;

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ;


Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture];


Short Roleplay Example;


My form will be up in the Character sheets shortly if you need an example.


Current Characters;
- Uma & Ben| Bumblehugh (65260)
- Alessandra | BlazeRed (27478)
- Harry & Jane | The_Young_Wolf (113379)
- Conall & Carlos| GoFlukeYourself c: (121554)
- Airini | Blue Wind (99904)
- Mal | Auron (82222)
- Evie | Pyromaniac (62196)

Descendants characters and places belong to Disney. All rights go to Disney.

Picture source- belonging to Disney

Character Sheets

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:06:55 by bumblehugh (#65260)

GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:03:28
My secret xD *noms on soup*

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:04:39

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:22:52
But it is spicy and good xD Ill tell you that.

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:25:40
Ooh is it Cajun style or no? I LOVE Cajun

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:28:02
xD I dont know. Its just spicy as fuck with veggies and rice.

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 13:29:14
Lol XD

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 14:20:42
ay I'm back everyone. I'll write up a response after Conall replies to the a n g e r y pirates lol c:

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 14:45:56 by bumblehugh (#65260)

GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:06:20
xD Ugh. What to say..

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:10:15
I totally think a physical fight should break out, personally ^^ I can have Uma start it if something like that wouldn't really sit with Conall's personality? If you just have him say something that really annoys her, she won't hesitate lol.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:27:27
XD Oh watch me. Conall's a master swordsman. Hehe.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:38:25
Im sorry, but can someone look at how handsome the male version of merida is XD *drools* Why can't disney make a movie about a prince now? tf. the rogue woman can come to his aide.

And on a side note, i feel like making a viking roleplay o-o

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:57:14
And Uma is gonna get a smackdown XD *cracks knuckles*

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-15 20:07:29
Ugh the RP is going faster then I can keep up. Also I thought Mals "group" was suppose to be like on the other side of the island or something XD whats the point of the two groups NOT knowing the others there if they're right next to each other?

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 08:55:45
That was the original plan lol, I suppose they can figure out each other are there now?
Sorry if things are getting confusing hahah, there's a lot of current drama. We could also say that both groups of Auradon students have been there for a while beforehand? I'm not sure.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-16 10:31:21
I'm just afraid of keeping up. Cause like I posted, went to work, came back and a whole nother page was added to the rp XD that's why I'm trying to, and failing, kinda get us to follow the idea of them not meeting just yet XD

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