Posted by Poor Unfortunate Souls | character sheets

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 05:51:27

Main Roleplay Thread


Character Sheets


Please post here after putting your application in the main thread to be accepted.

Picture source- belonging to Disney"Movie imbd page

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Edited on 10/08/17 @ 10:57:59 by bumblehugh (#65260)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 06:03:43



Name; Uma
Alternative: Captain, Shrimpy

Age; 17

Gender; Female

Notable Relationships;
Harry Hook [First mate, closest friend]
Gil [Friend, crew member]
Mal [Rival]
Ursula [Mother]

Location of character; Isle of The Lost

Occupation; Student, Waitress at Ursula’s Fish and Chips, Captain.

Appearance; Despite Uma’s short height, she is always wearing heeled boots. She has beautiful brown skin and long aqua braids that reach below her waist.The braids have black and white mixed in throughout.
Her nails are painted a sky blue, co-ordinating with the rest of her outfit.
Uma has a light blue eyeliner as well.
She has the typical pirate hat, decorated with strings of shells.
Her eyes are a dark brown, alluring to those who glance for too long.
Whilst her features are only vaguely similar to her mother, Ursula who isn't seen or known by many, Uma has the magic to transform into a figure like her. She grows in size and has light blue tentacles, able to cause considerable damage.

Personality; Uma is an incredibly manipulative person. There aren’t many lengths she won’t go to if she has her mind set on completing something. She tends to get jealous fairly easily, especially if those she doesn’t like are doing better than her.
Uma is the self-proclaimed queen of the Isle, there aren’t many who fight her on this either. She’s a natural born leader, happy with the crew she has and their obedience.
Sassy remarks are one of Uma’s specialities, she’s good at getting into people’s heads. Uma also has a short temper and very little patience.
Though she isn’t great at expressing affection and such, she has a great love and respect for her crew and friends. Those who don’t leave and betray her.
Uma also has a love for power, she finds being in situations where she has the upper-hand truly exhilarating.

Short Roleplay Example

She was pissed. Uma stormed out of her mother’s Fish & Chip shop, flicking her hair over her shoulder. What was so good about those four? Why would they be chosen to go to Auradon? She walked over to the ship, jumping off the end of the ramp and onto the deck. Uma had no idea where the rest of the crew was, especially Harry who was generally always by her side. She brushed off her own questions and immediately began to climb the mast. If she could get to the crow’s nest in time, perhaps she’d see the little traitors fleeing.

Uma pulled herself into the small platform attached to the main mast and grabbed the spyglass that was left on the wood. She was right; there went that fancy black car, on it’s way to Auradon. In a huff of pure anger, Uma threw the spyglass down onto the deck. It was surely broken now. She fiddled with her fingerless leather gloves for a minute before climbing back down. Did everybody else know about this? How are there no- riots? Uma practically sprinted from the ship, she needed to find someone else with a similar perspective.

Other; Poison Apple

picture source
movie source

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 13:47:14 by bumblehugh (#65260)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 08:19:03


: Name :
Alessandra Westergaard

: Full Title :
Lady Alessandra of the Southern Isles

: Age :
17 Years

: Gender :

: Sexuality :
Bisexual - Biromantic
[With a slight preference for males.]

: Parent :
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles
[From 'Frozen']

: Notable Relationships :
None ATM
[Open to friends/enemies/love interest]

: Location of character :
Isle of the Lost

: Occupation :
Student, Baker

: Appearance :
Alessandra is a bit on the taller side for a girl, and she stands at exactly 5'7". She has long legs and a lithe build, allowing for graceful, swift movements; but she definitely isn't without curves. She doesn't have many of the same features that her father does, and not many people would guess that she's the daughter of Hans, but she has inherited a few traits such as his freckles and high cheekbones. Aside from her cheekbones, however, most of her facial features are rather delicate, and some might describe her as 'baby-faced'. Unlike many of the teens on the Isle of the Lost, her hair isn't dyed some crazy color, and instead is hazel brown with a few lighter streaks. When her hair is down, it cascades over her shoulders in waves, but she loves styling her hair, and whenever there's an event, no matter how small, she'll put her hair up in an intricate braid. Her eyes are deep brown.

: Personality :
Alessandra, upon first glance, seems like a sweet, innocent girl who is kind to everyone in the Isle of the Lost. She can often be found helping others out and telling off any pesky younger children who are trying to steal. However, under her smiley facade there's a whole different person. She's actually very silver-tongued, and finds it easy to manipulate or charm others into doing things for her, and she can talk herself out of almost any situation. She's rather good at pretending to be the 'good girl', but if someone manages to make her mad enough, her facade just might crack, revealing the manipulative girl underneath. She's also very flirty and self-confident, so if she's interested in you she'll definitely let you know. She goes after what she wants with ruthless determination, and is willing to manipulate or blackmail anyone to get what she wants. She's also every bit as power-hungry as her father, and likes bossing others around; but if it goes the other way around, and someone tries to tell her what to do, she can get very snappy. While all this may make her seem like a terrible person (which she kinda is), if you do manage to get close to her she'll be extremely loyal, and she'd only lie to her loved ones if she thinks it's what is best for them. Her friends will also find that she has an amazing sense of humor, and she always seems to know exactly what to say to cheer someone up.

: Other :
The image at the top of the page is linked to it's source.
Poison Apple.

: Short Roleplay Example :
[This is from a dog roleplay that I was a part of. As proof that it's my writing, here is the thread.]

Iclyen watched as the lifeless body of a dog was dragged away by another Healer. A Husky, just like her. 'And there goes another one. Another dog that could have been useful to the pack, killed off by the Queen.' Everytime she heard Braelynn order for a dog to be killed, she lost more respect for her Queen, and by now so many dogs had been killed that Iclyen had none left. The only thing keeping her from defying her orders was the knowledge that she'd be executed if she did. 'The only reason she still has power is because everyone fears her.' She thought, almost getting lost in her thoughts when she was snapped out of them by the voice of Braelynn herself. She was going to fight one of the victors. Everyone seemed to be shocked, aside from Iclyen, of course, who still looked as calm as ever. She already knew how this would turn out. The Queen would win, of course, nobody had ever beaten her, but she wouldn't kill the male; because if she thought he was good enough to spar her she'd probably want to keep him around. So, with the outcome of the battle so painfully obvious, Iclyen saw no reason to stick around and watch. "I'm going to get a drink from the river, I'll be back soon." She announced to the other Healers on duty before getting up and padding away from the Arena.

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 02:00:37 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 10:03:15

Name; Harry

Age; Seventeen

Gender; Male

Notable Relationships;
Uma [Captain, closest friend]
Gil [Friend, Crew Member]
Mal [Enemy]

Location of character; Isle of The Lost

Occupation; Student, Uma's First Mate

Appearance; Harry is rather light-skinned, which pairs well with his dark hair and striking blue eyes, the shade of the sea. His figure is well-built, and his attire would easily match someone's assumption of what a pirate might wear. Sometimes Harry can be seen sporting black guy-liner, which only makes the color of his eyes pop even more.

Personality; Harry is most notable for his unpredictable behavior, no one can ever tell what this devious pirate's next move might be. He can be boisterous too, and those who strongly dislike him would often say that he can be overwhelmingly ignorant. When it comes to his sense of humor though, the crew will describe him as being rather amusing when in the mood for it. Harry often shares the same views as his Captain, their close friendship means that her goals are one in the same with his. There is one matter that everyone can be certain of, it is that Harry becomes absolutely furious when someone snatches his hook from him, some might even say he is borderline obsessed with it.

Short Roleplay Example; Harry sauntered down one of the many dark and mysterious alleyways in the Isle. With him of course he has his trusty hook, but unlike his father, he has to hold it and keep it in his grasp. This makes the sharp object in question the easy target, all it would take is someone prying it from Harry's firm hold and it was theirs. Harry had one destination in mind, and only a single person that he intended to speak to. Uma, his Captain, is the figure he talked to the most, when he is not running errands for her, he can always be found right by her side. Harry is undeniably loyal to the crew and his Captain, he would do anything if it meant those closest to him would benefit from his actions. Finally, after walking some distance, he reached the restaurant, pushing open the pair of swinging doors. After discarding of his sword by placing it in the Sword Check container near the entrance, his eyes flicked around in search of Uma.

Other; Poison Apple

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 13:17:46
Image removed by moderator
His voice and secret hobby.

Name; Conall "Bieste" Eudrad.
|Wolf, Beast, Protector|

Age; 18

Gender; Male

Parents; Son of Merida

Title; Prince of DunBroch

Notable Relationships; Merida, Open

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ; Auradon

Occupation; Student, Blacksmith

Companions; Samuel, large black wolfhound. Airell, white draft horse.

Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture]; Conall is a genderbent version of his mother basically. He has the same fiery red hair, that reaches past his shoulders, and soft blue eyes filled with determination to become more than just a title and name in his land. His skin is a fair caramel with small speckles of sunspots, freckles, lining his arms and across the bridge of his nose. A few scars line his fair skin as well from years of training with his grandfather and uncles in the traditional art of sword fighting and other natural events his people took part in in festivals to prove their honor. He stands at a staggering six foot four inches and is filled in with hard earned muscle from years training in his youth and participating in his countrys sports and ancient festivities.

Personality; Aloof and loyal alike his mother, Conall is a man you can trust with minor issues. He is calm, kind and friendly to all that show honesty and loyalty to him and their friends. He is wise beyond his years and akeen to learning new things. The young man hardly has to raise his fist to get attention or make his point through sheer force. The only time you will see him angry is if you hurt those he loves.

Short Roleplay Example; An exhausted breath left the chapped lips of the young prince, a bead of sweat glistening down his brow and falling into his gaze causing him to close that eye with a minor wince. His hand setting the bow down onto the outdoor table to his right side as he moved to tie his ever growing red locks up and help keep the sweat from his sapphire gaze. With a cloth in his free hand now wet from pouring some water from his bottle onto it, he wiped his brow and face clean of sweat before setting the sweat saturated cloth down and picked his bow up once more. A new arrow strung between his finger tips, easing the heavy draw string back til his shoulder burned from the weight of the bow biting back on him. As he lined the shot to center on the dummy several hundred meters away, he closed his eyes to draw in a calm breath then opening them to recenter his target and released the string. TWACK! The sound of the arrow smacking into the target satisfied his well attuned ears and caused a happy grumble to leave him as he resupplied his string with a new arrow and continue his target practice training.

Other; Unlike his mother, his ears are pierced with black hoops. Small and thin just to show his inner rebellious side. And he loves cake. GIve him cake and he'll love you. | Poison Apple |

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Edited on 11/08/17 @ 13:01:25 by Msasi (#21461)

Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 19:10:39

Airini (Means Peace is Polynesian)



|Notable Relationships|
Mother is Moana
Open for friends/enemies/etc. just PM Me!

|Location of character|

Student, Photographer

Airini looks almost like her mother starting from her brunette colored hair reaching past her shoulders that frames her soft brown eyes. Starting with her face she has full lips but not visible cheekbones only dimples smack dap in the middle of her cheek. Her face is in the middle between a heart shaped face and an oval shaped face. Going onto her body shape Airini does have those curves that are visible to the naked eye. Muscles aren't very visible on her but she does have them not meaning she can't defend herself. Not replying on brute strength Airini mostly relies on her speed and agility.

Just like her mother Airini is adventurous, fearlessness, with a playful mischievous wit. First off being adventurous was an obvious trait she got from her mother. Wanting to know what's beyond her room or neighborhood has led Airini to see nature unlike she ever had seen and was fascinated by what she saw. Discovering new things was what made her wanting to explore the unknown and what made her have little to no fears. Some things like spiders and snakes might scare some but to Airini they are captivating and are misunderstood by many. Others might see a tall cliff that looks impossible to climb, but to her it's a cliff testing your boundaries and boldness. The last thing about her is her playfulness. Being an only child Airini had to rely on her imagination to entertain her young self and as she grew up that followed her. She always the one with the smile on her face and tries to make people smile wide.

Airini isn't the perfect character though, like all humans she has negative traits about her. One of them is she is quick tempered so she's easy to snap. If you push all her buttons she won't even talk to you ever again, so don't push her buttons. Also she is quick to judge others so if someone acts nice to her for a day she calls you a friend even though she might have just met you.

|Short Roleplay Example|
This is from this RP
The scorching sun was absorbed by Quilo's dark coat as she shuffled across the gritty sand. Her stomach was nagging at her for food for the past 3 days. She was somewhat use to this before in her past but never this badly. Suddenly a small wind came through and with it it carried a faint smell of fresh rabbit. Licking her parched lips her nagging got worse and pain struck her causing her to stumble a bit. I need to find food, and fast, She thought to herself. She wasn't afraid to die knowing she had no one else to go to but she wanted to prove to herself that she is strong. Picking up speed Quilo heads towards the direction of the fresh kill smell leaving a small dust cloud behind her.

Of course things weren't that easy in the desert. The small breeze stoped leaving her no where to go. Hangry she pawed at the ground and gave a low growl that rumbled deep from her throat. In anger Quilo ran towards the direction she thought the rabbit could be but was actually heading the opposite direction. The heat was still pounding onto her fur but was getting gentler as the sun went down leaving beautiful colors in the sky. Quilo started to slow down running when she saw a rock formation in the distance. Having some hope she put a pep in her step heading towards the rocks.

Getting closer to the rocks she could see a shadowy figure around the rocks looking like it's claiming it as it's own. Feeling desperate for shade Quilo still approached the rocks see what the shadowy figure was. Her mint green eyes saw a long and lean adolescent with an athletic, lightly muscled frame. She could feel that this wasn't the type of adolescent that was willing to share, so Quilo stood still making it look like she wasn't moving and saw the adolescent turn around staring back at her.
She didn't want to look like a coward but would possibly leave if he wasn't going to share his shade

Poison Apple

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 07:45:52 by Blue Wind (#99904)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:30:30
Maleficent "Mal" Bertha



Notable Relationships;
Benjamin "Ben" Florian

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ;

Auradon Prep student, "Lady of the court"

Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture];
Mal is described as a girl with dark purple hair with highlights of lighter shades of purple that is curly and reaches a little bit over her shoulders. She has green eyes with "flecks of gold" and is of medium height.

Mal is a sneaky, smart, and ruthless girl who is a natural born leader and skilled at artistic things involving spray paint. Though she is compassionate to a degree she is also vengeful and doesn't forgive others easily. She is artistic and has a knack for casting spells, but only if needed.

Short Roleplay Example;
Mals eyes glinted as she stood out on the balcony of her room, her fingers drumming against the railing as she watched kids bustle about. She turned, heading into her room and headed out into the hallway. She headed for class, hopeful that Evie, Carlos, and Jay had already beat her there. She still didn't understand why they were still in the "remedial" class with the fairy god mother. Wasn't saving Auradon proof enough that they weren't all evil?

(Apologies for how short it is, I do better if I have something to reply to, not make one up XD)

Other; Poison Apple

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:57:11
-Removed by moderator-

Name; Carlos De Vil

Age; 16

Gender; Male

Notable Relationships;

Mal, Ben, Evie, Jane (girlfriend/crush), Jay, Lonnie, Dude, Doug, Audrey, Jordan, Ally, Claudine Frollo, Yzla, Harry, Jason,Hadie, Eddie, Hermie Bing, Big Murph, Diego De Vil, Clay Clayton, Freddie, Fairy Godmother, Sebastian, Arabella

Location of character [Isle of the Lost or Auradon] ;
Isle (formerly)
Auradon (currently)

Occupation; Student of Dragon Hall (formerly)
Student of Auradon Prep
Player of the Tourney Team
Player on the Fencing Team

Chocolate, Technology, Science, Video games, Dogs (currently), Jane

Appearance [Please write a small explanation even if you also put a picture];
Carlos is an young man standing at about 5'7 with a lean build of a runner if you will. He has warm brown eyes and white hair that flaunt his black roots. An odd combination hair color with his caramel skin. His usualy attire consists of black and white clothing much like his mothers but he integrates other colors in their as well.

Personality; Loyal, Tech Savvy, Obedient and a friendly nervous guy. He is known to be shy around certain people including his girlfriendcrush Jane.

Short Roleplay Example;
xD Uhhh... Youve seen it. Do I need to post another?

Other; Poison Apple

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Edited on 23/08/17 @ 05:44:16 by Shad (#16848)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:37:12



Name; Benjamin Florian
Alternative: Ben, King, Beasty Boy by Uma

Age; 16

Gender; Male

Notable Relationships;
Mal [Girlfriend]
Carlos [Friend, Ally]
Jay [Friend, Ally]
Evie [Friend, Ally]
Belle [Mother]
The Beast [Father]

Location of character; Auradon

Occupation; Student, King of Auradon, Tourney team captain.

Appearance; Ben has brown hair, mixed with golden streaks and hazel/green eyes. He has an athletic build, thanks to being a skilled Tourney player. Ben is tall and kind of lanky, being smooth and "cool" is not a strong suit of his. Especially when trying to fit into a place such as The Isle of The Lost. He's usually dressed considerably well, a perk of being a king.

Personality; Ben is sweet-natured and kind to all those he meets. He's very diplomatic for his age. Although it's considered necessary for his position.
Ben takes pity on those in The Isle, unlike his parents. He is always willing to give them a chance. Though those from The Isle don't tend to recognise that. Some would say he is too trusting and innocent to even be acquainted with villain kids.
Ben is there to help those in need, especially his friends.
He also has a love for books; A trait obviously inherited from his mother.
Though he is committed to aiding others, Ben was quite low self-esteem. He constantly doubts his ability to be king.

Short Roleplay Example


Other; Poison Apple | It's a shorter application than Uma's but only because it's my second one annddd I'm lazy as heck.

Picture source- belonging to Disney

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 14:38:07 by bumblehugh (#65260)

WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 08:41:28

Name; Jane

Age; Fifteen

Gender; Female

Notable Relationships;
Fairy Godmother [Mother]
Carlos [Boyfriend]
Evie [Friend]
Mal [Friend]
Jay [Friend]

Location of character; Auradon

Occupation; Student, a part of Auradon's Cheerleader Squad

Appearance; Jane has dark brunette hair that cascades down past her shoulders, and aqua blue eyes. She is naturally beautiful, and she realizes this truth now that she has matured and become much more confident. Jane would not like to admit it, but there were moments in her past where she was incredibly self conscious, especially when it came to her overall appearance. Jane can often be seen wearing blue, along with other more lighter colors.

Personality; There was a point in Jane's life when she could be defined as rather reserved, though by now that trait is long gone. In her younger years Jane craved to be approved by her peers, she did not view herself as being pretty enough, and was caught in the mindset that she had to possess beauty in order for her to be properly acknowledged. Jane has since had a boost of self esteem, she knows how wrong her past way of thinking was. She has an open heart, and is eager to help anyone in need. Jane has also proved that she is capable of holding her own. But, she does have her own set of weaknesses too. When something is not going according to plan, she becomes very agitated. At times Jane can be clueless as well, it could take someone several attempts before she completely understands.

Short Roleplay Example; N/A

Other; Poison Apple

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 10:32:04 by The_Young_Wolf (#113379)

Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 08:20:25
Name; Evie

Age; 17

Gender; Female

Notable Relationships;
Friends: Mal, Carlos, Jay
Enemies: Any of her friends' enemies really.
Love interest: Doug
Nice to anyone else c:

Location of character ; Auradon

Occupation; Student / Gownmaker (as seen in 2nd movie)

Appearance ;
Even if she is not the child of the fairest of them all, she's a sight for sore eyes. Standing at 5 ft 4 inches, the daughter of the evil queen has a long thin frame. Dark blue hair cascades over her shoulders and frames her fair face. Her eyes are dark brown. She wears mostly blue and black clothes and is never caught without some accessories like her ruby necklace. Evie takes care of her appearance, there is never a hair out of place or a smudge in her makeup.

For a villain, Evie is actually quite nice. She might be vain at times but never self-centered. Loyal, she is sure to stand by her friends through thick and thin. Though in the past she was a bit of ditsy and a flirt, her new life in Auradon has allowed her to delve deeper in the world of science where she has discovered her inherent smarts and a knack for chemistry. She is also a quite talented fashion designer. Her color scheme may be black and blue but she has a heart of gold.

Short Roleplay Example;
Ok, time to work. She sits down at her desk and pulls out her chemistry notebook, flipping to a fresh new page and sliding out a work sheet. A small groan leaves her lips. Although lewis structures are almost drawing they are far from being pretty and the last time she tried to fix this by moving around the electrons the teacher had told her it was all wrong. She begins working but after a while her attention is caught by a page peering out of her sketch book. Since her old one was back in the Isle this one is empty and longing to be filled with beautiful creations. The page sticking out is her latest design, and once finished it is sure to be her masterpiece. I have to do my homework now or it will be late she thinks to herself. For a few minutes, she half-heartedly continues drawing dots and lines but the tug is way too strong and her mind is already picturing hems and folds instead of sigma bonds. “Rotten to the core.” She whispers before sliding her notebook to the side and grabbing her sketch book.

Other; Poison apple

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