Posted by Warrior Cats Rp Sign Up Sheet

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:49:28
Hey! This is the Warriors cats role playing sign up sheet! Here you send and application of your cat, to see if it will get accepted into role play. I has the right to reject the application, so don't get angry if your cat doesn't make the cut, just try a different cat.

-Cobia [WCU]

Be fair
If your going to be a kit you must have someone to play as your mother (father is optional)
You cannot have a romance between your own cats, but you can have a romance between other people's cats (ask them permission to have a romance first)
You can only have up to 5 cats.
DO NOT start role playing until your cat is accepted please
No lesbian kitties please
Must have at least 3 sentences in your post

Ok, here's what has to be on your cats application


Here are the special ranks that are open

none right now

I will be role playing as well, as the leader of Riverclan!
I'm putting my application on here as well, as an example.

Good luck!((btw ignore the actual sign of sheet thread, o forgot about it and I don't use it, so if you post on there I will ignore))

Links to clans

Rouge Territory|

Heres the OOC forum

Some other RP's i own [The Winter Heart]

Character Sheets

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Edited on 15/10/17 @ 14:48:38 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:03:42
Cobia.... you make me look like a noob

I totally chose the right admin

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:03:46
The problem for me is everyone replies too fast
I like to take at leas 5 minutes for each character, just so I make sure I'm satisfied
But when I RP with fast-replying people I just lose all imagination and it feels like a job instead of something I like doing for fun

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:05:14
Yes, i get that. Thats why we put in the 3 sentences rule, so it would take longer... but it doesn't seem to be working that well. Might pump up the sentence minimum to 4 or 5....

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:06:32
Haha, thank you Eden!
@Shian, I get that problem alot and I feel like I have to hurry. Usually after finishing my post if I finish it within 2-5 minutes, I wait just another one to make sure the person who just rp'ed has time to rest their fingers, or to let some other fast typer sneak in a post.

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:06:34
but having to put more sentences also has the same problem
It's difficult for me to type more than 3, that's why I usually stick to ones with 2-3 sentence requirements
I do sometimes do 4+ but it's harder to do it often

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:08:07
Ah, I understand. Often if you type of lengthy posts you get suddently lost in a flood of new posts. Riverclan is definetly the fastest moving clan, with VVindclan surprisingly far behind on the speed people shoot out posts.
(speaking of, i really need to reply to someone there but have been trying to keep up with all of riverclan's drama haha ;) )

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 19:11:42
i was thinking about removing Alex and Ollie from RiverClan, or adding another character to WindClan. I usually stay away from RPs with more than 3 people, because of the reply speed problems. I was definitely not expecting that many people for the Riverclan RP XD

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Slash~Star (#118827)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-08-31 20:42:57
yes i have i believe i forgot the name though it was a she-cat in wind clan

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 20:55:46
Name: SilverClaw
Gender: Tom
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Shadownight is just like Metal claw due to both are identical brothers. He is emotionless and it is rare to hear a laugh or anything good.
Looks: Identical to Metal claw both are pure silver toms with green eyes

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 21:49:25
Kitten 4.jpg



3 Seasons, 6 moons

Census Description:
Tansypool - Big, stocky blue and cream tortoiseshell she cat with white chest and paws.

Full Description:
Tansypool is a big, stocky blue and cream patched she-cat with white paws and chest. She has large, round yellow eyes, dark fur tinged around them. She has soft but thick fur, helping to keep her warm in Leaf-Fall and Leaf-bare. Her nose is brown, with a spot of pink somewhere near the edge of her nose, a sall scar on the ridge of her muzzle.



Tansypool is a very compassionate and understanding she-cat, and she relates well to other cats. She can adapt well to different changes in her life, never letting anything bring her down. Shes a very determined and ambitious she-cat, if you didn't know.
Tansypool is loyal, and would do anything to save her clan. She believes loyalty will make the most meek and weak cat strong. She is calm and tries to stay levelheaded in a crisis, trying not to panic. She believes if you panic during a bad event, then you are just useless. You need to stay calm and thinkb\ about what you can do to help.
As an apprentice, She wasvery curious and tries to learn everything she could, asking questions and always with her mentor. Tansypool is honest and responsible, admitting to things she has done even if it means she gets punished. She is independent, but will try and work with others when she feels is best. Whenever shes around whom she dislikes, she'll try to be respectful, though its clear she is uncomfortable. She has proven already that she isa worthy warrior. She has a smooth and quiet voice, also. But, if shes in a bad mood, she is not one to be toyed around with. It is best if you stay out her way, or she wont be afraid to get up in someones face. However, Most things don't bother her, and she is content with her place as a warrior. She isn't one to fight, but she sure will finish them.

I don't think I ave anything to say ^^


File:Siamese cat Amira Laila Basbousa*CZ.jpg*CZ.jpg



3 years, 2 months

Cencus Descripton:
Shadetail - Slender, long bodied and legged, she-cat with dark brown points and icy blue eyes.

Full Description:
ShadeTail is a somewhat big, but slender she-cat. She has long legs that shades down to a dark brown color, almost black. She has the same dark brown socks on her hind legs. Her back is brown, with strands of fur are white.
She has a black face with large black ears and round, icy blue eyes. She has a long tail, which is completely black. However, ShadeTail is not weak and is skilled in fighting, much to others surprise. Her weight and swiftness is the key.



ShadeTail is a clever she-cat and also quiet. She does have conversations with others but she won't be talking all the time. She's mostly focused on her duties.. She is a kind she-cat and woudln't snap or yell at any cat, unless you anger her which takes alot of work. She is the calmest in most dire situations and would only interfere if things get a ittle out of paw. She is happy to share knowledge to any apprentice she has. However,If​ ​you​ ​anger​ ​her,​ ​she​ ​has​ ​teeth​ ​and
claws​ ​and​ ​knows​ ​how​ ​to​ ​use​ ​them.​ ​She​ ​isn't the​ ​she-wolf​ ​to​ ​just​ ​back​ ​off​ ​as​ ​soon​ ​as​ ​she gets​ ​some​ ​nasty wounds,she'll​ ​stop​ ​when she's​ ​​done​,​ ​no​ ​matter​ ​how​ ​tired.


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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 05:17:38
ShadeTail,TansyPool, and silverClaw were all accepted you guys can start role playing

@Makeone889 to start just go to the thread and post something like, for example "Loonpaw padded into camp, her fur damp from the river. In her mouth she clutched a large fish. She proudly put it in the pile, beaming from ear to ear. She looked around for a cat to praise her." try something like that, people usually reply.

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Slash~Star (#118827)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-09-01 07:11:03
( oh! ok)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 16:46:32
Will reply in a bit!

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 16:55:27
Trying to sneak myself into every camp. Also phone posting sorry If there are typos. Tried to double check.

Name- Hawkpaw
Age- 9 moons
Gender- Tom
Rank- Apprentice
Clan- Thunder clan

A lithe brown tabby with sharp yellow eyes.

Hawkpaw is a lean cat, smaller than average but with a long body and tail, less suited for strength and better suited for stealth. His fur is a mix of brown and gold striping, with a shot of white going from his narrow muzzle to his long chest fur. His eyes are often staring, their bright yellow almost piercing with the intensity of his focus. Often looking serious, it is rare to see the young cat smile.

Despite a rather serious and almost standoffish appearance, Hawkpaw is a sensitive and rather empathic tom. He will be the first to give his prey to a hungry cat, or help a queen with her fussy kits. He rarely protests when the elders are in need, and will always be the first to stand when a cat is needed.

Wanting to please everyone, Hawkpaw has difficulty commanding a pressence, and has trouble speaking his mind. His emotions, and the emotions of others tend to rule his actions. easily overwhelmed, Hawkpaw keeps to himself when not in need, often found sitting and observing the camp in a shady spot of bracken. Ocassionaly however, he has been know to make the joke on patrol or while hunting, revealing hints of a more open and playful cat inside.


Name- Owlsong
Age- 16 moons
Gender- She-cat
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Shadowclan

A medium furred white cat with gray and browns framing her face, on her ears and her tail. She has one blue and one golden eye.

Owlsong is a cat of average build, who favors strength over speed. Her demeanor is often quite pleasant, always finding time to talk to her fellow clan mates or share tongues.With a pleasant voice, she also finds herself a regailer of tales along with the elders. Fiercely protective, of her clan, She can often be found up high, in trees or on rocks keeping an eye out for threats. Upon meeting her, one wouldn't think anything was different about the she cat. However in her clan, it is known the warrior has no hearing in one of her ears. Born with the ailment, Owlsong worked fiercely to prove her value as a warrior, making her stubborn in her decisions and resolve.

While kind, Owlsong is fiercely protective of her clan, and especially those she is close to. A strong fighter, she will choose claws over words any day. In battle, the she-cat becomes a screeching mass of claws and teeth, almost always refusing to give up. Always feeling like she must prove herself, the young warrior is stubborn in her ways, and often feels threatened when her decisions are challenged. While she can relax within her clan, out in the territory she is often more tense, carrying herself extra carefully, making sure she isn't taken by surprise. She knows she has much to learn, and enjoys growing with her clan, and her clan alone.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 21:14:45 by Peachie (#121220)

Slash~Star (#118827)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-09-01 17:59:59
Personality:She hates when cats fight in her clan so she always stays in the med-cat den as long as possible.
Rank:Med Cat
Looks: She is a black tabby with blue eyes
Other: She hates most of her clan mates.
Moons: 22 Moons

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