Posted by Warrior Cats Rp Sign Up Sheet

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:49:28
Hey! This is the Warriors cats role playing sign up sheet! Here you send and application of your cat, to see if it will get accepted into role play. I has the right to reject the application, so don't get angry if your cat doesn't make the cut, just try a different cat.

-Cobia [WCU]

Be fair
If your going to be a kit you must have someone to play as your mother (father is optional)
You cannot have a romance between your own cats, but you can have a romance between other people's cats (ask them permission to have a romance first)
You can only have up to 5 cats.
DO NOT start role playing until your cat is accepted please
No lesbian kitties please
Must have at least 3 sentences in your post

Ok, here's what has to be on your cats application


Here are the special ranks that are open

none right now

I will be role playing as well, as the leader of Riverclan!
I'm putting my application on here as well, as an example.

Good luck!((btw ignore the actual sign of sheet thread, o forgot about it and I don't use it, so if you post on there I will ignore))

Links to clans

Rouge Territory|

Heres the OOC forum

Some other RP's i own [The Winter Heart]

Character Sheets

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Edited on 15/10/17 @ 14:48:38 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-09-03 13:04:53
Name: Cheetahpaw
Gender: Female
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Smart, kind, nimble, and slightly shy. She lost her mother Rosestorm very recently and she feels guilt for not being there to save her.
Looks: Golden with black spots and green eyes (The Savannah breed). She also has long legs, black and white ears and is very lean.
Other: She has two sisters, Streampaw and Basilpaw (they do not need to be in the RP unless someone else wants to play them). Her great, great grandmother was a purebred Serval, before being bred to a housecat. Her father carried the serval gene and passed it on to Cheetahpaw, who looks wilder than her sisters.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-03 17:19:57
Ashleaf and cheetahpaw you were both accepted

@Peachie still reading your applications

(dang dats alotta words, ma brain hurts ))

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-09-04 14:17:25
No worries, lol

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-04 14:22:53
@Peachie Owlsong and Hawkpaw were accepted

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-09-04 14:37:05

Name : Maplepaw
Age : 8 moons old
Gender : Female
Clan : Thunderclan apprentice
Looks : Maple is mainly the hue of dark fawn with darker brown stripes on her leg, face, and tail. She also has a brown patch of fur on his shoulders. She has one little white patch on her chin and a splotch of white on her chest. Her eyes are a greenish-blue that stand out against her neutral pelt. Her fur is very short and somewhat soft, but, it feels prickly when it is swept backwards.

Compared to other cats, Maplepaw is about average height. She has slightly smaller shoulders and wide-set hips. These help her hunt well and allows her lots of power when she leaps. Her legs are a little bit stubby. She has a small head with large, wide set ears atop her cranium. She has a pointed muzzle with a slightly sunk in nose. Her whiskers are long and hued alabaster. The whiskers mostly come from her maw but she has a few that follow the edge of her face and gather on her forehead, even though they are alot shorter.

Her smile is a little wonky. One side usually is usually a little bit more open than the other side. She loves to smile, even though it crimps up her face and maker her features look rather uneven.


Maplepaw is overall a very social cat. She loves talking to new people when they come at her one on one and are talkative back. If you are not as open to conversing back to her, you might as well have just hit the she-cat's off switch. She freezes up and panics, realizing how she may be making another cat feel uncomfortable and nervous. Her self-consciousness goes into absolute overdrive and she takes on the traits of the other cat for the time being. She begins to become more reserved or shy, attempting to make the cat happy. Overall, she falls deep into a pit of awkwardness.

She appreciates a good conversation and is often very respectful and meek when talking to others. Crowds don't scare her as much as they may a cat of her young age and small size. Yet, as she is from Thunderclan and is used to thick forests, she is terrified of open and blank spaces. The thought of living on the vast and empty moors scares her beyond belif. Maple hates the feeling of vulnerability and this channels into her terror of being exposed in the open air.

As you can tell, the fae is a very sensitive cat. She can get offended easily and will take insults and negative jokes to her heart. But, she can be seen joking around in a positive manner from time to time. She has a bubbly personality that is often sheathed under a colder shell as she would hate to accidentally make a joke that can offend or hurt another cat. Her mind realizes that she does this, often trying to force herself to be more relaxed and open, causing her to be the opposite. She knows the fact that she takes things personally and hates herself for it but cannot change her ways, no matter how desperate she is to do it.

Fun facts:
-She has a soft spot for kittens and absolutly adores them. Maple would do anything to make a kit happy.
-Her favorite food is any type of bird.
-Maple's claws get dull very easily, so, she is often seen clawing at a tough piece of bark.
-Her biggest pet peeve is when cats are overly cocky.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-04 14:40:05
Maplepaw was accepted

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 12:05:44
Name: Rippleheart
Gender: male
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: He is very silent and does not like to put himself out there. He also follows the warrior code very strictly but does stray from time to time. He is a good natured, respectful cat and loves his clan very much.
Looks: He is a light gray tabby with a white chest and one white paw. He has blue eyes and a torn ear from a battle during his apprentice-hood.
Other: The only surviving kit of his mother and father. Two brothers died during kit hood and his only sister died recently in a battle with Shadowclan. He does not like showing any emotion about it even though he misses her very much. He knows that she is in a better place now so he does not feel too terribly sad.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-06 14:20:34
RippeleHeart was accepted, you may start roleplaying

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 16:13:25
Added a bit more of personality to Tallpaw!

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-06 17:28:56
Checked it over, thanks!

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 17:52:49
tracking, once more.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-06 17:55:17

Hey you guys! I was thinking of utting up two more threads, for kittypets and rouges! I need your opinions.Would you like to have a character as a kittypet or a rouge?

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zirconiumZealot (#120324)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 18:09:46
I was wondering if I could remove Alex and Olliver from RiverClan and possibly adding them to ShadowClan or WindClan

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 18:34:18
Here is the new Four Trees board! Please post when you are able to, AKA, ONCE YOUR CLAN HAS BEEN INFORMED IN CHARACTER ABOUT THE MEETING.

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 19:01:48
@eden I think that would be a good idea! I would like to be a rouge plz XD

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