Posted by Riverclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:53:02
Here is the Riverclan thread!

Special event: none
(( if you have not made a character yet go to this link ))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-NightStar (leader)
-Redpelt (Deputy)
-CottenTuft (Warrior)
-RosePetal (Queen| Kits: LilyKit, AshKit, ThornKit)
-Tinypaw (apprentice)
-MeadowPaw (Apprentice)
-Lilypool (warrior)
-Slate (rouge/warrior)
-Dovepaw (med cat apprentice)
-WillowMoon (Elder)
-PatchKit (Kit)
-AdderKit (Kit)
-FlameStone (warrior)
-Olliver (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Alex (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Gooseneck (Warrior)
-ThistleClaw (Warrior)
-MetalClaw (Warrior)
-TansyPool (Warrior)
-SilverClaw (Warrior)
-RippleHeart (Warrior)
-SilverHeart (Warrior)
-RussetSun (Warrior)
-ReedNose (Elder)
-Lionpaw (apprentice/Loner)
-Thistlepaw (Apprentice)
-WillowPaw (Apprentice)
-SwiftClaw (Warrior)
-Fawnpaw (apprentice)
-PantherHeart (Medicine cat)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 11:28:07 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:11:11
"Well first of all your to loud.....".she walked around him before completely disappearing she was silent and light on her feet so she made no noise."and a clan mate can know each other by scent...I could smell you next time roll in some mud!...".she crouched ready to pounce."BOO!".she jumped onto his back and pinned him."see?"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:14:16

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

Lionpaw followed the she-cat with his frosty eyes until she vanished into the shadows which caused him to blink and look around before he growled. "I'm not your clanmate! And I won't be anytime soon..." He hissed but he tasted the air to try to find her position and place out but he was too late next thing he knew, he was on his back, pinned from the she-cat. "Yeah. I can clearly see." He snorted, narrowing his frosty blue eyes before struggling under her grip. "And get off me!" He hissed loudly.

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:17:45
"Clearly you aren't if you don't know my scent!i haven't rolled in mud scince Last Night!".she hissed then got off."anyways what are you stalking me?am I to pretty for you?cause if that the case then go date NightStar!shes A Selfish Leader or RedStar he's a a skunk breathed fox dung!"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:22:00

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

All Lionpaw did was snort at the first comment before he perked his ears. "I have a right to not tell you why." He smirked but continued to hear her rambling and caught her off guard, kicking her off. "Well, one. Are you pretty?" He meowed but then grinned slyly and walked towards her, licking her nose softly as he stared into her eyes, hoping his piercing icy blue eyes would affect her somehow. "Hmmm... I think so..." He chuckled and licked one of her ears before walking away, behind her. "Second, I am not going on a "date" with Nightstar. She's my former leader and mentor. Third, how is she selfish?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. This she-cat really was just like Flamestone had described.

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:24:08
VVOLFKIT - kitten OF riverclan - 1-2 moons old - Season: Almost Leaf-Bare - Location: Nursery, Camp - Mentions: Moonkit, Adderkit, Redpelt

The small tom stumbled out into the clearing and instantly, his chest crumpled and he collapsed to the floor. Aquatic artic optics slithered over every detail of the camp, from the cats lingering within to the dimly sparkling waters churning as a border. Scents that had been muted pastels within the nursery now over-powered the young kitten's senses. It was as if the flood of new stimuli possessed his frail, charcoal figure. He pressed his little head against Adderkit's large paws until his mind got used to all the commotion throwing itself at him.

VVolfkit peeled his soft features from his denmate's feet and basked at the world around him. Moonkit was across the clearing, speaking to him, it seemed. Lips parted to speak but quickly snapped together as Redpelt accused her of wanting to sneak out. Sneaking out of where? VVait, there was more than just this huge place to live in? He snapped out of his thoughts as his father began to accuse Adderkit.

"No, he had no plan of that!" His weak voice rose and his eyes filled with a sharp anger at the masculine. "Moonkit was the one to race out, straight into a no-no place." His orbs flickered to glance at the large enterance they were standing next to. He could make out dark figures within, large ones at that. He assumed that must be where the big cats slept. VVow, that wasn't a place he would be going to anytime soon!

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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 20:26:53 by Cobia [WCU] (#95963)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:31:05
"Aren't you a bit to young for me?".she turned she wasn't that easy to get her Mom had died when she was a kit she was independent all her life she never really relied too n boys and she didn't want to start it not like toms had there moms murdered in their eyes as a kit they didn't feel what she felt only her dad could feel that way...."she's selfish because all she cares about is her deputy and mate she doesn't care about us she just says that so we won't kick her out of the clan"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:35:54

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

Lionpaw chuckled softly. "Oh but age doesn't matter when it comes to love, eh?..." He purred softly, rubbing his head on top of hers in an affectionate manner before perking his ears and stepping slightly away. "I guess you're right about that..." The frosty eyed tom mumbled softly, sitting down and wrapping his tail around his large paws. He purred again. "But... Yet again, love does make you do crazy things huh?" He mumbled, twining his tail with the she-cat's. "Then again... If she didn't care about us, wouldn't we be dead by now, my dear Meadow?..." He purred softly.

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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 20:55:01 by FearedLion [F6Silky Breeder] (#67784)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:53:05
"A whole clan can't die and it's alive because of the ones that do care and do fight for us......for example when she was excpecting kits well how would a leader that was excpecting kits be helpful in battle?she wouldn't be helpful at all!".she purred.

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:53:09
Redpelt-42 moons-RiverClan Deputy- Location: Camp (Nursery)-Mentions: Nightstar, Wolfkit, Moonkit

Redpelt sighed when he saw Wolfkit get out of the nursery, he waitied until he finished to talk "It's ok Wolfkit, but you should go back to the nursery" he said softly at the young kit, before looking at Nightstar and giving her a small smile.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:57:33

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

Lionpaw opened his mouth to protest but couldn't think of anything to say. "I guess you're right.. Yet again. So are you angry at our leader for being selfish or for being in love?" He asked her, his eyebrow raising. This she-cat sure didn't like the subject of love, which was weird because at this age, she-cats would be lovestruck and well.... Have a lot of... Ahem... Desire. He would never understand she-cats...

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 21:12:33
"I get it I'm different I'm not like other she cats!im not in love and I never wanna be in love yea most she cats our age are love struck but they need to grow up and live in reality!love is nothing love just holds you is what makes you blind and selfish!"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 21:21:57

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

Lionpaw raised an eyebrow again before giving her a real, soft smile. "Love doesn't make us weak. It gives us a reason to fight for something. If we love our clan, we would fight for them till death. If family and friends that we love were in our clan, we would kill for them. And we would die for them. Love doesn't hold you back, it shapes you onto the cat you are today. If you've never felt love, why would you fight for other cats? You would be selfish. If you have felt love, you know you're fighting for friends and family that you would never like to see suffer." The golden tabby chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not sure how to explain it.. Yes, love can be heartbreaking but in the end, it's the only thing that can survive." He mumbled softly, getting back on his paws.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 05:37:36

AngelPaw had heard the conversation. She padded over. "I hate to interupt, but nightstar wasn't talking to Redpelt to gossip selfishly about the clan, she was preparing food stores for winter. She hasn't slept in three days." AngelPaw retorted at Meadow. She gave a quick grin at lionpaw. "Hey. Im glad your back, battle training might be fun again." She chuckled, then got up to pad to the prey pile.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 09:19:10

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw, and Angelpaw.

Lionpaw perked his ears and snorted. "That makes more sense." He mumbled and smirked. "Heh. You are right about that. I make things pretty awesome." He chuckled slyly, winking at Angelpaw playfully before scratching that itch in his ear again. "Either way, I'm not sure if I'm going to be back to the clan. It feels good to be free and not have any worries about other cats.." He meowed, puffing his chest out as he did so then he watched Angelpaw pad away to the prey pile, an ear twitching.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 09:24:07

AngelPaw chuckled. She picked up a rabbit for the pile, then headed back to Lionpaw. She pushed the rabbit at his feet. "Hungry?" She grinned. "Well, I hope you do stay. We need you here." She paused. "NightStar felt pretty guilty. She thinks it's her fault you left, that she wasn't a very good friend." Angel paw smiled, her gorgeous dark blue eyes lighting up, making them glitter like diamonds.

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