Posted by Riverclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:53:02
Here is the Riverclan thread!

Special event: none
(( if you have not made a character yet go to this link ))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-NightStar (leader)
-Redpelt (Deputy)
-CottenTuft (Warrior)
-RosePetal (Queen| Kits: LilyKit, AshKit, ThornKit)
-Tinypaw (apprentice)
-MeadowPaw (Apprentice)
-Lilypool (warrior)
-Slate (rouge/warrior)
-Dovepaw (med cat apprentice)
-WillowMoon (Elder)
-PatchKit (Kit)
-AdderKit (Kit)
-FlameStone (warrior)
-Olliver (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Alex (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Gooseneck (Warrior)
-ThistleClaw (Warrior)
-MetalClaw (Warrior)
-TansyPool (Warrior)
-SilverClaw (Warrior)
-RippleHeart (Warrior)
-SilverHeart (Warrior)
-RussetSun (Warrior)
-ReedNose (Elder)
-Lionpaw (apprentice/Loner)
-Thistlepaw (Apprentice)
-WillowPaw (Apprentice)
-SwiftClaw (Warrior)
-Fawnpaw (apprentice)
-PantherHeart (Medicine cat)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 11:28:07 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 18:44:44
"No not really I just wanted to know if you wanted t hang out and or something.....for old times sake.......Just like the olden days like when we were apprentices.......I really miss hanging out with you and I'd always take the bullet for you even if we fight......I really do care for you".he licked her fore head trying to be the most friendly he could so she didn't think he was flirting he did like her still but he didn't want her to know that so he didn't want to make it obvious.

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 18:45:01
Redpelt-42 moons-RiverClan Deputy- Location: Camp (Nursery)-Mentions: Wolfkit, Adderkit, Moonkit

Redpelt chuckled "Of course you're old enough" he shot the kit a smile before frowning "Wait, was Adderkit planning to sneak out of camp?" he looked over at Adderkit, dissapointment in his eyes "Adderkit, tell me you weren't for StarClan's sake!"

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:08:16

NightStar frowned. "I wish I could, but I have so many duties. Especially with the prophecy drama." NightStar shuddered. Seeing her deputy, she padded over, shooting an apologetic glance at FlameStone. She sat by Redpelt. "Hey. Any thoughts on preserving prey?" She asked in a dull, exhausted voice.

((Drama! Drama! Drama! Ooh, Foamestone not gonna be happy wit Redpelt :D I'm such a butt, I'm addicted to drama :p ))

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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 19:09:17 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:14:05
His ears has flattened and he stood up then walked away with a sigh he had given up he already knew she didn't love him but he didn't even know if she was his friend RedPelt had token everything from him he hissed under his breath once he was out of hearing range and sight"Stupid Jerk Fox Dung Brain RedPelt!"he the continued to walk away and sat down by a river HS head hanging he felt lost what was the point in trying to even talk to her?she would just avoid him anyway whenever he tried she would just walk away ever scince RedPelt became deputy everything disappeared....he lost everything so there was no point in trying after his kits became warriors he wouldn't even have Apprentices to train or Kits to love......

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:14:58
(So do I he's facially given up tho he finds no point in trying to fight RedPelt anymore)

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:17:53
((Oh, is so sad :( DRAMASAAAA :D ))

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:18:05
Redpelt-42 moons-RiverClan Deputy- Location: Camp (Nursery)-Mentions: Nightstar, Adderkit, Moonkit

"We should start hunting now more than ever, and start sharing food" he smiled at Nightstar, quickly forgeting about Adderkit and Moonkit, suddenly he gave Nightstar a worried look "Great StarClan, you look exhausted, you should rest" he told Nightstar with a worried voice.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:19:46

NightStar yawned. "I'm fine, my clan is more important..." She meowed. She smiled. One thing at a time, she told herself. One thing at a time.

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:28:01
He looked at his reflection his claws unsheathed he clawed at it he the soon gave up sheathed his claws once more he curled up a fish jumped and so did he at the cold splash he got up he caught a few fish and continued he was bored but not tired.


Medow looked at her leader she walked closer as if she was going to talk to a warrior which she was but she wanted to say something to her leader first so she left the other apprentices and began walking to the group of warriors as she passed her leaders she stopped and glared at her."I know I'm just an apprentice but I'm pretty sure leaders are supposed to be there for their clan not their mates or deputy....".she then looked away and continued walks no she nodded after a few minutes of talking to the warriors and walked into the forest to hunt.

(Medow is the one that's pretty mad at Night and Red lol she's gonna be the one starting fights lol she's pretty furious that once more she has no idea where the heck her dad is lol also NightStar just got told by an apprentice!)

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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 19:30:04 by Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:33:10
Redpelt-42 moons-RiverClan Deputy- Location: Camp (Nursery)-Mentions: Nightstar

Redpelt looked at the ground "Still, you have to take care of yourself" he looked once more at Nightstar and he licked the top of her head, his tail wrapped around her's, a small caring smile on his face "You should rest, that way you'll be able to take care of the clan better"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:52:17
((I think Lionpaw is just gonna relate to Flamestone some how. xDD Not in the good way though. I think I'm gonna make Lionpaw evil because he was neglected as a kit. :// I NEED DRAMA.))

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Flamestone, Redpelt, and Nightstar.

Lionpaw stayed silent until he saw Nightstar leave his side to go talk to a tom. He watched carefully and soon saw Flamestone race out of camp angrily. The fluffy golden tom twitched his whiskers but followed him. He saw the tom sit down near a river. He smirked and gave a small chuckle. "Oh poor you... Y'know.. It must SUCK to have everything taken away from you..." He mumbled softly, a large smirk on his face. "Redpelt... He took everything didn't he? The deputy position... Everycat's respect... And the love of your life." He chuckled, his icy blue eyes narrowing. "Don't you wanna get back to him for everything's he's done?" The tom almost spatted out.

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:55:01
"If you wanna talk revenge then you should go find Medow She's like her mother......she doesn't like it when cas mess with others so o ahead talk to her......I don't want to talk to anyone right now....."

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 19:58:40

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw, Flamestone, Redpelt, and Nightstar.

Lionpaw rolled his frosty eyes. "Hmmm... Maybe I will... It seems like an apprentice is stronger than you.. Smarter and quicker too... You're too weak. That's why Nightstar didn't pick you and instead picked your friend, Redpelt. I mean, he is the strongest tom I've seen, no wonder Nightstar fell for him. Oh well... Y'know... You still have a chance." He growled and then padded away silently, hiding underneath the shadows of the trees, his eyes narrowed into tiny, dangerous slits as he ran to camp, hiding in a rather, thick bush and eavesdropping on Meadowpaw's conversation.

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:01:52
She saw a tom from the corner of her eye."why don't you come here and stalk me?dont you know it's rude to stalk a girl without her knowledge?".she flicked her tail and walked to the the frosty eyes."what do you want?"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 20:08:11

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 9 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Former Warrior Apprentice | Location: Forest; Outside of RiverClan Camp | Mentions: Meadowpaw.

"Fox dung!" He cursed but came out of the bushes, shaking his fluffy pelt as he crawled out, leaves and twigs tangled in his coat. "Well, now you know.... So could I get back to stalking you or?.." He tilted his head, his frosty eyes narrowing before he hissed. "How did you even know I was in that bush?! I was pretty quiet!" He growled through clenched teeth, smacking the bush gently. "Stupid bush... What was the point of even going in there if I was going to get caught?" The tom complained, licking his messy fur, spatting out leaves and twigs as he groomed his fur.

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