Posted by Thunderclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 05:11:43
Here's Thunderclan!

Special event: none
(( if you don't have a cat please go to this link))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-TawnyStar (leader)
-FalconPaw (apprentice)
-Leafpool (Med cat)
-Nightpaw (Apprentice)
-SnowFall (Deputy)
-CloudPelt (Warrior)
-Darkpaw (med cat apprentice)
-Tigerpelt (Warrior)
-BloodFur (Warrior)
-ShadeTail (Warrior)
-HawkPaw (Apprentice)
-MaplePaw (Apprentice)
-GingerFang (Warrior)
-WolfSong (Warrior)
-EmberSky (warrior)
-HazelFur (Warrior)

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 18:52:27 by Eden [WCU] (Lights On) (#107390)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:00:47

SilverTune sat next to WolfSong, leaning on him. She yawned again, her tail curling around her paws. Her eyes fluttered open and closed for a moment, before sleep took her. She rested at WolfSongs sighed, her calm breathing the only noise she made.

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:03:08
EmberSky warrior Clearing SilverTune, WolfSong

EmberSky regretted coming over, these two were boring as well. "Do you know where HawkFlight is?" She asked the Silver she cat.
{Sorry writers block :-o}

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:04:21
((Bro, silver tubes so bored she just fell asleep XD))

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:06:10
WolfSong-Warrior-camp clearing- Mentions- (SilverTune)

wolfSong now agitated decided to end this, it was obvious The pretty Warrior was tired “ why don’t he continue this tomorrow” he suggested to EmberSky nudging her awake “come on let’s go to the warriors den” He whispered softer in her ear. Giving a hard stare at EmberSky.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:07:49
((I noticed! Hopefully more things get more interesting later on? Why don’t we do a clan meeting or an event?))

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:08:49
{Is it usually dead like this? or is it because its late?}

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:18:15
((Ah, most everyone is RPing in Riverclan, but I'm adding more people's to keep the threads alive))

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:18:38
Maplepaw - apprentice OF thunderclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: River's edge, Territory, Camp - MENTIONS: Hawkflight, Silvertune, VVolfsong, Embersky[ID] - VOICE: undecided

Deep fern optics blinked while nodding to Hawkflight. It was an intelligent move to return home. The temperatures dropped rapidly as the sun slunk lower in the sky. This, and many cat's dampened pelts, did not exactly mix for a pleasent night experience. The fae sensed the fact that the cats were dispersing from the beach and began to rise to her paws. Yet, she stopped with hinds in an awkward, low position as she felt Hawkflight's paw reach out and pluck a clump of shriveled leaves from her fur. She froze for a split second before tilting her head at the tom.

"Oh. Thanks. You're not the cleanest cat around too, you know. I would return the favor but I don't plan on stalling you. Of course, you're half-way frozen in the state you're in." Amusement and genuine gratitude weaved within her words. It was a slight change from her usual cocky expression of speech where emotions barely strayed into being soft. Orbs swiveled over Hawkflight and noticed his shivering status more than before. She turned her head to look at Silvertune and VVolfsong. Both were heaps of dripping fur as well. Yet, they did not seem to mind. Their attention seemed to be only about eachother. In silent thought Maplepaw agreed with the other tom. Even though Silvertune was, on a basic level, perfect at everything, there was no way to alter the fact that she would freeze.

The moment VVolfsong's request to take his prey left the larger tom's mouth, Maplepaw was practically fuming. It wasn't any other cat's job to take your prey, VVolfsong. It isn't your warrior duty to run off into the forest and flirt with another cat instead of, say, completing your warrior duty of bringing back prey. And, most definitely, it is not your proudest moment to make a cat who had just became a warrior do an apprentice's job. The heck, man? She ranted internally while optics stabbed daggers of anger into the fleeting frames of the two felines.

She averted her gaze and looked once more at Hawkflight. She caught the look she gave him and gave an equally as frustrated blink back. Alabaster fangs chewing into her inner lip was the only thing keeping her from screaming at the other warriors at that moment. A twinge of annoyance came as Maplepaw noted the fact that Silvertune barely acknowledged the piece of advice another cat had given her before strolling off with VVolfsong. Hm.

Maplepaw looked down and noticed the fact that the pair had left their two fish lying there, forgotten, in the sand. As no cat seemed to be nearby, she let out an exasperated tone fall from her jaws in fleeting anger. "You left behind your fish, you IDIOTS." Her voice raised in a high-pitched screech. But, she made sure to keep it somewhat quiet so that she would not scare off too much prey in the surrounding area.

The fae picked up the smaller, bitten fish in her jaws. Eyes stared down at the large fish, wondering how she would carry it back to camp.

A small, cinnamon apprentice padded with plonking feet through the forest towards her clan's camp. One fish hung from her jaws. The large head of a smoke-hued fish was tucked under her chin and had the lower part of its corpse weaved within her thick chest fur. Luckily for her, the fae's short pelt gave in to locks of flowing dense fur towards her chest. It gave her the ability to attempt and hold this fish while stomping through the thick underbrush. A bushy-tailed dead squirrel slumped on the nape of her neck.

She arrived at the enterance, slipping through the tunnel into camp, and stumbled towards the fresh-kill pile. It was rather dwindling and she felt good bringing two prey items to her clan. Even, of course, if they were quite unusual. Even more because she did not forget the prey she caught as well. She shook all the dead animals into the pile and collapsed to the side. Breaths churned within her chest from exaustion. Jeez, she was tired from that trip.

Yet, she could not slumber. She rose after a few moments and let optics slither across the camp. Her sleepy optics could not pick up on the feline known as Hawkflight. She hoped he remembered his night vigil and was rather shortly returning to camp or already serving it. VVith that, she let her hinds bump to the ground and held herself up in a droopy-headed sit. Maplepaw could smell the fact that she stank of fish. She knew she looked like a mess, fur clotted with sand and leaves. Yet, she could not care less at the moment, Eyes barely rose to stare towards the warriors she now had little respect for across the clearing, and that was the only thing she cared to sulk over at the moment.

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 20:26:45 by Cobia [WCU] (#95963)

StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:47:03
WolfSong-Warrior-camp clearing- Mentions- MaplePaw

WolfSong headed towards the warriors den and noticed MaplePaw laying next to the Fresh-Kill pile. Looking at the apprentice made WolfSong feel guilty. He didn't mean to leave her and HawkFlight to take back the prey, he just got so caught up with SilverTune he hadn't stopped to think about the two. Although MaplePaw was an apprentice he wasn't that much younger than WolfSong, she was a weird cat that's for sure but no cat could doubt she'd make a fine warrior. He padded over to the tired looking cat. " Hi MaplePaw, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving you and HawkFlight with the responsibility of my prey" He stopped talking for a moment laying down next to the cinnamon cat. "You seem pretty tired." WolfSong hesitated for a moment " why don't I groom you? then you'll be feeling fresh" He asked paws prickling, he had always thought that MaplePaw was an oddball. He waited for her reply.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:47:31
HawkFlight|Thunderclan Warrior|10 Moon Brown Tabby Tom|Location- Territory, Camp|Mentions- Silvertune, Maplepaw, Wolfsong
He had slunk into the clan with jaws filled with meager prey, a rather sullen glare in his yellow eyes. He himself could hardly had imagined asking any cat to pick of his catch for him, and the longer the freezing tom had padded, the more frustration had welled in his chest. The only plus side, was the water on his pelt had finally seemed to dry enough, and although he felt stiff and uncomfortable, he wasn't wet. The travel had also brushed much of the sand from his fur, and although it needed a good grooming it was better than it had been. Amber eyes followed the movements in the clan, and for a moment he almost made his way towards Silvertune, until he realized the she-cat was showing off for Wolfsong. His tail twitched. Hmm. Perhaps he had been reading signals wrong. With a swift swivel of his paws, the sharp eyed tom instead turned to do a quick round of the camps exterior, and made his way towards the entrance.

As he was about to go to his post, his eyes fell upon Maplepaw, who seemed in a right state where she sat, alone and rather crumpled. While he had to sit vigil, there was technically no rule he wasn't allowed to share tongued with his clan-mates beforehand. Twitching his tail, and moving slightly slower than normal due to tired and cold joints, he padded over to the she-cat, looking mildly sheepish. Although he had shared tongues with plenty of his clan-mates, he really hadn't spent much time with the over-zealous apprentice. However, Maplepaw had expressed so many of his own feelings that day, her ability to vocalize what she was thinking something he admired, even if he could imagine being on the receiving end of her brutal honesty would be like stepping on nettles. It made him feel a tad closer to the she-cat, a feeling he did not gain often.

Leaning closer to the cat, he plucked a bit of leaf debris from her pelt, an odd sound emitting from his chest. A mix between a quick purr and a chuckle. The first time the tom had made such a noise in a long time.
"You need to learn to groom better." His voice was low, in case he wasn't supposed to be talking since it was technically his vigil time. The tom remembered earlier that day, when she had been covered in leaves and twigs. Perhaps it was just the she-cats nature. His gaze was kept pointedly away from the other two warriors, since a tinge of bitterness still burned deep in his chest. However just as he did, Wolfsong appeared, and Hawkflight rose to his paws, turning tail on the warrior. His ears flicked slightly, and with silent paws he shifted towards the entrance of the camp, lowering to his chest and tucking his paws, to resist the shudders that still occasionally rang through his body.

(Hah Sorry, was writing while you posted. Edited so it kind of makes sense.)

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 21:13:19 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:56:37
((It's okay I feel kind of bad though, I'm getting in to deep XD))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 13:54:10
SilverTune-Warriors den-mentions:open

SilverTune yawned, blinking her eyes. She stretched, getting up from a long nap. Other cats still slept on, though she was wide awake. She sat down, starting to groom herself, waiting to see what events would happen today.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-12 14:57:50
WolfSong-Warrior-camp clearing- Mentions- open

WolfSong padded out of the warriors den feeling refreshed, he immediately headed over to the fresh kill pile, studying it. He picked up a thrush in his mouth and padded over to the middle of the clearing and started to munch away.
(( Ill write more later I have to clock out of work rn))

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-12 19:11:02
Maplepaw - apprentice OF thunderclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: Clan camp - MENTIONS: Hawkflight, Silvertune, VVolfsong - VOICE: undecided

A feeling of relief flooded into her system as she glanced up from her stare at Silvertune and VVolfsong to see Hawkflight. His path seemed to have veered from the enterance towards her, a questioning expression overtaking her features. Her posture improved a slight bit and she dipped her head towards the young warrior. Yet, she once more had to avert her gaze to look at the steadily approaching figure of VVolfsong. Eyebrows crimped atop harsh optics as she looked at the older clanmate, keeping her eyes from meeting his own in childish bitterness. VVolfsong had approached her and seated himself slightly farther away than Hawkflight had.

Jaws had parted to give a lashing responce to the tom when Hawkflight plucked yet again another piece of muck from her fur. She assumed that he thought she was a slob by this point. Yet, she simply would only find the time to groom herself in camp. No reason to tidy herself up just to go out into the forest and get tangled in branches again. Ear flicked as the tom talked quietly. "I guess so. I just can't bother to find enough time for it, especially when doing my work and other's work as well." Her voice grew angry towards the end, light inhales calming her nerves once more.

After a quick moment, she found herself without Hawkflight at her side once more. It seemed he had noticed the approach of VVolfsong and made himself absent from the situation. Truly, she didn't blame him. Internally, she hissed realizing she had been left to talk to the other warrior. "Actions speak louder than apologies, VVolfsong." She spoke bluntly while raising her cranium to blink at him. "I'd like if you left me alone. Not exactly in the mood to make new friends at the moment. Especially, with cats I see staring at me as if I have 5 paws." Her tone dropped towards the end as she stood to her paws.

"Night, Hawkflight." She called out gingerly to the fleeting form of the tom. Paws carried her to the apprentice's den, now fairly empty. Body slipped into a flat, uncomfortable nest and she let herself finally drift out of consciousness.

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Edited on 12/10/17 @ 19:12:10 by Cobia [WCU] (#95963)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 19:14:50

As of today, there is a new thread for the moonstone. If your cat needs to or wishes to see the moonstone, please pm me for the link to the thread once I have approved your reason. I will be playing as star clan and the moonstone, so you cannot control what star clan says. Thank you :3))

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