Posted by Thunderclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 05:11:43
Here's Thunderclan!

Special event: none
(( if you don't have a cat please go to this link))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-TawnyStar (leader)
-FalconPaw (apprentice)
-Leafpool (Med cat)
-Nightpaw (Apprentice)
-SnowFall (Deputy)
-CloudPelt (Warrior)
-Darkpaw (med cat apprentice)
-Tigerpelt (Warrior)
-BloodFur (Warrior)
-ShadeTail (Warrior)
-HawkPaw (Apprentice)
-MaplePaw (Apprentice)
-GingerFang (Warrior)
-WolfSong (Warrior)
-EmberSky (warrior)
-HazelFur (Warrior)

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 18:52:27 by Eden [WCU] (Lights On) (#107390)

Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:10:56
Maplepaw - apprentice OF thunderclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: River's edge - MENTIONS: Hawkflight, Silvertune, VVolfsong - VOICE: undecided

Maplepaw sent a confused look to Hawkflight as he quietly mused her name. Yet, it melted away into her normal happiness-glazed gaze as he went onto describe how he would prefer land-prey. Honestly, agreed. The fumes of the fish Silvertune had caught were making her feel nauseous. She blinked while watching Silvertune swim within the waters, concern an emotion taking over her features. Sure, the silver she-cat was a mix between Thunderclan and Riverclan. In Maplepaw's mind that did not equal safety within the uncharted land of the river. As Silvertune padded back onto the bank, a new scent flooded her senses.

She turned and eyed a tom that had approached the group from within the forest. VVolfsong was his name, she believed. She kept her lips sealed as the older felines conversed with eachother. Their obvious attempts at subtle flirting made her skin crawl as if ants seethed within her fur. Of course, at the mention of Silvertune not eating again, annoyance flared up. Did she really think starving herself was a good, heroic thing? It frankly made Maplepaw angry that such an unhealthy act was being portrayed as angelic.

Slight shock covered her face as Silvertune grabbed a fish from the water with barely any effort at all. The she-cat had placed it at the other warrior's feet as if she had not just, without a struggle, caught a large fish. Again, she's a thunderclan cat? Maple thought to herself while optics swiveled over the other cats. As VVolfsong tumbled into the water, a tiny laugh barely slipped from her jaws. "Don't worry, you're not the first cat to take a fall into the river here today." Her voice sounded with amusement, tiny traces of a bitter undertone weaved within the background of her speech.

As Silvertune choked out a clearly fake laugh, she tipped her cinnamon cranium and blinked at her. "No need to fake a laugh, Silvertune. If you want to have a better giggle to get VVolfsong's attention, as I think you do, you better start practicing." A laugh stiffled within her throat as she watched the two. The apprentice already picked up on how the female warrior's expression changed while around the tom. "VVhy don't you two go on a loooong walk through the forest and get to know eachother? Of course, Hawkflight would come too, if that doesn't bother you. I'm an annoying apprentice so, I guess, I wouldn't come and all but you can't forget I'm only around a moon younger than you guys. Tawnystar made some pretty early warriors." Her voice was soaked with amusement and optics lit up with internal laughter.

"Oh, unless, you want to see what VVolfsong wants to show you. I'm sure he's not an insane random Thunderclanner that plans on, I don't know, killing you and burying you in the forest. Of course not. Have fun." Her voice purred in bittersweet volume.

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 15:13:13 by Cobia [WCU] (#95963)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:10:57

SilverTune got up to follow him. She flattened her fur. Don't get worked up, she told herself.

((Writers block))

((Lol, it's okie very few cats know x3))

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:30:36
WolfSong-Warrior-forest territory- Mentions- (SilverTune, MaplePaw)

"Hey MaplePaw and HawkFlight I have a few pieces of prey buried back by Sunning Rocks mind grabbing it for me" He blurted running off hoping the silver she cat was following." Alright follow me to the great sycamore" WolfSong said looking back at SilverTune. He slowed his pace so he was right next to her." Listen about the whole Riverclan thing." He started not sure how to apologize. he gazed into her eyes "I don't think it matters if your parents were from the same clan or different clans... all that matters is how you are as a cat. and I think your a fine warrior" WolfSong mewed looking straight.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:39:05
HawkFlight|Thunderclan Warrior|10 Moon Brown Tabby Tom|Location- Territory, Camp|Mentions- Silvertune, Maplepaw, Wolfsong

Hawkflight watched the going ons around them, skin under his fur quivering slightly. His amber eyes narrowed slightly as Wolfsong appeared, watching him and Silvertune chat. He suddenly felt far to aware of his own dirty pelt, and his claws dug into the sand. He rose to his paws, eyes hardening slightly, the gold color flashing in the dying sun.
His head swiveled towards Maplepaw, and he listened to her speak, again a sharp tinge to her dialogue. He was curious if it was the she-cats mannerisms or something else inside the mixed tones. Shuddering, he rose to his feet, his glance twitching to Silvertune and Wolfsong before returning to the brown she-cat.

"I think, Im going back to camp." The laughter in his voice from earlier had vanished, returned to his usual pensive tune. "Cold fur and a cold night make a sick cat." Without thinking, the tom reached out a paw and brushed a but of leaf litter from Maplepaw,feeling guilty he had caused her pelt the need for a grooming. Glancing momentarily at the other two warriors, he shrugged.
"River clan blood or not, Silver tune you shouldn't stay out with a wet pelt for long. You too, Wolfsong." with that, he turned on his paws, shaking his long fur once more in a faintly annoyed manner.
As Wolfsong asked them to pick up his prey, his glare turned onto the older warrior. For a brief moment, it looked like he was going to refused, but then his features smoothed, even if his tail lashed.
"Sure. Wolfsong." send the freezing cat to do your work. He thought the final words, turning and making his was with only a fleeting glance at Maplepaw, and a twitch of his ear.

(On mobile sorry if there are typos. Autocorrect lol)

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 15:42:39 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 16:06:09
EmberSky-Warrior-sunning rocks-HawkFlight

EmberSky buried the plump vole and she thought about how leaf fall was upon them, she sighed now was the best time to start collecting as much prey as possible. The beautiful she cat stretched then open her mouth to search for more prey. EmberSky suddenly smelt another thunderclan cat she followed the scent and fond herself facing HawkFlight, she dipped her head respectfully at the older warrior. " Hello HawkFlight, are you hunting to?" she asked generally curious.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 17:56:41
((Lol I just saw peachie and Cobia posts one sec I'll reply to you guys x3))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 17:59:38

SilverTune watched HawkFlight pad away, her expression confused. But she followed Wolfsong anyway, her curiosity getting the better of her. She ran through the trees, the silence broken by WolfSongs comment. "Thanks. I think Maplepaw thinks I'm weird, and I don't blame her. I'm different." She said, her voice dull, blank. Her expression was undetermined, battling between two emotions.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:14:16
WolfSong-Warrior-great sycamore- Mentions- (SilverTune)

WolfSong stopped in front of the massive tree, he glanced at SilverTune before searching the ground" Yeah well being different isn't always a bad thing" WolfSong said his yellow eyes turn sad for just a moment. Shaking his head he began digging, WolfSong turned to face the silver she cat "Close your eyes" He said excitedly.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:16:13

SilverTune cocked her head and raised an eyebrow curiously. Slowly, she shut her turquoise eyes. She didn't like this feeling of the unknown, the feeling that she could not see anything but darkness. Her ear twitched at the same time as her nose, making her appear nervous.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:28:52
WolfSong-Warrior-great sycamore- Mentions- (SilverTune)

WolfSong picked up on her nervousness" You shouldn't be so anxious around me, he said picking up the mystery item. He padded in front of SilverTune placing the object in front of her." you can open your eyes now" "I;m not sure what it is really but I saw a Two Leg drop it" WolfSong mewed sheepishly " When I saw how brightly it shined in the sun it made me think of you, so I snatched it before the Two Leg noticed and buried it here." WolfSong looked down at his paws, to embarrassed to look at her. She probably thinks its stupid he thought.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:32:08
((Can it be a bracelet with turquoise jewels on it?? Lol x3))

SilverTune opened her eyes, gasping at the lovely two leg trinket before her. "It's gorgeous! Have you ever seen something more beautiful?" She asked. She scanned the trinket, soaking in its beauty. She drank in how shiny it was, minus the dirt from being buried.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:37:11
WolfSong-Warrior-great sycamore- Mentions- (SilverTune)
((Yes it can be!))
WolfSong stuck out his tongue playfully " Of course I have, I see her everyday" WolfSong replied his tail flicking to touch SilverTune's shoulder, WolfSong looked around the sun had set the night sky was clear. "We should probably head back, I can feel my stomach starting to digest itself I'm so hungry" He exclaimed whiskers twitching.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:40:03

SilverTune giggled. "Should have eaten the fish, huh?" She grinned, winking at him. She picked up the trinket and carried it with her back to camp. She flicked it into the air and it landed on her head, slipping past her ears and onto her forehead, making it look like she had a turquoise and gold crown. She beamed proudly, hoping it matched her silver fur.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:47:04
WolfSong-Warrior-great sycamore- Mentions- (SilverTune)

WolfSong groaned "don't remind me" He wined regretfully, he watched as the Silver cat tossed the trinket in the air, landing perfectly on her head. " It looks good on you." WolfSong said, energy flooded his body he felt so excited. He smirked at the she cat suddenly dashing in front of her towards camp, he looked back at her " Last one back to camp has to bring the other food" He purred not looking back, he was certain she'd catch up.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 18:49:10

SilverTune narrowed her eyes and grinned. "Hah!" She meowed, dashing ahead. She had always been a fast cat, but today she was faster, racing ahead of him. She reached camp entrance and sat there grinning, waiting for him to catch up.

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