Posted by | Queens [Cat Breeding Sim] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Comatose (#124175) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-09 13:48:18 |
![]() Edited on 14/02/19 @ 03:23:32 by Comatose (#124175) |
Takoyaki☆ (#48057)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-24 17:18:31 |
[Maybe when you are older] Take care of mom when they're all grown up ;v;! ![]() |
Dark Matter (#78299)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-24 20:55:26 |
Hades (#122606)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 11:24:05 |
Blazi2 (#110355)
Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 17:44:11 |
@Flower Triscuit manages to swallow a red hot lump of anger forming on her tongue at her kittens defiance for the bigger picture; her fear for their well being. She tells them of all the sleepless nights she has worrying about them, and how she never rests just to make sure that there is as small of a chance as possible for them to be in danger. The kittens hang their heads as they listen, nuzzling their mother and ensuring her they weren't doing anything that would endanger them or shame her...but they still didn't say what it was. Sienna is now secretive! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Joy Your queen listens to her kittens, face twisting from understanding to disbelief the further they explained. She had finally had enough of it! Under no circumstances is it okay to attack your sisters or scheme from their downfall! You should cherish them because that is a once in a lifetime relationship! Things are tense for a while, but after they have all had some time to themselves to cool off, your queen can't help but go to them individually and reassure that she still loves them. But she finds herself accidentally coming to Kinna last, whose eyes reflect that she would have a better chance at talking to the wall. Kinna has become cold hearted! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Lizz Theodora tells them that they won't have to worry about it if they have each other's back! It is hard to think what is the right thing to do in a moment, but if you have another brain alongside you and someone worth protecting, you will make the right choice. Plus, humans just seem to leave cats alone when there is more than one. While the validity of the advice was questionable, it was coming from their mother, so of course they believed it, looking to each other with their rekindled adventurous spirit. Kitten 1 and kitten 2 are now protective! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Theo X Sora Your queen looks between the three kittens and snort. Yeah, no, she was done with this. They were old enough to hunt and think for themselves, then they should solve their problems with each other themselves. On that note, she skipped away to go patrol the territory, leaving them baffled. For a moment, they just stared at each other, unsure what to do, until they finally decided to leave the rabbit for their mother to eat and go do their own hunts from now on. Kitten 1 is now confident! Kitten 3 is now independent! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Takoyaki Kuro was prepared to nag, but found the notion warming her grated heart. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed defeated, telling the kittens that they aren't quite big and strong enough to take on a raccoon yet, but if they work together like they did today, maybe it can get done. Their eyes light with their usual devious gleam at the thought, though Amina's seemed to be more hung on the part where they become strong enough to kill things than to do it to protect. Amina is now bloodthirsty! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Dark Matter Petrichor decides that is pretty dumb and she isn't going to even entertain it, stalking the unsuspecting creature until she was close enough to swat it on the butt. The possum leaped into the air and ran faster than any possum she had ever seen, all the while Brontide is shouting that he will be back because you can't chase off true love. Komorebi is laughing so hysterically that she gets the hiccups. Brontide is now eccentric! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? @Hades Lily seems somewhat amused by the whole scenario, but funtime is over. Cleo reeks, and it going to take more than one tongue to solve that, and mom is not going to be tongue #2. Cricket balks at the suggestion, but knows better than to argue with it and complies, all the while plotting bloody murder of her sister-no, the whole world. Cricket is now malicious! Congratulations! Your kittens are officially adults! Will any of them attempt to take their mother's place as Queen? ![]() Edited on 27/10/17 @ 15:56:31 by Ningoat (#110355) |
Dark Matter (#78299)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 17:59:53 |
Neither Komorebi nor Brontide wish to depose their mother; Petrichor is in her prime after all... ![]() |
Theo x Sora (#50134)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 18:03:20 |
Sorry if something like this isn't allowed T^T And Sister 3 peacefully becomes queen and goes by Annalora. The three sisters fight over who should taken over their kingdom after their mother Sister 1 and 2 fight non stop and lose themselves to the fighting. During this Sister 3 sneaks away to talk to her mother who has grown tired of ruling and watching over her kittens and is now ready to retire. Sister 3 discusses with her mother on how she feels that she is the right choice for the leader of the next generation. Her mother considers what her daughter has talked with her about but decides to first talk with her other daughters first. Queen and Sister 3 walk out to see Sister 1 and 2 still fighting, Queen attempted to gain their attention multiple times till she got tired of trying and instead yelled that the new Queen would be Sister 3 to her other daughters' surprise. ![]() Edited on 25/10/17 @ 18:06:04 by Theo x Sora (#50134) |
Theo x Sora (#50134)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 18:07:37 |
Also can I breed to the all 3 males for 18gb worth 8gb to last male 8gb to 2nd and 2gb to first with my new queen also sent payment for it. ![]() Edited on 25/10/17 @ 18:11:18 by Theo x Sora (#50134) |
Takoyaki☆ (#48057)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 18:08:26 |
Amina being bloodthirsty really catches my attention but I still favorite Izanami out of the three ;v; Can Izanami try to overthrow her mom for the place as queen? ![]() |
✧ Iba ✦[1.1kProgenTriRos ie] (#63625) ![]() Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 18:16:28 |
I would like Sienna to overthrow Triscuit, though perhaps how is to ask her to step down and let her kittens take care of her ;w; ![]() |
Hades (#122606)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 18:45:28 |
Lizz (#8260)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-25 19:13:41 |
Yes, It seems as if Kitten 2 has been planning something for awhile. Also, I'd like to call kitten 2 Mona ![]() |
Blazi2 (#110355)
Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-27 01:04:55 |
Your kittens's history and main queen's stats determine the outcome of their adulthood, but don't worry; you would have to be very intentional to get an extreme outcome. @Dark Matter Petrichor has constantly inspired awe and respect from her kittens, and they are happy to continue living with her as their queen. Brontide, however, will need some extra eyes on her. She is a little oddball who is a magnet for trouble. @Theo X Sora Your profile will be updated when your new queen picture is complete. @Takoyaki It goes without saying that Kuro feels she has bitten off more than she can chew. The queen is still young and restless and realized being anchored down with kittens who are just as restless that she needs to protect at all times is notw something she can do for the rest of her life. She was happy to announce that she was resigning to roam once more, and left the decision of who would be the next queen up to the kittens, since that tended to be how they operate anyway. It was ultimately decided that Izanami would be the next queen, as she was the right balance between intimidating and diplomatic when compared to her siblings. Amina is satisfied with the results, as she is more interested in tearing down intruders than raising kittens, but Kagutsuchi feels just as entitled as she is and has the need to vocalize it as often as possible. Izanami's stats are Young and mischevious, which makes her charming and intimidating but more likely to have trouble-making options. Because of the way she came about to power, she is happy and healthy @Flower Things have been rather emotional in Triscuit's territory, but she is learning to accept that her kittens are growing up. It still comes to quite a surprise when Sienna comes to her and ask if she may take the position of Queen. She explains to her mother that she doesn't want her to worry about those things anymore and she should rest, eventually convincing Triscuit that it would be a good choice for her own health. Apparently Sienna hadn't talked it over with Xander first, and she felt hurt and enraged that she would make such an important decision without her. The two have a brief but brutal spat before mother intervenes, and Xander is only convinced to stay and support who she believes is now treacherous and sly for Triscuit's sake. Sienna's stats are young and secretive making her intimidating and observant but not charming. Because the way she came about being queen, she is content and a little injured, There is a strong tension in the territory that she will have to resolve... @Hades Cricket has been appearing in the territory less and less often than usual. Cleo and Lily think nothing of it until a rather large dog strolls into their land. The two defend it off but Lily is extremely injured in the process. When Cricket returns, Cleo lashes out at Cricket for not being there to defend them and Cricket responds with a sharp swipe to her cheek saying she didn't have a reason to. The rest of the day and well into the next one, the two spend their time doing all they can to relieve their mother of their pain silently. Lily ultimately lives but knows that she will be a burden on them if she stays with her injuries, and quietly leaves while they sleep. Cleo has learned to respect Cricket during this sad moment, and Cricket softens up somewhat, finding that despite all the two had put her through, she still loves them. Cricket's stats are young and ill-tempered. She is powerful and intimidating but not charming. Because of the way she came into power, she is sad and healthy. Cleo and her are a little awkward at the moment, but the two are working on overcoming their hostility for each other and working together to defend their land. @Lizz Theodora's kittens have been near inseparable for a while now, and it is slowly becoming clear which of the two is more dominant. After a while of discussing it, kitten 2 feels she is ready to take on the role of queen and kitten 1, being ever-supportive, agrees she would make a good one! The only problem is Theodora is not ready to give up the position. They argue and briefly spat, but Theo knows a losing battle when she sees one; as she had advised them earlier in their life; two is simply better than one. The queen holds her head high and resigns with grace and leaves, however; she isn't going to just stick around and watch her kittens prosper! Part of her is proud to know that they have grown to be such confident and cooperative cats. Kitten 2's stats are young and protective. She is charming and powerful but moderate energy. Because of her rise to queendom she is happy and healthy. With the support of her sister, they are ready to take on whatever challenge comes their way. ![]() |
Hades (#122606)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-27 02:27:06 |
I'm sending an energy boost and 2 gb to breed Cricket to the rare male ![]() |
Comatose (#124175)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-27 11:49:28 |
@theo x sora's Annalora has given birth to three pretty kittens! ![]() kitten #1 Calico + Light Marbling + Light Spotting [Green Eyes] kitten #2 Tortoiseshell + Light Marbling + Striping [Green Eyes] kitten #3 Light Brown Gradient + Cream Unders + Marbling + Striping +Light Spotting + Piebald [Green Eyes] ![]() |
MatangazoxShujaa (#50366)
Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-27 13:33:03 |