Posted by Queens [Cat Breeding Sim]

Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-09 13:48:18
Currently we don't have any queens.
Due to both Nin and coma having full time jobs, we do not have a release date. We will announce when the queens will be done.
Welcome to Queens! A slice of Lioden placed in a more modern and miniature setting. In this breeding sim, you take charge of a domestic female cat, or a queen, and her territory among others. Your goal is to expand your clan full of beautiful and powerful princesses. Your starter queen and territory costs 2gb. Attaching a description of your territory and personality to your queen costs another 1gb. Choose wisely; the queen you choose determines the body build, general disposition (if applicable), and primary marking and base color of the following litters to come.

Every so often 2 (or maybe 3? some are rather elusive!) toms stroll through the territories looking for females to romance. They are beautiful, elegant, and powerful and they know it, so it will take a lot to impress them, especially among other cats. Every tom has enough love to spare with all the other queens and pass their accents, but only the best queens will inherit their special markings,eye colors, or traits. The highest price paid will get the special features, and it will automatically be given to all who pay 10gb. If you can't choose between two toms, don't feel the need to! A queen can have a litter that is a combination of any of the two or three toms. If one tom is paid significantly more than the others, his accents and features will dominate a blend or produce kittens that mostly resemble them. If the payments are equally distributed, the litter will be a blend of all their accents.

Litter sizes can be anywhere between 3-5 kittens and they grow up the tom encounter after the next. Only one kitten remains with the queen for free; the rest cost 2gb each to keep. All kittens kept are female, and the others are ungendered unless another queen pays 1gb to have a kitten grow up to be a tom that can be encountered in the future.
  • We do accept sb, 1600 = 1
  • Please be patient, coma is working on the art as fast as possible
  • send payment after claiming a queen.
  • first come first serve on queens
  • you can only have one starter queen at a time so choose carefully!
  • no customs, the reason for this is breeding for your prettiest queen
  • if we run out of starter queens, wait until the next tom comes around, they will restock then.
  • unclaimed kittens can not be bought unless you have a starter queen already.
  • kittens take 2 'events' to grow up.
  • Please post your claims on the thread, coma will no longer be accepting offers via pm and will just direct you back to the thread.
  • if a queen has ungrown kittens she can not breed. she will have to wait until her current litter grows up
  • this has a roleplay element to it, events are created by ninjie.
  • to participate in roleplay events you must unlock your queen's territory description, you can still breed her to the toms without it though!
  • we do accept items, check at the bottom of this post for a list of what we accept and for how much we value them at.
  • if nin thinks coma needs to change these rules they will be updated at some time... we'll announce it in the replies.

Queens is closed! Coma is Messaging people with their art :)

About Tom Rarity:

Tom Rarity determines the likely hood a certain tom or toms with certain markings will reoccur during breeding events. The more rare the marking, the less likely it will be reoccurring. However, be mindful of marking rarity in relation to inheritance; the more rare the marking, the less likely the offspring will have it!

Common: These markings will be quite frequent and its easy to continue to keep a long inheritance of them.

Uncommon: These markings are usually on mystery cats and are very rarely ever on standard cats. They begin to fade or become infrequent after 5 generations.

Rare: These markings are exclusive to mystery cats, and even then it is unlikely you will see them again. Be careful though, after 3 generations, they start to disappear!

Ultra: These markings only have a 1 in 50 chance of passing to the next generation!
Credits: layout and art by Comatose.
Idea, writing and organization by Ningoat.
Dividers found free at pixelbay.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 03:23:32 by Comatose (#124175)

Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-31 18:41:10
@helicase's Queen has given birth to three kittens!


Dark Lilac + Marbling + Collar + Light Unders + Striping Light + Ginger Spotting Light + Piebald [White Eyes]

Lilac + Marbling Heavy + Collar + Light Unders + Spotting [Green Eyes][!Quad Ears!]

Light Lilac + Striping Light + Marbling Light + Spotting + Collar + Cream Unders + Light Unders [Brown Eyes] [!Sphynx!]

Brown + Marbling + Striping Light + Spotting Light + Cream Unders + Light Unders + Piebald [Purple Eyes]

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Edited on 31/03/18 @ 18:43:47 by Comatose (#124175)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2018-03-31 18:42:25

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2018-04-01 05:11:10
I'd like to keep #2, #3, and #4.

#2- Lenore
#3- Imogen
#4- Mollie

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Dark Matter (#78299)

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Posted on
2018-04-01 08:03:16
I'll keep #3
Morning Glory would like to name her Kohl.

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-04-04 21:20:15
I'd like to all of them, that would be 8GB if I'm right!

1# Maggie

2# Gracie

3# Zoey

4# Peaches

5# Jax

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2018-04-29 02:28:35
May I know when new studs are going to come up ^^?

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-30 05:36:15
well, i was hoping to have them done, what, three weeks ago? i will be attempting to get them and the princess minis up this weekend.

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-05-09 21:32:53
three males up, i'll be adding one more from the bred studs and a mystery this weekend. decided that 5 would be an apology for the long wait.

also, for those of you waiting for breeding events, nin is waiting on me to get the minis done so they will be up after the weekend if she has time to get them written up. because of this, these males will be around until after the breeding events allow for the kittens to grow up.

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-05-09 21:40:12
Oh shoot, I forgot to pay my kittens, gonna send it in a sec Comatose!

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-05-20 06:02:23
I have returned from my slumber!

All jokes aside, the long streaks of absences are not due to disinterest or willful neglect and is something I am somewhat ashamed of, as it isn't usual for me. With school, work, personal life compilations, and Coma preparing to move, activity on lioden and communication between the two of us, in general, has been scarce, let alone work involving Lioden. Our integrity won't let this wonderful project that I and (hopefully) all of you love fall into stagnancy, so we have decided that the next few events and litter will be the finale of queens!

But don't worry, we wouldn't go out without a bang; in addition to the usual events and kitten events, there will be some special events involving our new and mysterious cat Alebrije and some toms from the past. On top of that, when the last of the kittens are chosen, we will be offering family portraits. Pictures of the queen and her final litter will cost 5gb, and it will cost 2gb for every additional cat you would like to include. We will be accepting portrait requests until August 1st, so no pressure for now. With all that being said, let's get right into events!

A new event has spawned!

Ruby and Galaxy are sharing some delicious leftover pasta that was thrown out when suddenly a raccoon enters itself into the fold! The pest looks rather large compared to the two girls, but they are arching their backs and ready to go!

[Give up the pasta] [Join the fight] [Take on the raccoon] [Encourage the girls]

Lately, Orion and Polaris have bonded especially close. Whenever Orion starts to swell up and become especially snippy, Polaris is there to calm her back down. Orion has also been voicing her regrets about not challenging for the queen's position. If Polaris resonates with this, they could try to usurp Bellatrix.

[Talk to Orion] [Talk to Polaris] [Talk to Canus] [Trust your sisters]

Raiden hasn't returned from her patrolling in almost a whole day. When she finally does return, she comes running and reporting news about a growing territory moving closer and closer to their own territory. She says that she has studied them for a while, and thinks they plan to attack their own territory once their kittens are older.

[Sabatoge] [Prepare for war] [Investigate for yourself] [Launch the first attack]

The territory is becoming crowded. The cats within it are starting to squabble more and the humans are noticing and starting to be more active around it. There is plenty of food and shelter from the elements here, but the small space and the attention means there is a heavy tension over the queendom every day.

[Time to move] [Kick some cats out] [Everything is fine]

A new kitten event occurred!

One night, Maeve wakes to the sound of rustling and finds a large dog dangerously close to her and her kittens. It doesn't attack or make any motions suggesting it would; its nose simply twitches as it takes in their scent and cocks its head at each keening cry. Cana and Ava are mewling loudly; fussy from being awakened by the intruder. Bella continues to sleep soundly.

[Swipe at] [Pounce] [Meow?]

Indie and Quinlan have an unusual relationship. They can't seem to share with each other, they are always fussing, fighting, and arguing. They are always competing too, which leads to gloating when they win and reduced to utter depression when they lose. But despite all the drama, they are inseparable. Nora is treated with affection by both but is mostly left out of this especially tight bond.

[It is for the better] [Try to get her involved] [They are obnoxious]

@dark matter
Dandelion spends a lot of her time watching Kohl and Morning Glory from afar. She especially seems fixated on the kitten. The cat is eccentric, and it is hard to tell if she has something nefarious planned or otherwise. However, Kohl is starting to return the curiosity. She often follows Dandelion with her eyes and tries to waddle after her as she passes.

[Leave her be] [Invite her over] [Keep an eye on her]

Sasha thinks her bountiful litter is a blast, but she, Lisa and Molly are exhausted. Lydia helps as she feels like it, but is quickly finding herself annoyed by the bouncing, rambunctious, ever needy kittens. They are always finding themselves close to danger every time they aren't under careful survalence, which can't be all day if Sasha is to get enough food to produce them enough milk. Lydia suggests to let one die, or even kill one or two, to better the chances of the others surviving and reduce the strain.

[No way!] [Let one die] [Pick up the slack, Lydia]

Nyota wants to kittensit. Really badly. She had been asking for the moment since they have been born up to this day and they are finally old enough for Morgan to go hunt, come back, and feed them without worry. The only problem is Nyota can barely sit still; it would basically be a big kitten watching a bunch of little kittens who are especially adventurous and energetic.

[Trust Nyota] [Millicent will be there] [Not yet] [Go hunt or border patrol]

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-05-20 06:21:25
@onyxious @nova @azgeda

Sorry for the late addition! I had to go back and make sure you three didn't have unresolved events! Azgeda and Nova*, you do, and I can link you to it if you want, but @onyxious is good to go!


Loki has been alone in the dark for most of her life and has succumbed to paranoia as a result. For the last few days, she has been watching as a young cat enters her territory, scavenges for food, and leaves completely unaware of her presence as if she is just a shadow on the wall.

[Ambush the cat] [Confront the cat] [Follow the cat]

Edit: Found the missing event!

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Edited on 20/05/18 @ 10:36:00 by Ningoat (#110355)

SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2018-05-20 07:39:27
Morgan decides that since [Millicent will be there] everything should be fine.

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2018-05-20 07:52:31
Loki will follow the cat please

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-05-20 10:46:38
[Pick up the slack, Lydia] if everyone's looking after the kits that means you too.

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 04:55:36
I can hardly wait to breed my queen for the last time. :3 That latest male set is gorgeous!

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