Posted by Checkboxes in Dens

Gwyn (#113159)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-09 15:46:36
There should be checkboxes in the caves of dens so that moving a large amount of cubs or several lions to another cave can be easier than having to go to each individual lion's page and using the drop-down menu. Have an option at the bottom of the page where you can select up to five or so cubs or lions and then send them to another cave. You can't move ten cubs to three separate dens at the same time, you'll need to move cubs a, b, and c to cave 1, then move cubs d, e, and f to cave 2, etc.


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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 16:37:06
This actually already exists - if you scroll towards the bottom of your caves, there’s some text just above the cave settings that says 'Move Lions'. Click that and tick boxes appear so that you can select multiple lions to move at once :)

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