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Posted by | The Centre (Character Sheets) |
![]() Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 18:39:09 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Open For new Characters Please fill out a character form for any character you plan to use for more than three pages. ~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Species: Approximate Age: Gender: Description: Personality: History: Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): (Optional) Other: ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Physical Charactaristics: Lifespan: Abilities: ![]() Edited on 02/01/18 @ 19:56:44 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 18:56:50 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Avery Waite Species: Changeling Approximate Age: Even he isn't sure. Around three thousand years old Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual Powers/Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Empathy, Flight, Healing, and some casting talent. Description: Appearance wise, he has longish dark hair, constantly falling into his eyes, which are highlighted by long dark eyelashes. His eye color varies from a Topaz blue to Blue opal mixed, but he uses charms to keep them the same color (ocean-blue). High cheekbones and pale, cupid's-bow lips. A sharply defined nose, and a strong, clean cut jawline. 5'11, a lean, elegant build, reminiscent of a swimmer or dancer. Long fingers, and well-maintained nails. His wings are large, with a wingspan of about eleven feet. The feathers change color to suit his state of mind, the lighter they are the happier he is. If his wings turn pitch black, it's time to fear for your life. He can hide his wings at will. White scales cover his shoulders and back, a gift from Ladon, which he keeps hidden. Personality: Simply put: Snarkily caring, and supporting. History: Long history he likes to keep close to his chest, as it includes a couple dalliences on the morally corrupt side. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Ladon (Platonic Partners) Leo (Ladon raised him. Figure it out.) Steven (Keeps life running smoothly) Andrea (Apprentice) Other: Zodiac sign, Gemini ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Chageling Physical Charactaristics: Rapidly and perpetually changing eye color, which usually stays within the same hue, but not always. Other physical aspects such as wings or enhanced muscle mass can also occur. Lifespan: Varies Abilities: Depends on the Fey influence. No more than five unique powers per character though. ![]() Edited on 15/01/18 @ 18:50:34 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Eden 🌹🔥🤍G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 19:50:55 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Ladon, Shirokarasu (Kara), or, to his family, Grumpyscales. Species: Approximate Age: Ancient, as old as creation, but has only had to look after himself since Heracles. Gender: Male Sexuality: Asexual Description: -Human: White, waist long hair, appears Japanese by choice, with dark blue, almost black eyes. Similar in appearance to Avery, but leaner, and deceptively strong. -Dragon: Incredibly small (No bigger than a quarter), incredibly strong white scales cover most of his wingless, serpentine body. Scales at his elbows and along the line of his spine are larger, about the size of a dinner plate, forming his armor. His long tail ends with a razor sharp isosceles scale, his most formidable weapon. A scarlet red, flared crest graces the top of his long-snouted, almost equine head. Personality: Distant and cool, but efficient. History: After being defeated by Heracles, Ladon was punished by the gods and separated into a hundred beings. A piece of the curse unique to him prevented him from interacting with any of the other original hundred heads. Originally, he had a disdain for any mortal creature, and did not see a life without companionship worth living. During most of the height of the Roman Empire, he tried to die, in every way he could think. Nothing worked In a fit of rage he started a fire- in the library of Alexandrea. This caught Avery's attention, and he was rightly enraged. Upon learning the dragon's story, Avery spent the next few years earning Ladon's respect (Their original encounter can still strike fear in Ladon. You should get them to tell the story sometime.). Once Ladon was stable, he moved to Japan, while Avery stayed in the west. They have met up for brief periods over the years since. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Avery (Platonic Partners) Has raised several supernatural beings, including Leo. Other: Zodiac sign, Aquarius ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Helenistic Drake Physical Charactaristics: They are Dragons Lifespan: The Earth Abilities: They are really durable, and can shapeshift between Human and Dragon. ![]() Edited on 02/01/18 @ 20:02:31 by Eden {Side} Mlem (#116337) |
JustLogan (#85963)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 20:41:35 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: James Parrish Species: Reaper Approximate Age: Good question. A few millennia? Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Description: James is modestly tall, standing at 6’4 seeming taller due to his heavy army style boots. He’s lean but well-muscled, the kind of build expected from someone who spent a lot of his spare time running whether it be from the last person he pissed off (more than likely cops) or just for the hell of it. He was gifted with and angular face, jawline and cheekbones sharp enough to cut like knives, that is almost never seen without the decoration of cuts and bruises. In addition, his right eyebrow is pierced with a simple stud, along with is tongue. His green eyes are the softest thing about him, framed by long eyelashes, always holding a glint in them that was unnerving. He keeps his hair shaved close, only further accenting the sharpness of his features. This look suits him, but is certainly a product of the 21st century. For anyone who knew him in any century before, the basics stay the same, but the style is always wildly different. Personality: James is confident and confrontational. He makes no effort to filter his words and values honesty above protecting other people’s feelings. He is also fiercely loyal to the few he considers friends, but hardly any friendlier for it. He can come off as cold and overly sarcastic, with a short temper. He tends to be motivated by spite, and will do things simply because someone said he couldn't. Seemingly always angry. Being a Reaper comes with a stigma of being the bad guy, and at times he could live up to that. If he feels that he is in the right company, he has a slightly softer side, though you would be hard pressed to find it. At the Centre he works as a counselor, and though it wouldn't seem to suit him, he would say he's good at the job. Given his age, he has seen enough to have picked up a few tricks for helping people. History: A long, at times incredibly droll and other fantastically violent, one. He’s seen more than most living beings, and far less than others. He’s been a warrior on both sides, and quite literally been to hell and back. He's begun working with the Centre and provides counseling to other creatures. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Open for development, will add as needed and alter as things progress. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Reaper Physical Characteristics: Appears as a normal human being at most times and will vary vastly from reaper to reaper. When reaping, they become incorporeal and made of a dark mist. In that form they are untouchable, but it only lasts for a limited amount of time. Lifespan: Immortal but not indestructible. They depend on souls as a life source and the longer they go without eating a soul the weaker they become. Angelic, demonic and draconic made weapons can kill them. They can also be bound by magical beings, and if the being desires they can be killed that way as well. Abilities: They feed off the power of souls, so the more other beings they are around the more powerful they are, and they can control how much power they take. They have the power to, of course, reap souls which will kill most creatures. They can slow or stop time depending on how much power they have and they can alter perception which has a camouflaging affect. ______________________________________________ ~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Remus Tomas Ryers Species: Incubus Approximate Age: Iffy, in the hundreds maybe? Gender: Male, most of the time. Sexuality: Pansexual Description: Remus has curly black hair and wears round glasses, behind which are icy blue eyes. He has a sharp jawline with fuller cheeks, giving him a young look. He possesses a toned body, a dancers build that renders him lithe and flexible. His right arm and torso hold a spattering of mild burn scars that add light patches to his olive skin. His demonic heritage gives him two small, pale pink horns situated on his head, a forked tongue and a whip-like tail in the same color as his horns. Personality: Despite the connotations of his species, Remus is an incredibly sweet and kind individual. He makes friends easily, and is filled with charm and charisma. He is rarely seen without a smile, and often puts others feelings and emotions before his own. Always one to lend a helping hand, one may think that it would be quite easy to take advantage of him, but one would be mistaken. As much as he hates it, Remus is more than capable of causing harm. Being a spirit gives him near super-human strength, and telekinetic abilities. If someone manages to make him angry, his blue eyes turn all black giving him a chilling look. Being part incubus, Remus naturally craves intimacy and of course, sex. It's not something he is ashamed of, and does not care who his partner, or partners, are. He can be quite the flirt when he wants to be, and is quite often. When he is not committed to anyone, he is quite a fan of one night stands. If he is in a relationship, though, he is loyal to the end. History: Before coming to the Centre he moved around quite a lot, befriending other creatures all over. When he heard of the Centres creation he was immediately interested in the idea, he signed on as a Trauma healer and sometimes joins in on runs. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Open for development. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Incubus Physical Charactaristics: Unlike they are portrayed in human mythos, Incubi are energy spirits who take a mostly human form. They appear human with the addition of horns and tails, which can be hidden at will. Lifespan: As long as they feed off intimate energy, they are near-immortal. Abilities: Incubi hold super-human strength, telepathic/telekinetic abilities, the power of persuasion and healing abilities. ![]() Edited on 24/12/17 @ 10:50:12 by TheWinterSnuhldier (#85963) |
Xolani (#132964)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-23 23:54:31 |
Species Name: Ampithere, whilst the scientific name (of my creation) being Serpens alatus. Physical Characteristics: Ampitheres are 'known' for their serpentine bodies and broad wings. Think of a limbless dragon or winged serpent. Ampitheres tend to be slender, but have very strong muscles along their body that assist with movement and flight. Some ampitheres have been documented with feathered wings and partly feathered bodies, but they aren't very common and are on the elusive side. These draconian creatures universally have very tough scales on their undersides to protect them from rough ground. Scales covering the whole body isn't universal for every individual Ampithere, however, and there are plenty of them with simply normal rough skin. Lifespan: Ampitheres are one of the shorter-lived draconids, and instead of living for thousands of years, they tend to only live two centuries to five, and any more is considerably rare. Abilities: Quite obviously by sight of their enormous wings, Ampitheres can fly. They possess a pair of organs located below their lungs similar to 'storage sacs' that aid in flight by filling with hydrogen gas, which is known to be even lighter than air, which helps them maintain altitude and stay in the air, and they contract, lessening in size, to restrict the gas and allow the ampithere to land and lower. And for magical abilities, some ampitheres can be elementally-aligned, and inherit small powers from generation to generation. Ampitheres of long past had much stronger powers and abilities than the young generation of the RP's present day. The reason being, that the later generations of Ampitheres didn't require their powers as much, as they have had a much more stable life than their ancient predecessors. Nowadays, Ampitheres simply have weak powers, such as moderately increasing the heat of their surrounding area and perhaps casting thin sheets of ice upon surfaces. Some don't have any powers at all, as they have completely adapted to their land with no need for them! Not to mention- Nero speaks human tongue if that counts as an ability. However, he tends to stay firmly silent and cold until he gets to warm up to people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Nero Species: Ampithere - Serpens alatus Approximate Age: Nero is very young, as his time of hatching having only been around 20 or so years ago. Gender: Male Description: Nero is one of the more large ampitheres despite his age, and is one possessing average, large leathery wings. His skin is sort of a dull turquoise, like this- i.imgur.com/AoZQco7.png . His underside/scales are a pale cream color (i.imgur.com/JLnCQhn.png) . Whilst Nero's full wings may not be feathered, other parts of his body are. The back of his neck and his cheeks are covered with orange (i.imgur.com/CoGl1jr.png) feathers medium in length, and a bit down the middle of his head, as well. The base of his wings are also lightly covered in feathers, and so is a quarter of the end of his tail. Elongated, vertical orange markings line his sides, as well. The other notable marking he owns is a long, slightly irregular striped trailing down his spine. Nero is approximately nine feet tall and eight inches, and 12 feet six inches long. His wingspan is actually undocumented as he has refused to let anyone or thing measure them accurately, but it's assumed to be easily over ten feet, at the least Personality: To put it simply, Nero is ambitious and also somewhat arrogant, and is plenty energetic. He's also competitive and loves a challenge. His rowdy, active nature is most definitely what lead to the reason he's taken residence in the Centre. Nero is very prideful and has a large ego, if inflated a tiny bit much. He hates having to ask for help, and rarely does so. Not to mention, he loves to show off, as well, and doesn't tend to obey orders much. As mentioned earlier, he has the capability to speak English, but otherwise, his 'native' language is a universal draconic language. Nero has a flamboyant personality, but he actually doesn't like humanoids very much. He rather distrusts them and is, deep within, somewhat scared of people. History: Nero was bred from two ampitheres by the names of Aldon and Nuka. I won't go into too much detail on his parents since they aren't very relevant. He was hatched in a clutch of four others, three females and another male. Ampitheres, like an amount of modern reptiles (-excluding crocodiles, they're great moms), aren't taken care of or watched by their parents barely at all. Instead, the hatchlings tend to stay with their mother for about four weeks and grow rapidly during this period, and learn how to take care of themselves. After that, the young ampitheres simply leave the cave or nesting place of the mother's choice to live on their own. Nero actually stayed with one of his sisters, Mira, and traveled with her for an amount of time, before separating and the two went their own ways. He doesn't know any of his sibling's whereabouts now, except that he learned that Mira wanted to reside and stay in a certain area of forest, whilst Nero wanted to go beyond and explore, which resulted in them splitting as mentioned before. He's lived on his own since, travelling and searching for brand new things. He also refuses to disclose exactly what happened, but it's very obvious he ended up breaking his right wing in two different places, specifically his humerus and ulna. The types of break were recorded were both displaced. They were quickly put Ampithere-sized splints to prevent further damage, though. Also, uh.. i'm not sure exactly how Nero was found and brought to the Centre, but it'll hopefully get worked out in roleplay or something, heh- Relationships: Nero had a friendly relationship with his sister, Mira, and they were very close. I've explained the end of those two, though. However, even if they happened to meet again, they would still be on good terms. Otherwise, he didn't really have a relationship with his parents at all, and he actually only ever met two other ampitheres, separately. Once he got into a scuffle with another male Ampithere, around the same age as him at the time (11 years). Nero ended up submitting and was driven off from the land, resentful and annoyed, albeit. The other time, of which is more recent, just several months before he found himself in the Centre, Nero encountered a young female (Ampither-ess? Who knows-). He grew attracted to her and desperately wanted to interact with her, but little Nero isn't very well at talking to crushes. At all. He tailed her for awhile, but eventually he saw her speaking and being affectionate to another random dude, and that was the end of that (he was extremely disheartened and gave up). He says he's over it, but perhaps that's not entirely true.. ![]() Edited on 24/12/17 @ 16:56:14 by Xolani (#132964) |
Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-24 08:47:07 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Steven Carlson ("I think that's my name.") Species: They don't have a name for his species, he has been unique so far. Approximate Age: We think he is twenty-six? It's mostly a guess, assuming he fell through the rift when he was seven. Gender: His species does not seem to have any gender-defining characteristics, but for simplicity sake he stays mostly within the male gender norms. He tries, although grasping the concept has always been a bit different. Sexuality: He's having trouble with what gender he is, jeez people. Description: Slight and pale, he needs glasses, and often wears colored contacts because he thinks they are fun. His natural eye color is a hazel mosaic, with flecks of honey gold, blue, chestnut, and bright spring green. His third eye is a mystic violet color, and he likes to joke he can shoot lasers from it (he can't). He looks rather delicate and scrawny, but is deceptively strong from growing up having to keep up with a pod of mers. You never see him without a silver scarf, which was made from the clothes he was found in. Personality: Steve is fiercely protective of everyone he considers a friend, and is way more responsible than can normally be attributed to someone his age. He will sometimes go off on rambling tangents about the place he grew up, where, as far as anyone can tell, nothing makes sense. He is good with kids, and can often be found telling fantastical stories and playing hide and seek with the kids in daycare. History: Steven was drifting in the water off the coast of Miami wearing clothes made of a material not found in this universe. He was badly injured, with what looked like dragon-claw wounds and extensive burns. He was found and healed by a mer-pod and raised by them. Apparently breathing underwater is no big deal for him. Eventually his third eye's ability to watch the goings-on on land tempted him, and he decided to leave his pod at the age of fifteen. He first worked at the Miami branch of the centre for about a year, before he decided the Runners needed him more, and moved himself to Central City. Avery took one look at his mind and decided Steven would get into too much trouble if he refused, and Steven had been the eyes of missions ever since. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): He has an adoptive family (pod) that lives in Miami, but in the Centre has stayed a bit of a loner. Other: Zodiac sign, Virgo ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: ??? Physical Charactaristics: Humaniod, with a third eye in the center of the forehead, and purple, serpentine markings on the arms and back. Lifespan: ??? The only known member of this species has yet to die. Abilities: The ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. (An ability not unique to this species) ![]() Edited on 02/01/18 @ 20:00:12 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-24 10:46:18 |
~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Caster Physical Charactaristics: Caster is more of a title than a species, used to define people who have a talent for stable spells. Casters are kin to witches and incantades, or latin-based spell users. Lifespan: Whatever their genetic species is. Abilities: The ability to cast spells such as portal making, reality-bending, and healing. They can create charms, and use their powers to manipulate technology. A novice caster may use rituals, gestures, and chants, but the need for such things diminishes with experience. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-25 12:26:20 |
Name: Andrea Blackledge Species: Caster Approximate Age: Roughly two milennia and a half old Gender: Male Sexuality: Confused and thirsty. Description: From afar may seem incredibly frail; and although he isn't exactly the reincarnation of Hercules, he's fairly well-built, having the lithe constitution of a figure skater and standing at around 6'1. Shoulder-long pale blonde hair kept in various manners, ponytails and the such, but always out of his face to let his eyes visible to the public. And what eyes. Pale white and milky as if they were sightless; though Andrea appears to be able to see just well. Oooh, mystery~ In fact, his whole appearance might be drastically different from what he displays to the public; no one could really know for sure. Personality: - An arrogant, obnoxious, loud-mouth bother. A sarcastic little shit. There are many ways to describe Andrea, but one thing's for sure: He will fight you, your family, friends and cat and then himself just for the sake of it. -Uses most of his magic on his looks, but not because he's shallow; he wants to appear impeccable and absolutely perfect to everyone and fit everyone's tastes. -Always wishes he was a shapeshifter instead. Makes most of his entranced looking like a Lindorm -Appears completely innocent, is probably the most filthy-minded person in the room. -Is very lonely and sad. -Very scared of being left completely alone. -Very scared of... Many things. Like looped songs. And people. -Despite all that he's very easy to crack open and read, and is generally kind to everyone, only being rough to mess with people for fun. History: Andrea mostly procrastinated on living for a good deal of centuries, until he decided to go around impersonating people for shits and giggles. Fate got him impersonating the only son of a wealthy Earl who had gotten kidnapped and killed out of spite; so Andrea took the boy's place and grew up as the Earl's heir with only the family's butler knowing his true identity. Eventually, they all died, as humans do. After that, Andrea spent his life mourning his servant companion and phony life, and returned to an aimless existence limited to surviving, isolation and as much knowledge as he could possibly absorbe. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): None really, they're all dead. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Caster Physical Charactaristics: Lifespan: I'm not sure? Abilities: Mostly reality-bending. Still uses chanting despite being experienced, having developed a crush on Latin. Doesn’t particularily like casting portals but would do it without objection if necessary. ![]() Edited on 26/12/17 @ 12:18:09 by SurveyingDarkness {WCU} (#102911) |
Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-26 12:05:55 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Leo Species: Lion-Shifter father, Incubus/Shapeshifter mother. Age: He is 20. Gender: Male Sexuality: He'll try anything once. Description: Leo is 5'10, with Honey-Colored eyes, and dark blonde hair that tends towards ginger, in a long, messy surfer's haircut. He looks naturally tan, making the white marking in his left shoulder stand out like a signal flare. Personality: Endlessly curious, and incredibly stubborn. He gets what he wants. History: He was born in an illegal factory in Russia, and was used as leverage to keep his father in line, until his father messed up badly enough they saw fit to punish him by taking Leo away. Leo was then sent to an orphanage and later ended up in Miami. When Ladon adopted him, he quickly learned about the Runners although they tried to shield him from what they do. When they found him studying hand-to-hand combat manuals and having Incantades for Dummies Hidden under his bed along with anatomy books and a knife-wielding manual, they were a little concerned. Turns out he just wanted to be as capable as his 'Uncles' in the Runners, and they agreed to train him when he turned nine. He was deadly at twelve, and mission-ready at fourteen. Avery had always quietly wondered where they went wrong, raising a kid who would rather be a Runner than a healer. Ladon was just relieved they had a kid who could handle himself. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): He considers Avery and Ladon his fathers, ('Dad' for Ladon, 'Athair' for Avery) Other: Zodiac sign, Aries ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Hybrid Physical Charactaristics: He can partially and fully shift to a lion, and as a shapeshifter can change his appearance to whatever he wants it to be. He can also appear with horns and a demon tail. Lifespan: 200 years, roughly. Abilities: His incubus blood allows him to sense when someone is attracted to him, and as a shifter he is unusually strong. ("Can you lift that car for me?") ![]() Edited on 02/01/18 @ 20:01:07 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650) |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-26 16:17:47 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Ari Species: Dhole-shifter Approximate Age: 19-ish years young Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Homoflexible Description: Ari boasts a sharp appearance. With a lanky and slim figure, he has nicely tanned skin. However, despite seeming tall when it comes to his limbs, he is fairly short in stature (only standing at about 5'7). In fact, he often jokes about how he is 'all legs' as it appears he is most just a tangle of disproportionately long legs that dangle off a small body. He has gorgeous honey brown eyes that pop from his dark complexion, and scruffy dirty blonde hair leaning on the brunette side that curls down around his ears. His clothing primarily consists of a red plaid half-sleeve t-shirt, leather jacket and slightly short indigo jeans ripped around the knees. He prefers bare-foot, though will yank on a pair of dark blue vans. As a dhole wolf, he is a gangly, yet smaller than average creature with an agile build. He has a sleek, though slightly fluffy russet coat with varying tones of brown darkening down his tail, legs and muzzle. A dark brown dorsal stripe runs from between his rounded ears to his fox-like tail-tip. His neck, chest, belly and paws are more creamy in colouration, and he has a pair of striking honey eyes in his thin face. Personality: An honest and sometimes oblivious young man, he doesn't often understand others very well. However, he is empathetic and gentle. Unless provoked, of course. He can often come off as cold and distant, as he is wary of strangers and is guarded. Though, if you manage to crack open his protective shell, you may find a warm and inviting interior with a playful and teasing disposition. History: Ari came from a Clan of shapeshifters, the only pup produced from his ailing mother's second and last litter before she passed. He was lucky to have numerous older siblings to take him under their wings and teach him their ways, as his father, left heartbroken by his mate's death, became extremely aggressive and unpredictable, stuck in his grieving. His family had chosen their animal forms primarily over human, and had created a group of lone shifters - primarily carnivorous - to form their ranks. It had no rigid hierarchy, many only there for a warm place to shelter each night before heading out individually to hunt. However, they all defended borders together when necessary. They also provided clothes for those who occasionally used human forms for various tasks. After a while, Ari found himself yearning to explore. The others were content to live within the confines of their territory. But he wasn't. He had never seen beyond, nor did he often walk upon the earth with two legs instead of four. At the tender age of 8 months (as a dhole) he had his first shift. It was immensely painful, and he experienced it in solitude, far away from the densite. After that, he knew he wanted to be human. So, he trained. He trained himself to shift smoothly. Then he trained himself to move as a human. The only thing left to do was explore the world as a human. In this new form, he appeared to be about 14-ish at the time he was finally ready. Without notifying the Clan, he left in dhole form, clothes clamped in his jaws. He knew he was swifter and had more stamina in that form, so he used it until he came to a new region. Where was he? Curious, he shifted and clothed himself to appear more presentable. However, he quickly learned that he didn't act like other humans, having only seen his Clan-mates use human forms on occasion. Dejected, he found himself living on the streets for a while, hunting in the forest by night and wandering amongst the strange humans by day. This lasted for a few years, until current time. He now appears as a simple human, after scrutinising their ways for so long. And now, quite recently, he has gotten cocky as he got older and more experienced with hunting, that he appears to have gotten in a spot of trouble with a mother bear - presumably a black bear - defending her cubs after he wandered too close while searching for prey and has gotten himself pretty beat up, suffering from a heavy swipe to the head that had sent him flying into a tree. However, he has heard of a place for those attaining magical properties may seek medical and therapeutic assistance. But will he reach it in time? Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Mother - Deceased - Familial Father - Presumed Alive - Familial Approximately 4 older siblings from 1st litter (1 female 3 males) - Alive - Familial Lol what are friends? ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Dhole-Shapeshifter Physical Characteristics: Appears as a human, however attains the ability to change shape into that of a single animal (in his case, a dhole). More experienced shapeshifters can control the changes to only shifting certain parts of the body. Lifespan: Usually that of an average human. Though, if more time is spent in animal form, lifespan may become longer/shorter dependant on the life expectancy of your animal form. Abilities: Any abilities the animal possesses; Communication with animals in human or animal form; Sometimes enhanced senses and physicality depending on the animal form. ![]() Edited on 30/12/17 @ 21:58:08 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927) |
VeraLynn (#115583)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-26 20:48:59 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Monica Ilgri Species: Dryad Approximate Age: A little over three thousand years Gender: Female Sexuality: She's really not sure, but she likes pretty people Description: Standing at just 4'10 and weighing in at 100lbs soaking wet, Monica is prime example of how Dryads are just under normal human size. Her hair drapes all the way down her back and is a rich brown highlighted with red. Her eyes are a red-brown that glow like amber in direct sunlight. Her skin is a pale beige, though holds hints of gold in it. She wears loose dresses and other flowy items as she was instructed that she could not roam the Centre naked as she once did in Greece. Personality: A sweet little thing with the bite of a snake. She tends to welcome everyone and hardly bothers to listen to what others say. Yet she is not one to be crossed, having dealt with a many people in her time. Monica is almost childlike in her demeanor at times, throwing tantrums or being the best in people. History: Very long, though she lived most of her life in Greece. About a year ago she was discovered along with a few other Dryads and was nearly imprisoned. Scared out of her mind, she panicked and ran when a team from the centre came to rescue her. She slowly made her way to America and finally came to the centre to help out others in need. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): None so far, she is relatively new to the centre ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Dryad Physical Characteristics: They are a female only species that tend to be on the smaller side of the human scale. They have human like features, though sometimes their skin is tinted an unnatural color. Most of them have long and sometimes crazy hair. Their voices are soft and almost musical, alluring but not at all close to that of a sirens. All appear to be in their early twenties. Lifespan: Several Millenniums, though mostly unknown Abilities: Control over plant matter, minor healing abilities, casting ~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Quin Kracein Species: Familiar Approximate Age: Nineteen Gender: Male Sexuality: Very Gay Description: Looking old than he actually is, Quin is 6'2 and 180lbs is a pretty large guy. His dark brown hair is streaked with blond and stops just shy of his shoulders. His chin/jaw is usually covered in scruff as he finds it to much work to shave all the time. His skin is light with pink undertones giving him a healthy look. His eyes are like a sheep's, dark brown with hints of gold and rectangular, horizontal pupils. He prefers to wear thick sweaters and soft, plush clothing. Personality: He is as gentle as a lamb. He rarely, if ever, raises his voice and never acts out in anger. He tends to be skittish around those who are aggressive or angry. Quin is a softy with a giant heart who just wants to help others, but he struggles with stepping out of his shell. History: He really doesn't say much, though considering the horrid shape he was in when he came to the Centre two months ago it is assumed he was abused. While he has mostly recovered physically he still holds mental scars, yet he tries to help those around him. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Leslie - His bonded animal, a mottled brown Ryeland Ewe. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Familiar Physical Characteristics: Normal human appearance other than their eyes. Their eyes take on the form of whatever animal they are bonded to. They also have a form of the animal they are bonded with. Lifespan: Uncertain as many tend to stay in hiding as normal humans. The bonded animals live as long as the Familiar, meaning a mouse could live for two hundred years if the familiar did. Abilities: Speaking to species of the bonded animal, shift into form of animal, read mind of animal ![]() Edited on 27/12/17 @ 15:03:35 by tea.bee (#115583) |
Hawkmask (#41743)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-26 23:48:23 |
Name: Nehema Isaac Species: Phoenix Approximate Age: about 136 years into this life cycle, but has existed since Ancient Greece. Looks to be in her 20s. Gender: Female Description: In her human form, Nehema has fiery red-orange hair and bright green eyes. She stands about 5'5, and is built slimly, belying her true strength; her skin is a slightly tanned shade, and freckles are splashed across her nose. Keeping her hair about shoulder blade length is not also practical, especially as curly as it is, so its commonly in some sort of braid. In her bird form, Nehema's plumage is the bright red-orange of her hair, much like fire itself. Her eyes are the same green, and her crest is elegant and dignified. A long tail adds to her elegance when flying, while proving somewhat awkward on the ground. Personality: Tending towards easygoing, Nehema is friendly and optimistic on her surface. Underneath, she's somewhat mistrustful and cautious, preferring to exist without anyone becoming too close. This stems from a period in her life where she was hunted for her abilities, mainly by mortals, but also by a few supernaturals. Normally she avoids confrontation, much preferring any peaceful solution, her main route being running away. Deep down, Nehema craves good relationships and friends, but is unsure of how to go about it because of her solitary nature. History: Her history is spotty, the rebirth cycle always losing some of who she was in the past. From what she can remember, its mostly peaceful; the exception is a memory of fighting in a war she remembers nothing about. For a long time, pheonixea were sought after by mortals and supernaturals alike for their healing powers and in hopes of using them to attain immortality, which only served to emphasize her solitary tendencies and mistrust. In this life its been fairly uneventful. Nehema has lived as a wanderer in America, doing no harm and sometimes a little good. Relationships: No family, as Phoenixes are typically loners as far as their own kind go, once they have grown up the first time. Open~~ :) ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Phoenix Physical Characteristics: Larger than an eagle, phoenixes have brilliant plumage that ranges from yellow-golds to scarlet. Their eyes are green, purple, or blue typically, with variations of red-gold scaling on their legs. There is a crest on their heads, larger in males, of feathers, and their bodies are always quite warm to the touch. Lifespan: Semi-Immortal. Live about 1,500 years before having to be reborn. Abilities: Self regeneration, healing tears, enhanced strength, some fire manipulation, typical bird stuff for flying ![]() Edited on 08/01/18 @ 21:09:25 by Hawkmask (#41743) |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-27 13:54:14 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Verity Species: Kitsune Approximate Age: About 350 years Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Description: In her animal form Verity appears to be an ordinary red fox except for the nine tails that grow instead of one. The tips of the tails appear to be aflame. In her human form Verity has pale skin, hazel eyes, and long brown hair that fades into a fiery auburn color. She has a slender frame and isn't particularly strong. She looks normal enough to pass as a human, but she does draw a little attention. Her real strength lies in the characteristic wisdom and knowledge of a kitsune. Her powers include the power to summon fire, flight, invisibility, and in addition she is a powerful illusionist. When she uses one of her powers Verity's eyes flash a crimson color before returning to their normal hazel. When she flies in her natural form Verity is able to fly without wings, but in her human form she is able to sprout large wings resembling those of a phoenix. Personality: Verity is rather strongwilled and prefers to be in charge. She is independent and very protective. History: Verity is very secretive about her past. She will only tell those she trusts. When asked she quickly changes the subject. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): None known ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Kitsune Physical Characteristics: Generally appears as a fox with up to nine tails. At the age of about 100 years they can assume human form. Lifespan: Usually about 1500 years. Abilities: Manifest themselves in dreams, create powerful illusions that with enough skill can be made to seem completely real, flight, invisibility, sometimes bend time/space, occasionally can generate fire or lightning. ![]() Edited on 27/12/17 @ 13:57:45 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897) |
VeraLynn (#115583)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-27 18:14:59 |
~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Emily Strong Species: Feravetusum Approximate Age: Twenty-five Gender: Female Description: At twenty-five years old Emily is still a young child in her species. If calculated properly she would only be four years old human wise. She stands just shy of three feet and tops in at forty pounds. Her skin is a creamy brown with coppery hints. Her short, feathery hair stands up on her head and is a rich black with hints of blue, not unlike a crows feathers. Her eyes are a sunflower yellow with the signature cat pupil. Her teeth are needle thin and her top two canines poke out of her mouth ever so slightly. Her pointed ears are hidden in her messy hair. She prefers to wear soft fabrics and neutral, earthy colors. She hates to wear shoes and goes everywhere she can barefoot. Personality: She is stubborn and likes things to go her way. Often she struggles with dealing with others when she is upset. When she gets nervous she is prone to letting out her claws and accidentally nicking others. Yet she is not always a terror to deal with. She approaches life with a childlike wonder and is always amazed by all the new things she sees in the populated world. History: She grew up with her family group and was the oldest child in her family, though had older cousins. Emily learned about responsibility pretty young and that was what most likely saved her. She had been out collecting food with her cousins when her family group was attacked. Apparently they had settled down for the season in Canada. When her cousins and her returned to the camp, they themselves were attacked. With her family killed and herself very injured she wandered, lost and afraid. Finally she was taken in at the Centre. Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Her family is deceased ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Feravetusum Physical Charactaristics: These slow maturing creatures take nearly a tenth of their life to grow up into a mature adult. They rarely if ever leave their family until they reach at least two hundred. They have the form of a human, though their features do not at all resemble a human. Their eyes are neon yellow and have pupils like a cats. Their teeth are like a wolf, razor sharp and long canines. The nose is shorter and closer to their face. Their ears are almost pointed and stick close along their head. Their hair is short and almost feather like, sticking up is a crazy fashion. The finger nails are retractable and are razor sharp. They vary size wise just like humans and tend to vary coloring just like them. They live in small family groups and join up together in the winter in larger tribes. They don't live in major areas, tending to stay in the wilderness and live off the land. Lifespan: Immortal to death by old age and common illness. Death occurs by injury and plague like diseases. Abilities: Heightened senses, increased strength, increased speed, minor magic/illusions. ![]() |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-02 06:44:03 |
[Hello there! This RP is already quite far along, but I saw in the title of the RP thread that it was still open, so I decided to try out :)] ~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Mhari Allan Species: Kelpie Approximate Age: 20, still extremely young for a kelpie. Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual & Panromantic Description: In human form, Mhari is a little taller than average, standing at 5'10". She is rather skinny but is definitely not without curves. She has fair skin and dark, raven black hair that tumbles down her shoulders in loose curls. She likes to keep her hair down most of the time and doesn't style it very often. She'll occasionally braid it for special occasions. Her facial features are very defined and sharp, clearly feminine: high cheekbones, angled eyebrows, full lips, and long, velvety eyelashes. Her eyes are an intense blue, giving her a piercing, eye-catching gaze. She usually wears well-coordinated, casual clothing. She isn't the biggest fan of dresses. On land, Mhari's horse form is gorgeous. Her fur is jet black and she stands at an imposing 16 hands at the withers. Her mane and tail are also black and curly, much like how her hair is when she's in human form. Her eyes are a calming shade of dark brown. In water, however, her horse form is much scarier. Her eyes become a ghostly grey color and she trades her hind legs for a tail. Most terrifying, however, is that patches of her skin wither away so that her bones are visible, this especially prominent on her mouth area, where all of her needle-sharp teeth are visible. Personality: Mhari is a confident, flirty woman. She has a way with words and she knows it, she'll often charm or manipulate others into getting what she wants, and she can tell lies without so much as a bat of her eyelashes. She's very easy-going and likes to have fun, very rarely will she take anything seriously, and despite how 'evil' her species may sound, she can actually be a great friend to have. She has an amazing sense of humor, and she always seems to know just what to say to cheer someone up. She's extremely loyal to her loved ones. Once she decides she likes you, she'll never leave you. However, at first, she can seem a little harsh, since she rarely sugar-coats things and she isn't afraid to say exactly what's on her mind, and her straightforwardness sometimes shocks others or makes them think she's being rude, even if she doesn't have any ill intentions. She's also incredibly stubborn, always going after what she wants with relentless determination. In some cases, her persistence is a good thing, but it can be just as much as a weakness as it is a strength. She's rarely insecure, but she can be reluctant to tell other non-human creatures what species she is since she's afraid it'll scare them off or make her seem untrustworthy. She hates being told what to do, and she can throw a bit of a fit when people try to boss her around. History: Mhari was born in Scotland with the name Anabelle, but when her parents discovered that one of their neighbors had found out they were Kelpies, they were worried for her safety, since supernatural beings weren't treated very well in Europe, especially if they were a species that supposedly ate humans. It wasn't long before they were reported to the authorities since word had spread around, and people in their town had said they were worried for their safety. Her parents knew that the chances of the whole family crossing the border were slim, since the police were on the lookout for them, but they renamed Anabelle to Mhari and managed to get her a new passport and booked her a flight to America. They contacted the supernatural center, and she was picked up by Avery at the airport. She was only 5 years old when the whole incident happened, so she doesn't remember much of her parents and practically sees the medical center as her home. Relationships: Nothing notable ATM (Open for friends, enemies, or even a potential crush. PM me!) Other: Sorry if this form is super messy, I'm a little tired. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: Kelpie Physical Characteristics: Kelpies have three forms: a human form and two horse forms (one on land and one in water). Their human forms are often unnaturally attractive, as well as their land horse forms. Most of the time their horse forms are completely black, but occasionally there are kelpies that are white in their horse forms. In water, kelpies take on their 'true' form, in which they have a tail and oftentimes they look hideous, with sharp teeth and withering skin. Lifespan: Semi-Immortal, can live for thousands of years Abilities: Shape-shifting from human to horse. In their horse forms, they are much stronger and faster than regular horses, and they can also breathe underwater. In folklore, kelpies lure children onto their backs in horse form. Once the child is on their back they make their skin adhesive so that they can't get off, and then they dive into a body of water and drown the child so that they can eat them. They can also lure adults into the water by taking on the form of a human, oftentimes very attractive. While it is true that kelpies like the taste of human, they don't need to eat humans to survive, and they can eat other foods. In modern times, many kelpies have completely cut humans out of their diets. Legends say that the sound of a kelpie's tail entering the water is like that of a thunderclap. Abilities (Shortened into a list): - Shape-shifting - Underwater breathing - Adhesive skin - Superhuman strength and speed ![]() Edited on 02/01/18 @ 15:50:44 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478) |
Eden 🌹❄️💙 Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-12 17:34:31 |
(There is a dusty piece of paper, looks like an old questionnaire with gentle, calligraphic handwriting beside the blanks. Avery's handwriting. This doesn't look like a typical sheet- more like a spy report.) ~~~Character Form~~~ Name: Aridion James Morgan Species: -Record not found- ("He never told me.") Approximate Age: -Record not found- ("I met him in Madrid, in the sixteen-hundreds, so he's at least that old.") Gender: -Record not found- ("Oh, he's definitely male") Description: -Record not found- ("Tall. Very tall, I'd say 6'6, dark hair, long last I saw. Handsome, with features a mix or Russian and French. He changes appearance to suit his needs thought.") Personality: -Record Not Found- ("He was the kind of person you had to know to understand. He's.... like a force of nature. Commanding, but not overpowering. Caring, but rough. Wicked sense of humor but not one to show it, and above all, a very good liar.") History: -Sighted across Europe, Africa, and South America. Known Ally to the head of the Runners, Ladon. No personal history known.- (" Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): -None Observed- (Optional) Other: Threat Assessment- Do not engage. ~~~Species Form~~~ Species Name: The Caligo Physical Charactaristics: Impossible to distinguish from humans Lifespan: Millennia. Vulnerable to a very specific spell, which causes prolonged, painful death. Abilities: -Telepathy -Empathy -Trance (Can relax someone into being more complacent, only works for a short time. Can be fought. Trance cannot make someone go along with something they were against before being entranced. Evolved to make feeding easier.) -Self healing -Feeds off of strong emotions, with a preference for negative emotions. -IF well fed, can redirect healing power to someone else. -Enhanced strength when well fed, but will weaken quickly. They are a cousin to incubi and vampires Their species is known for appearing in the darkest times of history, because they feed on the strife. During certain periods of history they were considered ill omens and hunted, even by other supernaturals. ![]() Edited on 12/01/18 @ 17:38:35 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650) |
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