Posted by The Centre (Character Sheets)

Eden 🌹❄️💙
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-22 18:39:09

Main Roleplay Thread


Open For new Characters

Please fill out a character form for any character you plan to use for more than three pages.

~~~Character Form~~~



Approximate Age:





Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise):

(Optional) Other:

~~~Species Form~~~

Species Name:

Physical Charactaristics:



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Edited on 02/01/18 @ 19:56:44 by Eden 🌹 🔥Triple Rosette (#113650)

Eden 🌹🔥🤍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2018-01-12 21:12:41
~~~Species Form~~~

Species Name: Tatzelwurm

Physical Charactaristics: - Severus (#107071)

Lifespan: 10-12 years

Can breathe flame, acid, poison, ice, or water depending on precise species.
Non-sentient, a bit more intelligent than your average cat.

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Xolani (#132964)

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Posted on
2018-01-16 17:01:19

this works too

Species Name:

Physical Characteristics:
A 'were-feline' is sort of self-explanatory. Like a werewolf, but instead, felines. It's a very broad term, and of course there are many different werecats/felines of all different species. Were-leopard, were-caracal, you name it- there's a good chance there's a live one. Their observable traits naturally vary between different species of cat. A were-cheetah, for example, on their day, would undergo a transformation to a cheetah. Now, referring to the 'Abilities' section below, another example. A jaguar or lion were-feline would likely become a bit stockier, as well. In the case of were-lions, they do tend to attract other were-lions and it is probable for a 'pride' of were-lions to happen.

Were-feline are primarily human beside their second form, and also share the lifespan of one, both genetic and 'turned'. 70-80 years.

Interestingly, after these people have begin to accustom to their abilities- whether having been bitten, or genetically born with it- some will begin to slightly resemble their species. For example, perhaps the were-cheetah mentioned earlier's been learning to cope and control themselves and handle the urges of a savannah-dwelling cat. They will likely begin to start becoming leaner, and possibly faster- however, it's not all advantages, of course. The limits and cons of their feline species count, too. Lower endurance is likely for this person, which is also a trait of the cheetah despite their brilliant top speeds.

Of course, they also shift into their species- but, for bitten were-felines, it's not on the night of the full moon, like lycanthropes. Instead, they shift, monthly, on the day they were first bitten and 'turned'. For genetic were-felines, their transformations usually occur on the ending day of the month, if not the day before or after.

Shifting isn't the same or very simple for every one, however. For brand new were-felines that only recently have been 'turned', the first transformation is violent and painful, and likely sudden without any warning beforehand. But, for experienced and long time were cats, it's very smooth and usually effortless. It's not too uncommon for them to be able to induce their shifting by will on their days, as well!

Aleister Massey

Were-feline (specifically the Eurasian lynx)

Approximate Age:


Aleister's pretty normal when you first look at him, ignoring his somewhat fluffy, unkempt snowy white hair. However, with more prolonged observing, it's seen he actually has gold ear piercings in his right ear, square in shape with zero details or adornments. His taste in clothes is pretty bland, mostly consisting of any kind of pants he can find (however, favoring darker colors) and tees. He's not too interesting and has average blue eyes.

Aleister, to put it simply.. isn't a very nice person now. He's often very bitter and snappy, and strangely easily provoked. He gets fired up, irritated, and overstimulated easily as well, and can lash out without warning if pushed a centimeter over the edge. He also may cuss a tad bit much.. Aleister doesn't really like to be messed with and will only take a small amount of pestering before getting annoyed. Sometimes he can seem needlessly aggressive or rude, and doesn't appear to respect the large majority of people around him at all. It's not like he only has a really nasty personality or anything, though- he actually has gotten violent before, and hurt several people. But, not all for the same reason. Three 'incidents' were purely because he lashed out with spiteful and cruel intent after being angered. But the other two were due to reasons with his transformation. He is potentially dangerous, as having been seen to attack randomly and without second thought. Read on below.

Aleister hasn't been a were-feline for very long, it having been a few months since he disturbed a innocent-seeming lynx when on a trip to a lake with a few friends. He was already pretty arrogant before that, but after provoking and getting attacked by the lynx he started to even more hostile. And then, of course, experienced his transformation and, disoriented, confused, and pretty angry, ended up 'hurting' two people. Luckily, it wasn't full on bites, and he only managed to scratch one of the couple a little as he worked out being a freaking cat, and just terrified and maybe pushed around the poor girl some. The second time,

And, even before that- he was just kind of a guy with a moderately large ego and attitude that knew a number of people. He wasn't necessarily popular or well-liked all around, but he did have friends that viewed him as just having a sharp tongue and no filter, and even humorous. He had a pretty average childhood and lived well. Interestingly, he would always seem to side with the majority, and was pretty much drawn to crowds and people.

Aleister's had lots of friends over the years, but he had been sticking with some before he got bitten. That who was closest to him out of the four others is Lillian, the others being Roy, Pearson, and Nira. All of which are absolutely, totally human. Nira's a bit eccentric, but don't pay attention to her.. anyways, Lillian was sort of his best friend. She's a nice girl, very compassionate and kind-hearted, protective and nurturing to those around her. Kind of funny, how the two, so different, still managed to have fun and socialize well with each other. She's actually the one who drove him to the clinic after he ticked off the lynx, but sadly, he wasn't there the next day. She's probably worried. He hasn't heard from/of or seen his friends since.

Aleister actually never quite accepted supernaturals of any kind. Whilst his mother taught him people and supernatural humanoids of any kind were equals despite their varied differences, he doesn't quite retain the same views as her. He doesn't quite despise every one in existence, but isn't really supportive either, and leans to disliking them for being strange. Of course, his distaste has amplified just like his personality. He's somewhat disgusted now, maybe even afraid of them. Of course, that sort of really complicates his state and stuff and where he is-


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Edited on 16/01/18 @ 17:53:08 by Xolani (#132964)

lowercase elfijah
santaski (#130713)

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Posted on
2018-01-30 11:33:20
Name: Hale

Species: Shifter/Were (He doesn't know yet - he hasn't fully turned yet)

Approximate Age: 19

Gender: (Trans) Male

Description: Chunky young man with fluffy red hair (looks like a mane to a lot of people)

Personality: Friendly and emotional. He's easily upset and stubborn as a mule (when he's in that mood), but is usually cooperative and helpful.

History: A farm kid that loves animals and has always had a special connection to them, Hale is an aspiring biologist. Recently, on the night of a full moon, he had a lucid dream about running through the apple orchards of the countryside and suddenly became aware that his palms had become rubbery and paw/hooflike and his nails had grown long even though he had just trimmed them a few hours before. Excited by the realization that he might be a shifter/were, Hale immediately made an appointment at the Centre to get help figuring out what he is.

Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise): Estranged from his birth father but in fairly consistent touch with his mother. Older brother lives across the country but is always willing to help out through text. "Adoptive" father runs a horse training facility that he works at regularly.

(Optional) Other: Does the Centre take appointments? I can easily envision there being a small clinic on the grounds

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GayDinoNuggy (#128606)

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Posted on
2018-02-07 09:19:59
Sorry I of I don’t finish right away
~~~Character Form~~~

Name: Leon

Species: dragon-Human

Approximate Age: 19

Gender: male

Description: Leon is a tall and muscular male that is 6”5’, he has light blue ( or cyan because he does change between the two) hair thst is parted to the right, he also has dark amber colored eyes. Leon has sharp theeth even in human form and he has pointed ear that stick out of the side of his head. Leon wears a red pull-over that says ‘king of sky’ in black with a image of a anime dragon. He also wears a red shirt that has a yellow circle and in the circle is yellow claw marks, he wears black shorts or pants and blue she’s with yellow thunder bolts on the side.

Personality: Leon might have the angry dragon in him but he is quite calm and kind and will be patient with anyone because he knows not everyone’s is as calm as him. Leon is very confident in himself and will never back down if someone try’s to punch him away or is being rude.


Relationships (Familial, romantic, or otherwise):
Mother- Kayla/ deceased
Father- Unknown
Brother- Jacob or Jordan (Leon calls him both)

(Optional) Other: when he changes he is a full on dragon but when he does come out he has only half of the dragon parts like the wings and horns and a tail but still has human head, arms legs etc.

~~~Species Form~~~

Species Name: Atoklu

Physical Charactaristics: Atoklu has icy colored scales and has long blue horns and and medium sized wings and a long tail, he has deep amber eyes and a long snout

Lifespan: eternal

Abilities:fly,breath ice and fire, to shift into his human form but still has wings and horns but smaller.

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Edited on 21/02/18 @ 12:14:32 by [#WCU]🦈SharkDog🐶 (#128606)

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