Posted by Divided | Dog RP | Roleplay Thread

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 20:02:01
This is the roleplay thread for Divided, for out of character conversations and general information, go to the OOC Thread.


Semi-Literate Canine Roleplay | Moderators: BlazeRed (#27478) and For never, forever (#61889)

Chaos erupted among the pets when the humans left the city, many of the dogs not able to figure out why their precious owners had abandoned them. Most didn't want to think even for a second that they'd never see their families again, and clung on to what little hope there was that they'd come back for them, but once the reason for the humans' sudden disappearance was revealed, it became clear that the pets were on their own for good: a strange virus had swept through the city, harmless for most animals, but fatal for humans. 

The streets soon became a battleground, with dogs constantly fighting for food and territory, and for weeks the scent of fear and blood always seemed to be in the air. Then Illarion, an imposing, battle-scarred Caucasian Ovcharka, rose to power, several followers backing him. He and his pack claimed the best scavenging and hunting grounds, forcing other dogs in the area to either join him or go to other places within the city, where food usually wasn't as easy to find. Under Illarion's leadership life was more structured and there were fewer fights, but he ruled with an iron-fist, attacking anyone who questioned him and treating smaller dogs like dirt. One morning, however, the pack awoke to find their leader dead, seemingly having perished in his sleep. The murderer revealed himself immediately: Otho, a very small but intelligent dachshund. He had spiked Illarion's food with rat poison that he had found in an abandoned human home. Several pack members stood by him, who were also fed up with Illarion's violent and unfair ways. Otho took over the pack, leading it with a strong sense of justice, and making sure all smaller dogs could find useful positions within the ranks so that they could be treated equally to the larger breeds. But Otho can barely travel anywhere without bodyguards at his side, for just over his borders, a group of dogs plots his demise. 

The dogs who still agreed with Illarion were chased out of the pack's territory as soon as Otho came into power, but they have regrouped and have taken part of the pack's hunting territory as their own. Their numbers are fewer than that of the packs', but they are large, powerful dogs, and they are set on revenge. Will the two groups be able to come to a compromise, or will they start a war, filling the streets of the city with blood once more?

[This plot of loosely based off of The Last Dogs by Christopher Holt. Some locations, such as the Cat House, are also taken from the series, but most elements of this roleplay were created by me.]


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This is the Roleplay Thread, if you're saying anything OOC please add it in brackets at the end of your post. When posting, add a header at the beginning that follows this format:

Name | Gender | Allegiance (Pack Dog/Rebel/Unaffiliated) | Rank
Location: --- | Mentions: ---

[All headers are from FontMeme]

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Edited on 14/02/18 @ 22:09:23 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 00:19:32

Current Events

Border Dispute: There's a large restaurant in Narrowbridge Park, just on the West side of the bridge that connects the two sides of the river, and, more importantly, the two pack territories. The Pack often uses it as a food source, because there are loads of leftovers in the storage, and there's even supposedly a meat locker, though the pack hasn't been able to open it yet. Sickly humans often come in and out of the restaurant, but Otho has advised the pack not to bother them because he suspects that they are the ones keeping the restaurant powered (and the meat locker refrigerator running). But these humans are the least of the pack's concerns.

The rebels seem to think that the restaurant is close enough to the border to be considered theirs, too. Several gatherer patrols have returned with reports that they found rebel scent around the restaurant, and also that they had clearly been taking food from it. It's not clear whether the rebels actually need it as a food source, or if they're trespassing just to make a statement, but the pack dogs are slowly growing more and more frustrated. If the thieving continues, it may be just the thing to provoke one of the sides into finally launching an attack.

(Many thanks to For never, forever for helping me come up with this idea <3)

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Edited on 15/02/18 @ 07:22:57 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:34:37
Otho | Male | Pack Dog | Leader
Location: Otho's Estate| Mentions: Dorran, Cairo, Beatrice [All ID]

It was early in the morning. The sun had only appeared a few minutes ago, peeking over the buildings of the city. Most of the pack dogs would still be asleep, but Otho had already been up for a long time. He was sprawled across a plush, flower-printed chair, his head propped up on the armrest as he gazed out of the window in the direction of the Rebels' borders, lost in his own thoughts. There had always been a lot of tension between the two groups, of course, but the rebels trespassing on pack territory certainly wasn't helping the situation. 'If Dorran's goal is to provoke the pack,' Otho thought, 'then he's doing a great job of it.'Every time rebel scent was found on their territory the pack dogs got more and more anxious, and Otho didn't know how much longer it would be before they would want a fight.

He pushed the thoughts out of his mind, deciding he'd give himself to ponder the issue later on. Getting all wound up in his thoughts before the day had even started wouldn't do him any good, and besides, now was about the time the pack started to wake up, and he expected his bodyguards were already waiting for him at the door. He needed to set the morning patrols. He leaped down from the comfort of his chair and waddled over to the door, trying to look as confident as possible as he nosed it open to greet Cairo and Beatrice, if they were already up.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:46:19
Lucky | Female | Loner | Location: St. John’s Church | Mentions: None

The church was silent, disregarding the soft creaks whining off the aging wood and the sweet pitter-patter of mice. St. John’s church was placed right in the middle of the town, and towered over many neighboring buildings, but it was often found deserted because nothing inside was of use to the packs.
Two large mahogany doors, bolted shut with large planks of wood, protected the holy building from storms. Yet with the passing years, a small hole had been chewed out.
A low ensemble of sighs echoed from the attic tower, and in the spotlight of multicolored rays created by sun shining through the pane depiction of Mary, curled a dog.
Black, thick fur striped across her back, with a white underbelly pointed towards the window to absorb more heat. Her head was stretched out, a flopped ear pointed up while her tail rested between her legs.
Lucky has slept the majority of the past two days, having filled her belly with rubbish left from packs or the rodents that infested the walls. Under the mosaic of Mary, she felt small and warm, her mind oblivious to the hardship awaiting her beyond the church she occupied.
Now in deep sleep, her mind was washed of any sense of danger, anxiety, or fear. She remembered the warmth of the firehouse, sleeping under the stacked beds the humans always slept in, waiting for the treats and constant attention she received.
The remembrance of riding in the large loud truck, having a tight cloth put over her shoulders but it’s annoying clutch always being pushed away with the excitement of the speed, and being with her humans.
A rat tumbled over her leg, and Lucky was quickly dragged out of slumber. With a kick, the rodent went tumbling towards the stack of broken pews, and it angrily tumbled into the wall.
Lucky sighed, and sat up with a shake of her head. Her gaze wandered to the artwork on the window.
It was another day

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Gold (#97673)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:51:36
Athena | Female | Pack Dog | Fighter | Location: Otho's Estate | Mentions: Open

As the sun started to rise above the horizon, Athena watched the blood-red light be cast upon the house. She squinted her russet eyes, not staring directly at the light. Her tall ears flopped as she relaxed, her tail wagging softly, breathing in the sweet smell of the dewy grass. She leaned down and licked at a spot of grass, the dew cool and good-tasting on her tongue. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she stood up, shaking herself before stretching her long legs.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 06:05:20
Amber | Female | Otho’s Pack | Gatherer | Location: Estate | Mentions: None

Amber sighed as she sat on the paved trail leading up to The Estate, her dark paws scraping against the tile to even out her overgrowing nails.
The fur around her neck had become shaggy, and her tail slumped on the ground behind her. She found it better to stay out of the house unless it was time to eat, or if she was needed.
The light rays of sun were warm on her dark fur, and the subtle dense wind whistled in the trees outside the large house.
Her back leg stretched out from under her, and Amber found herself laying back down on the pavement, feeling it's warmth and awaiting the day.

Oliver | Male | Otho’s Pack | Fighter | Location: Estate | Mentions: Otho

Oliver was walking down the main swivel staircase in the house, his shoulders moving in a shuffle as the large dog trotted to the main floor. The day was warm, even he could feel it from inside the house, and Oliver surveyed the main entrance.
He wondered what Otho had in store for the pack today, and also what the others were up to.
Guess it's in all good time. The Bernese thought, and he sat down at the bottom of the staircase, watching the others.

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Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony
Haze NRLC) (#95211)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 10:07:22
Cairo .:. Male .:. Bodyguard .:. Location: Estate .:. Mentions: Otho, Beatrice [D]

The Canis Panther had awoken from his slumber with a start, immediately sitting up in his bed and blinking the rest of sleep from his eyes. Cairo looked around, across the hallway and back before laying back down again. He had had quite a dream.
With a short glance out a small window, Cairo noticed the sun wasn't even up yet, or maybe was about to be. He allowed a yawn to escape him as he looked over to Otho's other Bodyguard, Beatrice. His tail wagged a bit for a few moments as he laid his head back down on the edge of his bed. This job was a unique one, and probably Cairo's favorite. He was glad to have joined this pack, and even under the worries and stresses they currently had over the rebels, not to mention the dreams he's been having that make him wake up so early, he would not have had it any other way. Speaking of...
Cairo listened for the pack downstairs, ears standing tall and twitching at every movement they heard. Lately, he'd been extra cautious and aware of his and Otho's surroundings. The reports that the gathering patrols have been bringing back have been increasing in bad news for a while now. Even though it was highly unlikely for a Rebel dog to sneak into this marvelous estate, those worries still filled up Cairo's mind. He was glad to hear nothing but the Pack dogs' shuffling around as they awoke.
Looking back towards the window again, Cairo noticed a light brighter than before emit from it. Hm. There was no use trying to go back to sleep now. He had learned how early Otho tended to wake up, and decided now was better than later. The Canis Panther arose from his dog bed, stretching his front paws out in front and his back paws out behind him. His tail curled a bit as he stretched, only to straighten out again once he was done. Cairo stood tall in front of his bed, shaking his coat to rid of any remaining traces of tiredness, feeling the thick leather collar around his neck twist around as he did so. With a snort he once again looked to Beatrice, to see if she was awake. He'd give a soft bark of 'Good Morning' if she was, and would proceed to listen for Otho inside.
Sure enough, Cairo heard the faint patter of little paws he assumed, and hoped, was Otho. This was confirmed moments later, as the little familiar snout appeared from the door as the Dachshund opened it.
"Good Morning, alpha" The Canis would say with a pleasant tone, bowing his head a bit in the other's direction out of respect.
"What're your plans for today?" He'd add. It was probably a phrase he said every single morning, to get an idea on what to look out for or if there was anything that needed extra attention.

Steele :.: Male :.: Fighter :.: Location: Estate :.: Mentions: Oliver [D]

Steele slowly awoke to the murmur and shuffling of his packmates, who some were already up and at it. With a few blinks of his eyes, the APBT looked around at the dogs around him. He had chosen a rather soft bathroom rug as his bedding, sprawled out on his back on the white fur in the living room floor. Steele sneezed before rolling over onto his side, the sunlight from outside temporarily blinding him as he rolled into its rays. He glanced around once again, then stood up and shook his fur out. Looks like he got up a bit late.

The American Pit Bull Terrier proceeded to step around his packmates as he made his way towards the entrance doors with the intention to see if his Alpha had already addressed the pack and gave everyone their orders for the day, which he hoped hadn't happened yet. As Steele made his way through, he spotted a rather familiar dog sitting near the main staircase. It turned out to be Oliver, a fellow Fighter for the Pack.

With a short nod of his head in respectful greeting, Steele approached the Bernese.
"'Morning,..Oliver," he said, though it took him a second or two to put exact name-to-face. Steele looked around, wondering what it was that Oliver was sitting here for. Was he waiting for something? Someone? Or was he ordered to, as in, patrol?
"Has the morning patrol been given out already?" He'd ask curiously, glancing up the staircase in the direction of the Alpha's room, though from this angle he couldn't quite see it very well.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 10:14:39
Oliver | Male | Otho’s Pack | Fighter | Location: Estate | Mentions: Steele

Oliver's large head turned when he heard the familiar voice of Steele, the American Pit Bull who was also a fellow fighter. He shook his head and smiled, "No orders have been given out this early, thankfully," Oliver said in his deep voice, looking left to where he could see the main living room, observing. "The air just happened to be so warm, it might just be a nice day today."

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-19 11:52:47

- { Beatrice } -
3.6 Years |•| Female |•| Doberdane |•| Otho’s Pack |•| Bodyguard
Location: Otho’s Estate |•| Mentions: Otho, Cairo {D}

Part of Beatrice was aware her mind still lingered in the realm of dreams. Her senses brought to her the familiar, comforting scent of her fellow bodyguard Cairo beside her and she could feel the soft bedding of her nest caressing her body, and yet darkness still surrounded her. The savage barks of enemy dogs filled her ears. Her paws clawed at the earth, propelling her faster and faster across the ground in the hopes of reaching Otho before them. No matter which way she turned or how swiftly she ran she could not outpace them. They were everywhere.

A desperate howl exited her lungs as a shadowy figure loomed in front of her, eyes flashing red and white teeth glistening menacingly, blocking her path. She awoke with a gasp, her body forcefully jerking her out of the nightmare. She leaped to her feet, hackles risen and body tense, as if expecting an attack. Slowly, the darkness faded, replaced by the light of dawn filtering in through a nearby window, casting a soft golden glow across the floorboards. Dark brown eyes met Cario’s briefly, embarrassment causing her skin to heat beneath her pelt. She thanked the heavens only one dog had witnessed her fright.

Offering her own greeting, she rested back on her haunches, busying herself with looking anywhere but Cairo as she waited for Otho to make an appearance. The soft patter of dainty paws had a small smile crossing her muzzle and the lingering memory of her nightscare was pushed aside in favor of her daily duties. Beatrice rose to her own paws, adopting a formal stance as her leader padded into the room. “Good morning sir,” she spoke after Cairo, dipping her head respectfully before falling silent as her co-worker asked his ritual question. Beatrice was a dog of few words and she would not speak again unless addressed or the need presented itself.

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 11:54:23 by Tater Tot [Main] (#33076)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 21:33:21
Otho | Male | Pack Dog | Leader
Location: Otho's Estate| Mentions: Cairo, Beatrice, Pack Dogs

Greeted by the imposing figures of his bodyguards as soon as he opened the door, Otho momentarily forgot about the issues he had gotten himself so absorbed in. This was his pack. He had a job to do. He sat down, his wagging tail thumping softly against the ground. "Good morning. I hope you slept well." He replied politely to both of them before turning his head to address Cairo's question. "After sending out the morning patrols I'll have a few words with Tania. We need to discuss a few things. I'll be staying within the safety of the estate, so feel free to join in on any of the patrols I send out. I understand if you want to get away from me for an hour or two." He joked lightheartedly. Since the rebels started coming on pack territory his two bodygyards had been even more on edge than usual. Of course, it was their job, and he was happy with them, but he felt like he needed to give them some time of their own. "But later this evening you'll be accompanying me to the restaurant at Narrowbridge Park. I'm going to see if we can finally get that meat locker open."

With that, Otho stood and headed downstairs. He had to admit, when his owners were around, he really was a spoiled dog. His elderly owners had added a ramp to the stairs especially for him, so that he wouldn't hurt his back going up and down them. The first few times using it he'd felt a bit embarrased, seeing as he was the only one in the pack who actually needed it; but he knew it would be useful when they had more dogs that needed to get up to the room for the Excused. Elders, puppies, and pregnant females would probably appreciate not needing to hop up all the stairs. "Pack dogs!" He barked once he reached the bottom of the stairs, "Gather around for your morning assignments!"

Olive | Female | Pack Dog | Gatherer
Location: Otho’s Estate| Mentions: Otho

Olive was nestled comfortably into the pillows of a couch, and resting pleasantly in a deep, dreamless sleep. Well, at least until the scuffling of her waking pack members invaded her ears. She'd gone to sleep late the previous night, and was able to tune them out well enough, but it got harder as she began to pick up the conversation of two fighters. She opened her eyes just a crack, tilting her head to look out the window. The sun had barely risen! She huffed and curled herself up into a tight ball, trying the best she could to cover up her ears. Just a few more minutes, she told herself. Her packmates were getting a bit louder now, but her position was comfortable and the couch was soft. Her mind started to wander again, drifting back into sleep, when she suddenly heard the familiar voice of Otho, calling for a few pack members.

Olive's head shot up. How had she not heard him coming down the stairs? And was he already assigning patrols? Surely it couldn't be that late. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and slowly pulled herself from the couch, a small yawn just escaping her maw. She shook any dust out of her fur and took a few moments to smooth it down before padding over to Otho, her tail wagging in a friendly greeting. She hoped she was assigned to the park today. A hunt would certainly wake her up.

Beretta | Female | Rebel | Follower
Location: Orchid Plaza | Mentions: Dorran, Rebels

By the time Beretta reached the top of the stairs with the bag of dog food, her neck and jaws were aching horribly. She'd gone for a small stroll around the mall early in the morning when she heard rummaging around in a pet store. The rebels had made good use of that one specific store, and thought that they had scavenged anything that was useful from it, but upon entering the store Beretta found a raccoon who'd managed to uncover a bag of food from inside a hidden cupboard. The food was probably stale, Beretta thought, but it was still great luck for the rebels. The bag was still closed, which meant that the kibble should still be good to eat, and she thought that the other dogs would appreciate having a bit of food before they went on with their day.

Beretta was the only female in the rebel group, and while not having 'girl-time' might have driven other dogs mad, she was quite used to it. After all, several members of the group had similar ideals to her, and they all had one common goal. She actually quite liked living with the rebels. 'Five males and one female, just like my litter.' She took a bit of amusement in the fact every time she thought of it. After giving herself a minute to recover from her long trek up the stairs to the second floor of the mall with the heavy bag, she picked it back up and continued on her way to the furniture shop, where she guessed many of the other rebels were still asleep. Her nails clicked on the sleek wooden floor as she entered, and she set the bag down with a soft thump. "Dorran!" She called, her triangular ears pricked forward. It was custom that the leader got the few first bites of anything that was brought back.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 22:06:58
Oliver | Male | Otho’s Pack | Fighter | Location: Estate | Mentions: Otho

The Bernese's ear twitched at the sound of his leader's sharp bark, and quickly got to his feet, turning to the top of the stairs. Oliver could see Otho, and made his way a few stairs up so he could hear him better, his tail lowered in respect.

Amber | Female | Otho’s Pack | Gatherer | Location: Estate | Mentions: Otho

Even from outside the house, Amber could make out the bark of Otho, and she slowly sat up. The sun had a dreary affect on her dark skin, and with a good push, she was up on her feet and headed inside the house. As a gatherer, she knew her missions were never quick ones. Gatherers never got days off, and were always sent into the city to find food and anything else that was edible or of use.
She never regretted joining the pack, it was her best chance at survival, but she sure did miss the days were she could just sleep all day and not be bothered. In her mind, she hoped to be put close to St. John's Church, so she could sneak in and see Lucky, a very old friend of hers.
Of course, she felt guilty whenever she did, considering Otho had no knowledge of Lucky. Amber had no idea how he'd react, Lucky wasn't a rebel but she also wasn't a pack dog.
A sigh escaped her, as the dark German Shepherd padded into the house, low amber eyes looking at the moving floor below her, not wanting to attract any attention.

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 22:11:50 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-02-21 07:00:18
Dorran | Male | Rebels | Leader | Location: Orchid Plaza | Mentions: Otho {ID} Beretta [D]

The skinny male looks down on his surroundings. His front feet were propped up on a porch railing inside of the Orchid Plaza. He could almost see Narrowbridge Park from where he surveyed. A voice sounded from somewhere not far off in the mall, it sounded like Beretta calling for him. He evenly trotted in the direction of the female’s call. His head and tail were held high and his stride was long , as if he was the single most important dog in the world. Before Beretta was even in his line of sight Dorran could smell the reek of kibble. The smell was strong and tangy, but it made his mouth water.

He reached the follower shortly after the scent filled his nostrils. Beretta sometimes reminded Dorran of a lion, appearance wise as well as personality. Dorran nodded to her, ”Nice find” He praised, his head still stuck in the air and his gaze unshifting. He pawed at the bag a few times before quickly grabbing it with his jaws. He placed his paws on it to hold it in place while he pulled on the bag’s thick fabric. With a loud ripping noise the bag tore open in his maw. He snorted as the strong scent blew out of the bag. With little hesitation he took a few mouthfuls and greedily gulped them down. Being a naturally skinny dog, he didn't need much before he was full.

When his belly was full he licked his lips and shifted his gaze back to the follower who had brought it. ”Thank you,” He smiled a toothy grin. ”Take a few before I call the rest of us, you've earned it” He huffed, licking his chops once more.

Pax | Female | Pack Dog | Fighter | Location: Otho’s Estate | Mentions: Otho, pack dogs {D}

The small dog’s eyes shot open at the sound of voices. Shoot! She must of dozed off! She quickly sprang to her feet and looked around, all seemed normal, and Otho was planning to give morning assignments. Pax cheerfully trotted over to the group forming around the smaller dog. ”Good morning everybody!” She yipped, her voice cracking. She stood up as tall as she could as she waited to hear what Otho had to say.

She was hoping that they would see the rebels today, she really wanted to teach them a lesson. This territory dispute was driving her crazy, the restaurant was clearly the pack’s, the rebels didn't even need it. Just thinking about it and her blood go hot. She realized she hadn't been listening for the last minute or so. Her senses came back to sure and she perked her ears, looks like she hadn't missed anything yet, thankfully.

Shiva | Male | Rebel | Scout | Location: Narrowbridge Park, East half | Mentions: None, open

Shiva had managed to slip past the other rebels and get a few moments to himself. He had wandered into Narrowbridge park she sat at the bank of the river, looking into the pack’s half of the park. He could see the restaurant not far off from where the border was laid. He wasn't anywhere near the invisible line, but the park was fairly clear and he could see a long ways from where he sat. He stretched his back by leaning down with his front paws and reaching out, much like a cat. He regained his balance in all fours and began to pad through the park once more. He wanted to find somewhere a little more secluded where he could think. In Shiva’s mind, the Rebels were making a mistake by trying to take the restaurant, they already had a decent way of scavenging, and didn't need to take away the pack’s method if finding food just to make a statement. Of course, Shiva had no intention of voicing that opinion, he would surely be thrown out by Dorran and left to starve.

His stomach growled, he had missed the rebel’s last meal because of his tendency to wander, he should probably be making his way back soon before he missed another. But for now he just wandered in silence, just taking in his surroundings and looking for somewhere quiet.

OOC: guess who fell asleep while writing this and woke up with my laptop pretty much burning my legs aha. Sorry for short and sorry it took me so long! I won't be as busy as I have been today or tomorrow, so I shouldn't have any more delays, sorry about that! I also apologize if there are any typos

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Kittenixie (#126870)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 13:50:56

Maya | Female | Otho's Pack | Gatherer | Location: Estate | Mentions: The Pack, Otho

Maya awoke with a small start at the sounds of the dogs around her moving about, ears perking up. She quickly stood, following everyone else to the staircase. She found a spot near the back, settling on her haunches and watching the other dogs with a keen eye. She stilled the shaking in her limbs as best as she could, though there was still a bit of a tremble, as there always was. Attentive, she extended her neck a bit to better see their leader-- his small size made it a bit difficult with her tendency to stay near the back of the group. Either way, she could listen just as well. His voice, at least, was big enough.

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Edited on 22/02/18 @ 13:54:03 by Kittenixie (#126870)

Kittenixie (#126870)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 14:01:11

Tania | Female | Otho's Pack | Advisor | Location: Estate | Mentions: The Pack, Otho, Pax

Tania, of course, was already awake. The big dog had been laying about in what sunlight she could find so early in the day, though when Otho called for a meeting, she was quick to rise. She stretched out her legs and her back, then stood tall, towering over most of the other dogs, though with her kind nature she wasn't too threatening. She made her way near the front to sit near Otho, as his advisor, it was only natural. She spotted her long-time friend Pax within the group of canines, and gave a smile and a nod in greeting. She'd likely go talk to her if there was nothing of extreme urgency for either of them to do. She turned her attention back to the pack's leader, ears perked to listen.

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Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony
Haze NRLC) (#95211)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 18:01:31
Cairo .:. Male .:. Bodyguard .:. Estate .:. Mentions: Otho, Beatrice [D] The Pack [ID]

Cairo nodded in acknowledgement at this new information, taking an extra moment or two to reflect on it. He was rather curious on the current status of the restaurant. As long as Otho was safe within the estate, and he was sure there were no potential brawls with the other group, the Canis would much like to accompany one of the patrols. He raised his head to speak his thoughts to his co-worker, noticing Otho had begun to make his way down the staircase. He followed behind, deciding to accompany the Dachshund as usual until he assigned the patrols for the morning.

"What are your plans for today..?" Cairo would ask Beatrice, offering a friendly tail wag as he spoke. Cairo was one to attempt to befriend everybody in the pack, no matter their breed. He was also curious of the other's thoughts on the matter. And maybe their.. wellbeing? He had noticed how Beatrice had woken up that morning, and it did bring some concern. Was she having bad dreams as well? He'd wanted to ask, but wasn't sure if the Doberdane wanted to forget it. If so, he wouldn't want to remind her again.

Cairo shifted his gaze out towards the staircase from his position behind and to the right of Otho, brown eyes eventually falling on the Pack dogs as they gathered around. The Canis adopted a formal stance, though a small smile was printed onto his muzzle. He patiently waited for Otho's patrol assignments,

Steele :.: Male :.: Fighter :.: Estate :.: Mentions: Oliver [D] Otho [ID]

The Fighter nodded at the other's words, thankful he had woken up before the patrols were organized. Steele's gaze followed the Bernese's as he seemed to look out towards the living room, where several other Pack dogs started to awaken.
"Hm, yeah." He replied, sitting down and glancing out towards a window outside.
"I just hope the rebels don't ruin it." He'd add with a slightly sarcastic huff. The Rebels had been quite active lately, as the scents of their dogs would be detected around the Restaurant. Steele hoped today wouldn't bring any major brawls between the two groups, but if so, he would be ready for it.

Steele was snapped out of his thoughts by Otho's loud bark and the movement of Oliver from the corner of his eye. The American Pit Bull stood back up on all fours and took a few steps closer to the staircase to find a good listening spot, though moved back a few paces to allow the smaller breeds a good view themselves.

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