Posted by Same-Sex Decors (500+ Supports!)

{g2} (im autistic) (#132333)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 21:54:23
mmmmm gimme that Make Lioden Gay Again

anyways, it's kinda bugging me that most of the affectionate lioness decors (flirting, pregnant, etc.) are male only. yeah, smitten/shaggy/submissive work, but it's not much variety

arguments against this:
-'iTs UnNaTuRaL!': it's actually not, plus might i direct your attention towards green base? arctic base? we're not going for realism thanks
-'you already HAVE some decor': so? i want a goddamn pink (maroon) lioness to chill w my gay gal. i want variety. revolution
-'it's just pandering to homosexuals': yup, 100% true, so pander to me and make the lioness decor work w females
-'it's too much work for the artist': well, yeah. but that's what this board is FOR my dude. suggesting decors. plus, if they want to go the easy route and just recolor some old ones (GIMME MAROON SUBMISSIVE LIONESS PAPI), someone else could just recolor because it wouldn't be changing any lines. and with some of the old ones, like the flirting, all that really needs to be changed is a flip and maybe an eye shift. yeah, it's work, but that's what this board is FOR. for people to suggest decors, and other people to agree that 'yeah, those decors would be pretty radical'. viva la gay-implied-lions.

if you disagree just bc homophobia, then whatever. if you have an actually VALID argument, do let me know

edit: we also have the suggestion for male lion decor to work for dudes (only example i can think of rn is exhausted lover), so throwing that into the mix too

edit 2: *banging pots together to 'why tf u lying'* mmmm ohmygod, stop heckin FIGHTING
literally all we want is future decor to be able to be gay-implied
male-only decor has lots of cool colors!! I want that!! even if it's shitty recolors!
new art, old art, don't give a shit. all i suggested was to not have so much gender specific decor, and to have some v a r i e t y
if y'all get my thread locked i'm gonna break into your houses and breathe on you while you sleep


This suggestion has 867 supports and 79 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/06/18 @ 23:28:28 by Sol #BastIsALesbian 🌈 (#132333)

Lex 🦋 (#56485)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:06:20

Cishets are not out to get you.
Nobody will backlash on you for being LGBT.
Nobody will give you backlash for wanting LGBT things.
At least two of the site artists are LGBT, and Most of the staff that has cycled through the site has been LGBT; including myself. Being put down by the cishets isn't an argument here.

"Where does it say it has to be old stuff" : Considering that the examples that keep reoccurring in arguments are the Adoring Challenger, Snuggling Lioness, and Flirting Lioness decors, which have all been in game since at least 2015, and the majority of decors that have come into the game since Deertush started working for the site work for both genders... i guess all over this post? I have been on this game since 2015, actively, and have never once seen a post complaining about those decors besides the few that have cropped up this month.

This is a Lion game for Lions.
I've seen people on threads like this call the staff team and artists homophobic over minor shit like this, and honestly it's getting old. Like, Xylax just accepted an explore idea for lesbian lionesses it's not like he or anyone else is out to "put down the gays" or "be noninclusive."
The fact of the matter is that these decors are from 2014 and with the artload already being as far behind as it is, i don't see one singular reason to have him go back and redo multiple decors when he could just make new ones.

People in this thread , throughout the entirety of the pages, on both sides of the argument have been attacked and snapped at; like literally just look through it. It's absolutely gross.

You are making mountains out of molehills, guys. It's a game. It's not congress and it's not tumblr. Grow up.

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Edited on 27/02/18 @ 14:16:15 by Kindred, the Lamb (#45189)

GlassMountain [Side] (#48642)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:10:19
^ this tbh. Well put.

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:12:04
This is one of the most LGBT+ friendly pet sims I've ever played

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:21:16
Agree with Lex. Would rather see new decors, and since I've joined almost every single decor has been fitted to both sexes. The outliers are the Submissive Male and Female decors, which are actually same sex only.

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Mickey Mack (#132688)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:29:56
you've a good head on your shoulders, lex.

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Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:40:19
I myself never implied cishets were out to get us
We did get subtle backlash for being LGBTQ+ because apparently there's "too much gayness" in this game as menhit said.
Menhit literally gave backlash for us wanting LGBTQ+ decor by bringing up the "gay agenda" bullshit.

I'd like new decor, I'm supporting the suggestion of new decor/more variety of colors for the already pre-existing same-sex attraction implied decor. No one ever said they needed to update the old decor, just make new ones. Like they do, as is their job.

No one, in this entire thread, has attacked the artists and admins by saying they're homophobic, because we all know its a little extra work and that them not having those decors has nothing to do with being homophobic of the likes.


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Edited on 27/02/18 @ 14:15:28 by Kindred, the Lamb (#45189)

Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:42:21
And also, arguing after we already requested to stop is a tad rude.
Now, I'm going to stop. I suggest we all stop.

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GlassMountain [Side] (#48642)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:51:25
Okay but you guys Lex is referring to this game alone, not anywhere else, and not in the really world. They never said that the LBGT+ community doesn't get backlash in the real world, of course they do, but I have NEVER seen someone on this website offend the LBGT+ community without getting absolutely ripped into by 99% of the lioden players. As it should be. I think everyone needs to take a breather because regardless of what anyone says we are ALL getting out of hand right now. Pretty soon this thread is going to end up getting locked which isn't fair to the OP nor the people respectfully supporting.

This truly isn't something worth getting upset and arguing about

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Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 13:57:16
@Glass I never mentioned anything outside of Lioden in my reply.
But yeah. We need to step back and just stop for a while. This is getting out of hand, I'm having a horrible day because of horrible news I had to receive at 1 AM, I'm not in the mood for arguing.

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Posted on
2018-02-27 14:02:44
This thread is being temporarily locked.

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Posted on
2018-02-27 14:18:42
Thread is unlocked.

You guys have been told to stop with this nonsense already once. Please stop. Debating is fine but making personal attacks, directly or indirectly, is not okay. Disagreements are fine- insults are not. We would hate for harsher actions to be taken, but protocol will be followed accordingly if you can't adhere to our CoC and treat one another with respect.

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-27 15:30:56
Bruh, I changed now. Supported the suggestion, read one of my posts declaring I was happily supporting.
Chillax, everything's fine. Turns out I was just having a shit day.

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Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 15:58:49
And we moved on from that? Just stop bringing it up, the thread was locked for for a bit for a reason.

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Korb (#2663)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 15:59:00
op: I want gay decor
this entire thread:

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Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 16:00:06

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Edited on 27/02/18 @ 16:57:21 by Talaveth ☣ (#68452)

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