Posted by Same-Sex Decors (500+ Supports!)

{g2} (im autistic) (#132333)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 21:54:23
mmmmm gimme that Make Lioden Gay Again

anyways, it's kinda bugging me that most of the affectionate lioness decors (flirting, pregnant, etc.) are male only. yeah, smitten/shaggy/submissive work, but it's not much variety

arguments against this:
-'iTs UnNaTuRaL!': it's actually not, plus might i direct your attention towards green base? arctic base? we're not going for realism thanks
-'you already HAVE some decor': so? i want a goddamn pink (maroon) lioness to chill w my gay gal. i want variety. revolution
-'it's just pandering to homosexuals': yup, 100% true, so pander to me and make the lioness decor work w females
-'it's too much work for the artist': well, yeah. but that's what this board is FOR my dude. suggesting decors. plus, if they want to go the easy route and just recolor some old ones (GIMME MAROON SUBMISSIVE LIONESS PAPI), someone else could just recolor because it wouldn't be changing any lines. and with some of the old ones, like the flirting, all that really needs to be changed is a flip and maybe an eye shift. yeah, it's work, but that's what this board is FOR. for people to suggest decors, and other people to agree that 'yeah, those decors would be pretty radical'. viva la gay-implied-lions.

if you disagree just bc homophobia, then whatever. if you have an actually VALID argument, do let me know

edit: we also have the suggestion for male lion decor to work for dudes (only example i can think of rn is exhausted lover), so throwing that into the mix too

edit 2: *banging pots together to 'why tf u lying'* mmmm ohmygod, stop heckin FIGHTING
literally all we want is future decor to be able to be gay-implied
male-only decor has lots of cool colors!! I want that!! even if it's shitty recolors!
new art, old art, don't give a shit. all i suggested was to not have so much gender specific decor, and to have some v a r i e t y
if y'all get my thread locked i'm gonna break into your houses and breathe on you while you sleep


This suggestion has 867 supports and 79 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/06/18 @ 23:28:28 by Sol #BastIsALesbian 🌈 (#132333)

pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-03-04 16:07:53
yeah i have a lioness who isnt gay but i always imagined her as being surrounded by a group of beautiful lionesses cause shes pretty much the queen

but then i also have the gay ones

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Edited on 04/03/18 @ 16:09:29 by pin (#123673)

Howlite~ (#130267)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-04 16:09:36
that's true, i didn't mean to offend if I did

I tend to use gay as like, an umbrella term? but regardless I do support this suggestion :o

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-03-04 16:11:29
i doubt you offended anyone at least definitely not me

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-04 16:15:32
Howlite you didn't offend anyone, not at all!

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Coal (#133177)

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Posted on
2018-03-04 23:21:38
An unbrella term for people who... have friends or family members of the same sex? That's certainly an unusual choice.

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-03-05 03:23:29
no need no start another fight.

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-08 18:37:37
What's an umbrella term anyway?

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Juminakata (side) (#27376)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 18:46:46
can i also point out that having multiple lionesses in an image isnt even necessarily gay, its literally what lion prides do. and males form coalitions (aka boy bands) all the time, even when ruling prides sometimes. so the gay-is-bad argument isnt even correct.

now gimme pretty gay fierys. complain about it being old art thats not supposed to fit all ya want, its more likely and less work than them making a whole new decor for it.

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LionOfLife (#104672)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 18:50:22
if this happens my lion will be broke as a joke.

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Edited on 08/03/18 @ 18:51:54 by LionOfLife (#104672)

🔥Mariposa🔥 (#80741)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 19:02:09
Support, why not. The artists can work on their own pace and make it whenever they like, I doubt anyone'll complain.

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Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 22:05:10
This doesn't ONLY appeal in the aspect of making lions gay... female lionesses in the wild are closer to each other than the male, it always bugged me that I couldn't put prego/flirty/whatever decors with my females since I just plain wanted to and didn't make sense that it was like that. Same goes for admiring female/male adolescents. why can't a female adolescent admire a male figure? THAT's kinda sexist tbh...

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Lights off (#86586)

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Posted on
2018-03-12 17:03:45
I think that they should make more LION decors for gays... like they have lesbian couples in the februay event. Do some gay NCPs or watever they are called lol

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-12 17:19:47
what about gay everything

that sounds way better than just lions

gay bunnies
gay dinosaurs
gay pigeons


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Ari (#35330)

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Posted on
2018-03-12 17:48:25

Every lion in either of my prides [on both accounts] has been gay or bi. Regardless of this, there are never any lion-based decor that match their mates, and I don't have the skill or the money to make my own. Having more color choices, or more poses and types to choose from, lets someone tell their own story of their own pride in their own way. Honestly, I use my prides for roleplaying sometimes, and it would be very nice to be able to reflect some of the changes to the pride dynamic that happen through RP on the lion, lioness, or cub itself.

For example: My current king is nearing the end of his life - which means that he's become a lot closer to his second, and likes to spend a lot of time with him, even though they aren't in a relationship. The person playing his mate no longer comes online for whatever reason, BUT - it would be nice to be able to demonstrate that with an affectionate male of the correct base-color by his side.

Another thing that I might add to this suggestion would be to allow users to buy an item [maybe with GB] that would essentially make a 'copy' of a lion or lioness to be placed in the image of another. No new pose or anything, just a copy of the existing lion in a slightly different location, so they could be placed in the image beside said lion/lioness. It would also make it possible to show gay or lesbian relationships, or just close family relationships, without having to wait for a decor of the correct color to come out.

But that's just my two beetles on the matter. [Since lions don't use cents]

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🦋 Trotter the
Otter 🦋 (#27811)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-19 16:08:38
Straight person supports this!!

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