Posted by Chimera Adopts [Open!]

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 23:37:44

These got pretty popular! I'll be keeping this thread up indefinitely and will continue to update with new Chimeras as often as I can. It will only be closed if I become busy, but never permanently.

To breed your Chimeras, go to the breeding thread Here


- The Chimera you buy is yours to do with whatever you want! I do ask that if you resell it that you do NOT resell it for more than you paid.
- In order to track ownership, Pm me or post in the comments to let me know if a Chimera has changed owners!
- I also ask that you credit me or my tumblr wherever you post the character.

There is now a 1 hour snipe guard in place
Bids made in the hour before the auction ends, resets that auction to 1 hour left. (For example someone bids 20 minutes before the auction ends, now the auction has 1 hour left.)

The minimum increase for auctions is 300

I do accept mixed payments! (1 = 1,400sb)

Current Event Items I am very interested in:
Broken Drone - 10 drones = 1
Buffalo Scrotum - 20
Grain of Paradise - 7
Yohimbe Bark - 18
Giant torts - 1
Gmo Cow - 20
Ochre Gnawrock - 25
Red Bull - 2

(I will also take certain apps! Just ask!)

The Adopts!

Mutated Chimeras may be available from time to time, so keep a look out!
Auctions for #11 & #12 end on the 27th at 3pm Lioden time.


#11 [Ended]

Won by england (is a jerk) (#62807)

- - - -

#12 [Ended]

Won by crosschop (#126475)

Regular Chimera customs are 15 and can have minor line edits! (Small wings, spikes, different horn shapes, etc.)
+2 per common Mutation (extra limbs/eyes/tails...)

Custom Alpha Chimeras are 20 and can have minor line edits as well!
+2 per Alpha Mutation (extra limbs/eyes/tails...)
Owned Chimeras
Mintea - Appalachia (#146102)
Moya - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Keiran - Lae yūrei (#133089)
#4 - AstroRey (Anubis-Felis) (#125443)
#5 - Ziggy🐾 (#70512)
Neapolitan - Appalachia (#146102)
#7 - kencat♥︎ (#98510)
Keary (Alpha) - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Lahar (Alpha) - A Confused Waffle (#100978)
#10 - Ziggy🐾 (#70512)
#11 (Alpha) - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Pastel Skies - naмι тнe ѕмol вean (#112820)
#13 (Alpha) - kencat♥︎ (#98510)
#14 - fluff(inactive) (#145767)
Półcień - england (is a jerk) (#62807)
#16 - crosschop (#126475)

Credit toward future adopts/customs
3 - Appalachia (#146102)
15 - A Confused Waffle (#100978)
20 - kencat♥︎ (#98510)

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Edited on 27/09/18 @ 23:39:23 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

Lae yūrei (#133089)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-13 00:47:03
I would love these to be breedable! But by common does that mean chimeras without mutations? If it means both chimeras with and without mutations that arent alphas not letting two common ones breed might be a little bit bit drastic to start off with, maybe once theres some more alpha chimeras around (from customs or breeding) then you make it so two commons cant breed together
Like a gradual sort of evolution in hierarchy?

Sorry if that was super messy to read its 4am for me XD hopefully it helped at least a little though (im going to sleep now so i can brain tomorrow)

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 00:55:05 by Lae yūrei (#133089)

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 00:52:20
Also just a note! To those that own Chimeras, let me know if you choose to name them. I'd like to list owned Chimeras with names if possible! You may also choose a gender for your Chimera as well if you'd like (but this isn't necessary!) or leave it genderless.
Don't feel pressured to do either of these though! And if you do, you can also take your time. ^^

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 01:05:10
@Lae yūrei
Common Chimeras are just those that aren't Alphas, both can have mutations.
That's a good point though! I may wait a bit to make breeding available. As I still need to come up with a Chimera cub line art. I will probably make a special thread for breeding as well. I'd like to keep Alphas pretty rare... but I may auction off one or two more in order to kick off the breedings if I'm still going with my current idea. Hopefully, there'll be some custom Alpha orders by then if that's the case.
If not... well then I'll cross that bridge when I get there!

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Thing (#70512)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-13 06:00:25
Oh shoot! I missed the Alpha!
Once i get more GB I’ll request an alpha myself XPP
How much was its AB price, and how much woukd he customs end up costing? I wanna save up.
Ahh yes breeding! You shuld definitely wait until you’ve sold enough for t to gain interest even though I really want a Chimera pup now XDD

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 06:11:24
@Ziggy Yeah it was snatched up pretty fast! The AB was 20gb, as are all Alpha customs (unless you add mutations ofc).
With the event shop coming up this month, I was thinking of doing a special for custom Chimeras. One buffalo scrote for a custom Alpha + one mutation of choice.
Or one buffy scrote for 2 common customs + one mutation each.
I could even add small accessories to either of these. ^^

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Thing (#70512)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-13 06:20:50
Oo yes! That sounds good!
I’m not sure about Buffy Balls’ prices but before doing that you may want to make everything ‘fit the price’ ;3; Or at least build up credit for the left overs! That would be a cool idea.
I’d get an alpha with a mutation ;u; I’d have to save up for some ahhh

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 06:43:27
@Ziggy The price for buffy scrotes usually drops once the event shop opens, but if it doesn't I will adjust things properly! Either by adding credit or more mutations if the buyer wishes. ^v^

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Thing (#70512)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-13 06:48:34
Yeah true XD
I see! That can be cool then!
You should add a list of things people can get with Buffy Balls so they won’t end up asking for an Alpha then a common Chimera
Also a list of mutations XP I got obsessed with two-headed/siamese things so it would be cool if it ended up being available!
But take your time with breeding and such you’ve only just started ^^

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 07:02:39
@Ziggy I will probably do that in a few days (as I think it'll take at least another 4 days for the event shop to open anyway)
Ah thanks! I totally should put up a list of all current mutation variants.
I was also thinking of making two-headed (3 if you count the snake tail!) Chimera mutations, as Chimeras are typically shown with three heads in media. Though since I'd have to make a special line art for them, they probably won't be available for a bit! They could appear as a special auction in the future though.
...Which means I now have a bit of work to do. ;3;

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 07:05:04 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 08:15:19
800 SB On 6 :D

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 08:29:14
Updated! ^^

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 09:12:23
Oh Chimera breeding would be awesome!
Also, would there be any event items I could get to AB 8?

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 09:13:57
(I currently have the Preservers open and 76% Bones Collected)

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 09:20:23
8 is already autobought D:

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 09:25:11
Ah darn :"(

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