Posted by MxM RP Search

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-01 09:24:41
Comfort meme

^ Please read this ^

Also if I am currently RPing with you and you see this, I will still RP with you. I can multi task and do multiple RPs, especially on my days off.

My rules are pretty much covered by the comfort meme, but I do have some that are not covered by the meme.

Please note that I am 3 hours ahead of Lioden time. I work 8am to 2pm Eastern time Thursday - Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.



1. If you are going to leave for any amount of time, please tell me. Do not just leave and not come back. I am patient, but to a point. I am not going to wait x (insert actual number) months between posts. Please do not claim writers block or other stuff I have heard a million times. (No I'm not mean, but I get angry when I'm lied to.) I will tell you if I'm leaving for dinner, sleep, work, and any other time I'll be away from my computer.

2. Please show RP examples. I don't want one sentence posts. I want effort. I can do at least six paragraphs on a good day, but I average around 2 to 3 normally. I also can't stand first person, I always write in third person. Plus do not say what my character is doing, or assume what sexuality they are. I will say so in the RP or their character profiles. Also do not post a long sample if you don't normally post long replies.

3. I only RP male x male. If you want me to attempt male x female, look at my other search thread. I will not do it because you hate doing male x male.

4. Do not fill out the form if you are not going to RP with me. It is irritating when I see 'Hey someone's interested!' then I don't hear from them again. If you want to RP with me, fine. But please keep in contact with me, let me hear your ideas and such. Don't just fill the form out and disappear off the face of the earth.

5. Please be honest in what you will and will not RP. Don't tell me 'I'll do anything' and then turn around and blindside me. There are some things that I RP with MxM, including mpreg. If you do not RP that, tell me. I'll try to come up with a compromise.

6. Do NOT boss me. As in do not tell me 'Are we RPing or what?' I may be busy, sleeping, or we have not even come up with a plot to work with. I like discussing plots, I don't want to just get thrown into something I don't want to do.



Username/ number:
Where do you prefer to RP? (Meaning forums, PMs, Discord, etc.)
Any plot ideas?
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest)
What will you RP? (Meaning humans, animals, etc. Or anything I may not have listed)
Anything you'd like to add?
RP Sample:

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Edited on 24/04/18 @ 10:53:14 by Mots- Hockey Fan🏒 (#5378)

PantheraOnca (#137415)

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Posted on
2018-03-04 12:16:50
Username/ number: BlueFire24 #2478
Where do you prefer to RP? Animals, mythical creatures, shape shifters etc
Any plot ideas? Depends on roleplay
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest) Apocalypse, gory, not a big fan of horror...
What will you RP? Quite a lots of different plots
Anything you'd like to add? I usually write 2-3 sentences but will write more/less to suit what's going on in the roleplay.
RP Sample: He looks around, calling his family's names... no answer... His cat meows, causing him to jump at the sudden noise. Where was everyone? He looks up as the light flickers... His mum had been asking his dad to fix it for ages! He shakes his head, at his dad's
Forgetfulness, and remembers something. The reason his family aren't there... It's his graduation ceremony in... He checks his watch... 5 minutes! He gasps in shock, how had he forgotten when it was for him? He quickly grapes his coat, and hops out the door as he shoves his shoes onto his feet, before dashing off, down the road...

Didn't know what to do for example so I picked a completely random topic XD
Ps. I don't usually write this much, just so you know...

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-06 10:48:48
I'll keep looking. I'm not looking for animals, shifters or anything like that. Also I'm looking for someone that can write paragraphs, not just force themselves to for the sake of trying to make me happy.

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Edited on 11/03/18 @ 13:23:41 by Mots- Hockey Fan🏒 (#5378)

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-11 13:23:15

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2018-03-11 20:06:27
Username/ number: 🐱CottonCaat🐱#127324

Where do you prefer to RP? (Meaning forums, PMs, Discord, etc.)

Any plot ideas? I don't have anything in mind right now, but I am good with adding on and developing a plot.

Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest) I prefer to use discord

What will you RP? (Meaning humans, animals, etc. Or anything I may not have listed) I am honestly open to RP anything

Anything you'd like to add? I like to get to know my RP partner :) Not just RP and call it a day without having a casual conversation that doesn't involve the plot.

RP Sample: Cory smiled at the man and let him wash his back. The cat giggled at how he was always making sure what he was doing was fine. He was used to guys just doing as they pleased which was always fine with the tom, but he also loved how Misha needed the reassurance. “Your fine Misha,” he chuckled and let himself enjoy the wash. For a moment he wondered if his boyfriend was fine with looking at the massive scars on his back, they were from a past lover but he had wanted them. For Cory they were like tattoos, forever reminding him of David. A light purr erupted at the thought of his best friend, he missed him every day and wanted nothing more than to see him come home safe. But that brought up a serious question for the cat. If David did come home... what would that mean for him and Misha? Sure Cory felt great affections for the man, but David meant everything to him.

Cory’s mind swirled with the thoughts, it shouldn’t be a hard choice for him. Misha didn’t deserve that heartbreak. But could Cory really let go of David? “Let me wash yours now,” He mewed feeling guilt prick at his belly.

(Cory's a cat anthro in this sample but he has a normal human form)
P.S I can write more than this!

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Edited on 11/03/18 @ 20:08:23 by 🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

bugbolt [clean
witch!] (#30302)

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Posted on
2018-03-11 20:17:48
Username/ number: Immodon (#30302)
Where do you prefer to RP? Discord
Any plot ideas? Only basic ones, can be discussed further
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? Nope! I'm comfortable with anything!
What will you RP? Anything, but I prefer like human/anthro, but can do animals if wanted
Anything you'd like to add? Nope!
RP Sample:
this may be bad because I can't rp well w/o like, a given setting and such but uuuuh

Ben leaned back against the bench, lip curling in a form of a snarl. He had always hated direct sunlight, he was more of a night-time-cruise kind of guy, always had been. With a huff, he pushed himself to his feet and strolled towards a more shady area of the park, eyes scanning the other folks who had been walking the area as they passed. There were some kids playing with a frisbee, and a few more climbing trees, but not much else. It was almost.. nostalgic?

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-13 09:53:14
I'll think about it.

I honestly don't really feel comfortable doing anthro or animals with MxM RPs. Only because of what I like RPing and such. And so far I haven't really found anyone willing to RP my ideas with me.

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Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 07:14:06
Username/ number: LackeyLion (#93594)
Where do you prefer to RP? PMs/Discord usually, though forums are fine too!
Any plot ideas? The only one that comes to mind is rival x rival, in sport. (However, I'm not a sporty person, so forgive me if my terminology is wrong)
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? I do not RP smut.
What will you RP? I can generally RP anything, humans/humanoids much preferred.
Anything you'd like to add? I usually write 1 - 2 paragraphs, but if I'm given a lot to go off of, I generally can write up to 4 - 5 (I tend to write more when I enjoy the RP!)

RP Sample: ((Not my best, but I usually RP gore, so I didn't want to post any of those examples for you; context is basically a butcher/murderer.))

Arthur hung the bronze key to his shop around his neck, on a thin but sturdy piece of string. The door was locked tight, with no other way to enter. Another successful day at work, and yet, it still meant nothing to him. Arthur let out a sigh, clutching the sharp meat cleaver in his hand. He admired his reflection in the polished metal, relishing in the fact that it would soon become dirtied. Arthur skulked into the darkness of the alley, wielding his weapon of choice. He listened carefully for footsteps, for any sign of life. The alley had never failed him yet, so he wasn't quick to give up the hope that someone would pass by. He was patient, you see, learned that it was all the more satisfying to lie in wait than to pursue a target recklessly. And sure enough, the faint echo of footsteps graced his ears. The figure passed him, and it was now that he had to make his choice. The person looked weak, unable to fight back, even. He did like a good struggle, though Arthur also liked the desperate pleas that escaped the feeble ones.

And with that, he lurched forwards, pouncing onto the stranger with force. Arthur attempted to push the man against the opposite wall, to pin him there and leave him defenseless.

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WolfOfProphecys (#140692)

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Posted on
2018-03-19 14:07:21
Username/ number: WolfOfProphecys (#140692)
Where do you prefer to RP? PM's are my go to, but I can do Discord if needed
Any plot ideas? Patient x Doctor, it isn't fleshed out but it's an idea I've had for a while
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? I am fairly laid back, pretty much comfortable with anything.
What will you RP? Humans are preferred as I have no experience with animals, etc.
Anything you'd like to add? I am a fan of Mpreg, and I'd be more than happy to incorporate it into our RP if you are as well.
RP Sample: "Rose," he repeats and it is partially to himself but it would seem he likes how her name rolls off his tongue. He seemed taken aback by her confession, arching an eyebrow. How many young women could say they had their own chaperone following them? It is indeed strange but perhaps the explanation is simple, as there are in fact parents that could be.. well, too paranoid concerning their child's safety. He guessed the likely candidate behind this was her father, he has always heard that fathers are generally more strict in regard to their daughters. But alas, he has no means to justify the claim as he is his fathers only child.

"Of course I don't mind, and Rose you don't have to be embarrassed. I am glad you have the kind of parent that cares, even if the manner in which it is shown could be considered too much. I don't have such luck.. my father would very much prefer to argue with me." his bright demeanor began to ebb away at that but it quickly returned just as fast as it had left him. "Believe me, you are not bothering anyone," he added as he grinned softly. "What does this chaperone of yours look like? It will be much easier for us to find them if you describe them to me," he explained diverting his gaze away from her to peer around the surrounding area. He would be dependent upon his sight, as his hearing is much less useful in their current location.

He wanted to ensure that this girl was returned to the company of her chaperone, and yet assisting strangers should be entirely out of character considering who he was. Being the son of a mobster, it can lead to people judging him before they have come to know how he truly behaves. He is not cruel or sadistic, he is practically the opposite of what his father wants him to be. His father has always tried to drive his only son to crave more power, but much to his father's dismay.. it always failed.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-20 14:49:15
@LackeyLion - I've been thinking of a rivalry RP. But I've been trying to figure out logistics and such because of my dislike for slowburn or relationship building RPs. At least ones that take forever (and I know slowburn means take your time... I just don't like it taking literal months to get something going RP wise)

@ WolfOfProphecys - We could discuss either on PMs or Discord, it's just easier for me to keep track of Discord since I have it on pretty much all the time. I only go invisible if I'm sleeping or at work. But I could PM you and see if we could work something out if that's okay.

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WolfOfProphecys (#140692)

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Posted on
2018-03-20 21:53:40
You are more than welcome to PM me, but I'll also provide my Discord if you'd rather get in touch with me there. My Discord-Tag is #3929.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-25 08:42:07

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MysticalMistakes (#142241)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-03-30 18:19:04

Username/ number: MysticMistakes
Where do you prefer to RP: Lioden pms
Any plot ideas: have tou heard of camp halfblood? If not I have none.
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP: 18+ stuff
What will you RP: Humans or animals
Anything you'd like to add: I am 3 hours ahead of lioden time.
RP Sample: (( I don't have a recent one but I do have s recent piece of writing I'm working on))

Hi, I'm Yaroa. I'm. 13,and I'm an alien. I remember my first day in Yum-Marka’s capital city of Shair. Now Shair is large, it is the largest city in the galaxy. The air is poisonous to non-aliens. It is also as cold as Pluto. I smiled as my mom drove the hovercar towards are new home.
We moved her from a planet called Tsio. It is hotter than the sun on Tsio. Or at least that's what I'd like to say. The only reason we moved is because my brother needs special treatment. Why? He was born with a illness, that thankfully has a cure.
But the problem is that the only treatment center is in Shair. That's 800 light years away from Tsio! I looked over the seat at my brother, Zenaxi, and my two adopted sisters. Yopai and Sahwua.
Zenaxi was playing with his toys. Sahwua and Yopai were mumbling something I couldn't here. I pulled out my phone and listened to music. I heard my favorite song, Explorers of a broken heart.
I started to sing along a skip over a swear word. Soon enough tho, we arrived at our house.

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Avari (He/They) (#141430)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-30 18:24:44
Username/ number: Avari / #141430
Where do you prefer to RP? (Meaning forums, PMs, Discord, etc.) PMs and Discord!
Any plot ideas? Not much, Just normal cliche stuff (Meeting in a cafe, bumping into each other literally, etc.)
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest) The only thing I don't think I'll RP is stuff like inappropriate touching and not consensual things. The characters should let each other know their boundaries.
What will you RP? (Meaning humans, animals, etc. Or anything I may not have listed) I like fantasy! It's stuff I absolutely love. I noticed you don't seem to really like it, so maybe just plain humans? I also like mpreg and stuff like that! MxM is life.
Anything you'd like to add? If we can do fantasy I'll absolutely do it! It's my favorite thing to RP! I also normally write one-two paragraphs, it's hard for me to really get inspired. ;-;
RP Sample: Oh golly gee willikers lemme see-

Dave grumbled as he lifted his head from his desk, glancing around his bedroom. He had fallen asleep while working again. He sighed and slowly stood up, looking out his window and blinking in an attempt to see past the sun's blinding rays. He saw the green grass of the pasture and his cows happily resting. A smile tugged at his lips. Today is going to be a good day, he reassured himself. He then turned and headed out of his bedroom, to prepare breakfast and start the day.

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Edited on 30/03/18 @ 18:32:02 by Avari (#141430)

Thornyboy (#75819)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-30 22:49:40
Username/Number: Rosebush 75819
Where do you prefer to Rp?: Discord or kik
Any plot ideas?: I usually like to plan out plots with whoever I'm rping with, but usually the plots depend on which characters I use
Anything that you will absolutely not Rp?: I'm chill with a lot of things, but just warn me if you think it's necessary. I do not like to Rp canon characters from shows or movies though, I can do fancharacters, but not canon.
What will you rp?: Mostly humans, animals sometimes, humanoids.
Anything you'd like to add?: Most of my characters are from fantasy related plots, carry supernatural abilities or aren't completely human. Also, I like really deep plots ;) makes things more exciting.

Rp Example:

Water leaked in through cracks in the ceiling as the storm grew more intense, and Lux hissed at the sensation of feeling the cold rain drip onto his pale, sickly skin. He hurriedly crawled under his bed, grumbling to himself about how terrible this all was. He watched from where he lay in his cell as Arty seemed to enjoy the downpour in his own cell. The darker skinned man outstretched scaled arms, his forked tongue flicking in and out of his mouth, as his blind eyes darted from place to place. Lux rolled his eyes. The rain would be gone in a day, hopefully, and the rats would come back then. He could hear their squeaking and chattering beneath the floorboards. They gave Lux nasty bites. It took awhile for normal wounds to heal for him, sometimes they'd get infected. Arty had that venom with him, so even if they got away, if he was able to spit something out just in time there was a chance he'd blinded one of the pests. Oh well. They'd deal with them once the fog cleared up.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-04-01 14:02:47
Sorry for getting back late to you three. Work and other real life crap, but anywho...

@ Mystical - I'll think about it.

@ Avari - I can do fantasy, it's just not one of my favorite things to do since some of my previous fantasy attempts have died on me for various reasons. If you absolutely want to RP something fantasy related I'll try.

@ RoseBush - I do like your RP example. I'll think about it, I know I have to learn to make new characters or think up plots other people might like.

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