Posted by MxM RP Search

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-03-01 09:24:41
Comfort meme

^ Please read this ^

Also if I am currently RPing with you and you see this, I will still RP with you. I can multi task and do multiple RPs, especially on my days off.

My rules are pretty much covered by the comfort meme, but I do have some that are not covered by the meme.

Please note that I am 3 hours ahead of Lioden time. I work 8am to 2pm Eastern time Thursday - Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.



1. If you are going to leave for any amount of time, please tell me. Do not just leave and not come back. I am patient, but to a point. I am not going to wait x (insert actual number) months between posts. Please do not claim writers block or other stuff I have heard a million times. (No I'm not mean, but I get angry when I'm lied to.) I will tell you if I'm leaving for dinner, sleep, work, and any other time I'll be away from my computer.

2. Please show RP examples. I don't want one sentence posts. I want effort. I can do at least six paragraphs on a good day, but I average around 2 to 3 normally. I also can't stand first person, I always write in third person. Plus do not say what my character is doing, or assume what sexuality they are. I will say so in the RP or their character profiles. Also do not post a long sample if you don't normally post long replies.

3. I only RP male x male. If you want me to attempt male x female, look at my other search thread. I will not do it because you hate doing male x male.

4. Do not fill out the form if you are not going to RP with me. It is irritating when I see 'Hey someone's interested!' then I don't hear from them again. If you want to RP with me, fine. But please keep in contact with me, let me hear your ideas and such. Don't just fill the form out and disappear off the face of the earth.

5. Please be honest in what you will and will not RP. Don't tell me 'I'll do anything' and then turn around and blindside me. There are some things that I RP with MxM, including mpreg. If you do not RP that, tell me. I'll try to come up with a compromise.

6. Do NOT boss me. As in do not tell me 'Are we RPing or what?' I may be busy, sleeping, or we have not even come up with a plot to work with. I like discussing plots, I don't want to just get thrown into something I don't want to do.



Username/ number:
Where do you prefer to RP? (Meaning forums, PMs, Discord, etc.)
Any plot ideas?
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest)
What will you RP? (Meaning humans, animals, etc. Or anything I may not have listed)
Anything you'd like to add?
RP Sample:

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Edited on 24/04/18 @ 10:53:14 by Mots- Hockey Fan🏒 (#5378)

Avari (He/They) (#141430)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-01 15:13:48
It's alright! Can we do medieval style humans or something similar? I really like the idea of a prince falling in love with a peasant or just anyone lower than him, like serenading and everything all sweet and fluffy and then suddenly (unsurprisingly) he's going to be married off, and starts having second thoughts? I have a lot more ideas like that, as well as ones for a more modern setting. I can give you my name for Discord in PMs if you want to talk about it more.

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Edited on 01/04/18 @ 15:16:23 by Avari (#141430)

SheUrsa (#135238)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-02 03:05:07
Username/ number: SheUrsa/ discord tag #9215
Where do you prefer to RP? discord
Any plot ideas? Modern day person is transported back in time (this could be a fandom based if we share similar fandoms or it can be totally original). That being said I am open to any ideas you have.
Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? I am not huge fan of sci - fi but I am open to giving it a shot if the plot proves interesting.
What will you RP? Humans, humanionds and animals.
Anything you'd like to add? I'm very straight forward person who enjoys communication with my writing parenter. I want to make sure that we both enjoy the story together, I never want it too feel like a "chore" to post.
RP Sample: At the minimum I will write 2 paragraphs but this is my usual length, give or take a little, if I have enough to work with. I will mirror your posts mostly.

Fili balanced the dagger that set in his palm, testing it's weight. It was a fine piece of weaponry, forged in the fires of the mountain by his own hand. The handle was made of ivory with engraved images of leaves and vines that wrapped around to meet an emerald set into the pommel. Tradition called for him to craft a gift to present at the ceremony and he had spent many a day laboring over his work.

Absently, he listened to the servant behind him fuss as she combed the mats from his hair to weave the braids of bonded pairs, braids that he would wear for the rest of his days. He felt the weight of them like a brand. It should have been his brother to wear the braids, to carry the Khazâd into an age of peace with flame haired she-elf that he had claimed in secrecy to love. Strange it was, to have a servant to place the braids rather than his betrothed. Though the situation was far from normal it irked him and he snapped a low, mean spirited insult to the maid leaving her teary eyed and flustered.

When his King had informed him of the marriage, Fili had not uttered a word, still to fresh into his grief for the lost of his brother. Even now, months later the absence of Kili festered like a wound inside his heart. Like his Uncle, he too wanted peace for he was weary of war but he felt that he was ill prepared to carry out such a task. No matter, he thought. You have no choice now.

He stood before the looking glass, clothed in finery. Steel bottomed shoes, supple leather breaches, a tunic embodied with golden thread and a vest of fur golden as his own mane. He stared for a moment, aghast at the amount of weight that grief had stolen from him. Heavy shadows hung beneath his eyes that were dull as the stone walls that surrounded them. He shook his head, sending the clasps in his hair to clink together. It was nearly time for the ceremony that he was due to arrive at before his betrothed.

At the door he was met by a compact group of royal guards. He avoided their gazes, unwilling to see the pity in their expressions. Allowing them to lead, he followed along quiet as a ghost, feeling as though he was walking three feet behind his own body; until they reached a grand room that had been left untouched by the dragon's wrath. To the left of the cavernous space stood a congregation of Woodland Elves with their King, their lithe frames and shining hair entirely out of place. To the right the royal Khazâd and his Uncle, expressions of anger offered up to plainly see. Peace would not come easily even with the marriage.

Fili moved to the front, to stand beneath a stone archway that had been decorated for the ceremony, a strange clash of Dwarven and Elivsh ornamentation. Mere moments later entered his soon to be husband. The Prince was no doubt a fair being, as were all Elven kind but it was a foreign beauty that left Fili ill at ease. He tried to offer a smile but it fell short in the face of The Prince whose eyes were burning with indignanty.

Both an Elf and a Dwarf stepped to stand near them, preparing to start the binding of the pair as Fili pulled the dagger from his vest ,presenting it to Legolas. Traditional words falling from his tounge in a voice that was rough from misuse.

"For you, Dorzada."

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Edited on 02/04/18 @ 03:18:58 by SheUrsa (#135238)

🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 12:10:39
Username/ number: Wish, 134425

Where do you prefer to RP? (Meaning forums, PMs, Discord, etc.)
Pms here on Lioden or on Tumblr if you have one

Any plot ideas?
I have a few built worlds already, mostly fantasy, magical, along that line. I have a soft spot for steampunk/rebellious/ apocalypse action or adventure. Demonic or angelic things are my shit plus character development and building relationships

Is there anything that you will absolutely not RP? (Remember be honest)
I'm not super comfortable with anthro RP yet and multi characters per person can get confusing if it's more than 2-3 per person

What will you RP? (Meaning humans, animals, etc. Or anything I may not have listed)
Humans, ferals, mature content, violence, tbh it's pretty much everything but what I listed above.

Anything you'd like to add?
I'm a sucker for descriptions, so you'll probably get like three paragraphs of scene/character building each time. My bad.

RP Sample:

(Just the first paragraph, don't want to send too much and clutter the thread)
Tapo ran across the plain, his eye almost totally closed and his chest heaving with the activity. Sand struck him on all sides, piercing into his nose and ears, causing him to growl with pain as he leapt through a pile of rocks. His claws dug into the ground and he opened his eyes fully for a brief moment to survey his surroundings. He knew this place. He instantly bolted to a place he knew well. The pit might not save him from the sands, but it would be better at least than standing out in the open. With a loud noise half way between a roar and a growl he rocketed closer to the pit

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-04-24 10:41:43
@ Wish - I have a Tumblr, I just don't go on it that much. It's mostly for trying to get help on my fanfic that I'm probably going to abandon because everyone hates it. And no one likes me much either... Le sigh.

I'm not a huge fan of relationship building, only because of a few bad apples where it lasted literal months and I am not that patient.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-21 14:52:11

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