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Posted by | So how long have you been RPing? |
![]() Sky (#38619) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-18 11:56:53 |
Hey friends, I haven't been on this site in years (or, like, any site like it, yikes) and I'm wildly curious about the current demographics of roleplayers 'round here. Figured it wouldn't hurt to post and see if anyone wants to talk about it. I'm also delighted by how little has seemed to change. Anyway, I'll start. Hi, I'm Sky, I've been roleplaying for over 10 years. I started out on various petsites when I was just a young wee thing, but quickly became attached to forum-based RPs sites once I figured out that those are thing. Now I mainly lurk on discord and chill with friends. I used to advertise myself as "advanced literate" when I'd post advertisements and stuff, but I've done chatplay, RPed through emotes in video games, DnD, all kinds of stuff. Paragraph-based RP has always been my comfort zone, however, and I used to scare away potential RP partners with giant intro posts because I didn't have any chill. Characters will take ya wherever they're gonna take ya, I guess. But anyway, tell me about yourself! ![]() |
Mots - RP Loved (#5378)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-18 12:08:29 |
I've been RPing for quite a long time, let's just say well over 13 years. I probably fall into the advanced literate section myself, since on a good day I can easily do six or more paragraphs. When I first started out many moons ago, I did script format RP and now I hate it. I do paragraphs mostly, I usually treat RPs like if I'm writing a story. A lot has changed about me with how I RP and what I RP. I'm on discord, but I've been staying away from one group since one person and I had a falling out. And now I'm missing the RP I was doing with said person and want to do something similar. Le sigh... I'm finding it more difficult to find RP partners. ![]() |
Sky (#38619)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-18 12:18:53 |
Haha, it's nice to see there're more oldies around here! I totally agree with treating RP like a story. I usually like to hash a bunch of plotty stuff out with my RP partner to get an idea of what direction the characters might take us in before we really get into posting. It's amazing how they can still surprised you even after plotting! I also completely agree with it being hard to find new RP partners. The ones I currently have are people who I've known for over 10 years. The ones that know that sometimes I need a couple months break from whatever we were doing because life just catches up to you sometimes and, heck, sometimes they need that break, too. I'm also kinda curious what kinda stuff you were RPing, if you don't mind my asking. xD I'd be happy to hear about it here or over PMs. ![]() |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-18 13:52:55 |
Gosh, 10 years, what a feat! I've only been RPing for a couple years, maybe 3 at most? Although I do see myself RPing for many years to come! In my small amount of experience, I've found that the amount I can write varies, though usually paragraphs will be longer if I'm enjoying the RP + getting good responses back! I also agree with finding partners being difficult - not sure if I'm just picky, or if there's another reason, aha! (Many people tend to pick the same plotlines/pairings, which gets boring after a while.) I tend to RP paragraph style as well, so I immediately can't RP with people who use '*' for movement, as I find it breaks the flow of the story too much x.x . ![]() |
Sky (#38619)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-18 14:27:54 |
Same for me! Response length varies WILDLY depending mostly on the quality of replies I'm getting back. Honestly, I think part of the reason finding a long-term roleplay partner is so difficult is because it's a lot like... dating, almost. Or any close long-term relationship. You've got to be friends, first and foremost, (or at least start a friendship) but then your interests have to line up enough that you can keep each other engaged and entertain both through roleplay and just interacting with each other. Idk about you guys, but whenever I try to just roleplay with someone without befriending them, too, my interest in the roleplay eventually wanes. It's hard for me to keep invested without the benefit of chatting about plot, new ideas, or even just how our day went. ![]() |
FAEDREAD (#10408)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-19 06:33:56 |
Hi, Sky! And everyone else ofc. Relatable feelings, about the engaging in some sort of relationship beforehand. Just feels a lot more lax and, like you said, it makes it a lot easier for when it comes to interests and ideas. I've been roleplaying for about seven years myself but only two or three years seriously (as in, in paragraphs format rather than shitty little 3-line things). Have had a break for a while though but I've been wanting to get back into it. ![]() ![]() |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-19 07:22:56 |
I also agree with the friendship thing! If I have a relationship with my RP partner, I feel more inclined and excited to reply! I tend to feel a bit awkward when my partner only speaks to me in the RP alone, as I feel that I can't tell them when I'm away for a few days due to personal life/etc - it sounds silly, but knowing my partners makes me feel more at ease! If I don't chat with my partner, I tend to respond when I have stuff to do, because I'm anxious that they're not the understanding type ;-; . ![]() |
Sky (#38619)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-19 13:57:23 |
Hi, uh, 4I! Haha, coming back from a break and jumping into a really good RP is honestly the best feeling. All refreshed and with new ideas and ready to get creative. And yeah, like I said, I'm a plotter, I like to world-build, and not all of that can be done through roleplay alone. I'm having a hard time really getting a grasp on what the community is like since most of it seems to be advertising for people to join stuff. Idk, it's nice to see how active some people are about it? Yo, saaaame Lackey. When people just throw replies at me and nothing else, it feels like I'm intruding even if I wanna ask for a simple clarification on something they wrote. And I've got a job, I've got a life, I can't reply every day, so having someone I can talk to to make sure they understand I'm still invested and not just blowing them off really helps with the guilt that goes along with that. And honestly? If the person you (universal you, not you in particular xD) start RPing with is the type to get huffy if you take more than a day to reply, that ain't someone I'd wanna waste time on. But that's just me. I've been RPing too long to tolerate people who're gonna try to stress me out through my creative outlet. Also, if any of y'all wanna hang and talk about RP or just whatevs, I wouldn't mind exchanging discords. Y'all seem pretty cool. ![]() |
Mots - RP Loved (#5378)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-19 14:01:12 |
You can PM me or find me on Discord if you want to hear more about what I was RPing. There was one RP that I loved doing, okay more like three I was doing, and they all died on me. Two I got really attached to because of the plot and that I thought I was friends with those two people, and they up and left me. I get upset if I'm abandoned for months on end without a reasonable excuse. Family stuff, real life stuff, sure I understand. But I hate being lied to, like if I see you on here (well collective, not picking anyone out here. Sorry if it came across that way T_T ) and you are RPing with someone else, and tell me that you have writer's block? Sorry, I'm done. ![]() |
FAEDREAD (#10408)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 02:51:01 |
You can also find me on Discord if you wanted to. There is a lot of advertising on here, for sure, but I assume that most hookups for RPs take place off-site. Those that are on here (that I've seen, at least - no offense intended) are usually very informal, cluttered, laid-back, and don't much seem to even be semi-lit tbh. Most of them on this forum are really just for fun rather than committing wholly to development of characters and relationships. But I digress. But aye, Sky! It can be great coming off a break, but becomes more of a problem when there aren't any partners at the end of that break. ![]() Also same, Lackey and Sky; I had a friend deal with the same thing just yesterday. People who don't have the patience and understanding for busy lives, sudden happenings, muse, and fun etc. aren't worth keeping if sense can't be knocked into them. It's silly to get nagged so much and sillier to nag. I'm really sorry to hear it, Mots! I can also understand just not having muse for s particular roleplay, but using a block as an excuse to go off and write with others is actually rather pathetic. Full offence intended; do they not know how to simply be honest and say they don't feel like it, if anything? ![]() |
♥Amour (#29257)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 03:00:05 |
Howdy all! I guess you could call me one of the oldies, though not near as impressively long as some of you guys. I’ve been in the world of Roleplay for about 10 years now. Time flies, eh? Feels like it was just yesterday when I first found out that ‘roleplay’ was actually a thing! I was definitely the noob back then but I’ve always had an insane love for righting, not to mention a creativity streak a mile wide, so I wasn’t nearly as horrible as some of my fellow noobs back then. ![]() I too started out on pet sites, joining one after another in pure boredom. Then I wandered into the forums and discovered Roleplay. I remember avoiding them at first, thinking they’d be boring? Perhaps a bit intimidating due to how experienced some of the roleplayers were. But I eventually joined when I saw a particular plot that really caught my attention. Since then I’ve been hooked! Literally can’t get enough. I’ve joined more forum based sites, sites dedicated specifically to Roleplay, etc. There is one Roleplay site in particular that I joined, it was mature and nearly everyone there was advanced literate. Because of this the site was very picky on who they let join. I got accepted and was in pure heaven! I mean, I can be pretty flexible on how I roleplay. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere and I don’t mind helping like my old RP friends helped me back in the day, but its fun to just write your heart out from time to time. Paragraph after paragraph after paragraph, detail after detail, not leaving anything juicy out. Its hard to find users like that nowadays. ![]() |
FAEDREAD (#10408)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 03:10:22 |
Hey, Amour! Similar start: I also began on forums but also began intimidated by the rest, but a certain plot was what hooked me in too. Muse has been floppy for the past half-year for me but otherwise it's at least exciting to discuss it with some others. I bet you're very talented, as well. It'd be lovely to see some writing from you guys! ![]() |
♥Amour (#29257)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 03:26:29 |
Nowadays, fantasy is my love. Everything fantasy. Especially Lord of the Rings/Hobbit! Though you won’t catch me doing canon, ever. I just want to leave those precious characters just how they are. Strictly OCs for me. ;) I’ve tried several RPs on here, but not many have equalled to those I’ve done in the past. I’d love to see some writing from you guys too! Perhaps chat on Discord. Do some roleplaying perhaps. ![]() |
Sky (#38619)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 06:13:11 |
Oh my gosh, what even are people. xDD Telling you they've got writers block and then posting a bunch in other roleplays?? That's insane! Like, sure, it's perfectly possible to have more muse for one RP than another one, but /come on/ you still gotta show your other RP partners some love or at least have the decency to say that you aren't feeling it anymore. Crazy. Man, character development is what makes RP fun for me. Like, watch me beat up this perfectly respectable character and give them a tragic past with a bunch of broken pieces and then look desperately for someone who'll help me mend them and grow them as a character. Take someone good and pure who's never had anything bad happen to them in their entire life and BEAT THEM DOWN TO NOTHING so we can watch them struggle and overcome it. Gimme dat good angst with a happy ending, I live for it. I'm super lucky in regards to finding RP partners because I've got, like... about half a dozen people who I've known for around least ten of the years I've been roleplaying who I can usually poke into starting something with me. At the same time, we all have lives and stuff, so replies are sloooooow. Most RP-dedicated forum sites I've been on usually have such slow replies since they've all been established with people who've basically grown up roleplaying with each other. It's great on one hand, but on the other I sometimes feel the itch to see if I can go out and make new friends to try out something different. (also i might have just done the math and i'm pretty sure i've actually been RPing for more years of my life than i haven't been rping so wow that's something) Hi Amour! Haha, I've got a similar story to you guys, too. xD Right now I'm actually a member of two RP forums. They'd probably both be considered advanced literate, for the most part, but they aren't super picky about who they let join so there's a bit of a range. One of them has a word count requirement, however, so you won't see any one-line responses, that's for dang sure. I also totally agree with the no canon stuff. I could never get into RPing someone else's character, like jeez. OCs or nothing at all. And fantasy is amazing, I'm especially into modern fantasy. ;) Scifi is great, too. Who doesn't love a completely random PIRATES IN SPACE RP? Haha, I'm thinking I'll maybe make a discord channel for any of y'all who wanna chat? I'll set something up once I'm home from work. ![]() |
FAEDREAD (#10408)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 06:25:26 |
Agreed 100% with all, it's ridiculous to have people hopping onto your back about RP all the time but the good outweighs the bad otherwise tbh. Character development is A+ and when you can develop those characters with close friends? Even better. It's all in good fun finding new partners, though, but I'll be honest in that I do sometimes find it awkward given the amount of people I haven't clicked with (personally speaking; everyone else is different so I shan't state any "facts" about the majority) and it's always resulted in rocky ends to conversation that play out rather alike two 8th-graders breaking up from a relationship. Just hate telling people no, you feel, but sometimes it just isn't meant to be either. The word requirement on a writing forum is a good idea! I'm on one at the minute that functions in roundabout the same way, actually, Sky. Which forums is it that you use? If you'd care to share ofc, out of curiosity. Damn I've been wanting Scifi more and more recently tbh. Don't know where to start with it at all but so much lowkey muse for it that it physically hurts. I think a Discord server would be a lovely idea, though! ![]() |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-20 09:09:54 |
If you ever set up a discord, I'd love to join if you'd have me! You all seem to share the same values when RPing, which is quite difficult to find on LD! (Honestly, the RP advertisement channel is super hit and miss for me; I've messaged someone before only to find their replies consisted of 1 - 2 sentences each time - which isn't a problem if you like that sort of thing, might I add, though it's not for me. >.< I always have difficulty breaking things off, as I tend to worry about what my partner would think too much) I feel you guys too - no one ever seems to RP topics that I'm into at the moment! Really disheartening to put up an ad only to get no response :') Regardless, I've always been a sucker for fantasy/Scifi! Don't tend to RP it much though, considering people mostly want to RP animals/lions. (Which does add up, it's an animal based site after all.) ![]() |
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