Posted by So how long have you been RPing?

Sky (#38619)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-18 11:56:53
Hey friends, I haven't been on this site in years (or, like, any site like it, yikes) and I'm wildly curious about the current demographics of roleplayers 'round here. Figured it wouldn't hurt to post and see if anyone wants to talk about it. I'm also delighted by how little has seemed to change.

Anyway, I'll start.

Hi, I'm Sky, I've been roleplaying for over 10 years. I started out on various petsites when I was just a young wee thing, but quickly became attached to forum-based RPs sites once I figured out that those are thing. Now I mainly lurk on discord and chill with friends. I used to advertise myself as "advanced literate" when I'd post advertisements and stuff, but I've done chatplay, RPed through emotes in video games, DnD, all kinds of stuff. Paragraph-based RP has always been my comfort zone, however, and I used to scare away potential RP partners with giant intro posts because I didn't have any chill.

Characters will take ya wherever they're gonna take ya, I guess. But anyway, tell me about yourself!

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♥Amour (#29257)

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Posted on
2018-03-20 11:58:10
Aah, I’d love to join if you did set something up! You guys seem like a lot of fun to chat with. And you guys seem fairly... how to put this.. mature? Experienced? In my time I’ve run across users who were fabulous at Roleplay, liked detail and loooong, multiple paragraphs as I do, but got butt-hurt over the smallest thing. I’d give some of them multiple chances just because they were fun to RP with when they weren’t whining or trying to control everything (including my characters) but I’d end up just dropping them for good. I like someone who will be /flexible/ and /chill/. Got ideas? Great! Let me know! Or gently nudge the RP in that direction ‘ but don’t drag me and my characters along like they are yours. I absolutely adore character development, RPing them out with great and skilled partners who will work together with me. World building is great too. I’ve got my own world I’ve created (based off of the LotR/Hobbit series because fantasy is my bae) but sadly it hasn’t had much time to build up as not many people like to RP that style. I’ve also got an elf OC whom I haven’t had too much time to develop either. Poor thing, she’s so fun to RP too. XD

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Sky (#38619)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-20 13:33:22
Yeah, I kinda understand why so many people who wanna flake out end up ghosting their RP partner because I get that anxiety thing. Ghosting is easier, but it's still a shitty thing to do. Especially when you're still active on the damn site! That break-up convo is awkward, but in the end it's still... better. To have a good break. And I'd be happy to share what they are, just probs not here. xD I can letcha know over discord or PMs.

Oh my gawd so does that mean I could find Warrior Cat RPers here?!?!?! (i kid i kid, er, kinda)

Man, totally relatable with wanting chill RP partners. Like. The sky won't fall if your RP has to take a break, you aren't the best writer in the universe, your ideas aren't more important than your RP partner's. The whole point is you're supposed to have fun together. Trying to make it all about you sure as heck isn't what the other person signed up for, especially if y'all ain't friends already.

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