Posted by New Primal variation: Atrox (art concept inside!)

(Crow) Jackdaw Lord (#1110)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-23 08:59:55
So I really love primals of all variations, and having 3 different types, including some super unique poses is amazing, but I really want more!

I was researching canine evolution a while back and stumbled upon the American cave lion, or Panthera Leo Atrox. Well, I think they'd make a pretty kickass primal, so I sketched one. It's probably not super accurate to the actual Atrox skeletons, but I tried. (I'm also not amazing at felines but again... I tried!)

Adult male

Adult female

I can do more if people are interested?!

This suggestion has 642 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/03/18 @ 11:20:30 by Crow Of Bones (#1110)

cher [ennead
enjoyer] (#434220)

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Posted on
2024-03-30 17:17:05
Maybe lengthen the fangs a little more, since even Primals not based on sabertooth cats have them, and the sketches would be golden

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longfang (lights off
) (#432386)

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Posted on
2024-09-25 12:55:09
maybe show adosolent male and female drawings? and cub stanges?

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