Posted by War for Mudclan |:| MUDCLAN

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-04-27 16:04:02


A Literate-Advanced Warriors Roleplay

Mod: InsertCleverNameHere

The story of cats versus dogs is a well known and infamous one, but the political relations on one strange and remote landmass bring the age-old feud to a new level.

Six moons after the brutal murder of a young Solclan apprentice — the first inkling of the Mudclan rebellion — tensions and anxiety about the canine threat have become overshadowed by the collapse of a once-powerful clan. Dwelling in the thick southwest jungle and the islands surrounding it, Shadeclan was made up of tigers, the striped behemoths rivaled only by the lions of Solclan to the north. But tigers are solitary by nature and while they had been able to mold into the precedent originally set by the lions and thrive in a group, rising tensions between the clans and differing opinions among individuals proved too much for the faction and its fragile fraternity. The cats went their separate directions, those who preferred seclusion disappeared into the trees, but those who relished the life of a clan cat migrated to one of two remaining clans. Now, as Roseclan and Solclan receive the influx of striped refugees, Roaring Calls have been postponed and the Mudclan threat, placed temporarily on the backburner, begins to bubble back to the surface and now threatens to boil over.

In the swamps of Mudclan, the militant Ratstar returns to her leaderly duties after a time caring for her own addition to the next generation. After months of rest and nursing, the hyena is ready to once again take up arms against the cats and lead the rebellion. But even with Shadeclan a thing of the past, she cannot defeat the big cats alone, and thus may need to employ the help of an unexpected visitor…



Home to hyenas and all species of canine, especially wolves, dholes, AWDs, jackals, coyotes, and the like. (Due to lack of humans, there are no domesticated dogs.) This clan is ruled by the militant, tough spotted hyena called Ratstar. The canines live in the unwanted section of the island: a murky swamp populated by snakes and various ilk. The prey here is sparse, so the canines rely on catching the large boas, caimans, birds, boar, and rare deer that can be found in the territory. When not enough food is available, Mudclan dogs may even resort to thievery.







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Edited on 28/04/18 @ 16:13:28 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-04-27 19:14:04

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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2018-04-27 19:14:05

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