Posted by | Project Serum B {Shapeshifters RP} |
![]() o_leander (#114927) Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 18:38:21 |
Welcome to… Project Serum B (PSB)! Here at the lab we work to contain the chaotic creations that are known as shapeshifters, or simply shifters for short. These are unnatural crosses between human and beast, giving them the ability to change themselves into an animal at will. Serum B means the prominence of Beast in their body, and is strengthened by how much time they spend in their animal forms. Luckily, it is only one animal per shapeshifter, and we are privileged enough to have the necessary security to ensure they do not escape to wreak havoc on the world. Well, now that we are done with the introduction, let me give you the tour! Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 08/11/18 @ 15:48:19 by Skye (#114927) |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 01:40:47 |
Killian Stone ![]() Edited on 08/09/18 @ 16:52:57 by Skye (#114927) |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 22:11:06 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 22:12:53 by Bloodblossom (#131214) |
Pembroke (#717)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 23:19:05 |
Vaughn Hollander ![]() |
Axolotl (#141369)
Nightmare View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 23:59:48 |
Rayna Pines / 16 / Female / Captured Shifter / Siberian Lynx / Her Cell / Mentions: Vaugh(direct) The Siberian Lynx woke up to her sensitive ears hearing the series of numbers 2550, of which had been burned painfully into her skull for the past months, that being her apparent 'new name' in this establishment. Rayna Pines didn't bother listening or paying attention to the rest of the sentence, knowing exactly what to do, shift into her human form and sit in the back of her cell, like she did every day since she was dragged in here. Shifting fluidly from her fluffy lynx into her human form, yesterday's clothes still on, Rayna clambered out of her stiff bed and onto the cold metal floor. Her unfavorable hazel eyes met the guard's for a second, a cocky glint in the shifter's light brown optics as she joked,"So why metal? You couldn't've chosen something lukewarm like tile or plastic for the flooring huh ,Sparky? What the deal with that? Afraid we're gonna burrow down with a plastic spork?" It could have come out of her mouth with much less sarcasm, but it was actually something Rayna was concerned about, it hurt to fall out of your bed and onto metal floor, and it was cold when you had to sit on it, and Rayna hated the cold. Its one of the main reasons she worse jackets and hoodies all the time, and socks. Pines didn't like wearing shoes, mainly becuase it's more comfortable not to wear them and it annoys people when she doesn't. If the floor wasn't so cold in her cell, she would be bear-footed right now. "Anyways, all this 'come easily' stuff, for me? Awww Sparky, you shouldn't have, escpecially that you know I don't..really..wanna...leave. Where would I escape to ,one? Two, its pretty nice in here except for the blood samples and cold floors. Better than my stuck-up parents where I couldn't even read Harry Potter,and I still haven't read it." Rayna Pines rambled, her sarcastic tone wearing off halfway into the second sentence. It was like her mind went a million miles an hour, and it was generally. Thoughts come and went in her brain frequently and swiftly, some stick with her, but those always get pushed out into rambles that don't get anywhere much, other than proving herself as a sarcastic rambler, which people can generally guess of her within an hour of meeting her. ![]() Edited on 08/09/18 @ 09:39:18 by Axolotl (#141369) |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 00:16:51 |
Nyra - 24 - female - shifter - horse - guard - outside Anora's cell - mentions: Anora (directally) May (Indirectally) Nyra was new to the lab, she wanted to but her skills as a horse shifter to better use. She was sitting crossed legged on one of the staff break room sofas just staring at the out the window. She twirled the heart pendant that lays around her neck at all times. Nyra sighed as she shook her head feeling the shock collar around it move with her movement. She remembered having the awful thing put around her neck, she hated it and wanted to rip it off immediately. Seeing May poke her head around the door, Nyra knew it was time to get to work. She was slightly uncomfy being around the other shifters, almost knowing what that thought of her. Nyra followed the other, as usual, given off a dark and cold-hearted appearance and personality. Nodding her head after receiving her orders, Nyra walked along the cell that contained a panther shifter. Nyra took a deep breathe in her nose before blowing it out her mouth. Remembering the words that had been hammered into her head, Nyra stood on the outside of the door, her hand hovering over her handcuffs in case she headed them. In a clear and cold voice, she called out to the shifter in the cell. "B-1039, Anora James. Please sit at the back of the cell remaining in human form." Nyra moved her hand on the scanning pad unlocking the cell after several minutes, she watched as the door slide open. Nyra quickly walked in, not giving the panther any chance to make a bid for freedom. Nyra stood in front of the door with her hand hovering over her handcuffs giving the sign that she meant business if she had too. "Come easy now. Time to go to the Socialization Center." Nyra gave her order in a short and cold tone She hated using force if it wasn't called for or needed. ![]() |
Renegade (#80128)
![]() Harbinger View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 01:18:49 |
Ryley | 19 | Female | Captured Shifter | Bumblebee Bat | Her Cell | Mentions: Open Beady little eyes darted around the presently empty cell, a small fuzzball crammed tightly against the top corner. The little bat didn't care move; She already knew what time it was - She'd have to endure the pressures of the cramped cell once again. Ryley was in her animal form at that moment, making it more bearable, as her alternate was the tiniest mammal currently known, but in her hiuman form...? The walls would close in on her immediately. At least she knew that the guards knew about her crippling claustrophobia. Perhaps they'd put her in a net this time and just take her out to the socialization center in her animal form. Or, they'd make things much harder and more of a pain in the ass and force her into her human form right there and then. And give her a panic attack while they were at it. Of course, the latter would probably be the case, but she really didn't feel like dealing with that bullcrap this time around. Besides, she needed to get over her fear anyway. The littlest wings spread to catch the stagnant air as just as little claws released from the ceiling, worn down enough for those little claws to tear into in order for it to become a perch. Dropping headfirst and twisting around, the Bumblebee Bat landed on the floor without a sound, although quite the thump for her own ears. With a nervous, yet mildly annoyed squeak, she waited for the next guard to enter her cell to force her to get out of her saving grace. The only plus side was that she would shift back fully clothed and not completely naked. ![]() |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 01:37:35 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell - Mentions: Nyra Hearing the cell door open with that always annoying sheathing sound, Anora opened her eyes and tilted her head down to look at Nyra. A snarl drawing itself across her face as she looked at the meek woman. Why would they send a herd animal to fetch a predator? Shifting herself to cross her arms she noticed the guards hand hovering over the handcuffs on her hip, even though Anora could smell the unease radiating from the other shifter. Deciding to toy with the girl for a bit Anora stood up slowly and tilted her head to the side a sinister smile settling into the place her snarl once occupied. "You know, horse meat is a delicacy in Central Asia..." Taking a step forward she inclined her head in a thinking matter as she stared the traitorous shifter down. Anora couldn't stand the guards, most of them were shifters and they had decided to join ranks with the lab just to save their own hides. Anora would never submit herself to working for the enemy, but then again she wasn't a coward. ![]() |
Max (#135327)
Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 04:17:34 |
Alexander R. Lake l 20 l Scientist l His room l Mentions: OPEN Alexander groaned and rolled off his bed as his alarm started beeping. Sighing, he looked at the alarm. "Dang I'm late." he said out loud to nobody. He sat up and changed, putting on his lab clothes he had left on a chair. He snapped on his watch, straightened his clothes and walked out of the apartment. He got in his car and drove off to the compound. He ran a hand though his hair as he wondered if his boss would be mad, this was the third time he was late. Recently, he had been plagued by the nightmares of his father being murdered, but he shook those thoughts away and buzzed himself in. "Why are you late again?" asked a weary voice. ![]() Edited on 08/09/18 @ 05:40:12 by Maxine (#135327) |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 06:42:24 |
Alex Falum | 16 | Captured shifter | Cell | Mentions: OPEN Alex sits in his cell. The white cell made him want to barf. He hates the color white. He waits for breakfast to start. Like everyday. He hated it. He hates feeling trapped. Which he was. He hates dong the same thing over and over and over. He wishes something new would happen, not the same thing. Alex sighs. He squeezes his eyes shut thinking of when he was free. He wasn't really free then either but he still thinks it was better. Better than being here. ![]() |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 17:13:34 |
Nyra - 24 - female - shifter - horse - Anora's cell - mentions: Anora Nyra stared the predator down, watching closely. She could sense the tension in the air. Placing her hand on her handcuffs as a clear warning. Nyra chuckled slightly under her breathe as the shifter was staring her down, trying to intimidate her. Nyra watched as the panther too a step forward towards her, Nyra didn't move in fact she squared her shoulders not backing off. Nyra shook her head smiling hearing the comment, she thought it was funny. "Stand at the back of your cell B - 1039 now," Nyra ordered in her cold tone once more. "I'm not so easily intimidated even by a mere predator sorry to spoil your fun," she added, removing her handcuffs. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Nyra stared at Anora. "Personally I'd prefer the easy way." Violet - 23 - female - shifter - snow leopard - unknown - mentions: OPEN Violet woke with a yawn and stretch. She extended her claws seeing the points. Violet has always slept in her snow leopard form before quickly shifting back into her human form, yesterdays clothes of a hoodie and white skirts covered her body with black pumps on her feet. Looking around the outside of the cave she had found which was a short distance from a city which was easy for her to pass her day. Violet brushed her red hair from her ears before tying it up into a ponytail. Hearing her stomach grumble Violet started making her way to the city in search of some breakfast. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 17:49:47 |
Alex Falum | 16 | Captured shifter | Cell | Mentions: OPEN Alex shifts to a cat where she feels more conferrable. She starts to groom her black fur. After the grooming she just starts to walk in circles. She is so distracted in her thought and old memories that she doesn't hear the foot steps coming towards her cell. James Darwen | 38 | Scientist | Hallways | Mentions: Alex, Open James walks down the hallway. He walks to the shifter cells. He sees a cat walking in circles and kicks the cage. He laughs because the cat jumps. B-0489 was next to her cell. He smiles. He walks further down the hallway stoping to look and other shifters. ![]() |
Renegade (#80128)
![]() Harbinger View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 18:15:39 |
Ryley | 19 | Female | Captured Shifter | Bumblebee Bat | Her Cell | Mentions: Mentions: James (Indirect) The little bat remained belly-flat on the cell floor, looking up at the tempered glass door. Her little right ear flicked, glancing in that direction in response to the kick, although she didn't know how far it was. As far as she knew, it was on the other side of the facility - Her bat ears were at least good for something. After all, it was her primary connection to the outside world, as she was mostly blind at that point. She'd regain a good portion of her sight when she returned to her human form, but even then it was more than what one would call 'hot garbage.' Thinking about it more, she let out a soft groan, although to anything outside of her cell it was more like the littlest, quietest sigh, realizing it was one of the more... Problematic scientists. And probably one of the ones who would be conducting the research on her at some point, too. For some reason, she was scheduled to spend some time in the labs soon. For what reason, she didn't know, and she didn't know how long. Ryley only knew it would probably be a horrible experience. ![]() |
Pembroke (#717)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 22:13:22 |
Vaughn Hollander ![]() |
Axolotl (#141369)
Nightmare View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 12:18:57 |
Rayna Pines / 16 / Female / Captured Shifter / Siberian Lynx / Her Cell / Mentions: Vaugh(Direct) She waited a long minute before responding, waiting for the Shifter Guard to flinch or let out a small, high-pitched yell of pain that indicated they had been shocked by the bulky, plastic shock collar they always wore. It kind of bummed her, it gave her a little bit of sadistic joy when the Shifter employees were shocked because they retaliated to her sarcastic remarks. The pause gave her enough time to think of pretty good response, or at least she thought the snide semi-ramble was. “I think a Five-Star hotel would allow its inhabitants to leave, and for its employees to not butcher their already subpar looks with a massive plastic shock collar, huh Sparky? And wouldn’t a Five-Star hotel have the people staying in to pay with cash and not their blood? Oh yeah, I’ve bruised my head and elbows when I’ve tripped or fallen off my bed on the floor a bunch.” Raising up her arm awkwardly and bending it to show a decently sized purple bruise on the lower part of her elbow, Rayna looked into the guard’s brown tinted eyes with a satisfied expression. (Sorry it’s kinda short, I’m on my phone.) ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 17:11:19 |
James Darwen | 38 | Scientist | Hallways | Mentions: Alexander James walks further down and saw Alexander "Why are you late again?" James asks weary. He steps in front of him. "I mean seriously?" James crosses his arms "It's like the third time." James says giving Alexander the eyebrow raise. Alexander replies with a shrug "Nightmares." Alexander says. James scoffs. "That's why your late for work? Thats's the lamest excuse ever." "Sure." shrugged Alexander \\Got permission from Max// ![]() |