Posted by | Project Serum B {Shapeshifters RP} |
![]() o_leander (#114927) Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 18:38:21 |
Welcome to… Project Serum B (PSB)! Here at the lab we work to contain the chaotic creations that are known as shapeshifters, or simply shifters for short. These are unnatural crosses between human and beast, giving them the ability to change themselves into an animal at will. Serum B means the prominence of Beast in their body, and is strengthened by how much time they spend in their animal forms. Luckily, it is only one animal per shapeshifter, and we are privileged enough to have the necessary security to ensure they do not escape to wreak havoc on the world. Well, now that we are done with the introduction, let me give you the tour! Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 08/11/18 @ 15:48:19 by Skye (#114927) |
Max (#135327)
Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 21:16:50 |
Alexander R. Lake l 20 l Scientist l His room l Mentions: James, open Alex gave a curt nod as James thumped him on the back. "Another day with the freaks huh?" he asks. Alex shrugged. All they reminded him of was his dead father, and he wanted them to suffer. Maybe something exciting would happen, like capturing a wild. Rolling his shoulders back, he walked down to the lab. "Heeeello." he said loudly. Some heads turned but everyone was mostly paying attention to the computers. Sliding into his seat, he opened his laptop. "Results results.... give us some results." "But results... what are we looking for exactly?" said James with a sad smile as he sat down. Maxine Riverlake l 16 l Wild shifter l Outside l Mentions: OPEN Maxine sat cross legged on the ground and looked longingly at the lab. She knew it was probably torture, but she had caught a whiff of Alex's scent. She shuddered, thinking of what they would to do her inside. Shifting her position, she poked the berries. She had tasted one yesterday, a bit bitter but she had lived. In fact, she felt a bit... happy inside. Like helium. She popped one in her mouth and chewed, enjoying the brief random euphoria. // DRUG BERRIES FOR ALL // ![]() |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-10 17:19:02 |
Violet - 23 - shifter - Outside - mentions: Maxine (indirectly) Violet had managed to snag some breakfast. It wasn't much, just a loaf of bread and some waffles. "It will last me until I can hunt later." She thought to herself while running in human form. She heard shouting coming from behind her until it stopped. Looking around she noticed that she was no longer being followed, with a smile on her face she laughed in triumph while making her way to her den. Violet being a bit of a free spirit, shifted as much as possible or when needed then sometimes she couldn't control it. Suddenly a smell hit her nose making her cringe with slight fear, looking she noticed the large white building she has learned was the lab. She shivered feeling her beast wanting to come out to protect her. She had heard stories of shifters before caught or handed over to the lab to be experimented on. She growled low knowing she would never be captured. Violet stopped seeing someone sitting looking at the lab, she could sense that it was another shifter. "I wonder who that is?" Violet thought to herself before ending inside her den. ![]() |
Max (#135327)
Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-10 18:28:59 |
Maxine Riverlake l 16 l Wild shifter l Outside l Mentions: Violet Maxs head turned at the sound of someone, but saw nothing. She stood up quickly, crushing the berries under her boot. "Hello?" she called out. Spreading her legs into a better position, she took out a rusty kitchen knife. She knew it was trash, but it was the best she could find. The wind blew her black/blue hair to the side and she bit her lip. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-10 19:26:57 |
James Darwen | 38 | Scientist | Hallways | Mentions: Alexander "Like what exactly are we looking for?" James asks. His brow furrowing as he makes his thinking face, which looked like him being constipated. He bites his lip, as he often does when thinking. Then he flops back in his chair and sighs "They are strange creatures." he mutters to himself. He brushes back his messy hair with one hand muttering. "extrañas criaturas extrañas." He mutters Alex Falum | 16 | Captured shifter | Cell | Mentions: OPEN Alex sits in her cell as a cat. She grooms back her messy hair. She shifts to human and sighs, bored. She wishes there was change in the routine not the same thing, over and over. She felt stiff inside like she was being forced to be like a piece of mental that never moves. Alex stares at the white wall. It was bright, it kinds hurt her eyes. She hated the color white. It reminded her to much of foster home number one. ![]() |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-10 20:34:28 |
Violet / 23 / female / wild shifter / Outside/ Mentions: Max Violet had just finished building a fire to toast her bread and waffles. Violet shifted into her snow leopard form, stretching out her sore muscles from bad hunts. Looking over her snow leopard body she noticed some new scars. Violet growls softly still having thoughts of her mother, the very day Violet was abandoned and kicked on to the streets. Violet shook out her body and fur realising it was a long time ago and that Violet was stronger now. Her ears heard some one calling out. Violet shifted but into human form her long red heir blowing in the breeze as she made her way out of her den. Violet spotted the same girl who was sitting looking at the lab, she was in a defensive stance holding a rust kitchen knife. Violet held up her hands in surrender. "Hey there." Violet called out softly. "There's no need for that, I'm not gonna hurt you." Violet motioned towards her den. "I have breakfast if your hungry. I'm Violet." ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 04:03:27 |
May Stone ![]() Edited on 11/09/18 @ 04:07:42 by Skye (#114927) |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 19:36:15 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell - Mentions: Nyra Narrowing her eyes in a glare Anora took a few steps backward until her back was against the wall, extending her arms out in front of her waiting for the cold metal rings to lock around them. She hated this place and everyone in it. The same routine, the same walls, the same people. Growling at Nyra as she stood there waiting Anora briefly wondered what would happen if she attacked the older female... or any guard for that matter. Her dark hair had begun to slip from the loose tie that was holding it up in a messy bun, and her legs were stiff from being in close confinement for hours. She wanted to run, stretch her legs. Feel the adrenaline as she raced across the ground in her most free form. She would eventually feel that freedom, she promised it to herself the day she entered the building. She was going to find a way out. Even if it killed her. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 20:17:54 |
Alex Falum | 16 | Captured shifter | Cell | Mentions: May Stone Alex hears the guard and shifts to human. She walks to the back of the room and sits down. She hates the everyday routine so she crosses her arms a bit grumpy. She looks the floor, like everything else it was white. Ug, she thinks. Alex's mind turns into a memory. "Sweety." The woman has said, her face had to much makeup on. She was skinny and tall. She wore a blue dress with flowers. At first she seemed nice, a bit creepy, but nice. That was until she found out the truth, the same reasons her parents hated her. Alex thinks of the time she ran away from foster home number one, and every foster home after that. She gets snapped back into reality remembering the guard was gonna come. "I'm ready." Alex mutters. ![]() Edited on 13/09/18 @ 08:03:36 by Sam (#142259) |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 20:55:27 |
Nyra / 24 / female / shifter / horse / Detainer/guard / inside Anora's Cell / mentions: Anora directly Nyra smirked a little seeing the shifter moving back against the wall of her cell. Stepping forward Nyra unhooked the handcuffs from her belt and with a shift action encased Anora's wrists in the cold metal. "Now that wasn't so hard was it kitty...." Nyra smirked at the predator unafraid of the shifter. Nyra motioned for the panther to start moving out of the cell and towards the Socialization Center. "Come quietly now and it will easier on you," Nyra instructed in her usually cold tone before escorting the panther shifter to the Socialization room, hoping for no trouble. Violet / 23 / female / snow leopard / forest / mentions: Holly (d), Maxine (d) Violet kept her eyes on the scared girl in front of her as the knife was still pointed at her. "I promise, I'm a friend," Violet said in a calm voice even though she herself was terrified. Violet's sensitive hearing picking up a twig snapping coming from being her. Holding her breathe, Violet caught a scent that was familiar and different at the same time. "Look I'm a shifter, just like you are," Violet said to the girl before continuing. "and like the deer coming out of the forest." Violet turned her head to see a fallow deer doe, stepping out of cover. "I knew you were watching us, I could smell you, I know what you are." Violet was calm even though she was shaking. "But I'm a friend." ![]() |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 21:10:48 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell - Mentions: Nyra Stepping out into the hallway letting Nyra escort her to the 'Socialization Center' made Anora's blood boil. She was not a kitty! She was a fierce predator dammit! Suppressing the urge to shift she looked at Nyra out of the corner of her eye, as a few things crossed her mind. One being the guard taking a particularly terrible fall down a flight of stairs. "Typically horses live to be around twenty-five, so better start getting your affairs in order Side Dish. Your time is almost up. Maybe you'll get The West Nile Virus, I hear it's pretty nasty. Or maybe even Equine Encephalomyelitis, you should invest in some bug spray, shorten your chances of kicking the bucket so to speak." A wicked smirk sat plastered to her face as she continued down the hallway with Seabiscuit's rejected cousin at her heels. ![]() Edited on 11/09/18 @ 21:11:26 by Bloodblossom (#131214) |
Renegade (#80128)
![]() Harbinger View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 21:15:19 |
Ryley | 19 | Female | Captured Shifter | Bumblebee Bat | Her Cell | Mentions: Alex (Indirect), Nyra (Indirect), Anora (Indirect) The little clicks of the handcuffs bothered her. A lot. In the distance, she heard someone call out that she was ready. Probably a fellow shifter. Another seemed to taunt a different shifter. Probably a guard. Whether or not these sounds were nearby or not, they made her fur stand on end. Better yet, she wasn't even new to the lab; She had been there for years at this point. perhaps they put something in her food to make her more anxious and alert. Damn it, it should have been in her paperwork that she didn't react well to caffeine. Then again, they haven't done anything to help my claustrophobia. And that's in my paperwork. Probably. Do they even have paperwork in this hellhole? She thought, looking up at the upper part of the door, ultimately moving her gaze back to straight in front of her. Due to her laying position on the floor in her bat form, she learned that her neck was small (If she even had a neck...) and she couldn't really look 'up.' She heard the shifter who had commented that she was ready to go make some sassy remarks until she was out of earshot. Knowing that one more was put into the socialization area meant she was one closer to being taken. All she could do was wait for it to be her turn, and the dread and anticipation was eating her alive. ![]() Edited on 11/09/18 @ 21:18:23 by Renegade (#80128) |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 21:36:10 |
Nyra / 23 / female / horse / detainer/guard / wallway towards the socialization center / mentions: Nyra (d) Nyra chuckled while she listened to the panther's remarks finding them actually quite. "Hate to disappoint you kitty," she smirked knowing it irritated the shifter, "but horses can live into there 50's. So I have plenty of time left." Nyra raked a hand through her short orange hair while she walked. "I have no family so no affairs either." Nyra was bored already of this kids attitude it was old-fashioned as Nyra had heard all the insults before. "Been vaccinated against any equine diseases as well." Nyra yawned softly while escorting the shifter. "Now be a nice little kitty and hush," Nyra instructed with a firm and cold tone. ![]() |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 22:23:12 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell - Mentions: Nyra Rolling her eyes at the guard's response she continued to walk at a leisurely pace. While she was recalling these few facts she had a few questions pop in her head that piqued her interest. Furrowing her eyebrows she looked at her company before tilting her head. "Well, the lifespan is twenty-five to thirty years, but the oldest horse was a working barge horse named Old Bill. He lived to be sixty-two. But anyways a thought occurred to me... if you have a baby would your gestation be that of a human, nine months, or that of an equine, eleven to twelve months?" Playing with the chain link between her cuffs she slid her fingers over the cool surface as they walked. Could they even reproduce? Would their shifter side influence that at all? Her harsh attitude had faded as soon as these questions clouded her mind. ![]() |
DarkLioness200 (#34845)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 22:58:53 |
Nyra / 23 / female / horse / detainer/guard / socialision center / mentions: Anora (d) Nyra walked behind the panther at a good pace, Nyra was aching to shift into her animal form and stretch her legs. She always feels so free in her animal form, but alas Nyra wasn't allowed too. Nyra looked back at the panther seeing her eyebrows furrow while she thinks. "Well there you go, so as such you wish i wasnt here, i am and will be for a while." Nyra softened a little, her facely expression fell for a fraction while thinking for an anawser for Anora's new question. It caused Nyra's heart to constrict with pain so much that it made her wince slightly. "I think it depends whether you fall pregnant in animal form or human form," Nyra spoke is a shushed and subdued tone. "Whatever form your in when your pregnant i think determinds your gestation period and maybe the form and how many offspring you have." Nyra suddenly squared her shoulders, her expression turning hard and cold once more. "Now shut up, no more questions..." she ordered coldly. ![]() |
Bloodblossom (#131214)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 23:16:32 |
Anora James - 18 - Female - Shifter - Panther - Cell - Mentions: Nyra Blocking out whatever Nyra had said, Anora kept coming up with new questions. Maybe during testing, she should ask Dr. Darwen. Listening to her own heartbeat as they walked she counted the beats to keep her mind at bay. She could hear the other shifters around her and some were throwing off anxiety and agitation, others were just waiting to be retrieved from their cells. "Yeah, I guess your right..." her tone was soft and distant as she watched her carry her forward to their destination. ![]() |