Posted by Project Serum B {Shapeshifters RP}

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-07-19 18:38:21

Welcome to… Project Serum B (PSB)! Here at the lab we work to contain the chaotic creations that are known as shapeshifters, or simply shifters for short. These are unnatural crosses between human and beast, giving them the ability to change themselves into an animal at will. Serum B means the prominence of Beast in their body, and is strengthened by how much time they spend in their animal forms. Luckily, it is only one animal per shapeshifter, and we are privileged enough to have the necessary security to ensure they do not escape to wreak havoc on the world. Well, now that we are done with the introduction, let me give you the tour!

~ The lab is a huge stark white building in a large clearing, west of the town. It is situated in a slight dip in the earth, away from most civilisation. However, about a half hour away lies the oblivious town of Tearli, the citizens happily going about their days without the faintest knowledge of the hybrids that walk among them. A select few of the population know of the shapeshifters, and are either in league with them or are opposed to them and work to contain them. Majority of shapeshifters find themselves residing within the town, hoping to blend in and not get caught. Though, a slight few with less self-control seek out the solitude of the dense forest to the north, east and south of the town. Those with more sociable animal forms, or even simply personalities, with often joined up with others to create packs of sorts, especially those with similar animal forms. These relationships may range from plain convenience to a family-like bond, depending on the shapeshifters making up the group. Some humans caught up in the knowledge who have close connections with shapeshifters may choose to join their packs, though this puts them at great risk of containment. Luckily for them, any humans mistakenly captured are released unless they show signs of possessing Serum B. ~

~ Inside the lab, there is a large, dome-like room with an office where research and files on the shapeshifters are kept. On either side are wide halls that are lined with steel doors with small barred windows for peering in, the number code of each shapeshifter etched on a plaque above each door and prison-like sliders at the bottoms of the doors for pushing in food and water. Everything is white. However, there is a large ‘playground’ of sorts at the back of the lab, through locked double doors at the ends of the halls, which is a grassy area equipped with some small trees, work-out equipment and picnic tables and benches where shapeshifters are let loose once a day to socialise to ensure that they do not go insane. Despite the cruel ways they are treated, the experimenters will not risk making their subjects go mad, as they believe it will damage their test results. ~

Manager (1/1): The overseer, the owner of the company. They are in charge of issuing orders and ensuring everything goes smoothly. Not often seen.
- Killian Stone (27/M)

Detainers (4/5): The humans sent out with special equipment to capture and contain wild shapeshifters. They are merciless and stubborn in their efforts, and are aided by high-tech machinery.
- Phoebe Stone (18/F/feeder) [Me]
- May Stone (21/F/guard/Sun Bear-Shifter) [Me]
- Nyra (24/F/guard/Horse) [DarkLioness200]
- Vaugn Hollander (21/M/guard/German Shepherd) [Pembroke]

Scientists (4/5): Some of the most important aspects of the lab. They are the ones who organise and see-through all experiments and tests that are done in order to find out more about the shapeshifters. Every two days or so a blood test is administered on the shapeshifters in order to check their levels of Serum B.
- Connor Anderson (23/M) [Me]
- Alexander R. Lake (20/M) [Sam]
- James Darwen (38/M) [Maxine]
- Rodger Slate (35/M) [Bea]

Guards (Most are NPCs): These are people trained in the art of combat, specialising in taking down dangerous shapeshifters either in their human or animal forms. They patrol the halls and move the shapeshifters from place to place when necessary. There is always at least one guard in the camera room, monitoring all activity in the facility. {All NPCs controlled by me}
- May Stone, Nyra, Vaugn Hollander

Feeders (NPCs): Depending on the level of risk a shapeshifters animal form has a feeder may or may not simply walk inside and place down the food and water. They are in charge of fixing the correct meals for the shapeshifters. Usually it is human food, but if they are feeding a particularly stubborn shapeshifter who refuses to change into a human, they will make food according to the species. Shapeshifters are fed twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with the addition of a snack when they are let into the socialising room at midday. {All controlled by me}
- Phoebe Stone

Citizens (Unlimited): Are you oblivious to the existence of shapeshifters, or do you know about them and you are striving to save them? Perhaps you have knowledge of their existence but you are reluctant to get involved? {Most are NPCs}

Shapeshifters (12/14): Are you a half-human half-animal? Do you hide amongst humans or in the forest? Or perhaps you are praying for a miracle, locked away in a cell in a pure white hell.
- Loki (19/M/Coyote/Captured) B-1010 [Me]
- Holly Lorent (20/F/Fallow Deer/Free) B-7635 [Me]
- Gale Bastian (17/M/Tassie Devil & Cotten-Eared Marmoset/Captured) B-0023 [Me]
- Bill Warble (18/M/Polar Bear/Captured) B-1774 [Snufkin]
- Ryley (19/F/Bumblebee Bat/Captured) B-6023 [Renegade]
- Violet Harper (23/F/Snow Leopard/Free) B-2323 [DarkLioness200]
- Rayna Pines (16/F/Siberian Lynx/Captured) B-2550 [Axolotl]
- Alex Falum (16/GF/American Wirehair Cat/Captured) B-0489 [Sam]
- Max Riverlake (16/F/Bombay Cat/Free) B-9963 [Maxine]
- Anora James (18/F/Panther/Captured) B-1039 [Bloodblossom]
- Lydia Ross (16/F/Arctic Fox/Captured) B-1313 [Bloodblossom]
- Sasha Arshavina (24/F/Black Mamba/Captured) B-3842 [scout.2]
- Reserved :3
- ~Unavailable~

Shapeshifters are humans who may transform into an animal at will. Depending on the size of the animal, their clothes may tear unless removed before transformation. If they remain in their animal forms for extended periods of time, they are likely to have increased animalistic instincts. There have been stories of shapeshifters becoming trapped as animals and forgetting their humanity, and also tales telling of shapeshifters abandoning their animal forms to forever live as humans, causing their animal sides to diminish, though not disappear. Often their personalities reflect that of their animal species. However, their animal appearances are very rarely an influence on their human forms (they do not have tails/ears/paws/fur/etc. in human form), so that assists them in flying under the lab's radar and passing themselves off as fully human. Their human eyes are the only things that remain the same regardless of form. They can only ever either entirely shapeshift into an animal or entirely remain in human form; they cannot make a certain body part change, or become anthropomorphic creatures.

1. Breakfast
2. Blood tests are run on some shifters, in which case they do not get breakfast
3. Socialising time at midday
4. Break time for most employees unless it is your turn to guard the shapeshifters in the socialisation room. 3-4 guards primarily guard the room, and generally work on daily rotations
5. Shapeshifters are brought back to their cells
6. Dinner
(Please note that employees have no strict routine, and are allowed outside or in shifter cells if thoroughly protected. Citizens may also turn in shifters, or join the lab’s efforts altogether to gain a rank in the lab)

- Please obey all LD rules ^^
- No bunnying/god-modding please
- 2 animals in one shapeshifter is INCREDIBLY rare and is not open
- Use the character template provided, though feel free to add things
- The number code is just a 4-digit number that they are assigned that follows after B. e.g: B-1234
- No powers/unnatural colours (unnatural colours being purple/blue/etc.)!
- Only one animal form per shifter!
- You CAN reserve a spot; PM me ^^
- Strive to write at least 3 sentences per reply, with adequate grammar and punctuation if possible! I understand writers block or the dreaded autocorrect, but please don’t give this excuse every time
- No relationships between your own OCs besides friends and family. Ex-partners are fine, and crushes (not recommended)
- Obviously, be nice haha
- Put 'yeehaw' in other if you read all this xP
- Max. 2 shifters per person. If you miss out on a spot, no worries! I will be adding more spots, so while you wait feel free to make an employee
- If you are an employee, they have a primary and secondary role. (E.g.: they are usually a guard but can double as a feeder)
- I know everyone loves to be shifters, but PLEASE fill up the other ranks as well!
- Keep genders as even as possible
- No Mary Sues/Gary Stues
- *insert all forgotten and important rules* >.<

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Edited on 08/11/18 @ 15:48:19 by Skye (#114927)

DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 23:33:55
Nyra / 23 / female / horse / Socalizion center / mentions: Anora (d)

Nyra shook her head, cracking her neck before exhaling as it felt nice to have the stiffness finally fade. Nyra could hear her own heartbeat pick up as her thoughts wandered back to Blake and the night she lost him forever. Closing her eyes tight, Nyra cleared her mind making it go blank before opening them with a blank and cold stare. She could see the door to the Socialization Center in sight. "Thank fuck," She whispered under her breath. Nyra could pick up on the other shifters still in their cells. She could feel their anxiety and fear, Nyra could understand how they felt she really could.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-12 00:09:38

Vaughn Hollander

21 | | Male | | Detainer/Guard | | German Shepherd Dog
Location: Rayna’s Cell
Mentions: Rayna (direct)

The shock never came. And once again, Vaughn made a fool out of himself, bracing for something that hadn’t even happened. He shook off that stress literally, just like a dog. He briefly shook his head quickly before realizing he still need to take Rayna to the Socialization Center, whether she wanted to or not. It’s not my job... it’s not my job. I’m not here to make everyone comfortable. He told himself, grasping the handcuffs a little tighter in his hands. Maybe he could jab a little more at the lynx shifter. After all, he hadn’t gotten a shock, and if she was going to be sarcastic, he’d have to say something back.

”Everyone stomps all over you, Vaughn. Look at yourself. You may not know it, but you’re not liked. And you, You never do anything about it. You say a few words, maybe. But never do you assert yourself. Boy, you really are a dog. Maybe that’s why being an obedient, little order-taker suits you perfectly?”

Those words rang in his head from a shifter from years ago. He didn’t know what happened to them, whether they escaped or were... removed. He just knew that he never saw the shifter again. Vaughn couldn’t even recall a name, perhaps... that was because all he memorized in the past was numbers, not names. Words and not faces. And of course, thoughts like those did rear their head at him, but he knew he could suppress those feelings. If not on his own, one of the scientists could hook him up with a medication concoction to be perfectly complacent and not have to repress dragging thoughts like that. Perhaps he would pay them a visit soon?

”Please hold your hands out, so that I may remove you from your cell,” Vaughn said flatly, waiting for her to comply and offer up her hands to be cuffed. She offered up her elbow to show him a purpled bruise on her arm, which he only shrugged at. ”What? Did you want me to kiss it? I can’t help it that you roll off your bed while you’re sleeping,” he said, a corner of his lips turning up.

Maybe that was part of what made him hated. He wouldn’t react in an over the top manner. Perhaps a sassy comment here and there to the shifters who wanted to be more stubborn. He never resorted to yelling or getting physical. His battles with the other shifters took place almost exclusively in his mind.

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Max (#135327)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 04:18:54
Maxine Riverlake l 16 l Wild shifter l Outside l Mentions: Violet

"Hey there." Violet called out softly. "There's no need for that, I'm not gonna hurt you." Violet motioned towards her den. "I have breakfast if your hungry. I'm Violet." Max narrowed her eyes at Violet. "Do you work for them? The lab?" she asked. Violet shook her head in a no. "Tsk." grumbled Max, but her stomach whined in disagreement.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 07:02:35
Violet / 23 / female / snow leopard / outside / mentions: Maxine (d)

"I've been running and hiding from the lab my whole life, why would I work for them." Violet reasoned with the girl. Violet heard the girls stomach whine in protest. "Come on I know you probably don't trust anyone, cos I don't but we have to survive don't me. To free the others that are trapped inside the lab." Violet looked at the building. "I can feel their pain and suffering as well," Violet looked down sadly. "Come I have plenty for food to share you must be starving."

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 07:02:35
Violet / 23 / female / snow leopard / outside / mentions: Maxine (d)

"I've been running and hiding from the lab my whole life, why would I work for them." Violet reasoned with the girl. Violet heard the girls stomach whine in protest. "Come on I know you probably don't trust anyone, cos I don't but we have to survive don't me. To free the others that are trapped inside the lab." Violet looked at the building. "I can feel their pain and suffering as well," Violet looked down sadly. "Come I have plenty for food to share you must be starving."

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Max (#135327)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 12:41:08
Maxine Riverlake l 16 l Wild shifter l Outside l Mentions: Violet

"Come I have plenty for food to share you must be starving." said Violet. Max cautiously lowered her knife, and followed her in. She sat down and placed the knife next to her. She swung her ponytail over her shoulder and blinked her bright green eyes as she nudged the food. "It's not poisoned you know." said Violet. Max snorted. "That's exactly what someone would say if it was poisoned." she mumbled.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 08:34:06
Violet / 23 / female / snow leopard / outside / mentions Maxine (d)

Violet took a bite out of a now cooked waffle, to prove it was safe and not poisoned. "What would I gain from poisoning you?" Violet asked as the girl played with her food.
Violet looked out of the dens entrance. "You was staring at the lab." Violet paused wiping her lips. "You have someone in their." Violet tilted her head slightly as her curiousvnature slowly revealed itself.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 01:44:00

May Stone
|21|Female|Detainer/Guard|Sun Bear|
|Location: Alex’s Cell->Hallway|Mentions: (d) Alex|

Pleased with the cooperation, she slowly strode forwards. Unclipping her handcuffs, she made a circular gesture with her index finger. "Could you be so kind as to turn around?" May queried, though her firm tone indicated it wasn't optional. The guard approached smoothly, already catching the shifter wrists in an iron grip. Enclosing the cold metal cuffs securely, she held onto the chain, her other hand holding the shifter’s shoulder. Steering them around, she led them towards the door. Turning a bit, she shouldered open the door, before letting Alex walk in front of her again. Seeing the other guards were getting stuff done, she continued down the hall at a brisk pace, one that the other shifter would need to keep up with or risk blundering into the fierce woman.

Holly Lorent {B-7635}
|20|Female|Fallow Deer|
|Location: Violet’s Cave|Mentions: (d) Violet, Maxine|

Ears swivelling, Holly dipped her head meekly to the other two shifters, cautiously emerging further from the tree line. Her delicate steps stirred the fallen leaves like a soft breeze, lithe dappled frame moving fluidly, with that of a dancer’s grace. The more friendly-looking one whom had identified her seemed rather on edge, prompting her to trust her. She didn’t act like a lab worker, but it never hurt to be wary. The friendlier one was found to go by ‘Violet’, as she introduced herself to the knife-wielding girl.

She followed them, curiosity forcing her closer to her own kind. Rarely did she encounter other shifters, her parents often keeping her isolated, lest she be caught. However, as an adult, she didn’t have as much protection. She was more independent, and her mothers understood and respected her decision. Of course, they would occasionally visit her to reassure themselves that their daughter was still there. However, everything was always a risk for her mum, Victoria, as a shifter too. They didn’t visit as much, Holly reflected, head drooping slightly as she snapped back into reality. Realising the other two girls had disappeared into a cave, Holly trotted to the mouth and peeked in, large brown eyes darting about as she took in the scene of them eating waffles. Emitting a quiet snort, the doe elegantly approached them, until she stood nearby, but not quite amongst them. Glancing at them, she lowered herself carefully, knees scraping uncomfortably against the stone floor as she lay down.

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Edited on 24/09/18 @ 23:25:10 by Skye (#114927)

Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 19:39:08
Alex Falum | 16 | Captured shifter | Cell | Mentions: May Stone
Alex follows the guard saying nothing, it was the same thing over and over after all. Alex walks in front of her. He walked fast. He looked at the walls. White, of corse. "It's nice to meet you." The lady says in his memory. The woman holds out her hand, "I'm Mrs. Hobbs. Your Alex right?" Alex shook the woman's hand and nodded. "Let me show you your room." Alex followed the woman. Alex immediately hated his room when he saw it. Mrs. Hobbs must of just read his birth certificate saying he was a female. The room had things a normal things a girl would like. Alex took a deep breath. "Uh, thanks." Alex says. It's not her fault he kept repeating in his head.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2018-09-28 01:24:26
Violet / 23 /fe male / snow leopard / inside den / mentions: Holly (d)

Violet with her mouthful looked over at the fallow deer doe, she smiled knowing it was another shifter. She could understand maybe the fear and reason why she was in her shifter form, as Violet was a snow leopard. "Hi there." Violet said with a smile after swallowing her mouthful. "I have a spare pillow and blanket if you like." Violet is never this calm with company but it had been a while knowing that they were other shifters it was nice to have company.

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