Posted by | Aetherclan and Terraclan Gathering |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 09:39:52 |
Welcome to the Gathering of Terraclan and Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules! Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky! This RP takes place by the lake territory. Current Event: Check here! Character threads Aetherclan: Clicky Aetherclan sign-up thread: Clicky Terraclan RP thread: Clicky Terraclan sign-up thread: Clicky Aetherclan and Terraclan border: Clicky Information NO GATHERING PLANNED Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) Title your post Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions: Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:44:12 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-04 10:20:38 |
Birchstar - 28 Moons - TerraClan Leader - Great Island - Mentions: Open! Birchstar tread carefully on unexplored territory. She tried to put up a brave face, but everyone could probably tell she was nervous. It was the first peaceful meeting between the two clans. Birchstar strived for peace, and wanted this meeting to go over well. She creeped her way onto the island. No scent caught her nose, which led her to believe that AetherClan had not gotten there yet. She sighed in relief, when she discovered that her assumption was correct. She eagerly trotted into the middle of the island, recognizing many high spots as a potential perch to address everyone. She looked around, the island was peaceful, and quiet, perfect to describe how the last few weeks since that battle had been. She decided to wait for more cats to get here, and wait for Owlstar to choose a spot together. ![]() |
Poison (#25603)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-04 10:58:42 |
Sootheart - 17 moons - Terraclan Warrior - Island - Mentions: open! Sootheart isn't as careful as Birchstar, walking with her head up as she looks around in curiosity, taking in all the new territory. She is a little disappointed that Aetherclan isn't there yet, but it also means there wasn't an ambush planned so there's that. She decides to explore while they are waiting. Sootheart finds a weird looking bush and smiles a little, batting at a branch. At each hit, the bush moves and each movement makes Sootheart's smile grow. Soon she is snickering as she sits on her hind legs to bat at the bush with both front paws, the reason for being there completely gone from her mind. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-04 12:23:37 |
Mintwhisper - 35 moons - Terraclan Warrior - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Birchstar (ID), Doesong(ID), Maplesong(ID), Open! The red Terraclan warrior followed behind Birchstar, eyes wandering around the new territory with interest. She was happy that both clans agreed to hold a peaceful gathering but was wary as well. One wrong word or move might start a war. She was pleased to find that they were the first to arrive, they now had time to explore the gathering place. As the moon started to rise Mintwhisper settled down at the edge of the clearing, her tail tucked over her paws neatly. Maybe she could chat with Doesong again, or talk to Maplepaw if they came. She sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. ![]() |
Fauve (CL Ferus - Semi-Hiatus) (#12205) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-06 10:27:32 |
Risingstorm - 29 Moons - TerraClan Warrior - Great Island - Mentions: Sootheart, Birchstar ID, Maplesong ID, Open! As much as it pained him to lose his leader, the tom that had accepted him and taken him into the clan, Risingstorm was losing his trust in him throughout his final days. A pang rang through his heart at this very thought, yet of he were to remain positive he was thrilled that Birchstar would step in to fill his past leader's paws. He believed she had every intention to strive for peace; he only hoped Owlstar would feel the same way. At least Maplesong was a cat who also strives for peace, and would be a warrior who could advocate for it. Poor Birchstar... he thought to himself somberly, although it shamed him to only be able to recollect her days of warm flirting with him. He shook his head before his thoughts continued. She lost her first mate and is already leading her first gathering. I hope she's not too nervous. And who will she chose to be her deputy...? After fully crossing onto the island, Sootheart's youthful behavior caught his attention. He smirked at her lighthearted, fun behavior as she batted at an off-looking bush. As she took to her sitting position, he began a slow trot in her direction. "Already found a way to amuse yourself, I see?" he asked her warmly, his ears swiveling in order to take in the rest of the island as he made his way over to the younger she-cat warrior. ![]() |
Megatron (#126927)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-13 14:30:04 |
Owlstar || 33 Moons || Aetherclan Leader || Island || Mentions: Birchstar, Maplesong, Cypressfall, Applepaw. Eventually the form of the massive longhaired cat made his way through the undergrowth, dark paws pretting into the earth. Large orange eyes took in the area around him, before motioning for his own entourage to make themselves known. He chose only three to come with him to the gathering and to discuss terms, his former apprentice, his medicine cat, and an apprentice. Perhaps he hadn't seen Applepaw much, but it should be time that he kept an eye on the future warriors and medicine cats of the clan. His pupils dilated as he gazed at the new leader of Terraclan, and his scarred ear flicked. Owlstar walked further into the area, taking in the scents and shaking out his charcoal pelt. He half expected a trap, a surprise attack of come sort considering how Terrastar had apparently wanted Fernstar to perish for some ungodly reason, but was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't an awaiting ambush. The mane-like fur around his neck was fluffed out a bit, a signal that he had thoroughly groomed himself in a fit before coming here. ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-16 17:24:29 |
Cypressfall|13 Moons Old|Med. Cat|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Maplesong|Mentions Indirectly: Mintwhisker, Owlfeather, Birchstar, All the Terraclan cats|Location: Island ![]() Edited on 16/03/19 @ 17:24:43 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203) |
Ron Stampler (Business Man) (#169528) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 13:12:33 |
~(Applepaw - 7 moons - Warrior Apprentice - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Cypressfall, Maplesong, Owlstar, Terraclan)~ Applepaw stayed cautiously close to the other cats, his fur a bit fluffed up as if trying to make himself seem bigger around these strange cats. He hasn't seen any cat from another clan, but he had heard about them and scented them on other cats. Applepaw was still mostly and outside and he was just getting used to these cats, now there's more? He glanced at Owlstar, who seemed as if he was expecting something for a second. This almost made Applepaw nervous, but he refused to let that show. If Owlstar trusted him to come here, then maybe he's okay? Maybe there would be another apprentice his age that might be just as confused as he was. Unless this older cats like the warriors... No, then Owlstar wouldn't have suggested he come. Taking his attention back to the other two familiar cats, he glanced to Cypressfall, who seemed to be glancing o another cat and looking to Maplesong. Applepaw just sat and looked to the ground unless he was told to do something. What was the meeting about? He had heard about Terraclan and Terrastar, but that didnt make him feel any less uneasy. ![]() |
Poison (#25603)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 14:45:47 |
Sootheart - 17 moons - Terraclan Warrior - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Risingstorm D, Others ID, Open Not noticing Risingstorm approach, his voice startles Sootheart. She misses the branch and the force of her swing twists her body off balance, landing in the dirt. Quickly picking herself up, the shecat smiles in embarrassment. "O-oh, yeah this bush looked at me wrong and, uh, yeah..." she trails off. Her face feels as if it is on fire. Sootheart wishes Risingstorm hasn't seen that. The playing and falling. She almost groans as she realizes she still has dirt coating her pelt. Sootheart doesn't know why she cares about what the older tom thinks of her, but she does and it's making her stomach swirl with anxiety. Does he think she is like a kit? She certainly wasn't acting mature just now so she wouldn't be surprised if he did. Sootheart glances over Risibgstirm's shoulder and squeaks out, "Oh. Aetherclan is here," before her eyes return to where they had been taking in his face. Her body freezes and the heat on her face spreads to her eartips. How long has she been staring?? Maplesong - 12 moons - Aetherclan Warrior - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Cypressfall D, Owlstar ID, Mintwhisper D, Applepaw D, open Maplesong follows after the leader with a small bounce to her step. She had been surprised when Owlstar had called for her to go, but was happy. She was on good terms with at least two Terraclan cats, Mintwhisper and Risingstorm. She didn't know much about Birchstar, but everything she's heard about her was good. Maplesong looks around the island in awe when they first arrive. She didn't even know this island was here until the leaders agreed to hold the gathering here. The tabby shecat is brought out of her thoughts by Cypressfall stepping closer. She studies her friend and recognizes apprehension on his face. Maplesong leans closer to Cypressfall, touching shoulders with the medicine cat to comfort him. He brings her attention to the Terraclan cats. She really should be a little more careful. She didn't realize Terraclan was here already, so preoccupied by the sights and her own thoughts. She smiles. "That is Mintwhisper! Come on, let me introduce you guys!" With a moment's pause, Maplesong turns to Applepaw. "Hey! You too, come with me." The orange tabby warrior then walks over to Mintwhisper. "Hi!" ![]() |
Ron Stampler (Business Man) (#169528) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 14:59:37 |
~(Applepaw - 7 moons - Warrior Apprentice - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Cypressfall, Maplesong, Owlstar, Mintwhisper, Terraclan)~ Applepaw looked up at her with uncertainty. He wasn't sure if he was prepared to meet anymore cats. Nonetheless, he followed her hesitantly, looking to the cat he presumed was Mintwhisper. Glancing to Owlstar for a moment, wondering if it was too late to run off and be a tad bit safer with the leader. Mentally shaking his head, he realized that being around two warriors, even though one was a medicine cat, was better than a new leader. Right? Applepaw wasn't sure if he knew enough about the clans to be here, but at least he was good with numbers and could tell most scents apart. He glanced to Cypressfall, but kept himself very close to Maplesong. He hasn't noticed that he probably looked like a scared or worried kit. Maybe any apprentice or clan cat would die to take his place in this gathering, but he didn't seem as excited. Not even as a loner with his mother was there this many different scents on cats. Blinking his worries away, or at least pretending to, he looked to Mintwhisper and raised his head. The ginger tabbys fur was still fluffed up and his blue eyes seemed to peirce into the other cats own as if trying to read them. Forcing himself to relax, he smiled and his tail flicked slightly. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 15:25:34 |
Mintwhisper - 35 moons - Terraclan Warrior - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Maplesong (D), Applepaw (D), Owlstar (ID), Open! Mintwhisper looked with interest as Aetherclan emerged from the foliage. Her eye was quickly directed to Owlstar and the vacant spot where Fernstar would have been. Had Aetherclan lost their leader as well? Perhaps that meant the battle had never meant to happen. However the red she-cat shrugged it off, it was too late to do anything now and even then the whole point of this meeting was to talk peacefully. Looking over at the rest of the Aetherclan cats she noticed that Maplesong was amoung them, she purred as the warrior strode up to her. "Hello Maplepaw, it's nice to see you again. I hope things in Aetherclan are going well." She meowed politely, looking curiously over Maplepaws shoulder at the apprentice following her. "Hello, I'm Mintwhisper. It's nice to meet you..?" She introduced herself. ![]() |
Ron Stampler (Business Man) (#169528) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 15:38:18 |
~(Applepaw - 7 moons - Aetherclan Warrior Apprentice - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Cypressfall, Maplesong, Owlstar, Mintwhisper, Terraclan)~ Applepaw tensed up for a second. "My name called, er, I'm Apple cat..." He muttered silently to himself, not making any sense. He flinched and mentally scratched himself. 'Why did i think I didnt have to talk? Its a GATHERING, every cat tALKS!' He yelled to himself inside his head. He was now nervous, not really sure what or how to recover from that. "Hum, I meant, sorry." He lowered his head. "I'm Aub- Applepaw of Aetherclan." The ginger tabby added more formal, ignoring his close mistake. He was about to announce his previous name, Auburn, instead. Why was talking to strangers so hard? When he first met the clan cats, he was the same way until he warmed up to his new clanmates. Back then, he had an excuse for his awkwardness in front of strangers. He was four or five moons old. Was. Now he is seven moons old, almost eight. Not that anyone was keeping count, anyways. ![]() Edited on 19/03/19 @ 12:28:06 by Audrey II (#169528) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-19 11:47:59 |
Birchstar - 29 Moons - TerraClan Leader - Healthy - Island - Mentions: Owlstar, Open! Birchstar enjoyed watching over her warriors entertain themselves in exploring the new area. She breathed in deeply, and caught the familiar scent of Aetherclan. She turned her head as her ears heard the voices of the Aetherclan cats. As soon as Owlstar emerged, Birchstar almost couldn’t contain her excitement. However, she calmed herself, wanting to seem more professional. She padded happily towards her fellow leader, wanting to talk to him before they officially started the gathering. She couldn’t help but be embarrassed in the back of her mind with how many cats she brought with her. However, she quickly pushed those thoughts aside when she reached Owlstar. “Hello Owlstar,” She meowed, “shall we decide on a spot for us to sit for the Gathering?” She asked politely, not wanting to further increase the already hostile image of TerraClan in his head. ![]() |
Fauve (CL Ferus - Semi-Hiatus) (#12205) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-22 10:49:20 |
Risingstorm - 29 Moons - TerraClan Warrior - Great Island - Mentions: Sootheart, Birchstar ID, Open! Sootheart appeared to be offset by his socialization, although he wasn't sure why. It most certainly intrigued him, though. This level of playfulness hadn't been shown to him since before Birchstar had become Terrastar's mate, flirtations or not. He let out a purr as she tried to clean her coat from the dirt she had gotten all over it, amused by her animation. "Do you need any help? I'm sure the gathering is going to start shortly," he chuckled, gazing over the remaining dirt in her fur. His forepaw twitched excitedly, ready to approach closer if she wished. He briefly looked back over to Birchstar, nervous for her initial meeting with Owlstar. The tom was a sizable and formidable one, and a tom of which his ambitions and traits that Risingstorm was unfamiliar with. He hoped he was an honorable tom, and chose to stop his thought process there. Getting nervous so soon wouldn't help anycat, especially him. ![]() |
Megatron (#126927)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-23 09:30:50 |
Owlstar || 33 Moons || Aetherclan Leader || Island || Mentions: Birchstar Owlstar slowly tilted his head, blinking at the other leader and raking his eyes over her form. He didn't really have a chance to observe her in any other interactions, and the way she approached communicated...excitement? ...interesting. An ear flicked as she spoke, and he adjusted his jaw before licking at his mane a bit. Then he looked at her again and huffed through his nose, smoke plume of a tail flicking. "Birchstar." He rumbled, tilting his head again. "...I suppose it would be prudent to, wouldn't it. Otherwise we're stuck here, watching our warriors and...apprentice. Decide on whether or not they want to socialize." He yawned, flashing long fangs and twitching his whiskers. "...Let us decide." ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-15 15:50:22 |
Birchstar - 30 Moons - TerraClan Leader - Healthy - Island - Owlstar Birchstar’s ears twitched as she listened to the elder cat speak. She kindred her head confidently. “Yes, we should!” She meowed enthusiastically. She padded around the newly discovered island, and noticed a rather large stump by the biggest tree in the grove. She turned her head towards the Aetherclan leader and said, “How about over here? On the stump?” She asked, her eyes shining in the increasing moonlight. Her eyes watched the elder cat patiently, waiting for his response. ![]() |