Posted by Aetherclan and Terraclan Gathering

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-12 09:39:52

Welcome to the Gathering of Terraclan and Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
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This RP takes place by the lake territory.

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Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:44:12 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Fauve (CL Ferus -
Semi-Hiatus) (#12205)

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Posted on
2019-05-20 09:28:11
Risingstorm - 29 Moons - TerraClan Deputy - Great Island - Mentions: Birchheart D, Meadowpaw ID, Cypressfall ID, Open!

Meadowpaw? he confusedly thought, whipping his head around to see the young apprentice, hair rising on his scruff in surprise as her voice caught him off-guard. The young voice didn't particularly spook him, yet her presence at the gathering surely was a surprise, and likely not him alone. His emerald eyes gazed upon her sincerity, admiring her glowing respect for Cypressfall. He truly appreciated her genuine regard for the other clan's medicine cat, as it reminded him of his own respect for his fellow cats. And if Cypressfall was truly willing to train Meadowpaw, it would be a wonderful extension of peace between their two clans. Besides, didn't medicine cats have no particular alignments? They were the servants of all cats for their talents, to a degree?

"Birchstar," he softly began, turning his gaze to the two leaders. "That seems more than reasonable to me. When Meadowpaw is fully trained, we won't need Cypressfall to stay with us. There has been plenty of hurt between our clans due to your mate-" He quickly bit on his tongue, unsure of where the sudden accusatory tone and statement came from. How dare he speak out of turn, too, and at their first gathering, no less?!

"Erm...there has been enough trauma and bloodshed between our two clans these last few moons. The drought almost brought us together, and then forces that be somehow seemed to drive some of us apart. Cypressfall's offer is a just and peaceful one that may bridge harmony between our clans at the present. Do you not agree?"

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-05-21 11:15:54

Cypressfall|15 Moons Old|Aetherclan Med. Cat|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Owlstar, Maplesong, Meadowpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Risingstorm, Birchstar|Location: Gathering

Cypressfall jumped a bit, as a young voice suddenly spoke up from beside him. Turning his head, so he could look at the cat with his right eye- the only one that works- Cypressfall was surprised to see Meadowpaw. He'd only met the young she-cat a paw full of times, but he was quite surprised to see her here. Had he just not noticed her? no Meadowpaw had not been here until just moments ago, he was sure of it. A slight blush came to the young medecine cat's face, Meadowpaw wanted to be taught by him? Cypressfall felt so surprised, that it took him a minute to realize that Owlstar was standing in front of him.
Snapping his head up, the dark grey tabby tom gulped. Owlstar looked serious, would he allow this? Cypressfall was in so much trouble. Feeling Meadowpaw beside him and the respect she seemed to feel for him, the smaller medecine cat raised his odd eyes up, to look into his leder's eyes.
Cypressfall sat there, stuned at his leader's words. Was he really going to.... let him help Terraclan? the young tom could not believe what he was hearing. As Owlstar turned, to head back to the stump, Cypressfall laid his ears tight against his head and bowed his head deeply, "Thank you Owlstar", the dark grey tabby tom said, very gratefully. As he watched Owlstar retreating, his eyes moved over to look at Meadowpaw. Cypressfall gave her a smile, there was even a glint in his odd eyes. He had an apprentice.
Taking his eyes off Meadowpaw, the tom looked to the newly appointed Terraclan deputy. Risingstorm seemed to really like the idea of him coming and helping Terraclan, Cypressfall was glad to have the deputy on his side. Looking up, the young medecine cat gazed up at Birchstar. It was the Terraclan leader's choice now, she'd have the last say.
Turning back, Cypressfall looked to Maplesong. He looked into his bestfriends face, it would probably be a while until they could talk to each other again. Taking a step towards Maplesong, he leaned over and gave her a nip on the ear, "Don't look so down, Maplesong", he said with a chuckle. "It's not like, we won't see each other at all anymore. Just stop by when you get lonely", Cypressfall said teasingly, giving her shoulder a nudge.

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Edited on 21/05/19 @ 11:21:12 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-05-22 14:10:40
Meadowpaw - 11 moons - Terraclan Medicine Apprentice - Healthy - Gathering - Mentions: -D- Cypressfall, -ID- Owlstar

Meadowpaw's tail flicked with joy at the Aetherclan leader's approval. She dips he head in thanks before turning to Cypressfall with a smile. The Apprentice was excited to learn the ways of a medicine cat from an actual Medicine cat. She was glad she didnt have to teach herself slowly. Probably making more trips to moonpool than any medicine cat before her. "I'm excited to start learning. While i was a Kittypet may cats spoke of how wonderful you and your mentor are!" she smiles. She started thinking of Cypressfall as some what of a hero or somecat to look up to.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-01 17:31:57

Silvermist | 40 Moons | Starclan Warrior | Deceased | Gathering | Mentions: Everyone, Meadowpaw (D), Cypressfall (D), Open!

Silvermist had observed the gathering from afar, making sure the peace he had wanted was kept. He was pleased that the clans interacted and seemed to get along, glad that Terraclan now had a new leader who seemed fair and just. He stayed in the unknown, silently watching until he saw that the final news were given. When the cats below still lingered, he thought it a good idea to encourage them to go home. He thought for a bit to think of a good thing to say, then came up with something and made himself visible to the clan cats. He looked upon them with his glittering blue eyes, the shine in his black fur making him look like the night in cat form. He stood in the middle of the clearing to gather as much attention as possible.

"Cats of the Lake! You have successfully finished your first gathering. Starclan is proud of you and we encourage you to hold peaceful meetings like these monthly. We honour Cypressfall for keeping true to the medicine cat code and healing any cat regardless of clan. Good luck to you all and safe travels to your camps." The Starclan tom looked around at the cats gathered, then stood up a little taller, a little stiffer. He vanished from all cats but Cypressfall and Meadowpaw. "But in this time of joy, keep in mind that a leaf in leaf fall blows away." He warned, his tone suddenly dark and ominous. And with that, the Starclan warrior was gone for the medicine cats too.

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 18:26:54
Meadowpaw - 11 moons - Terraclan Medicine Apprentice - Healthy - Gathering - Mentions: -D- Cypressfall, -D- Birthstar, -D- Owlstar, -ID- Silvermist

Meadowpaw looked to the starclan cat in awe. It was her first meeting with a past clan cat and now her first prophecy. She looked to her new mentor. "did you..?" she muttered to Cypressfall. She then turned to the leaders. "we must speak with you both before we go."she spoke to them. Her words seemed to know better than her what to do. She looked to Cypressfall for some support. She worried she has gotten her self in a bad position already.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 03:35:37

Cypressfall|15 Moons Old|Med. Cat|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Meadowpaw, Owlstar, Birchstar|Mentions Indirectly: Silvermist|Location: Gathering

Cypressfall blushed a bit, at Meadowpaw's kind words. Even kittypets spoke of them? What he'd done was not that great. The medicine cat was about to answer, but broke off, as the air suddenly seemed to change. Looking around, the dark grey tabby tom wondered if he'd missed something. Only to turn and see the glittering shape of a cat, Starclan. Everyone seemed to look at him, could they all see him? As Cypressfall watched, he noticed that he recognised the starry cat. It was Silvermist, the young medecine cat had seen the Starclan cat before.
He watched in silence, as the old tom spoke. Silvermist was right, it was great that the gathering had progress without any big problems. He stiffened a bit, as Silvermist suddenly spoke of Cypressfall. His ears grew hot, he hated this much attention. Shifting his odd eyed gaze, Cypressfall looked down to.... to his apprentice. Meadowpaw looked completely in awe, it must be her first time seeing a Starclan cat. The tom smiled, the first time always felt special.
A Silvermist started to shimmer a bit, Cypressfall released that he'd disappeared for all other cats, but them. Cypressfall eyes set, as the Starclan tom's words rang through the air. Even after Silvermist vanished completely, his words rang in Cypressfall's ears, 'But in this time of joy, keep in mind that a leaf in leaf fall blows away'. What did this mean? Well, time past like leafs blown away by a strong gust, did he mean that this time of peace would be fleeting? What was to come?
These thoughts must've taken quite a bit, because he almost jumped a bit, as Meadowpaw suddenly spoke up. Looking over to her, it took the medicine cat a good heartbeat, until he processed her words. Talk with the leaders?Was she thinking of...?
"Wait!", Cypressfall's words, came out a bit harder then intended. He stepped forward and blocked Meadowpaw a bit from the leaders, "Not yet", he said, his words normal now. "We first talk, think, and discuss the prophecy's, before telling leaders or any other cat", Cypressfall told her. "It would only confuse and put cats on edge, if we told every cat always of our prophecy's immediately", the dark grey tabby tom, told the younger she-cat. A moment later, he realized that this was the first time he was teaching his apprentice something.
Turning around, to look at Owlstar and Birchstar, he gave them a reassuring smile, "It's alright, we will take care of everything", his voice was that of a medicine cat, not to be questioned. Turning more to Owlstar, he informed the leader, "I'll head back to camp with Aetherclan, I want to talk with Rubynose and grab a few herbs. We have extra and I don't know how well stocked Terraclan is". Turning back to Meadowpaw, he said, "Why don't you come with me? You can help with the herbs, if you want".

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 09:35:00
Meadowpaw - 11 moons - Terraclan Medicine Apprentice - Healthy - Gathering - Mentions: -D- Cypressfall

Meadowpaw's face turned a bit red with embarrassment. She poke without her mentors approval. The brown spotted shecat sunk down a bit. She started to think of what this could mean. but in this time of joy, keep in mind that a leaf in leaf fall blows away. This could mean anything she thought. Her attention came back to the others when her mentor asked her to help with some herbs. "sure." she mews still a bit embarrassed from before.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-06-05 13:43:13

Cypressfall|15 Moons Old|Med. Cat|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Meadowpaw, Owlstar, Birchstar|Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Gathering

"Let's head back then", Cypressfall said, nodding his head to the leaders. "Don't worry", the young medecine cat said, reaching over with his paw and ruffeling the his apprentice's head, he gave her a smile. "Being an apprentice, means learning, so don't be embarrassed", the dark grey tabby tom added, remembering some things his mentor had taught him.
Looking to the nearest Aetherclan warrior, the medicine cat gave them a nod. Time to head back. "I do believe that this ends the gathering", Cypressfall said, looking to Owlstar and briefly nodding his head to the leader, the tom turned back to the rest of the cats. "I think it's time to head back"", it was directed at all the cats around him. Turning back to the leaders, he dipped his head to them, "I'll start leading the clan back, so that you can talk some more", Cypressfall informed his leader. Looking to Birchstar he added, "We'll only be a short while", indicating Meadowpaw, with his ear.
Turning on his heels, Cypressfall started to lead Aetherclan back to camp.

And that ends the gathering, your cats can still say goodbye and the like, but let's head back to the respective boards. Apologies, that the gathering dragged out so long

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-05 13:49:38
Meadowpaw - 11 moons - Terraclan Medicine Apprentice - Healthy - Gathering - Mentions: -ID- Cypressfall

Meadowpaw was excited to go to Aetherclan. she wondered if her old friends had gotten accepted in to the clan while she was till a kittypet. She wondered if they would even remember her after it being a moon since they separated paths. The Medicine cat apprentice followed her new Mentor. It would be fun to see them and what their new names are! She also wondered what their clan would be like.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 15:11:49
Birchstar - 30 Moons - TerraClan Leader - Healthy - Gathering - Mentions: Terraclan.

Birchstar listened intently to the rest of Cypressfall’s wishes, and nodded confidently when Owlstar agreed. She was touched by this notion, that Cypressfall was willing to help those not in his clan. That’s when the eerie cat appeared. The cat seemed kind, and gentle, instructing the cats to head home, now that all the news was shared. Feeling somewhat shaken, she nodded as the cat seemed to disappear.

She cleared her throat as she recovered from what she just saw, and announced, “TerraClan! The Gathering is complete, let us all head home!” She meowed. She jumped down from the tree stump, then turned towards the other leader. “I hope things continue to go well for our clans, Owlstar. Maybe we can fix the damage done between our clans.” She purred, before nodding a goodbye. She then stopped by Cypressfall, and spoke, “Thank you for your generosity, I appreciate it! I will see you soon!” She chirped, tail swishing with delight.

Birchstar began to round up the cats of her clan, before exiting the clearing, heading back towards familiar territory.

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Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-06-20 13:53:16
Owlstar | 33 Moons | Aetherclan Leader | Healthy | Gathering-Heading Home | Mentions: Birchstar, Aetherclan.

After all was said and done, the Leader sighed, honestly just wanting to nap in the shade and eat. Perhaps play-fight with someone, maybe Maplesong. He groomed his mane for a moment before nodding his head to Cypressfall, and then to Birchstar. "Thank you for your patience and hospitality. We will take our leave as well. I do hope the peace between our clans will remain."

With that he stepped off the stump and stretched out with a lash of his massive tail. Then he walked leisurely to the edge of their clearing, before turning. "Aetherclan! We will return to camp!" He boomed, before shaking out his pelt and stepping off towards their camp, large paws barely making a sound.

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