Posted by The Rise Of The Dogs [NEW~ OPEN!]

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
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Posted on
2018-10-07 01:59:46

The Rising Of The Dogs

For years, mutts- or, dogs, have been a man’s best friend. Almost every person has wanted a dog at least once in their lifetime, or even childhood. But people have tossed them aside, abandoning them in places such as fields and roads. And, fortunately enough, dogs have adapted to this. Most, at least. They’ve moved farther into the woods, and for years they’ve lost contact with humans. Very few dogs have since stayed with their owners, some even leaving their said owners for the wild. Or, perhaps, they were tempted into it by past four-legged friends?

The Pack Life

It’s true, dogs are a pack animal. But not every dog is leader-material. And a pack cannot function without a leader. But, without packmates, there is no pack. Every dog does their part, and one dog may be more skilled in something more than another dog is, but the other dog may be more skilled than them in another region.

In the beginning, all would be equal. All would be trying to survive, trying to make it through another day. But ranks would be formed, and everyone would learn their places. Will you climb the ranks? Will you be the next one to lead the pack?


None, the pack is only starting out. They’ll be added when about 5 players join the roleplay ^^
For now, all dogs will be Loners. A pack will be formed if 4+ dogs wish to form said pack.


Ah, yes, I know, no one likes rules, but there’s a hidden message in here and you’ll need to put it in the ‘other’ section in your character sheet :)

1. BE LITERATE. I cannot stress this enough. This is a semi-literate roleplay. That includes but is not limited to writing at least three sentences, using proper grammar, no text talk, using “” when speaking, etc. I understand if you have writer’s block.
2. Lioden Rules Apply. Hate the character, not the player.
3. No Godmodding. Every dog has at least one or two flaws ^^
4. Be active. No one wants to be roleplaying by themselves D: Also, put ‘Watermelon’, ‘Cantaloupe’, or ‘Pear’ in the ‘Other’ section of your character sheet if you’ve read the rules.
5. Only 3 dog characters allowed per player. If you can handle more, PM me. You must have complete forms filled out for all of them, and you must provide RP examples (3-5 sentences) for all of the characters.
6. Label your posts! It’ll be easier to see what character you are if you have multiple.
7. Do not control any character besides your own, that is apart of godmodding and is not allowed.
8. Try to include yourself in the roleplay, instead of just hanging out by yourself.
9. Once you post a character sheet I will either accept or reject your character sheet via PM. If I’ve rejected it, that means there’s something wrong and you’ll have to revise it. I will specify why it’d be rejected, but if you do it correctly I assure you your sheet will be accepted ^^’
10. NO WOLF DOG HYBRIDS. Cats can be hybrid with small, feral cat species (ex. Cougar) Thank god for equal numbers.

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Edited on 16/10/18 @ 16:32:08 by actual starfruit (#112180)

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
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Posted on
2018-10-10 19:35:28
Deli ~ 2 Year Old ~ Female ~ No Rank ~ No Mate ~ Mentions: None (Open)

Deli slinked into an alleyway, glancing all around her for potential predators. Admittedly, she was nervous being on her own for once. What would’ve William, her human, of done different? Instead, her human didn’t wake up one morning, and now she was on her own. William never fed her, and it’d been at least a week or so since she last ate some scraps a friendly stranger gave to her. Unfortunately, she didn’t smell any food nearby.

She did, though, find an empty waterbottle, which she practiced her hunting skills on. When she was bored with that, she sniffed the air and went the same direction she came from: out of the alley, onto the streets, where the real danger lurks. It wasn’t just the big human vehicles that William had driven to work everyday, it was the strays, dog catchers, and the diseases that also roamed the streets.

She turned every quick corner, crossed every street, ran on every highway. Her paw pads ached and she was severely thirsty. This highway seemed to stretch on for miles, and she was panting excessively. But there was hope in her veins, a reason to push on; although that reason was still unknown. All she knew was she needed another food source; another box to sleep in for the night; another stream to drink from. This seemed like it’d be her whole life from now. Sleep, eat, drink, travel, repeat.

Deli continued to trot on the highway as cars swerved out of her way, not wanting to harm the stray dog. Deli made sure to stay close to the edge of the road, where cars weren’t driving. Her long ears sometimes flew forward, the air of a passing car cooling her down.

Fortunately for her, she saw a town in view. It was small, but she could smell the pork and melted icecream on a sidewalk from where she currently was, which was now running down the highway. She had high hopes now, as she got closer to the town. She slowed to a walk as she got off the highway and onto the first street of the unknown town. She was definitely far from home, far from William.

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WintersLastRain (#50681)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 18:40:38
Venus|Female|Rough Collie|6 years old|No rank|No mate|Current position:Town
Venus sniffed the air. Her stomach roaring in her mind telling her how hungry she was. It had been a few days since she had even gotten a few scraps. She turned a back alley padding at a brisk pace trying to catch a smell of anything good to eat. She stopped once more turning her head up and catching the breeze on her nose. The faint sent of hamburgers and hotdogs caught her attention. Venus swerved that way avoiding the eyes of people.
She went straight towards the food smell. She headed straight on a narrow sidewalk with a few people on it, some would point at venus, especially kids. She finally saw it. A food shop. Cars would pull up and get a bag of food, and there were trash cans full of unwanted food! Venus' mouth began to drool at the thought of some meat. She ran up to one of the trash can in the side where none was and began digging in it. It was a feast, left over burgers,chicken,fries, and other things. Venus ate quick in fear of worker or dog catchers.

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Edited on 11/10/18 @ 18:43:41 by ♥VenusCollie ♥ (#50681)

Lio (#117598)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 21:26:20
Kacey - Female - Husky (red) - No rank - Location: Forest on the outskirts of town

On sore white paws, Kacey walked towards the city, only halting just outside of its limits. She felt a strange fear, a tension, over being so close to an area like this. Being born and trained in the valleys further north, far from most cities, she hated the smells and the noise, and decided it better to stick with the world she was familiar in. Turning to pad loosely along the edge of the roads and small houses that scattered the less populated parts of the city, she followed the woodland. Hunger rumbled in her stomatch; and she was pack-less now, with no one to help her hunt or search. Knowledge told her that the city would have food, but caution kept her from straying from the trees and instead she tried to find something she could take down alone.

She perked her ears, straining to hear the familiar trickling of a stream or body of water. If she could find one, she could probably snag a duck or two. The water birds wouldn't expect a dog to leap out of the woods, would they?

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 06:41:16
Toffee | Male | Kangal Shepherd | 4 Years Old | Unranked | No Mate
Location: Unnamed Town | Mentions: Deli

Toffee stretched out from his spot behind a row of trash cans, allowing his pelt to soak up the sunlight. For the couple days that he'd been in this town, he'd been using this spot to sleep. It didn't exactly guard him from the elements, but, considering that he was far too large for any of the cardboard boxes he'd stumbled upon, it was the best he'd been able to find. The important part was that it was on a quiet cul-de-sac, and that he was hidden from the humans. The last thing he wanted was to be found by a dog catcher and returned to those horrible owners who kept him outside in a kennel all day. At least this way he was free.

He'd already eaten that day, he was satisfied and probably would have returned back to his nap if something hadn't caught his attention. The scent of another dog. A subtle change in the wind had brought it to him. It was faint, but it was there, and it'd been a long time since Toffee interacted with another dog. He knew there was always a risk with other strays, but his loneliness drove him to stand up and follow the scent, hopeful that this other dog would be friendly.

Eventually he found the source of the scent: a small, young-looking she-dog. She looked exhausted and rather skinny, and Toffee immediately grew concerned. He quickly started to approach her, but stopped a few paces away, reminding himself that he should be careful not to scare her. "Hello." His voice was deep and rumbling, but he tried to make himself sound as friendly as possible. "Are you alright?"

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Edited on 12/10/18 @ 18:39:16 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

WintersLastRain (#50681)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 07:22:20
Venus|Female|Rough Collie|6 years old|No rank|No mate|Current position:Town
Just as venus started to scarf down a second half eaten burger she heard foot steps, her body tensed and she held the food in her mouth. She looked around quickly surveying for a place to hide. she's been through this many times each time just as stressful as the last. Her heart felt as though it burst from her chest. she could hear voices draw closer, she spotted a pile of boxes and she bolted to them leaving the torn open garbage to be found. She crawled into the pile of boxe laying low peeking out from a small hole, two workers rounded the corner. She could tell they were immediately upset. They began to argue, who would clean it up, if they should clean it up.
Venus clutched her scrap of food in her mouth and looked for a way out she didnt want to be caught and sent to the pound, she didnt want to be tied to to a tree again. The thought of rattling chains in her mind sent shudders down her spine. She watched the worked turn away and began walking back presumably to get something to clean with. She took her chance and bolted the opposite direction. She may not have have filled her stomach but she got plenty and manged to snag a scrap for later too. She got lucky the workers didnt even look for her, she thought to herself. She watched the car drive pass and the the people walking. She dropped her food to her feet and sat down for a short break her paws where sore from constant movement and warm pavement.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
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Posted on
2018-10-12 11:09:27
Deli ~ 2 Year Old ~ Female ~ No Rank ~ No Mate ~ Mentions: Toffee (Open)

The greyhound looking dog walked street to street with her head down, trying her best to look almost invisible. Unfortunately, she came face to face with another fellow canine. Her long, lanky legs felt like they’d buckle beneath her, but she forced herself to continue standing. To lay down- or, even, fall down, could be the death of her. She didn’t know who this dog was, what their intention was, or even if they were nice or not. She thought of two choices: fight or flight.

She perked her ears as the shepherd-looking dog spoke softly. His voice seemed rough and deep, but maybe he was trying to make it soft so he could make a dangerous move on her the next moment. She definitely didn’t trust this dog. Why would he be different than all the other dangerous and aggressive dogs she’d seen on the street? Dogfights over human meals, water, a place to sleep, it was all the same. they were all the same.

She thought for a moment, before answering him. “Hello, yes, I’m quite alright.” Her ribs showed different, and so did her dirty, matted fur, but she paid no attention to that. Who cared? She was an ownerless street dog, when all she wanted was her owner, William, back. She wanted dog food and water in a plastic yellow bowl. She wanted to lay in William’s bed and pretend she was in a burrow. But that was all gone, and she wouldn’t get William back. Especially when she was a city or two away from him. Miles from his grave.

She shook her head of her thoughts and yawned, not making eye contact with the stranger. She hadn’t interacted with a dog personally, but this dog was.. well, Deli had no bad thought of him. That was the most simple way to put it, she thought. She grew stiff, as the air grew thick and awkward.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 18:45:37
Toffee | Male | Kangal Shepherd | 4 Years Old | Unranked | No Mate
Location: Town | Mentions: Deli [Open]

Toffee observed the other dog for a few moments, tilting his head slightly to the side. "Are you sure? You don't look it," he responded. She looked to be one of those sighthound breeds that would always manage to outrun him at the dog parks, and although he thought all of them looked unusually skinny, this particular female was even skinnier. It was obvious that she hadn't eaten properly in a while. He took a tentative step towards her, keeping his head low in a rather futile attempt to make himself appear smaller. "I can help you find some food, if you'd like. I've been at this town for a few days and I know a couple good places for scavenging." He knew that the she-dog would likely decline his offer, being untrusting of other dogs as most strays were, but he felt like it was worth a try.

[OOC: A bit shorter than my last posts, I'm on my phone atm.]

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Crispen (#158488)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-10-12 19:33:03
Zayev - Male - Dutch Shepherd - 3 Years Old - No Rank - No Mate

Zayev entered the forest, with high hopes to get to a city and find easy food. He was bone-thin, not the best hunter. Zayev sniffed the ground, trying to see if there was a rabbit to chase down. He had known that there was a small town nearby, brimming with people.

Zayev sniffed out nothing, just the fimiliar scent of his own tracks and a couple squirrels impossible to catch. He decided to keep roaming, until he got to an open grassland full of grain. 'Oh no.' He thought. Not again. Zayev always hated the place, associated it with bad memories sparked in his mind as he turned around.

As Zayev headed back, he saw a rush of black, then nothing. He wouldn't back down. "I'm not afraid of you!" He said with pride. Nothing responded. "Hmph. I know, you're too scared to face me. Wuss." He shouted in to the cold evening air. Zayev headed back into the forest, searching intently for human smells or tracks.

He finally picked something up. He followed the scent of a young boy, wandering too far into the woods. Zayev approached the boy with a dominant stance, saying 'I'm better than you! Bow down!' in his language. It was a slow process, the boy wandered until his parents came wandering into the woods to find him, attempting to chase Zayev off. Zayev found himself back in a town, after following the slow-moving car. Things were looking up.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
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Posted on
2018-10-12 19:53:57
Deli ~ 2 Year Old ~ Female ~ Greyhound Mix ~ Unranked ~ No Mate ~ Location: Town ~ Mentions: Toffee

Deli hung her head low, not making eye contact with the male. How’d he know she was hungry? Besides the obvious fact she hadn’t eaten for who knows how long. “I assure you, I’m alright.” she said politely. He didn’t seem half bad, to be honest. Was he worried about her? She shook her head of the thoughts. Maybe he was leading her into a death trap, one that could be making her fight for her last breath. She compared herself to him. She came to a conclusion after thinking for a moment: if they were to get in a fight, she’s be the loser. He was obviously in better shape than she was, and she wasn’t aggressive in the least. But him? She didn’t know what the male was, or what he was thinking.

She was on high alert and watched as the male almost cautiously took a step toward her. She heard him carefully, analyzing his words before thinking of what her answer would be. He could be leading her into a trap but.. she didn’t know the town, and she was hungry out of her mind. She decided on an answer. “Okay, only if it’s good food though. I am looking for a meal.”

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Lio (#117598)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 07:04:06
Kacey - Female - Husky (red) - No rank - Location: The forest at the border of the city. - Tags: Open to interaction

Kacey crouched slightly, hiding in the reeds, and watched with focused eyes as she saw a few ducks and geese swimming in the filthy pond. She didn't fancy getting her paws wet, especially not here, since the smell of the water was so bad she had to hold her breath to keep her eyes from watering. But hunger rumbled in her stomatch and she knew she had to go for it. Taking a moment to steady herself, she tensed her muscles before leaping. Flying through the air, she landed nearly ontop of one of the ducks, but before she could bite down on it's neck, it had fluttered away, leaving her jaws clamping down only on a few spare feathers. Spitting the feathers out, she glared furiously at the birds as they flew away, calling loudly to one another.

She trudged out of the mucky water, shaking her paws out individually in an uncomfortable motion, before she saw something along the reeds. A nest? In it laid five unhatched eggs. She didn't know what kind, nor did she care, and began cracking them open and eating them in a few famished gulps. It satisfies her hunger for the time being, so she went off to find a clean source of water to wash off in.

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WintersLastRain (#50681)

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Posted on
2018-10-13 09:40:25
Venus|Female|Rough Collie|6 years old|No rank|No mate|Current position:Town|Mentions:None/Open
Venus sat quietly watching people pass ,guarding the scrap of food at her feet she managed to save for later, she tucked her self just out of view in back street with alot less people and cars would see her. She lied down to rest for a moment and began to lick her sore paws. She had been walking for awhile and her paw pad where splitting from hot concrete and constant movement, she never missed a warm bed more than when she had to lie and tend to sore paws. She would think about her owner the sweet old woman who cared for her a raised her. She would think about the fenced in back yard whose safety she often took for granted, she would think about the warm bath bath water and best of all the warmth of the bed at night when they would lie together. She missed the woman more than anything. She tucked her paws under he fur and put her head on the ground to rest, though she wouldnt dare close her eyes in such an open area and with her food still laying out by her back feet.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-10-14 01:04:49
Toffee | Male | Kangal Shepherd | 4 Years Old | Unranked | No Mate
Location: Town | Mentions: Deli [Open]

Toffee's ears pricked up at the female's answer, his tail starting a slow wag. "Great! There's a restaurant not far from here. We can check the dumpsters behind it," he said, turning and beginning to lead the way. He started with long strides, but slowed down slightly, remembering how tired the other dog looked. Hopefully they'd find something good at the restaurant, it would be nice to share a meal after being on his own for so long. He glanced back to the female. "My name is Toffee, by the way." Maybe sharing his name would help. He knew it was a bit harder for other dogs to find him intimidating when they knew he was named after a candy.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
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Posted on
2018-10-14 01:16:16
Deli ~ 2 Year Old ~ Female ~ Greyhound Mix ~ Unranked ~ No Mate ~ Location: Town ~ Mentions: Toffee [Open]

Deli noticed the male’s tail wag just a little when she answered. How odd, she thought to herself as she listened to the male. A restaurant sounded nice, especially after she’d not eaten anything for many weeks. She wondered what kind of restaurant it was.

She remembered when William would come home from a restaurant, smelling of different women’s perfumes and having lipstick on his lips or shirt. It would always confuse her, but she accepted it, as long as William brought home leftovers from the dates, such as pasta and tacos.

Her mouth watered at the thought of the food as she watched him turn and start on his way toward the restaurant. After a moment, she followed him, weary and cautious of others. She pushed thoughts of dogcatchers to the back of her mind, and continued to walk in the male’s footsteps. He seemed confident in where he was going, so she thought she could trust him- at least a little.

She perked her long, floppy ears at him. What kind of name was Toffee? Well, Deli had no room to talk.. she was, of course, named Deli. She thought a little, comparing her options. Should she give Toffee a fake name? How safe was it for him to know her real name? He was, still, a possible dangerous being. She took a breath before replying, “Okay, Toffee. My name is Deli.”

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 05:39:35
Carter ~ Male ~ 2 Months ~ Pit Bull ~ No Rank(currently) ~ Mate/Crush:(none currently) ~ Location: Town ~ Mentions: None(open)

The puppy wandered the street. He muttered his new name over and over, liking the way it felt in his mouth. ”Carter.... Carter... Carter...” Carter sighed. He was hungry. The pup made a turn at an alley. Two mangy cats approached him, hissing and spitting. He barked and growled. They pounced, and they fought for a bit. In the end, Carter had open wounds, but the cats had retreated down the street. He sniffed the dead rat they probably had just caught, and scarfed it down. The pup found a sheltered spot in a knocked-over recycling bin.

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WintersLastRain (#50681)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 06:46:16
Venus|Female|Rough Collie|6 years old|No rank|No mate|Current position:Town|Mentions:None/Open
Venus lifted her head, a faint smell drew near. A familiar yet all to unfamiliar one. She stood to her feet, standing down wind of the smell to catch it better, two dogs. Her ears perked forward. She grabbed her scraps and curiosity got the better of her she head towards the scent. She would be smart not knowing if they would be aggressive and being a rather short dog she could easily be over powered especially by two dogs.

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