Posted by | Of Events and Goldens |
![]() Berenos|On hiatus (#84593) ![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-11-05 05:13:12 |
This thread began as a way to bring attention to the fact that the Golden color group is being neglected in favor of other, more prominent color groups, both because it gets fewer additions and because those additions are nothing like what you’d usually expect from the Golden color group – for example, Green, Labradorite, and the latest addition, Ember. To start with hard facts: It has been almost a year since I first posted this, and here are all the new bases we got since December 2018:
Final count of bases added from December 2018 - May 2020: 13 Black bases, 5 Cream bases, 10 Golden bases, 8 Red bases. And the final count of all the bases currently in game? A total of 67 Black bases, 53 Cream bases, 58 Golden bases and 59 Red bases.If you want a more updated version of this long explanation below, take a peek at the latest lament of a golden breeder here. To me it feels highly unfair that there is this blatant neglection going on because either a) apparently Golden bases are hard to make, or b) players that prefer other color groups don’t like it and that’s why we get such “interesting” additions to spark interest. And of course, we don’t see Golden intruding in other color groups, to spark “interest” in those in exchange – not that I’d want that to happen, but it’s the principle of the thing. I like Goldens. Well, I like the concept of Goldens as they were. Nacarat, Goldenrod, Doubloon, Sulphur, Sunshine, and Champagne, to name a few. So, what if other players find them bland or boring? You won’t see me complaining seriously about other groups’ additions because I think they are an eyesore, if they are liked by others, that’s absolutely fine. But we’ve been waiting years for nice Golden bases and, when we finally do, we keep getting these weird things that more often than not are hard to breed or come from a really hard to make applicator, on top of that. Dhahabi was supposed to be our November’s applicator back in November 2017, to pair up with Penumbra and Fossil, as you can see here, but then, after a long anticipated wait, exclusive bases became a thing and we were left with no applicators for Golden bases except the regular custom ones until May 2018, with Trophy. This has happened again and again, with Labradorite being added on July 2018 to Goldens for some unfathomable reason – though I’d be hard pressed to pick a proper color group for its final design, to be honest –, Xanthic, ect. Another thing that keeps happening is that all the applicable bases seem to be going to the Solid gradient. Up until Anubis and Bast, there wasn’t a single Golden Countershaded Special base one could apply, and when they were first introduced you could only get one of those per account, as a reward for completing the new June 2018’s storyline – and, in fact, keep being the only ones, as there are no Uncommon ones. In the original post, I mentioned that, while there seemed to be events dedicated to other color groups, there wasn’t a single one dedicated to Golden: February with its Red bases, March starting with Cream and then getting one (1) Golden base (Chatoyant), May with the long road towards crafting the Trophy applicator and this year’s addition of Ornament, then June started with two (2) Golden bases and one (1) Red that could be used to breed for the Golden combo base Gilded, but 2019 got one (1) more Black with Velvet, one (1) more Red with Sha and one (1) Cream with Alabaster, and make up the factors to trigger the Rose Gold combo base, which is Red. July features mostly Blacks, with 9 Black bases against Sunset and Sunrise, which belong to the Red color group, Labradorite which was, sadly, added as a Golden, and then the Cream Heavenly -, August started with the stud exclusive Ruffian Cream base, and the hard to get Solaris Cream applicator, but also got the Scoundrel stud base this year, September has so far the Red applicable base Locust and the newest Black base, Augur, October has featured Red bases since the big Genetics overhaul, November started featuring only Creams and then got the addition of Black with Penumbra and Nuumite, and last we have December with – you guessed it – more Black bases. And what does Golden have? Hybrid bases and explore exclusive. Nice if you want a challenge, not so nice if you want to go on with your breeding projects customizing existing cubs. To summarize that big block of information above, Black seems to be everywhere followed by Red, and then Cream and Golden are left forgotten in a corner to be recalled sporadically and, in the case of Golden, with the weirdest and/or hardest to get bases. I understand people voted in the polls for Blacks to get additions first back in the day because there are a lot more breeders focused on the group as a whole or liked the bases better, but that doesn’t mean Golden isn’t loved by players and that it doesn’t deserve some attention for a change. There are some suggestions in the base and mane base forums that would look right at home with the more “classical” Goldens, and if everything else fails there is always the option to make other existing bases’ recolors, too. |
Venex 🌸 [G2] (#167020)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-13 18:42:35 |
Black base suggestions tend to be significantly more popular than the others from what I've seen, and theres a loooot more of them too. I'm not very active on that side of the forums though so I could be wrong. Either way, it really shouldn't fall on the shoulders of the community to make more ideas for bases tbh, maybe that's just me though. ![]() |
Gylbane [Triumph] (#24724)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-13 19:06:56 |
@Venex that's fair! Sorry I said anything, then. I just figured it would help to put more ideas out there to show that we want gold bases enough to make ideas of them. ![]() |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 04:45:50 |
When I first made this thread I tried my hand at making mockups - they're not good, so I don't give them as much advertisement as I probably should -, and I've since lurked into the base and manebase subforums to support those I liked - which usually are natural-ish gold, brown or cream bases. There are a lot of lovely suggestions out there, many of which would definetly enrich the color groups that are being left aside, so I don't believe a lack of suggestions is the issue. To be honest, I don't really mind Black getting so many new bases, per se, as they have done a wonderful job in balancing special base breeding with breed-only rare bases while adding new stuff, but I'd wish the other groups would receive this treatment, too. Out of all of it, Black Countershaded is the best off, as there are plenty of special breed-only and applicable bases, with Black Solid being on the right track now with Glass and Frostbitten where there were no special applicable bases before. Thing is, if you are the kind of player that focuses on breeding on particular genetics, then it gets more complicated for the other color groups. Cream Dark Countershaded still lacks a rare breed only special base that can pop up when you breed special bases, so you're stuck with common ones or hoarding applicators. Cream Medium lacks a Special base that is breed only, like Sepia, Lilac, Pearl or the July celestial bases, and while Dark also lacks them it has two different Combo bases that could maybe make up for this lack. Cream Light Countershaded has four applicable special bases, one rare breed only and then three common bases, which I'm sure makes breeding these in particular a bit dull. Cream Solid Light has too few bases, same as its Countershaded counterpart, with four common ones, one special uncommon - which can be applied with an Oasis Base Changer -, a special rare breed only and then two special applicable ones. Again, must be dull to focus on these. Medium is a repeat of the same issue, and Cream Dark solid has the worst of the lot: four common bases, a single rare breed only, a single special applicable base and two combo bases. Red Countershaded kind of has these same issues, at least for some shades. Red Countershaded Light has four common bases, two rare special bases, then two applicable specials and a single special breed only. It's not so bad if you focus on the later and have applicators of the other two, but I'm sure if you breed either Fuchsia or Blazing it gets old fast. Medium is more of the same - too few possible fails, only one of them being rare, two applicable special bases and then three special breed only. Red Countershaded Dark has the same issue, but at least has more applicable bases to pick. Like always, it seems Solids get the worst of it, with Red Solid Dark three common bases, a single rare breed only base, then three special applicable bases. Medium is kind of a repeat - four common bases, but locust doesn't count because it is an applicator base, so in reality there are three possible common fails, then one rare breed only base, two special applicator bases, a single breed only special and a combo base. Red Solid Light is an exception, with a single special breed only base, a single special applicator base, two rare special bases and five common bases. Then... there is the Golden group. I'm clearly biased here so I've kind of left it for last. Personally, I think it suffers from an issue none of the other two group has on top of others, so please bear with me. Golden Solid is the better half, Light Solid now has its first special applicable base with Festive, it has a rare special, an uncommon special, then six common bases. Lacks in variety perhaps, but breeding Festive won't be as boring as other bases at least. Medium... For the longest time it only had Goldenrod as its single special base, and it is rare, which means you have to have at least one parent with special genetics to breed it, so you had to branch genetics to get it. Then we got Green - which doesn't pass naturally, but it has special genetics so those of us who didn't like it would have to endure with it if we wanted a higher chance of breeding Goldenrod. I can't recall now if we got Labradorite or Topaz first, but again, with Labradorite we got a base that looks nothing like the rest of the group before we could have a wider variety of bases to pick more in tune with what's expected of Golden, and then we got Gilded as the first solid Golden Combo base - which is nice, but you can't breed it with any of the Golden Solid bases, so... it is there to fill a gap, but it doesn't even fill it right because you cannot breed more Gilded with its genetics, unless you breed two Gilded lions together. Dark has the fewest bases out of all the gradient, with three of them being special applicator, one being rare breed only, one being uncommon special and then three being common bases. Unless you breed more than one of these special bases it will get really old really fast, and Xanthic isn't, again, what you'd expect the Golden group to look like - I get now we have to endure Green being shover wherever, but it's a bit disappointing to see this get added before other, more in-tune bases would. To make a comparison, it would be like adding Pulsar as the first Black Light Countershaded applicable base when it only has Dove Gray, Dusty and Rosy Brown and Silver Gray as companions - and I know Pulsar is a combo, but please focus on the visuals. Sure, perhaps some players will enjoy the contrast and maybe Pulsar would lure other players that don't like the common fails into breeding it, but what about those players who did like them? Who have been waiting for a special base in tune with their beloved, more subdued Blacks? Of course, now Xanthic has Chatoyant, Ornament and Trophy as its applicable special counterparts, but the point is moot when the first of these, Trophy, is only craftable with rare drop items only available one out of twelve months. And last... we have Golden Countershaded, whose only special bases consisted of, for the longest time, Kimanjano, Fulvous and Nacarat. Later we got Champagne and Dinar, but again, with no special applicable bases or uncommon ones to apply with an Oasis Base Changer this implied branching out of the genetics to breed them first, or get your hands on the rare to breed, hard to pass Kimanjano base. I've already said this before, but it was a huge disapppointment to see Dhahabi, a base that made its first appearance on the news in a poll to pick which applicable bases would make an appearance first during November, was instead chosen to be one of the "explore exclusive" bases. Later we got Anubis and Bast as applicable bases - again, a disappointment when they were added, as you could only get one of these per account the moment they were implemented - and it was only this late October we got an easy to get applicable base with Angelic. Now, the thing is... Neither Anubis, nor Bast, nor Angelic look much like you'd expect from a Golden base, either - it's not as jarring as with Xanthic or Green, but that doesn't diminish the fact that special bases that have been implemented since, that look the part much better, have been picked to be "explore exclusive" instead. Citrine as a combo base isn't bad - you can breed it using two bases from the same gradient, and one happens to be a fail of the other - but Ember still makes no sense to me. You breed it using two other color groups, you cannot breeding using any of the bases that share its genetics unless it is another Ember. If it was made to fill gaps, then why not use other bases to fill this particular gap and place Ember within the color groups that hold its factor bases? The way I see it, we either get bizarre bases shoved in to make the color group "more appealing" to other players that don't like it in the first place - just imagine, adding a bright golden base to Blacks to make them more appealing to us Golden lovers -, or we get really nice bases added but they're the hardest to breed, as you can see with Dhahabi, Maziwa and Asali - all of them explore exclusive, which means they are not applicable at all and must be passed down -, then with Kimanjano and Mandarin. Tl;dr All color groups have its own borked stuff, but it seems only Black is getting a prompt fix while the other three color groups languish in their own issues to a lesser or greater degree, and can we please get truly "Golden-looking" special bases that aren't explore exclusive? ![]() |
🌙 lumnar :D [G1, 14/15 BO] (#157209) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 06:13:42 |
I feel like cream and gold don't get as much love because they don't have variety. You see, black bases have colors like white, purple, green, blue, grey, and of course, black. And red also have many colors like pink, red, purple, and sometimes orange. I feel like gold and cream need to step up from being all the same base and be creams/golds with hints of oranges, sparkles, maybe pinks and reds, just something to make it not look like another gold/cream base you can hardly tell apart. I feel like the fail bases also come into play. But, that's my opinion. Where black and red has options to be more than solid black and red, more people breed it and love it. ![]() |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 06:37:39 |
@Lunar Eclipse I'm not sure how to explain my own feelings towards Golden to someone who clearly dislikes their concept as a whole, but I'll try my best - and I understand not liking them, it all amounts to personal taste and there is nothing wrong with that. To put it plainly, I love Goldens. To give a few visual examples, I love Saffron ![]() Ducat ![]() Doubloon ![]() Fulvous ![]() Dinar ![]() Deira ![]() Maziwa ![]() Asali ![]() Nacarat ![]() These are a few of my favorite bases, and I don't think they're all "the same base" (Dinar and Doubloon being an exception, as they are the same concept with different saturation maybe); they're all different hues and have different patterns. Now, to give more visual examples: Bast ![]() Anubis ![]() Angelic ![]() Chatoyant ![]() ![]() ![]() And I think I made my feelings clear towards Labradorite ![]() ![]() As I started this, I love Goldens, but it seems like lately all we get is bases that regular golden breeders dislike as a norm, bases that exist to make golden more appealing to non-golden breeders when it should be the oposite, add bases that those who already like golds as a concept would love. ![]() |
🌙 lumnar :D [G1, 14/15 BO] (#157209) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 07:40:47 |
Clearly dislikes? I don't dislike them, I think they're lovley bases. But, I see the variety of goldens. But, with the "same base" I meant it mostly to cream, who's bases look VERY similar, (mostly the BO ones.) I should've taken a better look at all the bases before stating that at gold, sorry. I was just stating that some people don't see the appeal in golds and a reason to why some people may not like them. Maybe it's just happen-stance with polls that one base may just be taken better in the media. Not because of genetics, but because of looks. I'm sorry if I came across as rude, it was bit of an outburst to how a lot of natural breeders have harassed black/red bases/breeders for being alive. I retract the same base thing to goldens, I should've looked at them all before posting. I am sorry ![]() |
🌙 lumnar :D [G1, 14/15 BO] (#157209) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 07:52:12 |
I'm sorry if I seemed like a dick. I shouldn't have been rude towards other base groups. I agree that other groups need love. Black Solid Light, Gold Solid Light, Red Solid Light, Red Solid Dark, Gold Solid Dark, Gold Countershaded Light, and Cream Solids. I've just been tired of a few natural breeders who've attacked me and many people for liking other base groups and I took it out on cream/gold groups, which is very hypocritical. Sorry. We should really make every base group have a lot of specials! Gold, Cream, Black, and Red! ![]() Edited on 14/12/19 @ 07:52:49 by 🌠 Lunar Eclipse 🌠 (#157209) |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:04:57 |
The issue is not with polls. Polls usually imply an order of introduction when it's pitting one base against another, which means sooner or later you'll get them all. If there are more players that want x Black base more than x Cream base, that's fine, so long as the other one gets added later - but that doesn't seem to be happening at all. The only instance I can remember where bases of different groups were "pitted" against each other was with Penumbra, Fossil and Dhahabi; Penumbra won, and got added. Fossil got added a while later. And then Dhahabi wasn't implemented as another November applicator, but as an explore exclusive base. The last poll we got for bases was with all Black suggestions - Frostbitten, Snowflake and Frost -, the previous to that one, to pick which suggestion would be used to add Moss Agate - which was added to Cream for the same reasons Labradorite was added to Golden I suspect... there was the poll that Ornament won, and we haven't heard of the other two bases proposed since. If you take a peek at the tally of bases added this year, you will see that almost for every base added to the other color groups, Black gets double - and it is almost because Cream only has gotten 4, while Golden and Red have gotten 5, while Black has gotten 13. It's awesome Black breeders and other players that dabble on it have gotten so many, but I really think that if all the other groups got the same attention then this thread would not need to exist. I have no issue with breeders of any kind, to each their own, as they say, and I'm amazed at what others do with their breeding projects. But please, refrain from using the "but others did x somewhere else", because 1) if you have been attacked by other players you should open a ticket about it and let staff handle it instead of bringing it up here and 2) I don't think I've said anything that would warrant such a "preentive strike", so to speak. Honestly, it doesn't add anything constructive to the thread. And I want to apologize for the assumption of your dislike of the color groups, but to be fair stating that all bases looked the same led to it :'D ![]() |
Fuego (#41825)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:07:36 |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:08:42 |
@ShakiraFuego The eggnog from the :V suggestion won't be added because the images don't work anymore. RIP Eggnog ![]() ![]() |
Fuego (#41825)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:12:13 |
Thanks Bere. Bah, I guess that's my bad, that I would have assumed when ++ was added they'd have the files or be working on it. Oh wells. ![]() ![]() |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:15:20 |
🌙 lumnar :D [G1, 14/15 BO] (#157209) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:16:32 |
Me outbursting was stupid and me trying to make myself look better by saying, "this person attacked me" isn't good. I'm sorry for that. And, I see what you mean. Black bases have gotten a lot of new bases recently, but I'm hoping that'll make it so other base groups get a flood like that too. . I hope that someday we have at least 4 specials in every part of a gene group, and that we have close to equal the bases in each. I'm thinking that the losers of the polls may be added at much later dates to give the artists/coders time for other things, always have fresh content and new bases, and things like that. But, that may not be the case. I feel awful for Triumph and Victor as they could've made the cut in different places throughout events. As with other bases that didn't make it. And, you didn't say anything to let out a strike, that was all me. ![]() |
Khajiit {G1 Leonid Ennedi} (#68800) Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:23:21 |
@Lunar Looking at polls most bases that show in them are red/black, and anyone can see they will go to a certain group. The problem is here for artists - how to make gold look good, different, but not too different, so it will still fit the group. The lack of appeal in golds for certain people is because there is not much different bases in the group, all looking very similar, and the good ones being the hardest to breed and get. The other problem is that, while Frostbitten and Snowflake were first suggested in 2017, so were many cream/gold bases. For example - Eggnog is in consideration for being added to the game since 2015 and possibly won't be added since images don't work anymore, a nice golden-ish Grapefruit is also waiting in consideration since 2015. Same with Strawberry (based on lavender/strawberry furred tigers), Frankincense from the Ornament suggestion was a very nice gold, and yet only Ornament was added, thread from 2017. From Mobola, Chatoyant and Gilded bases suggestion only those three were added, while Monarch or Morning Star, which would make nice specials, were overlooked. And that's barely a tip of the iceberg. I breed blacks and reds, I had my fair share of people going "oh, you must hate golds/creams and love the fact they are so empty and overlooked!!!!11!" but no, I am not. Golds and creams have a great potential, the only problem is that the good ones are either overlooked, forgotten or just missed among all the suggestions for black/red and it sucks. And, unfortunately, with all the specials given to reds and blacks it will be hard to turn the trend from the two getting all the bases and cream/golds being treated badly, as most people decided to breed within red/black because of the specials. Our only hope, like you said, is that one day golds and creams will get the love they deserve. ![]() |
🌙 lumnar :D [G1, 14/15 BO] (#157209) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-12-14 08:32:14 |
God, that suggestion part hurt. Especially because I see SO many great gold and cream bases that have greta potential and would look so good, they have a ton of upvotes, and maybe one of the admins have commented on it, yet none are added. And, for the suggestions it seems that only red and golds have been added so far, with few creams and golds. There are faults in every base group, especially the Light Solids. But, gold and cream seems to be passed over for groups like Red and Black. We need base equality so everyone has options ![]() |