Posted by Rising From The Ashes | Character Sheets

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 17:56:16

Main Roleplay Thread


DISCLAIMER: Locations and mythos are the property of Rick Roirdan, as such, we do not claim it (



First and foremost, let's get the rules over with, shall we? There will be a code I'd like you to put in 'Other', to show you've read the rules. as mentioned in the OOC, failure to read the rules will result in rejection till you do so.

The Rules

• All LioDen rules apply. Please familiarize yourself with the site's roleplay rules if you haven't done so already.

• Practice proper roleplay etiquette. Powerplay, god-modding, etc will not be tolerated.

• This is planned to be a literate-advanced roleplay. As such, a one-two paragraph minimum is required per character if you wish to participate.

• This plot will likely involve a fair amount of violence and other dark themes (while remaining within the limits LioDen permits). Keep that in mind before joining. Excessive gore must fade to black as should anything else not suitable for LioDen. Innuendo should be fine so long as you are mindful not to overdo it and respect the boundaries of your fellow roleplayers.

• Swearing is allowed in moderation, but be tactful. Racial slurs and anything of that sort are obvious no-nos.

• The big three (Zeus, Hades and Poseidon), and Hera can have one child each. Every other god/goddess/monster can have multiple children and this is in fact encouraged. While Goddesses such as Artemis and Hestia have vowed to be maiden's, their children are created in a familiar fashion to Athena's, therefore their vows remain unbroken. Hestia's children are born of fire, while Artemis' grow from the blood of the hunt.

• You may create as many characters as you like so long as you prove active with all of them. Keep in mind how many you can reasonably handle. Certain types of characters may be limited (gods/goddesses, certain demigods, etc).

• Limit 1x1. As this is a group roleplay, we should all do our best to include everyone who signs up. While it's exciting to get a plot rolling I also want everyone here to acknowledge most of us have lives off of the computer and can't write up a post every five minutes. Some people may also be in time zones where they're hours ahead of or behind the rest of us. If it's been a day or so with no word from someone we can move forward, but overall we want this to be a welcoming and inclusive place for anyone who wishes to join.

• We expect everyone to be polite to one another out of character. If you have a problem with someone pm either Quinn or Vespertine and we will deal with any issues.

• Avoid romantic relationships between your own characters. Challenge yourself by forming bonds with others instead. Also, note that romance is not a priority for everyone and be respectful towards anyone who has expressed a lack of interest. If we see anyone being pressured into doing ships we will put a stop to it.

• If you plan on using art or photos as references for your characters, make sure to source them properly. LioDen has strict rules in this regard to avoid copyright claims. If you need help finding free use images I'd highly recommend looking through the Official Roleplay Image Copyright Guide.

• Do your best to remain active. Please inform us if anything comes up that would prevent you from replying.

Place in Other, to show you have read the rules: Sally Jackson's Blue cookies


Camp Halfblood:

A camp for both demi-gods and children of monsters alike. While a demi-god has good reason to call Camp Halfblood their home away from home, the children of monsters are another story. Similarly to demi-gods, children of monsters seldom have any idea what they are. They are, however, often drawn to demi-gods. Whether they feel an intense dislike, friendship, or something more, they're often coincidentally not far from the demi-gods. As a result, once a Satyr or God can confirm that their intent isn't malicious (being half-bloods themselves, they lack the same murderous instincts their parents would likely have) and are subsequently welcome if they chose to follow.


Camp Director (1/1)
Pan, God of the Wild - Often referred to as 'Mr Tumnus' by Campers on the sly - Usually humorous and as benevolent as a Greek God can be the vast majority of the time, Pan is not a force to be reckoned with or underestimated. A deity of many forms and faces, Pan is less bothered about modernistic appearances, and instead chooses his favoured form. Muscular and often bare-chested - though he's often reluctantly coerced into brightly coloured or comical shirts by Silenus - he has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat or ram, in the same manner as a faun or satyr with a crown of thorns or branches.

Currently, Pan has been left ‘in charge’ as Camp Director while Dionysus tends to ‘Family Affairs’ on Olympus. - Quinn (#35103)

Activity Director (1/1)
Persephone, Goddess of Spring and Vegetation - Nyanunix (#11487)

Head of Security (0/1)

Staff Members (1/3)
Silenus, God of Dance and Winemaking - Vespertine (#33076)

Zeus’ Cabin (1/1)
Ezio Michael Franklin - Virgo | Madagascar
Project (#129617)

Hera’s Cabin (1/1)
Vanessa De Luca - Quinn (#35103)

Poseidon’s Cabin (0/1)

Hades’ Cabin (1/1)
Ozias Foktakis - Vespertine (#33076)

Demeter’s Cabin (0/∞)

Ares’ Cabin (1/∞)
Aries - Nyanunix (#11487)

Athena’s Cabin (0/∞)

Apollo’s Cabin (1/∞)
Merida Ada Grey - ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

Artemis’ Cabin (0/∞)

Hephaestus’ Cabin (1/∞)
Beckett Dylan Emerson - Sin Celery (Ace) (#80752)

Aphrodite’s Cabin (0/∞)

Hermes’ Cabin (0/∞)

* Please note, the Minor Gods cabins and Monster cabins are all located within the same section of the camp, and there are no strict rules regarding roommates, so children of minor Gods may find themselves sharing a cabin with children of monsters, and vice versa. Alternatively, while all children of monsters have a bed within the cabins, they are welcome to reside in the forest if they prefer.

Minor Gods Cabins (4/∞)
Nathan Young - Son of Atë - Quinn (#35103)
Peter Lovel - Son of Deimos - Quinn (#35103)
Jasper Montgomery - Son of Mania - Vespertine (#33076)
Noelle Daphne Gibbs - Daughter of Nike - Virgo | Madagascar
Project (#129617)

Monster Cabin (5/∞)
Aurelia Ornery - Daughter of the Sirens - Quinn (#35103)
Erin Clearwater - Daughter of the Chimera - Vespertine (#33076)
Warren Móđler Alpizar - Son of Lykaon - 🌕🌕(#111475)
Skýlos Echodnos - Son of Cerberus - Ser Isles (#57298)
Edward Vernon Seo - Son of the Hydra - Anonymous (#150179)


Camp Deshret:

A Camp for both Egyptian demi-gods and magicians alike. With their camp destroyed by the Egyptian deity Shesmu, the campers have now consequently taken up residence in Camp Halfblood.


Camp Director (1/1)
Seth, God of the Desert - Vespertine (#33076)

Activity Director (0/1)

Head of Security (0/0)
Undecided (destroyed during the attack on the camp, whereabouts currently unknown).

Staff Members (2/2)
Anubis (destroyed during attack on the camp, whereabouts currently unknown, not counted in the above counter).
Ptah, god of creation, fertility & architecture - Vah (#155730)
Aver, Child of Bes - Nyanunix (#11487)

Amun-Ra Cabin (0/?)

Mut Cabin (0/?)

Osiris Cabin (0/?)

Anubis Cabin (2/?)
Jaclyn Cooke - Zero (#76271)
Verena Rozamond Feenstra - 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Horus Cabin (0/?)

Thoth Cabin (0/?)

Hathor Cabin (0/?)

Sekhmet Cabin (0/?)

Geb Cabin (0/?)

Amun Cabin (0/?)

Sobek Cabin (0/?)

Bastet Canin (0/?)

Seth Cabin (0/0)
* Honorary. Seth has no children beyond Anubis.

Isis Cabin (0/?)

Nephthys (0/?)

Tefnut Cabin (0/?)

Tawaret Cabin (0/?)

Shu Cabin (0/?)

Minor Gods Cabins (1/∞)
Flynn Evans - Son of Ptah - Vah (#155730)

Magicians (1/?)
Reyna Vane - Novice in Healing magic, learning binding magic - Quinn (#35103)

* Since arriving at Camp Halfblood, the two camps are encouraged to mingle, and both the Egyptian demi-gods and magicians are either cabin sharing with one another in spare cabins, or bold enough to share a cabin with the other Camp.

Egyptian Magic:

While children of the Gods possess abilities inherited by their Godly parent, young magicians are gifted in magic, of which, there are many varieties:

Animal Charming - This form of magic is used to summon, control or talk to, transform and shapeshift into an animal

Healing Magic - This form of magic is used to heal people. Healers can cure all sorts of diseases and wounds. Healers can also control famine and plague.

Combat Magic - This form of magic is used to summon a holographic shell around oneself and it increases strength and one's senses to a deadly extent. People with skill in swordplay usually follow this magic.

Binding Magic - This is a common form of magic and is easy to use. With just the command word tas, something can be used to bind someone. A more extreme form of binding magic is the Seven Ribbons of Hathor which can bind even a god or goddess.

Transformation - Transformation, also known as morphing, is magic used by magicians to transform their body into another using magic.
This is done only for a short period of time as sustained transformations can result in the magician being unable to change back. Those skilled enough in transformation may also transform others .(player consent required)

All forms of magic are usually performed with a staff, usually personal to the owner. Each magician carries supplies for casting spells. These include papyrus, stylus, and ink for writing scrolls, wax for making shabti statues, and other protective charms and amulets, and also a ball of twine.

Another form of magic is the Divine Words (see RP Thread)


Please Fill Out The Form for Campers, Located Below:

Name & Nicknames (if any):

Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description:

‘Insert a quote that best fits and or describes your character’ (optional, delete if not needed)




Child of (insert Godly parent/monster here)




Extra (fun facts - delete once added):

Please Fill Out The Form for MINOR Gods, Located Below:


Gender: (what they present themselves as)

Role: (Staff member, Head of security, Director of Activities etc)

Summary: (God of ----, their abilities/powers, their reason for being at the camp (punishment/volunteer etc)


OOC Chat

(Click the 'Main Roleplay' banner to return to the RP)

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Edited on 14/01/19 @ 13:11:15 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-30 18:19:10

Peter James Lovel

Commissioned Art coming soon

| Name: |Peter James Lovel|AKA 'Pennywise', 'Mongrel', 'Petey'|

"'Guess I'm the reason horror movies aren't allowed on campgrounds anymore..."

Age: 19 (September 28th)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn’t like to put a label on things

Child of Deimos, the Greek God of terror

Appearance: Standing at 5"10 when slouching and reaching 5''11 when actually bothering to stand straight, Peter's shaggy dark brown hair just about covers his ears and in spite of the fact such seems unruly, there's a sense of presentability to it, much like the way he dresses. Unlike most, he prefers to stick to his own wardrobe as opposed to sporting the trademark orange shirt that signifies Camp Halfblood, usually seen in a faded cotton shirt and jeans, his 'casual' is borderline scruffiness. His 'beard' never ventures further than a fitting stubble, and while often told his eye colour is 'difficult to pinpoint', he only ever provides one answer. Blue.

Personality: In spite of his appearance, which very well could imply Lovel's among the few campers that are typically rebellious or with some rather nasty habits, appearances are often considerably deceptive. While confident and charming, ever-willing to help those in need and mentor those new to how things work, he is also quiet and considerably thoughtful. Regardless of a friendly and easy-going demeanour, he seldom talks about himself and appears uncomfortable doing so if coerced into it. His extremes appear to clash with one another, while an optimist and usually methodical in the way he acts, he can also be an avid worrier and inclined to overthink, thus whether or not he acts on logic or emotion is rather frankly down to the context of the situation he finds himself in.

No matter how badly he's mistreated, Peter appears incapable of holding any sort of grudge towards others. Good grades appear almost natural to him, while his own abilities would appear to be his fatal flaw and typical downfall.


Fear: While he takes no joy in doing so, Peter is capable of transforming into what those around him fear most. An ability he's worked on being able to control, in times of intense emotion or stress, accidents can still happen. This unfortunate ability has landed him with the nickname of 'Pennywise' in reference to the monster capable of doing the same, particularly after an assortment of incidents while watching horror movies, ultimately resulting in the genre being banned.

Terror's Curse: His troubles, however, mostly come from the other ability somewhat cruelly inflicted on him. He himself is often forced to become that which he fears, and his many scars are easily attributed to the painful transformation he endures. Having an intense fear of canines after an encounter with a Hellhound at a much younger age, his other form forcibly co-exists inside of him. And when the change occurs, it physically emerges from within. Nobody, not even Peter, knows nor wants to find out what his re-transformation thereafter looks like, he's usually gained a new scar or two because of it though.

Usually, if he begins to transform around others, he'll suppress their fear and channel it into his own, figuring it's better he suffer than someone else. The two colours most frequently observed are dark brown and white, both wolves bigger than the average, with the white seeming more aggressive.

Enhanced senses of smell and hearing, mild regeneration: With his 'other forms' co-existing alongside him, Peter's sense of smell and hearing are vastly superior when compared to your average person. A small regeneration factor is unsurprising, given the brutal transformations his body undergoes would otherwise kill him.

Background: Peter appears to be the oldest among the other children within the secluded safe-haven he has called home for as long as he cares to remember. Often describing himself as a 'real pain in the ass' on the occasion he's coerced into discussing himself; the contrast between a much younger Peter and the person he grew to be, is rather shocking. A good example of what would come to mind when you pair together the words 'poverty' and 'runaway', his survival was built on less than honest means. With crimes ranging from theft to arson, he was undoubtedly a 'problem child' at best and had far more to fear from the people he associated with than he did any kind of monster.

Not that it was long-lasting, because his 'luck' eventually ran out. Suddenly? He was dodging monsters left and right, each encounter progressively worse and far too close for comfort, it was during a particularly vicious encounter with a Hellhound that he found both guidance and redemption. While Deimos was not particularly fond of his son, it appeared he could no longer be left to his own devices and divine intervention came in the form of a particularly ill-tempered Satyr.

Camp Halfblood became the chance of a fresh start. Though it was not initially a well-received one, the years that followed changed Peter considerably, shaping him into the hands-on and helpful camper he'll often attempt to be.

- Unlike most Demigod children, he cannot read Greek.
- While right-handed with everything else, Peter is ambidextrous with weapons of any kind, usually preferring a sword.
- Afraid of dogs, though somewhat tolerant when forced to be around them.
- Usually the go-to guy for problems that don't necessarily require the attention of Dionysus.


Nathan Elliot Young

Commissioned Art coming soon

| Name: |Nathan Elliot Young | AKA 'Curls', 'Nathan Young' - Dispises his middle name.|

"The day I pay any attention to the parts of me that warn against doin' or sayin' something is the day I'm no longer myself..."

Age: 17 (May 23rd)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of Atë, the Greek Goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin and folly

Appearance: Irritating as Nathan may find it, 'Curls' is somewhat of a suitable nickname all things considered. Though he'll occasionally still switch between what was left of his own wardrobe, since decidedly embracing the whole 'Demi-god' thing, he's more often seen in orange, and rather sad to say it no longer has anything to do with community service. At 5''11, Nathan's pale skin, dark eyes and infamously curly hair render him the better looking double of his father rather than his mother, from which he only seemed to inherit unwanted abilities and an apparent knack for luring life-threatening creatures. Wonderful.

Personality: While Nathan is capable of being sweet and charming if you can hack behaviour and remarks most would find difficult to tolerate, crude and somewhat immature humour seems to be the front he puts up as a wall of defence. Anything is seldom off-limits, getting him into trouble and causing him injury on multiple occasions, though he seems to be growing better at sensing when he's about the cross the line since the cabin incidents which involved another camper, who 'attacked' him after Nathan made a string of inappropriate 'jokes' at his expense.

Definitely, the class-clown archetype, while childish and irresponsible for the most part, Nathan can also be very empathetic and selfless, certainly a reliable and loyal friend. Though somewhat awkward around new people in spite of natural charisma, he soon finds his footing and enjoys both being the centre of attention - negative or otherwise - and making others laugh.


Chaotic Hysteria (Influence): Nathan's apparent knack for causing trouble extends much further than simply being unable to help himself. As shown by the fact Erin's usually well-behaved dog Riku became quite the opposite of his usual self - then boisterous, excitable and refusing to listen - Nathan appears to unconsciously influence those around him. Prominent in animals while unknowingly used, once aware of it Nathan will likely be able to control and hone such, said ability growing to affect people and then on, large crowds. In times of intense emotion and stress, such an ability can flare and impact those around him regardless of what they are, though only mildly.

Signs of this, when purposefully used around people/monsters are:

- Irrational irritability or anger
- Sudden increase in volume and acting out (in a store, for example, customers and staff may begin to act immaturely, climbing on shelves, counters etc. Attitudes may be petulant, dismissive, obnoxious or rude)
- Breaking things
- Anti-social behaviour

Mischevious Mind: Disruption, to Nathan, is an art. And art often requires careful planning, which makes Nathan your go-to guy for formulating both small and large-scale pranks or distractions.

Gifted Storyteller: Perhaps it's no wonder Nathan is often inclined to believe his own lies and exaggerations almost wholeheartedly the vast majority of the time, for pranks are never quite funny without a convincing act behind them. Surprising as it may seem, Nathan's a fairly smooth talker, which is likely why his punishments are so much less severe than the thing he's done to warrant punishment in the first place. Somewhat useful if he needs to stall someone or lie his way out of a particularly tricky situation, his wild stories are certainly a tale to hear, convincing or otherwise.

Background: Heralding from Ireland - as noted by his rather prominent accent - the move to the states was likely owed to his father's 'shady' habits and equal affinity to cause trouble with figures of authority. While Nathan shares a rocky relationship with his father at best due to a series of temporary 'step mums' in a worryingly short span of time, 'trouble' is something both seem to excel at, as shown by the fact Nathan himself was often found doing community service prior to the whole 'demi-god' thing.

Accidentally prompting a large-scale riot, Nathan's 'abilities' quickly caught the attention of God and monster alike, and he swiftly found himself within the sanctuary of Camp Halfblood. At first refusing to acknowledge his apparent parent, both bitter and in denial - which was likely the cause of the infamous 'Cabin Incident' as many know it - he was quick to find a friend in fellow camper, Erin. Promptly claimed after creating a mild food fight for which he has yet to face repercussions, Nathan is still adjusting to the whole 'demigod' thing, only really becoming 'thrilled' with the concept once he discovered an assortment of gifts awaiting him in his cabin.

- Wholeheartedly believes his own lies and exaggerations.
- A persistent animal lover in spite of mild allergies, frequent sniffles and weeping eyes do little to keep him from providing animals with attention
- 'Occasional' smoker. Of course, while only occasional, such a habit has an awful hold on him. In times of stress, such as finding out you're a demi-god, he's often driven to such.
- Possesses a familiar by the name of Meeko, whom he shares an unsteady relationship with, as Meeko is seldom affectionate and as loud as Nathan himself. Meeko is an amalgamation of creatures, a symbol of Atë.


Vanessa De Luca

Commissioned Art coming soon

| Name: |Vanessa De Luca|AKA N/A|

"'My Mom told me I shouldn't, that's exactly why I did..."

Age: 18 (August 25th)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of Hera - A rather large secret at Hera’s resquest, only Camp Staff and Vanessa (alongside the rest of Olympus) are aware of her disgrace. As such, Vanessa stays within the Aphrodite Cabin, assumed by all to be another of the Love Goddess’s Children.

Appearance: Unfortunate enough to inherit a series of unpleasant traits from her mother, it's to Hera that she owes one of her most notable features. Her long, wavy ginger-red hair that often drapes either shoulder depending on her preference at the time is yet another gift from the Goddess of marriage, otherwise inheriting her dark brown eyes, full lips, and rather pale skin from her father. Standing at 5''6, Vanessa has a slender build with no apparent preference to the clothes she wears. As a matter of fact, such seems to simply depend on how she feels, therefore she can change into numerous outfits throughout the course of the day.

Personality: In spite of their 'unhappy' relationship, it would appear Vanessa inherited a great deal from her Mother. Quick to jealousy with a fiery temper, De Luca often strives for perfectionism and is highly competitive over pretty much anything. Her superiority complex - for she often believes herself to be better than others - and desire for perfection are arguably her greatest weaknesses, for both have developed into unhealthy obsessions over the years as she strives for desperately validation never received from Hera, whom tirelessly chastised her to be better regardless, seemingly determined to set impossible standards for the object of her disdain.

Hatred towards the children of Zeus appeared to be yet another 'gift' she promptly inherited, albeit the reasoning differed somewhat. For the Goddess had wasted no time in explaining why exactly Vanessa was conceived, to begin with, though a great and grave mistake, it was in the simple act of retaliation. If not for them, Vanessa very well wouldn't have existed, and that was a reality both seem to agree would be better for all involved.

Certainly troubled, both her behaviour and attitude towards her mother seem incredibly flippant as she alternates between striving and seeking validation to rebelliously opposing everything her mother stands for. Generally, she is often vocally bitter and angry towards her, with the need for validation being well-concealed behind a snobbish mask, compared to how she used to be? Vanessa has grown up considerably, and not entirely for the best. The once easily anxious child prone to tears when something was wrong and deathly afraid of the world around her - Courtesy of her Mother - has developed a cold exterior and guarded nature. Appearing blunt and unkind, she seldom allows others close enough to see what lies beneath.


Like most Half-bloods, Vanessa's senses, strength, speed and durability is considerably greater than that of the average human person. Considerably athletic, Vanessa is extremely flexible with an affinity for acrobatics to such an extent she was once Cheer Captain of her year group during the short time she actually attended a normal school.

Strike True: Vanessa is able to mildly manipulate the air around her for a short duration, something that increases her lethality with a bow and also allows for subtle cheating in archery if not watched carefully among other things. Should she concentrate, Vanessa is also able to technically ‘walk’ on water by channelling this same ability.

Background: While Hera's tolerance of her Husband's blatant infidelity over numerous centuries seemed endless, it appeared that even the Goddess of Marriage had her limit. It was in an act of retaliation that Vanessa was conceived, charmed by the man that would eventually be her father simply on account of how different he was in comparison, the way he listened when she spoke. Though she never intended to stoop so low as her beloved husband, it would seem one thing lead to another. Granted, Hera had been a fool to believe that Zeus would tolerate her act in the same way she had his, and while Zeus at least felt some sort of affection towards his illegitimate children? The same could not be said for Hera, having realised what exactly she had done.

No love was felt nor affection was given to the child she bore out of poor judgements, for Hera viewed her as a violation and offence of what marriage itself stood for, Vanessa's survival was attributed to Zeus, though not out of any benevolence. Instead, a punishment. The Goddess would be burdened to watch what she had created grow and thrive, the child would live a painful reminder of her disgrace, and while she did not have to feign any maternal love for it? It was not to be ignored. Like most, Vanessa would grow in ignorance of what she was till it could be concealed no longer. Among the first to find themselves under Dionysus' 'care' - something her parentage did not help with given Dionysus own relationship with the Goddess of Marriage - and claimed that same evening at a much younger age of nine, Hera's visit had been an unpleasant one. Vanessa was not only informed of what she was but what was expected of her, that her very conception had been an immensely regrettable mistake the Goddess paid for even now.

Years later at the age of 18, Vanessa is arguably the most experienced half-blood - or so she likes to believe - and is one of the few that has been in the established safe-haven since the beginning with the exception of Peter, someone she appears to avoid after a particular incident.

- Dislikes swimming and being near large bodies of water; will tolerate it if need be.
- One of her brooches, an intricate piece shaped like a spider, with a frame of gold and base of ruby, is actually sentient enough to scuttle around once activated.
- Despite expressing a dislike of animals, it is unclear whether or not Vanessa is being truly genuine on the matter.


Aurelia Maria Ornery

Commissioned Art coming soon

| Name: |Aurelia Maria Ornery|AKA 'Aurie’ to close friends|

"'I just thought I’d warn you. I imagine the Nymphs have put all kinds of nasty little things in your bed, for how you treated their trees. They’re awfully sensitive, you know."

Age: 17 (January 21st)

Gender: Female


Child of the Sirens

Appearance: At a height of 5''10, Aurelia's colour-changing curls contrast her slightly freckled, dark skin and eyes greatly, given a handful of colours are usually bright or luminescent, typically favouring greens. Her wardrobe widely consists of simple shirts that vary in colours and patterns, occasionally featuring a slogan she finds rather humorous and some shorts. She has a particular love of camp shirts, however, and an apparent dislike of shoes - for she is seldom seen wearing any.

Personality: Aurelia is vain. She’s her own top priority, and to gain her trust, let alone her friendship, would be an achievement for the history books; not to say it isn’t possible, but it isn’t easy, and she won’t make it easy. Not only is she self-centred to no end, but she also holds the fact that she is of siren descent, near and dear to her heart; as a matter of fact? It's one of the many things she's proud of.

Egotistical, self-assured, and dismissive of others, Aurelia thinks she’s the only one worth talking to for the most part, but despite the rather large flaws her vanity only seems to encourage? She's thoughtful and curious, often drawn to the forest at questionable times of night to talk to the nymphs and gaze at the stars. That said, should you befriend her, Aurelia is overly affectionate and charismatic, a bubbly, confident and somewhat quiet individual often guilty of people watching.


Gills (Neck) and breathing: As much as she hates how they look, Aurelia does have small gills along the side of her neck, along with sturdier lungs. She can breathe underwater with ease but will have to come up for air eventually. In addition, saltwater and freshwater do not hurt her eyes, nor obscure her vision.

Webbed hands/feet: As a half-siren, the water is Aurelia’s element. Though not as prominent as a full siren, the space between her fingers are webbed for swimming, along with a similar situation for her feet. Unlike a siren, however, she does not have fins along her elbows or the tail that often associates them with mermaids, making her a less-strong swimmer in comparison.

Fangs: Her teeth are considerably sharper than that of the average person, specifically her canines.

Siren’s song: Her most prominent ability is in the form of her voice. Descended from the Sirens, Aurelia can sing a dialect of Mermish that charms those around her. Like Sirens, through this song Aurelia can control many people at once; however, they can break free with strong enough willpower, and she must be focusing intently on her targets. Those with stronger wills or resistance to such from a parent may be immune or significantly more difficult to charm. Due to only being a half-blood, singing appears to tire her and can only be used for a short duration. She has yet to use such maliciously, and instead occasionally uses it so others may take care of things she has no interest in, such as cleaning.

Background: Though not quite as old as the child of Deimos or Hera, like Peter and Vanessa, Aurelia is arguably one of the most knowledgeable and long-time campers, should others ever need to ask questions. Whether or not she’ll help them, however, is another story. Compared to the children of the Gods, the children of monsters have it somewhat easier in that she was not forcibly uprooted nor left with no other option, but rather presented with the option to attend, once it was certain her intentions were not malicious. Despite coming from a functional and otherwise average family, since the transition, it would appear Aurelia has opted to cut ties with her father, step-mother and step-siblings. Granted, the choice was mutual, and she is always welcome home; simply preferring Camp Half-blood as it is, the place she can truly be ‘herself’.

While having a ‘cabin’, Aurelia does not hide the fact she openly prefers to be found within the forest, be it in the company of Nymphs or Satyrs, and is more often than not found there.

- Comfortably ambidextrous.
- While she can change the colour of her hair on a whim, it often changes to coordinate her feelings or intentions, much to her own dislike.
- In spite of her insecurities, Aurelia's a somewhat closed book, and will subject any efforts to prod with indifference.
- Aurelia has a habit of intentionally addressing people incorrectly, both to see if they'll correct her, and simply because she finds it rather funny.

Reyna Vane

Commissioned Art coming soon

| Name: |Reyna Vane|AKA 'Vee’ to close friends|

"'No, I’m not about to pull a rabbit out of a hat. I mean, I could, but I won’t."

Age: 16 (November 20th)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance: With olive skin and caramel hair, Reyna has clearly inherited more from her father than her mother, their only shared features being distinctively brown eyes. Often switching between her own personal wardrobe and the colours of Camp Deshret, she clearly favours both vintage and simple clothing over something modern or particularly extravagant, exemplified by her love of woollen cardigans or ponchos. Standing at 5''4, while Reyna admittedly wishes to be somewhat taller, there are some things even magic cannot fix. And so, her height remains rather average.

Personality: Blunt and admittedly forward, Reyna’s head-strong attitude - while showcasing that she is dauntless in the face of social situations - can often make her seem somewhat pushy or overbearing. Her perception of who and what she is, is absolute. Therefore,she takes great offence if ever discredited. Immensely proud of her heritage with a thirst for knowledge, Reyna often seeks and strives for perfection in her magic; to such an extent it could be considered her ‘fatal flaw’.

In spite of how her attitude can be interpreted, Reyna clearly aspires to form friendships with others, and is often a trusting person. Similarly to her pride, however, this trust can be somewhat blind on occasion, and she often struggles to see others any differently than how she knows them already.


Magician’s Box: Each magician carries supplies for casting spells. These include papyrus, stylus, and ink for writing scrolls, wax for making shabti statues, and other protective charms and amulets, and also a ball of twine. Like all great magicians, Reyna is seldom seen without hers, such also containing

Her Staff - Carved from Onyx, the staff features a series of engraved hieroglyphs and grooves, with the head shaped like a cobra, often accented with twisted leather strips, beads or charms. It can be used to cast hieroglyphs, strengthen divine words, or morph into the very snake the head is shaped after.

Her wand - A curved piece of hippo ivory, It is a primary defensive weapon. Used to ward off enemy spells, counter curses, or repel enemies. It can be used as a throwing weapon to knock away attackers or held up to create a magic shield.

Shabti statues - A good magician can craft statuettes that come to life on command and perform any number of tasks. Still, technically a novice magician compared to those that learn to hone their magic, Reyna’s statues were crafted by her parents.

Healing Magic & Extra: Reyna is well versed in Healing magic, and as such can cure an assortment of injuries and diseases. Like most healers, she also has some control over famine and plague (locusts). As such, she is not particularly good at maintaining plant life. Atop healing magic, Reyna is also currently trying to master binding magic.

Divine Words: The use of the divine words is arguably Reyna’s best and most reliable form of magic, given she often struggles to properly channel her magic into hieroglyphs once drawn. This, however, is a considerable problem if she is unable to speak.

Background: Hailing from London and the daughter of two magicians, Reyna practically begged to be permitted entry into Camp Deshret, an international camp for both children of the Egyptian Gods and aspiring magicians alike. Eventually? They caved, settling for seeing their daughter whenever she wished to return home. While she loves her parents as much as they love her, it’s still somewhat clear she prefers to be within Camp Deshret than at home.

Once Sheshmu attacked, however, things changed; and not at all for the better. Like the vast majority of children occupying Deshret at the time, Reyna was promptly thrust into a flurry of chaos and panic, disorientated by the sudden hiss of hastily constructed portals, her confusion was made all the apparent by the eerie calm that emerged on the other side, strange faces and accents. Reyna is more wary of the so-called Demi-gods than she cares to admit and struggles to process how either faction could be so bluntly unaware of the other till now.

- Despite an intense fear of extreme heights, she is rather fond of climbing trees.
- Reyna’s ability to control famine and locusts is unpredictable. As such, she may involuntarily cause small plagues or wither crops upon touching them.
- Struggles to fully wrap her head around the concept of Greek Mythology.

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Edited on 02/01/19 @ 19:18:31 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-31 22:58:38

𝒪𝓏𝒾𝒶𝓈 𝐹𝑜𝓉𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓈


"I'm late? Makes sense, considering I didn't want to be here in the first place."

Oz, Ozzy.

18 years old.



🇨🇭🇮🇱🇩 🇴🇫

A decently tall fellow, Ozias stands at an even 6'0". His complexion is pale, only the slightest hint of a tan occasionally darkening his skin. His medium length, charcoal colored hair is subtly wavy, incapable of being fully straightened and thus always carrying a defiant hint of a curl, while his eyes are a bright shade of emerald. The contrast of pigments between his hair and skin only serve to make him appear even paler as do his clothes, which most often contain shades of black or dark green.

His build is willowy and lean, agile and sure-footed over brawny. All the same, he still strikes an imposing presence, his wit often underestimated and his abilities not to be taken lightly. He possesses sharp and elegant attributes, a placid smile often etched across his features. A sparse amount of dark stubble covers the lower half of his face. While free of piercings a single tattoo marks his skin, a crow with spread wings extending from the back of his left shoulder.

Charismatic and clever, Ozias carries a certain kind of charm. Quiet and inconspicuous, he's at times mistaken for being introverted when in truth he's merely observing, learning all he can about the mortals, gods or monsters surrounding him. Anyone who spends a decent amount of time around him will soon find he's quite sarcastic, bold and a bit full of himself.

He holds a sharp memory and can recall even the smallest of details, unable to forget them even if he occasionally wishes he could. As such Ozias is prone to grudge-holding, pitiless to those who cross him and often not quick to forgive. With that said, it’s fairly difficult to piss him off and he seems to tolerate most people quite well.

Ozias can prove shockingly empathetic, seemingly willing to aid others simply because he can. Negative emotions are kept under lock and key, rarely expressed and non-existent so far as anyone else is concerned.

Warning | Mentions of alcoholism, bullying, and child neglect.

Ozias was born in London to a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. Agatha had a penchant for poor decisions, especially in concerns to men, and Ozias didn’t grow up in a stable household as a result. They moved fairly frequently, either living with family or friends for as long as they would have them or moving in with his mother’s newest boyfriend. Though Agatha clearly loved her son she was neglectful, intentionally or not, and Oz often had to be the adult of the house, taking care of her rather than the other way around.

Feeling trapped in her less than ideal circumstances and fearing she wouldn’t be able to provide for them on her own, Agatha developed a drinking problem by the time he was ten to cope. Ozias learned self-sufficiency quick and early, rarely relying on others. Things were no easier at school, frequently harassed by his classmates. It took a great deal of restraint not to teach them he wasn't to be trifled with. He achieved revenge most often in the form of mischief, ranging from fairly harmless to surprisingly malicious depending on how much resentment he was holding on to at the time.

Ozias discovered he could raise the dead on accident after a particularly stressful event. He made little progress in regards to his necromancing, however, perhaps through a reluctance to uncover and actually touch dead things. His father made himself known shortly after the first time Oz managed to fully animate a corpse, albeit it was only a dead cat, figuring maybe the kid could use some godly guidance before he ended up hurting someone.

Kept rather hush for obvious reasons, even the other gods were unaware Hades sought a bond with his demigod child. Ozias had little interest in visiting Camp Half-Blood though it was brought up several times, likely a result of being his mother’s caretaker and unwilling to leave her, and Hades appeared content to keep his existence and their relationship a secret before Oz’s luck ran out shortly after turning 18, more and more monsters catching on to his scent until it was finally insisted by both of his parents that Ozias must attend camp, by force if necessary.

As with most demigods, his strength, agility, and senses are enhanced beyond those of a normal human.

Necromancy - Ability to summon and control the dead. The weakest of his abilities despite many assuming it to be his defining trait. Appears uninterested in honing it due to the implications and puts more work into his other skills. Thus far the largest creatures he has managed to control are dog corpses, and generally, he only uses this power when looking to create a bit of mischief or spook someone. Should he ever end up in a situation of extreme stress or fear it’s likely this ability will intensify significantly and serve as a self-defense mechanism.

Umbrakinesis - Ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. This is a non-physical ability and can harm no one for the most part, but is useful in situations that require stealth. This ability allows him to essentially disappear if he so wishes so long as there are shadows he can use for cover. Night vision is another perk. When honed he many be able to create blasts of dark energy, but such a skill has yet to make itself present.

Terrakinesis - While the Lord of the Underworld does have some association with the Earth and precious metals, this is perhaps a bit of an unusual ability for a son of Hades. The strongest of his powers, he can manipulate dirt, stones, and natural metals into weapons, either by flinging them as projectiles or molding them into something like a shield or sword.

🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇪​ 🇸​🇴​🇳​🇬​🇸​
High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco.
Throne - Bring Me The Horizon.

- A pied crow he's dubbed Edgar is his constant companion.

- He has a typical London accent.

- His fondness for nature and desire to practice his earthly skills often leads to Ozias disappearing into the woods for hours on end without notice.


𝐸𝓇𝒾𝓃 𝒞𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓌𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇


Art commissioned from serein.convivencia (#131218).

"I am capable of more than it seems..."


17 years old.

Feminine, but leans on the nonbinary side of the spectrum. She/her or they/them pronouns are preferred.

Asexual & Panromantic.

🇨​🇭​🇮​🇱​🇩​ 🇴​🇫​
The Chimera.

Erin is incredibly thin, and the fact she has a preference for baggy clothing and sweats over anything form-fitting does little to help her case. Her body appears frail and overly lean any way you look at her, lacking curves and toned muscle almost entirely. Her skin is a warm, medium brown tone and she has a soft, rounded face.

Her hair is densely curled, so dark it often appears black, the only indicator otherwise being strong brown undertones under direct sunlight. styled into an afro more often than not. Her eyes are her darkest feature of all, like chunks of polished obsidian. Erin is fairly typical height for a girl her age, no taller than 5’3”.

An introvert by nature, Erin is initially shy and reclusive when interacting with someone she’s never met before. She has questionable social skills to start with and this often leads to the unfortunate misconception she is standoffish. Erin’s true personality shines through once she becomes comfortable with someone however and she’ll often surprise newer friends with just how loud and enthusiastic she can be.

Erin is a well-meaning person with a gentle demeanor, but she is also easily excitable and more than a little impulsive. While patient and kindly on a normal day once you’ve set off her temper you’re in for one hell of a ride as she can be horribly passive-aggressive when pushed beyond her limits. She is notably more willing to get into an argument or fight to defend a friend over herself and she deals with rather stressing anxiety on a daily basis.

Erin grew up in a small suburb with a single parent who adopted her, unaware of her true heritage for most of her life. Her mother Cassandra owned a makeup store downtown that did fairly well and she grew up middle-class. On her 15th birthday, her family pitched together and purchased her a Shiba Inu puppy she calls Riku. He’s been her closest companion ever since considering she doesn't always have the easiest time connecting with humans.

Despite not being the richest family around they never went hungry. She doesn’t have any official pets other than Riku, but did her best helping out local strays by providing them with food and vet care when she could afford it. Her childhood was what she would consider average. Her social anxiety issues and some minor bullying at school perhaps being her only struggles growing up. She otherwise had a very supportive and loving family as well as a handful of friends.

When her powers first awakened she rightfully thought she was dreaming. Her first shift was rather frightening and caused quite a bit of damage, leading to her family having to move away. This was only a month before she was summoned to Camp Half-Blood, left troubled by the memory of the violent outburst she was unable to control.

Shapeshifting - Under stress or while experiencing extreme negative emotions such as anger or fear she can change to the form of a Chimera, either fully or partially. In this form, she has the head, neck, chest, front legs/paws and build of a dark-furred lioness with spiraling horns, brown leathery wings sprouting from her back, the hindquarters of a goat and a serpentine tail that ends in the head of a black mamba. She tends to be more wild and unpredictable in this form, fearing it and only using it as a last resort if given the choice.

🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇪​ 🇸​🇴​🇳​🇬​🇸​
Brave - Sara Bareilles.
More Than It Seems - Kutless.

- Her one and only pet is a black and tan Shiba Inu named Riku. A typical specimen of his breed, well behaved due to proper training and Erin’s awareness he would not be an easy dog to raise.

- An avid reader, she has a tendency to hoard books.

- In possession of a notorious sweet tooth, for being so thin she seemingly always has a snack in hand.


𝒥𝒶𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑔𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓎


"We all could go insane with just one bad day."
- Gotham


19 years old.


Bisexual & Demiromantic.

🇨​🇭​🇮​🇱​🇩​ 🇴​🇫​

Sturdy and broad-shouldered, Jasper looks the part of a bruiser and that assumption wouldn't be inaccurate. His skin is fairly pale, dappled by an endless amount of reddish freckles while his eyes are a bright shade of cerulean blue, hints of green flecking the irisies. His short ginger hair has an almost untamed quality no matter how he tries to style it, persistent strands always straying from their proper place.

Jasper is one of the taller campers at 6'1", his propensity for looming over those shorter than him adding another level of intimidation to an already frankly creepy individual. It's all in the eyes, or so they say. The way he looks at people tends to evoke feelings of unease and discomfort, and generally, while catching his attention isn't always completely awful it's more often than not cause for concern.

He’s definitely his mother’s child, in more ways than one. Rather than feel shame or guilt over his parentage and abilities, Jasper appears to embrace them. Known to bully other campers, he’s viewed as remorseless, chaotic, manipulative and untrustworthy, a reputation perhaps not undeserved. He gets a certain thrill out of being feared and won’t hesitate to use that fact to his advantage.

Whether or not Jasper is actually capable of compassion is unclear. While on occasion he has assisted others, it appears there is usually an underlying ulterior motive, something’s always in it for him. He can prove surprisingly amicable around certain people, but who he chooses to befriend or victimize doesn’t appear to have any clear pattern.

He behaves just enough in the presence of counselors to keep from being expelled, as even he knows his life is more or less over should he be forced to leave, but he gets up to quite a bit all the same, often a provider of bad habits. Whatever you need, he can probably find a way to get it to you, for a price of course.

Warning | Mentions of implied child abuse, illegal activities, and murder. While nothing described below is graphic I understand even implications can be upsetting for some people so please continue with caution.

Jasper was left on the doorstep of a church by his mortal father, the man wanting few reminders of his ill-fated fling with the goddess of insanity, spending the majority of his childhood in foster care. While a completely ordinary boy, not all who bring children into their home are kind or compassionate. Mania would check on him every so often, and while never making direct contact with him, if she found Jasper was being mistreated even the slightest, his foster parents had a tendency to suffer her wrath.

With so much sinister energy surrounding the child, he grew harder and harder to place. At the terribly young age of 12, he became involved with a gang, spending more and more time on the streets, soon after becoming heavily involved in illegal activities that included possession and sale of illicit drugs, vandalism, burglary, and violent crimes.

His abilities began manifesting shortly after turning 14, used on a group of boys from a rival gang who cornered him in an alley. His influence grew stronger the more he used them, volatile and unpredictable without guidance, eventually leading to an event in which he convinced two police officers to shoot each other in the face rather than arrest him. In this case, it was rather unintentional and the memory is now the subject of his nightmares, as even a man who’s grown so twisted by his circumstances never intended to go that far.

He was eventually discovered by a satyr sent to scout the area for demigods. After informing Jasper of his heritage the satyr escorted a reluctant, and somewhat petrified teenager to the camp, hoping the director could provide a better life for him. Jasper was undeniably a challenge and came with several bad habits, most of which seem to be under control in the present even if he still retains quite the mean-streak with a smoking problem and a habit for smuggling banned goods within camp borders.

Insanity Inducement - The ability to cause others to lose their sense of sanity, often resulting in them committing deplorable, violent acts. For obvious reasons, he is greatly discouraged from using this ability unless necessary. Those with strong wills have a higher chance of resisting his influence. In small doses, it would only cause a person to act out, at its most powerful it can move people to commit murder (for obvious reasons this power is unlikely to be used on other characters without express permission from the player).

🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇪​ 🇸​🇴​🇳​🇬​🇸​
Natural - Imagine Dragons.
ULTRAnumb - Blue Stahli.

- Rarely seen without a cigarette hanging out of his mouth or in hand. It doesn't matter how many times camp staff confiscates his stash. He always finds a way to get around it.

- He doesn't have any pets (perhaps for good reason, he's not exactly responsible), but likes most animals, especially cats.


𝐿𝒶𝓀𝑒𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒶 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉


"Justice, like Lightning, should ever appear, some men hope and to other men fear. My father taught me that poem when I was just a little girl."
- Black Lightning

Keisha, Kei.

18 years old.



🇨​🇭​🇮​🇱​🇩​ 🇴​🇫​




Flight - While not always visible, a pair of large wings, akin to those of a peregrine falcon, can burst from her back when called upon. Seeing as she now only has use of one wing, she won't be flying any time soon.

Enhanced Eyesight - She can see real good. Doesn't even need glasses.

Ehanced Combat - Horus' position as a god of war has led to Keisha inheriting some of his strength and proficiency for battle. While it's natural for demigods to be stronger than normal humans this is especially apparent with her.

Lighting Manipulation - The least of her abilities and a power she doesn't always have the best control over, it most often makes itself known when she is angry or threatened. As a sky god, Horus has some control over such as it seems she inherited this trait from him.

🇹​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇪​ 🇸​🇴​🇳​🇬​🇸​
Children of the Sun - Thomas Bergersen (feat. Merethe Soltvedt).

- In an attempt to protect the other campers, Keisha took on Seshmu herself. The price was the loss of one of her wings, rendering her flightless, and quite nearly her life.

- She's an excellent swordsman and carries twin divine blade, similar in shape to a Khopesh, gifted to her by Horus.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 14:58:31 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-01 02:26:20


Identifies and presents self as male.

Officially he's simply a staff member of Camp Half-Blood. Unofficially, well...let's just say Pan is more than happy to leave him in charge of making important decisions and handling the campers despite Silenus' polite reminders he really didn't sign up for this shit.

Once quite a jovial being, Silenus proves a more light-hearted diety, one willing to mingle among humans and the spirits of nature more often than other gods. Most commonly known as a drunkard, and his love for wine especially is certainly legendary, any other quality or feat accomplished was seemingly forgotten by history or at the very least is not as well known. Some beings might feel the sting of resentment over being so easily discarded, but Silenus appears content with his lot in life.

Compassionate and considerate, his heart is easily moved by the meek and the tormented, often a protector of nymphs, animals, and demigod children, one such child being the god of wine himself. Recently, however, he appears to have run into some trouble with Zeus, and the disagreement has resulted in an unusual punishment. one he and his former protege now share. Silenus must abstain from the one thing he can’t live without, and must also serve as a teacher in the modern camp for half-bloods.

While a position he might have applied for voluntarily given the chance, the fact it is a forced occupation and unable to feed his addiction, he’s feeling a bit disgruntled, to say the least, struggling to adjust in a world that seems to be falling apart with a sober mind. His caring nature still lingers beneath it all and spending time among the campers can often improve even the foulest of mood swings. It's not the kid's fault after all, and unlike some people, he refuses to take his frustrations out on them

Not quite as depicted in the ancient Greek stories (or the canon Percy Jackson books for that matter). A god, after all, can present themselves any way they wish, and the copious amount of bs being handed to Silenus lately certainly makes him feel ancient even if his looks no longer reflect as such. He appears to be a man of slightly above average stature, somewhere in his 30's, with a decently rugged build. Formerly rather round in the belly area, it seems his abstinence from drinking has helped him shed quite a few pounds. His hair is shoulder-length and blond, quite curly and most often kept tied back in a ponytail.

Faint golden freckles mark his lightly tanned skin and his eyes are an ambery-brown, similar in shade to whiskey. His visage is nearly permanently tired and worn even after a full night's rest. His taste in clothing is fairly ridiculous and it's quite obvious he doesn't understand human fashion, his attire often mismatched and brightly colored. He has the ability to present himself as a human for the most part but can also resemble a satyr-type creature with a donkey's hindquarters, tail, and ears, the fur the same color as his hair. Though he once sported a rather fabulous beard he shaves frequently in the present, uninterested in maintaining it and a lighter amount of stubble covers the lower half of his face.

When drunk he is said to possess special knowledge and the power of prophecy. This ability still lingers, though it's grown less prevalent and at times proves unreliable.

Like his former student/foster son Dionysus, he's also capable of brewing some pretty fantastic alcohol, notably wine, even if he can never drink any of it himself.

Several animals are associated with Silenus; namely the donkey and panther. He has the ability to shift forms into any beast he wishes, but a mammoth donkey (for those not familiar it’s a large breed of donkey, closer in size to a horse, and used to create mules) and a leopard are his most common forms.

As with most gods, his strength, reflexes, and agility have been enhanced beyond those of a human, but he tends to prove a lot stronger than expected, capable of becoming a formidable combatant when necessary, though he is rarely moved to violence.

- Some of Silenus' character is inspired by actual Greek myth, some of it is also crap I made up. Creative license yo, that's my excuse.

- Obviously, I took heavy inspiration from Dionysus’ punishment in the canon books. Yes, I am very well that uncreative.

- He raised Dionysus with the help of the Nysiad nymphs at the request of Hermes, presumably defending him from any further attempts on his life by Hera.

- His only blood-related child (if such a thing even exists among gods) would be the centaur Pholus, who unfortunately did not share his immortality and died assisting Hercules during his search for the Erymanthian Boar The incident, understandably, brought Silenus quite a bit of grief and the memory of that sorrow is likely the reason he never had any children after Pholus’ death.

- Also referenced as the father or grandfather of the Sileni, a type of satyr-like being who resembled donkeys and horses over goats, he is simply the oldest and most renowned of the species (in my version of things anyway). These fellows were notably tamer than Satyrs, more interested in just having a nice party over pursuing nymphs.

- Surprisingly, one of few gods known to remain loyal to his romantic partners. His most notable relationships were with Melia (a Naiad and mother of Pholus) and Hermaphroditos (a child of Hermes and Aphrodite).



Identifies and presents self as male.

Director of Camp Deshret.

A god whose marks on history was, more often than not, a poor testament to his character. Feared and detested yet vital and important in equal measures, the god of the desert served as both a hero and villain depending on who you were and where you hailed from, his motivations and allegiances shifting with the wind. Chaotic and violent, ruler of the red desert, guard of Ra, and protector of Lower Egypt, his power was immeasurable and the only god known to successfully contain him was Amun-Ra himself.

A time came when Set's jealousy and warmongering ways became unbearable for the other deities to witness, his devious deeds towards his own kin causing even his beloved wife Nephthys and child Anubis to betray him. Amun-Ra struck Set sterile, never again would a god with a heart so foul sire children, his only son's back turned toward him, and banished him to the deserts over which he reigned for all eternity. Alone, he was left to fester with his numerous sins until the day he was needed.

The demonic serpent Apophis succeeded in swallowing Amun-Ra on his way to raise the sun and went on to begin consuming the rest of the world. Unintentionally freed from his prison, it was a shock when Set reprised his role as Amun-Ra's guard, slicing Apophis' belly open and freeing the sun god to reclaim his throne, exiling the evil serpent to the darkness until he should rise again.

An act of redemption perhaps, but in the decades that passed, Set remained closely monitored, his inability to have children remaining and a damper put on his powers by Amun-Ra. His feuds with Horus continued well into the modern day, never quite reaching the ferocity of the past, but at times dangerously close. It was clear he needed something more to do with his time, a distraction, and so he was charged with guarding and guiding the occupants of Camp Deshret, his assigned 'helpers' glorified babysitters meant to keep an eye on him more-so than the children.

While this god has worn many different faces throughout the years his current form is that of an exceptionally tall man in his early 20's, jet black hair shaved close to his head along the back and sides while the top layer is thick and wavy. His eyes are a bright reddish-brown shade that feels almost unnatural on a human and his piercing stare tends to leave others feeling unsettled, the vibe he gives off leaving little doubt to the fact this dude ain't no mortal. His skin is a deep brown and he often strikes others as being 'cool' if not imposing, wearing a black leather jacket over a dark shirt accompanied by ripped jeans and combat boots. He appears deceptively lean at first glance, but his frame holds a decent amount of musculature.

Superhuman Strength/Reflexes - Even for a god Set is exceptionally strong and quick to react. Considering he once served as Ra's guard and helped him defeat Apophis on a daily basis this shouldn't be a surprise. Currently, he is not at full strength as a result of the lingering punishment imposed on him by Amun-Ra. He is also completely unable to access his true form, which is argubly when he's strongest.

Combat Magic - A master of the divine word and expert magic user. He uses a staff said to be made of sand and fire. His strength lies in fire and storm magic.

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 02:27:34 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Virgo (#129617)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-01 12:57:06

Ezio Michael Franklin

“I imagine they think there’s great skill in destroying things…
when in fact it’s the easiest thing in the world.”
—Watership Down

I, in no way, claim the above images; credit goes to Stranger Things (IMDb).

- Ezio stands at 5’10 and with a medium built, weighs around 150 lbs.
- His left ear, along with his belly button, is pierced.
- He has two tattoos; the first one is the “Join or Die” snake tattooed around his left calf, and the second one is an eagle feather tattooed on the back of his neck.
- To put it simply, Ezio has a retro sense of style.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of Zeus

Personality: Ezio is rowdy. Loud, uncontrolled, his presence is always known. He doesn’t shy away from attention, or from drawing in upon himself for that matter. More usual than not, if he’s not stuck in some type of trouble of his own, he’s putting his nose in someone else’s business. A king of gossip, or so he has crowned himself. He makes it his responsibility to know what’s going on and who’s involved.

Drawn to drama, like a bee to honey, he will literally insert himself right in the middle of the fray. He offers open ears, and a smart tongue; for better or for worse. While he finds it amusing to hear both sides of the story, and to consider the emotions and reasons of all those involved, he tends to be light-hearted during such interactions. Sometimes, he can be convinced to actually care about the situation at hand and offer some advice; once again, for better or for worse. If his charm is working just right, he might actually have some talent with persuading people to see eye-to-eye.

While no secret is safe from him, every secret is safe with him. He’s pretty tight-lipped, and refuses to spread rumors; he just prefers to gather them. Ezio, actually, has a decent amount of respect for people and their privacy, and refuses to mess with people’s lives for any shallow reason, be it personal gain or entertainment.

After all, an oath, no matter how big or small, is an oath. Ezio takes swears or promises quite seriously, and likes to believe himself honorable. He always abides by his word, and has proven himself reliable and trustworthy on more than one occasion. With that being said, while he holds himself above lying, he isn’t beyond talking in circles or through loopholes. In his eyes, rules and laws are just guidelines, and he can get quite crafty when trying to slip through them. The same goes for sentence wording, especially when he’s in a particular carefree or amusing mood.

That goes without saying: his words can be quite convincing. This is aided by his ability to draw upon the right emotions to convincingly sell the story. He isn’t one to conceal his feelings and tends to bear it all quite openly, so he has little difficulty with summoning or manipulating his tone and pitch and facial expressions. And when it comes to facial expressions, Ezio always seems to be smug, with a smirk in his eyes.

That being said, he is a spitfire, not unlike his father. He takes it personally and seriously when people go against him, or try to sully his reputation. His public image is of dear importance to him, and he will go out of his way to confront those that have tried to tarnish it. More so, he holds grudges like no other. He doesn’t forget and barely forgives, and second chances are rarely granted. These instances, or any little inconvenience for that matter, have the ability to make him quite annoyed; it doesn’t take much to ruin his mood or to make him grumpy, and Ezio has quite the bitchy resting face.

Abilities: Ezio’s abilities, or natural talents, closely reflect his father’s, but at a lesser scale. He has a way with words, and with listening. He can tell, almost instantly, if someone is lying, whether it be fib or deception. Naturally then, his word is his bond; he physically can’t break a promise or deal he has committed himself to. In some ways, he physically can’t lie. As a side effect, not only do his words, but his presence has the tendency to calm down those around him and promote clear thinking; this sets him up to be the perfect mediator. Or, for those that suffer with night terrors or social anxieties or other similar ailments, he’s the perfect companion. Calm mind, composed body, or so would be the impression; Ezio is far from a collect individual and also shares his father’s explosive temper.

Explosive, like the crackle of lightning, electricity tends to dance from his fingertips. He can summon it, collect it, and direct it; there’s nothing quite exhilarating as shooting lightning bolts from one’s hands. While that usually takes most, if not all, his energy, Ezio can use it at a smaller degree. This includes, but is not limited to: shocking people on touch, shutting down or restarting or charging electrical devices, channeling electricity through weapons or other objects, and creating static energy. Paired with this, he has the gift of thunder. He can create “booms,” so to speak; when he punches things, using all his strength, he can cause the air and ground to quake. Same goes with his voice. Ezio has the ability to speak very loudly, or “boom.” This tends to shock those around him, and bring everyone to a standstill. He usually does this to capture everyone’s attention, and has done it once or twice for Dionysus, for when he was unable to silence the campers during a camp meeting or another.

Like Zeus, he has an aptitude for storms. Not only can he predict their gathering and appearance, they also bring out the best in him. He seems more energized, and in a better mood, when it is cloudy or raining. The rain also has regenerative properties for him, and comes in handy for speed healing scratches, shallow wounds, and tensed or strained muscles.

Background: Mary Etta Franklin was a powerhouse of a woman. As a defense attorney, and spare time legal consultant, living in New Orleans, Louisiana, she held her own, and ferociously so. A delicate figure housing a sharp mind, she took most by surprise, and others even considered her a marvel. Composed in the courthouse, witty at the bar, Mary Etta had an upstanding and ambitious, if not slightly wild, reputation.

With a wide range of friends and allies and foes, she refused to tread lightly. She lived un-apologetically, and to the fullest. A penthouse to call home, a few degrees to her name, by the time she was thirty-two she had an established firm, which took on the most controversial cases. Cases which took up most of her attention, she never really gave any thought about herself and her other, unrelated law desires. That is, until she meet a charming man.

Wisdom in his eyes, a sharp tongue, he kept pace with her exhilarating life. He matched in her wit and smarts, and in looks. Their relationship was of a relaxed, if not passionate, pace. Late nights together, sharing drinks and stories, Mary Etta’s heart was quickly occupied. She loved the man, even though he went by an amusing name: Zeus.

She was steadfast in her opinion that it was a fake name, but had no proof— and could never find any— that confirmed her suspicious. In the end, it didn’t matter. Love, after all, is blinding.

It was when she found out she was pregnant that she came back down to Earth, to reality. She had the tendency to be quite serious, and quickly laid down her expectations. A child born out of love, there was no question in her mind; she was going to keep it, raise it, and love it. But he was free to go. Mary Etta had no wish to try and force Zeus into something if he wanted no part.

He surprised her.

Instead, of disappearing as quickly as he arrived in her life, he expressed his wish to be a part of their child’s life. Though, as a God, he wouldn’t have the luxury of being around every night. While she took his explanation as a metaphor, she still understood his intentions.

And so little Ezio Michael was born.

And he had a most spoiled upbringing. A childhood brimming with love and devotion, Mary Etta managed to handle both her professional and personal life simultaneously. Babysitters were used rarely, and when hired, may have been disguised Satyrs. For, when possible, she brought her son everywhere, rested upon her hip. From nursing in debriefs and meetings, to playing in the corner of her office, Ezio was barely out of her line of sight.

That being said, while his mother may have been oblivious— or too stubborn to accept— the nature of Ezio’s father, he was not. From a young age, Ezio was gifted with Clear Sight, and the reality of the world was never quite hidden from him. As a toddler, he had an encounter with a Nymph, who was drawn towards him by the myth of his birth, and growing up, an eagle always seemed to be perched nearby. These sightings or encounters never terrified him; to Ezio, it was normal.

Despite this, he had a relatively normal youth. Time not spent in school, of a private and prestigious nature, consisted of weekend getaways to the beach, late nights out with friends, and being apart of the Boy Scouts. His mother always encouraged him to explore, to be wild and young, and to always think for himself, to think outside of the box.

His father, under the guise of being an important businessman, would make random appearances throughout the years; though, he never missed a birthday. Despite not being a constant in his life, Ezio’s relationship with his father was steady and, in some instances, affectionate. Zeus had the habit of doting upon him, despite it being uncharacteristic of his reputation.

The whole truth was not exposed until Ezio was ten. Every summer, he and his mother would vacation somewhere in Oregon, and one particular visit turned complicated. A certain rebellious Harpy thought it be entertaining to disobey Zeus and to torment his child and the mother of his child. Long story short, that Harpy was blasted by a lightning bolt, and Zeus, frustrated, decided it was finally time to explain everything. It was time to convince Mary Etta that his name was not just a phony cover-up, but reality.

Ezio took quickly to his father’s story, while his mother remained stubborn. It took a few years, but Mary Etta finally came around and relented, and gave her permission for Ezio to attend Camp Half-Blood. From the time he was fourteen, Ezio has been staying at the camp during the summer months, and now that’s he’s done with high school, has decided to crash there until he decides what to do with his life.

- Ezio dislikes cheaters and liars and fakes, and will never harm someone or damage their reputation just “because.” He strictly follows his own code of honor, and no force is great enough to make him break it.
- In reality, Ezio is a genuine and straightforward person. Though, he may have an inflated sense of self-importance, and possess too much confidence.
- He’s definitely a history buff, and knows most of early and current American history. Though, he finds European history more interesting, especially the monarchies. He's also taken a liking to Ancient Greek history and mythology, and enjoys reading Greek. That being said, he is by no means studious and was a pain-in-the-back type of student.
- Ezio makes it his business to know the rules or laws which govern the place he lives in; it makes it easier to find loopholes and defenses, or excuses, for his behavior.
- Ezio loves storms and rain, and prefers cold and gloomy weather over any type of heat.
- Due to the fact that he is left-handed, Ezio despises writing and prefers typing.
- He doesn’t like the limitations weapons prove to have, and prefers hand-to-hand combat. Though, he does still carry a Swiss pocket knife, a switchblade, and a few fighting knives on his person.
- Ezio loves brawls and fights, especially when he’s personally involved.
- Aided by the fact that he possess heightened senses, speed, and stamina, Ezio is quite a force to be reckoned with and makes for a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
- He loves being outside and enjoys rock climbing and hiking, among other activities.
- Ezio is good at making rope knots and knows most, if not all, the knots. He also has the tendency to carve figures and shapes out of little pieces of wood.
- Ezio has a fondest for snakes and birds of prey.
- Ezio loves rock music and listens to a lot of bands, which include: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, and Queen. Though, he also has a fondest for the blues and jazz. He has a speaker, and is always blasting music; he refuses to turn it down, and will just shout over it. Sometimes he uses headphones, but that’s reserved for when he’s on the move.
- He also has the tendency to smoke, and to curse a lot and to hum, loudly and terribly off-tune.
- His catchphrase is along the lines of “scout’s honor.”

Other: Sally Jackson's Blue Cookies


Noelle Daphne Gibbs

"Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world."

I, in no way, claim the above images; credit goes to The Originals (IMDb).

- With a light build, Noel stands at 5’3 and weighs around 110 lbs.
- Both of her ears are pierced, and often sport matching earrings.
- When it comes to her appearance, she has some trademarks: she’s always wearing a pair of Nike shoes, her hair is always up in a high ponytail, and her nails are always done.
- Noel tends to dress comfy, and is regularly seen wearing leggings, a crop top, and a jacket.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Child of Nike

Personality: Noel is difficult. Her first impressions usually contain a snarky or backhanded remark, accompanied by a roll of the eyes or pursed lips. She comes across as a smart aleck, and for good reason. She’s patronizing and condescending, and has a terrible sense of humor. Witty, she always has something to say, about everything or nothing, and has a haughty air. It remains a mystery whether or not she actually believes herself better than other people, but she sure does act like it.

Disdainful, having little respect for anyone but herself or those she cares about, she has a general distaste for those with authority. She’s fiercely independent, and refuses to abide to anyone or anything just “because.” She’s confident in her own ability to handle anything, anything the world decides to throw at her. As such, she’s completely and terribly stubborn. “I don’t need your help, no thank you,” may or may not be her catchphrase; this may be due to her lack of trust.

Distrusting, Noel possesses a cynical eye. She analyzes, and over analyzes, everything and everyone. Everyone's actions, words, intentions, are subject to be picked apart by her. Anything that doesn’t quite add up makes her on edge and alert. Tough as nails, she holds herself— and others— to an unrealistic high standard. As such, it’s very difficult to earn her trust, or respect.

Strategic, Noel always does something for a reason. Whether it’s for getting someone’s attention, or manipulating the outcome to favor her, she always seems to have a motive. One way or another, she has an endgame in mind. And as a realist, she has no delusions about how life works, and her approach to it is quite upfront. Bold and daring, she goes after want she wants and doesn’t delay due to hesitation or doubt. She’s the type to to act, react, first and ask questions later.

Adventurous, she lives fearlessly and without regrets. Mistakes are turned into learning experiences, Noel is always growing and adapting, finding her path in life as it shifts and morphs. Thinking on her toes, quickly so, she seems to always be one step ahead. As such, she is highly competitive, and always wants to be first, or the leader. After all, she doesn’t take direction, or instruction, well.

But there is one thing she has no time for, drama. Straightforward, she doesn’t handle b.s. well and will quickly lose her patience with people. Always seeming to be in a rush, if people rub her the wrong way or annoy her the slightest, she will simply stop interacting with them and move on. Always on the move, she will only stop and stay for those she cares about.

For when she cares, she loves; she loves deeply and completely. Noel can be blindly loyal to those she has committed herself to, and she will fight for and besides them. Sometimes, this consuming sense of duty includes those that she knows will not do the same for her. Selfless or selfish depending upon the situation at hand, Noel’s interactions and relationships with people can seem to be quite random.

Abilities: As the daughter of victory, Noel has inherited some luck, so to speak. Naturally, things tend to go her way, or end up in her favor. As an example, she normally brings up coin tossing; a flipped coin, more likely than not, tends to land in favor of her pick. And while some suffer from being at the wrong place at the wrong time, the opposite is usually true for her. The lucky one selected out of an audience, or from a raffle drawing, the list is a mile; she’s waiting for the day that she discovers a hundred dollar bill on the side of the road. Of course, this luck isn’t always so frivolous. A few near death experiences have proven that there are always two sides to a coin, or ability. A car inches from hitting her as a toddler, food poisoning almost resulting in a coma as a child, losing her footing while hiking and slipping down a cliff as a teenager, her resulting scars have revealed that even the blessed suffer, or can be snuffed out. Sometimes, Noel feels as if something or someone is after her, and is unable to shake a sense of doom.

But, she can try to out run it.

Her other abilities are more tangible. Nike is also the goddess of speed and strength, and some of this has been passed down to Noel. Agile on her feet, she’s fast and has quick bursts of speed. As a sprinter, she can push 30 mph and maintain it up for ten minutes, and when going for stamina, she can keep a 15 mph pace for half-an-hour or so. Going along with this, she possesses super quick reflexes. Aided by a good hand-to-eye coordination, and her strengthened senses, Noel is always alert; it’s hard to catch her off guard.

Background: No older than a week, an infant was discovered at the entrance of the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, in Phoenix, Arizona. Coleman Gibbs, a pediatrician who worked, there stumbled upon her, quite literally. Bundled up, placed in a basket, he almost tripped. Warm, baby face flushed, he was surprised, and relieved to find her in perfect health, despite the cold winter morning.

He took her in. Into a warm embrace, into the white halls of the hospital, into his life, as the days clocked by, he grew attached. Attachment that morphed into fondness and then into love, after introducing his wife, Reese Gibbs, to the infant. Having three sons of their own, who they cherished deeply, they found out that they had love to spare and share.

A decision was made, and the baby was adopted by the Gibbs. And when the papers were finally finished, she was given a name. Noelle was chosen as her first, to signify the season in which she was found, and Daphne as her second. The name, scribbled, was found on a piece of paper that had been slipped into the basket besides her, and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs wanted to honor whoever had given her up.

Honor, respect, Coleman and Reese were lovely parents.

Now with a baby, along with three children ranging from the ages of five to ten, their house was brimming with activity. A house, it was a warm and tender home. As a yoga instructor, with her own studio, Reese had the luxury of making her own hours, and spent most of it as a mother. Chasing after her sons— Oscar, Harvey, and Arthur— and tending to the needs of little Noel, she was every present in their lives.

And Coleman, despite his many hours of hard and rewarding work, always made time for his family.

A family that kept on growing and growing and growing. When Noel was around two years old, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs were notified of another child in need. Ten months old, with no family in sight, little Reina had been left in foster care and was in need of a permanent home. So, the Gibbs stepped up again and adopted another little girl into their family.

Noel grew quickly attached to her sister, and was almost stuck at the hips. Due to their closeness in age, their parents decided to enter them into the same school year, and from there, the adventures started. Being rowdy together, tracking paint through the house, habits that would later form into sneaking out of the house, Noel had the tendency to go behind her parents’ backs.

Despite her behavior, through the grades, Noel proved herself to be a quick study, and aced most tests without even trying. From a young age, she was placed into the gifted program and would go onto taking AP and honors courses in high school. When not in the classroom, she was running. Participating in both track-and-field and cross country, she was a star athlete. Her poweress in the class and on the field paved the way for her to become valedictorian of her graduating year.

But want she remembered most was the time she spent after school. Walking the family dog, volunteering, hanging out with friends, she had a quite the social life. A social life which expanded to Camp Half-Blood.

The other half of her life.

Noel never had any inkling of her godly parent. Some occasions caused questions and speculations, but never of the supernatural kind. Though, that changed when she was a in the seventh grade. A period of intense paranoia, she could not shake the feeling that she was being watched, followed. Her suspicions were proven true after she caught sight of a woman. A woman that kept popping up, at school events, at the corner of the street, everywhere and anywhere. Twice Noel tried to confront her, and twice the woman evaded her.

She knew, she just knew. She knew the woman was her birth mother.

But she was not expecting the story that was disclosed to her. Of gods and monsters, Noel succeeded to face the woman on her third attempt, and pleasantly surprised but composed, Nike revealed herself. Her mother revealed the whole truth, and held nothing back. Camp Half-Blood was included in the story, and Noel brewed over the information, but that didn’t prevent her from telling Reina.

Together, they discovered the truth of Reina’s birth; it was a whirlwind, for sure.

Through one incident or another, their parents discovered the truth. Both Coleman and Reese had a hard time accepting the reality of their daughters’ births, but came around in the end. Their parents made them, Noel and Reina, a deal: they would keep their abilities a secret and try their best in school and in return, they could attend Camp Half-Blood during the summers.

A deal that has been honored. Under the normal childhood, consisting of good grades and social events, Noel and her sister have attended camp since the ninth grade. And Noel grew quite attached to it, and that side of her life.

It was going to be hard to shake-off, if she manages to do so. Now eighteen and a high school graduate, Noel has a choice to make.

- Her nickname, and preferred spelling, is the result of accidentally spelling her name wrong throughout preschool. Nobody, teacher or otherwise, could convince her name was spelled differently.
- Noel always seems to be rolling her eyes, at one thing or person or another.
- A fondest for games, of any kind, she loves activities that require thought and action, and her favorite is paintball.
- Noel has a major sweet tooth, and has the habit of always dangling a lollipop from her lips. The lollipops always seem to be of the Dum Dum brand; she obviously has a secret stash somewhere. Her favorite flavors are Butterscotch, Cream Soda, and Root Beer.
- Despite the camp’s current ban, Noel loves horror and thriller movies, and is fascinated by the mind games and manipulation that occur within them. She does not, on the other hand, like mindless gore and has a queasy stomach.
- Halloween is her favorite holiday, and she particularly likes dressing up. Her costumes, without a doubt, lean on the revealing side.
- Due to her natural luck, Noel is also fortunate when it comes to love, and this has left her second guessing the authenticity of what others feel for her. Nobody can be as lucky as having all their crushes like them back, nobody.
- Noel is quite committed to entering every raffle she can, and can’t wait to get her hands on a lottery ticket. After all, she loves to test the limits of her power.
- She can barely tolerate the cold, and will snuggle, cuddle, with anyone close by. When the temperature tends to drop, she tends to layer; a sweatshirt and a jacket on top, long sleeved shirt underneath.
- While Noel likes hiking, she prefers running and tries to find time for a run everyday. Her favorite time to run is either in the early morning or late evening.
- Noel isn’t much of a fighter, and isn’t proficient in any type of real combat. She has some experience with archery, but sees it as more of a hobby than a necessity, and refuses to touch a sword or any type of bladed or spiked weapon. She does carry a taser and mace on her person, and she thinks that is enough of a precaution.
- With a big love for dogs, influenced by her childhood, Noel volunteers often at the Arizona Humane Society, when she’s not at camp. She has a fondest for bully and guard breeds, and is determined to adopt a dog of her own one day.
- She plans on attending university, but is unsure where she wants to go; due to her involvement with her local shelters, she will most likely go into veterinary studies. On the other hand, she’s been secretly considering another plan: becoming a camp counselor.

Other: Sally Jackson's Blue Cookies

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Edited on 06/01/19 @ 14:13:31 by Virgo | Madagascar Project (#129617)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-01 20:04:12

Picture made in live portrait maker
Jaclyn Cooke

Age: 19

Gender: female


Child of Anubis

Personality: (part of bio)


Curing: able to cure most wounds, with the exception of magic induced ones. Minor cuts dont have any sort of reporcutions but if she were to cure a major or life theatening one it would put her down for a few hours (fatigue, pass out)

Reserection: brancing off from the curing ability she has the ability to resurrect someone that has been dead for 5 or less minuts at great cost to her, be coming weak or in worst cases acoma for a few days.

Travel: unknown to her at the moment. she can travel with a soul.To the afterlife and back again, somewhat like Styx can in Greek mythology.

Shifting: she can take all three forms her father can, human, hybrid and jackal. Each form gives her abillities
Human form keeps her hidden and safe in the human world
Hybrid: her healing powers are amplified so is her strength
jackal: weaker but faster in this form she can also travel threw the portals of life and death in this form.

Background: Jaclyn Cooke was raised in Dublin. She has a creative spirit and is very generous. She often helps those in need or anyone who asks for it.but Jac can also be very sneaky,she has a tendency to steal if she can pocket it. She also love hand to hand combat as she is not keen on having a weapon that can actually kill someone.

She turned to street fighting when she found out her true nature as a way to cope with it. But she came to love fighting as well.

Physically, Jaclyn is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with olive skin, red wavy shoulder length hair and black eyes.

At the age of 16 she tapped into her powers as she healed a stray dog after it got hit by a car. Asking her mom about it she was told Anubis was her father. Her mother went on by telling her how they met. (She will tell this in to if anyone asked)

Extra (fun facts - delete once added):
- her skin takes on a grey hue when angry ( think of the black coloration on anubis)
-she hates the heat and dry weather's.
- she can drink anyone under a table
-she can play an electric bass
-her only companion she brought to camp with her is her coyote named Thorin

Other: sally jacksons blue cookies

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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 22:31:47 by Zero (#76271)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-01 23:33:02


Not my images!
Model/Face Claim: Zoey Ivory
Photographer [1st Image]: Alexia van der Meijden Photography
Credits [2nd Image]: Armin van Buuren

"Take it from me, death is... dull. But coming back, that is something! Leave it to death to give you a whole new perspective on life."
- Jerome Valeska, Gotham

:: Name ::
Verena Rozamond Feenstra

:: Age ::

:: Gender ::
[Identifies with she/her pronouns]

:: Sexuality ::
Bisexual & Biromantic

:: Godly Parent ::
God of the Dead, Protector of the Underworld

:: Appearance ::
Standing at 5'9", Verena is a fairly skinny girl, making her unnatural strength all the more shocking to those who aren't familiar with the powers of Demi-gods. She has feminine facial features: high, defined cheekbones, full lips, and large, almond shaped eyes that are dark brown in colour. She has tanned, bronze skin and a few brown freckles lightly pepper her face. Her brown hair is thick and curly, and she normally wears it down. She'll occasionally straighten it slightly so it seems wavy.

:: Personality ::
Verena's always been a charmer, even as a child. She initially comes off as very extraverted. Conversation comes naturally to her, even with complete strangers. She's polite and friendly to everyone she meets, and makes friends easily. She's also much more observant than she seems; she's well in-tune with the emotions of those around her, and when someone is acting off she'll usually be one of the first to notice and be there comfort them or help them work through whatever they're dealing with. She's a compassionate person, and hates seeing anyone, animal or human, in distress.

Another trait she's kept from her childhood, however, is that she's much more closed off when it comes to her own emotions. Because she's such a social butterfly, she has a large circle of friends, but, out of that social circle, she trusts very few people enough to confide in them. She's become good at disguising her emotions in front of her loved ones - able to keep up a facade of happiness and control, no matter what's actually going on in her life. If she bottles up her emotions for too long they can start to fester, and that's when she'll start to shut herself off from her friends, becoming quiet and distant.

While she's not completely opposed to fun, and she's done more than a couple dumb things with friends, she's usually a very mature woman (especially around camp instructors). She's eager to learn more about Egyptian Gods and mythology, and takes her studies at Camp Deshret seriously. She would never do anything to jeopardise her spot at the camp, because she sees it as the only chance she has to improve the control she has over her powers.

:: Companion ::
Tiye [Source]

The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul was composed of several different parts:
1. Ren, or the name of a person, believed to be a part of their soul. Even if a person dies, their Ren can live on as long as their name is still spoken.
2. Sheut, or the shadow, believed to be a silhouette of the soul.
3. Ib, a metaphysical heart and the focus of all emotion, thought, will, and intention.
4. Ba, the personality of a being which makes them unique.
5. Ka, the vital force that distinguishes the living from the dead and the first part of the soul to leave the body after death. Believed to be sustained by food and drink.

After stumbling upon the body of a common genet at the age of ten, Verena used necromancy for the first time. However, she was untrained and her powers were unstable, so she accidentally tapped into her psychíkinesis as well, using part of her own soul to bring back that of the genet's. The Ka of the genet had left its body after death, and instead of bringing it back like she should have, Verena put part of her own Ka into the animal so that the two of them were sharing the same vital force. The results were interesting.

Firstly, the genet didn't seem to need any food to sustain herself anymore, seemingly satisfied as long as Verena was eating well. She also became much more intelligent than an animal should reasonably be. In fact, Verena believes that she possesses a human-level of sentience. Verena also found that if she put herself into a dream-like trance, she could feel and see things through the perspective of the genet, or even speak through her body, using her as some sort of vessel. Unless told otherwise, the genet followed Verena everywhere, and she quickly developed an attachment to the animal. She decided to keep her as a companion, soon finding out her name was Tiye.

But it wasn't all fun and games. Negative things came with the sharing of their Ka. The two soon found that if one of them got hurt, the other would feel the pain the same way. Even more unsettling was the fact that if one of them started bleeding, the other would too. Verena fears that if one of them dies, they both will, but she's not willing to test that theory.

:: Abilities ::
Along with the heightened senses, strength, and agility that usually comes along with being a Demi-god, Verena also possesses several magical abilities:

Necromancy - Verena has the ability reanimate/resurrect the dead. She's able to do this quite well with the bodies of animals, but she only uses necromancy if she feels it's absolutely necessary, and she'll only keep any resurrected spirits alive for a maximum of a couple hours before she returns them to the land of the dead. After her complication with resurrecting Tiye, her animal companion, she's hesitant to use this power in fear of further damaging her own soul.

Psychíkinesis - Branching out/interacting with her powers of necromancy quite nicely, she has the ability to manipulate souls. She's much more skilled at manipulating her own soul, and aside from slightly altering Tiye's soul when she gave her part of her Ka, she's stayed away from messing with the souls of other beings. She most often uses this power to look into the souls of other people, enabling her to feel their emotions. She can also tell if somebody's ill by looking at their soul. She can separate her own soul from her body and travel to the Underworld to speak with the deceased, but she can't stay there for very long because she risks being permanently separated from her body.

Telepathic Communication - Verena is able to communicate to people in their minds. She can project both images and her own voice into the minds of others, allowing her to speak with them or show them things that she's seeing. The limitation, however, is that she can't read the minds of others, and won't be able to hear them if they try to reply to her in their heads. It's a one-way system, useful for delivering messages if she isn't able to verbally communicate with a person for whatever reason. The further away someone is from her, the more effort it takes for her to communicate with them telepathically.

:: Background ::
(Warning: mentions parental death, car crash)
Verena doesn't have that many memories of Anika Feenstra, her biological mother, but everyone she speaks to has told her that Anika was the most outgoing, bubbly character they'd ever met. She worked at a hospital as a nurse, and was almost always able to put a smile on her patient's faces, able to bring a cheerful air into a place that was usually so melancholy and full of death. She had a strong philosophy to live life to the fullest, and said on several occasions that she did not fear death. Perhaps that's why she caught the attention of Anubis.

Nobody else in her family ever met Anika's mysterious lover. The two of them had a whirlwind of the relationship - he'd disappear from her life for a long time, sometimes for months, only for him to return unexpectedly and whisk her away on a trip to an entirely different country without letting anyone know. Eventually Verena was conceived, and it was around that time that Anubis revealed his true identity to Anika. She was informed not to tell anyone. Not even Verena could know until he felt it was the right time to tell her. He warned her that the child might show signs of having powers, and that he'd check on her to make sure nothing got too out of hand.

Throughout the early years of Verena's life, she has faint memories of a man popping into her life every now and then, observing her more than actually interacting with her. The lack of a father figure wasn't that much of an issue, though. She was the love of her mother's life, and Anika spent every moment she could spare with her daughter. But her life took a drastic turn at the age of eight, when her mother got into a car accident. Verena's uncle, Markus, was in the car with her mother when the accident happened, but despite his best efforts to keep her alive, Anika was badly hurt, and passed away before the ambulance got to them. In her last moments she told him the truth about Verena's father, and that he should be careful to watch over her as she got older. At the time he didn't believe her, explaining the strange confession by convincing himself that she must've hit her head too hard - that she'd started hallucinating.

Her uncle took Verena in after the death of her mother, and the two of them moved back to Anika's birthplace: a small town in the south of the Netherlands. Living in a small, peaceful community was probably better for her. Though she was still a very polite, friendly child, she became quiet after the death of her mother, and spent a lot of her time exploring in the woods. One day, when she was going along her normal path in the forest, she came upon the body of a strange, cat-like creature with a spotted pelt. Only being ten years old at the time, the sight was distressing for her, and in her state of heightened emotions she activated her powers for the first time, accidentally reviving the creature. Because of the instability of her powers, Verena made a mistake in the process of the resurrection, fusing a part of her own soul with that of the animal's.

Curious about how she'd come back to life, she brought her back to the house with her. Markus was in clear distress the first time he saw the animal in the house, especially since he didn't have any clue as to what it was, and he quickly shooed it outside. Every time he asked Verena where she'd gotten it, she insisted that it had come back from the dead. For the first time since the death of Anika, Markus thought of her warning about Verena's heritage, but he still tried to deny it, coming to the conclusion that Verena had an over-active imagination.

But he soon found that no matter how many times he chased the creature out of the house, it would always find a way back to Verena. Her powers were starting to pick up even more, and she started telling Markus that she'd looked into the creature's soul and found out it's name, that he should start calling it Tiye. The final straw for him came a year later, when, one day, the creature started to speak to him in Verena's voice. He could no longer deny that the girl had unnatural abilities, but he felt that at the time she was still too young to understand it, and waited until she was fifteen to tell her what Anika had said about her father.

After she found out she was a child of Anubis, she dove straight into studying Egyptian mythology, which is where she found the ancient Egyptian theory about the five parts of the soul. Suddenly, her powers were starting to make a lot more sense to her. She also was determined to find out what exactly Tiye was. She poured over lists of Dutch wildlife until she found an article about the common genet. It was an introduced species in Europe, usually found throughout Africa. They were exceptionally rare in the Netherlands, with a limited number of sightings. She strongly believed that fate led her to find Tiye, or maybe she was sent by Anubis himself to help her cope with the death of her mother. She had certainly helped her through some rough times, since Verena felt like she could confide in her, and though Tiye couldn't speak back, Verena knew she understood her.

When she arrived at Camp Deshret she was bewildered upon finding out that Anubis was a member of staff, but during her stay she didn't have many interactions with him, the realisation that he was her father making her too nervous to approach him. Still, it helped her to be able to put a face to his name, even if it was just some appearance he had chosen to present himself as. Despite the rules of having minimal contact with Godly parents, she spent a long time trying to build up the courage to ask him about her mother, or maybe even to ask if he had, in fact, sent her Tiye, just for her own closure. But then the camp was attacked, and he was taken from her life as well.

:: Extra ::
- She speaks with a slight Dutch accent. It becomes more prominent when she's angry/yelling.

:: Other ::
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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 20:35:41 by K/DA Kindred, the Lamb (#45189)

Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-02 10:03:21

Flynn A. Evans

Image: (Possibly coming soon. I'll do art for him)

Quote: "What can you expect? He's two parts stupid and one part caring." - Coyote (another player on here)

Age: 17


Bisexual (usually)

Godly Parent:
Ptah, god of creation, fertility and architecture.

Flynn stands tall at 6'2" and weighs about 160 pounds. His shoulders are broad and filled out, giving him an almost imposing stature. If it weren't for his usual facial expression. A dumb lopsided smirk.

Flynn bears bright aqua blue eyes, a stark contrast from him dusty golden blond hair. His hair is generally kept up in meticulous care. He has a light splashing of faint freckles on his cheeks and nose. His skin is a tanned color, giving him the... "perfect look" if it weren't for the... way he moves. He is often tripping over himself or doing something. His hands, larger and calloused, have many scars--small and mundane--from dumb things he's done.

True to the quote, Flynn's overall personality is caring. He likes to do things for others and tries his best to make sure they're safe. He has good intentions, most of the time, however the lack of complex common sense usually takes over.

Flynn is not the brightest. Even if he has good intentions, the way he carries them out may not be so good. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't have a good filter. If he thinks something, he usually says it. Whether or not it makes sense is a gamble. He doesn't have a good poker face either, emotions play across his face very well.

Minor abilities of creation. He can make little things. If you want a taco? Sure, he can make it. Want a bicycle? He... might be able to make it. Want a car? He can't. It's only small mundane things that he can do. He can do charms, occasionally, but everything takes away energy and if he spends too much... he's out for the day... or week.

Flynn lived a pretty much normal life. Except for the fact that he never knew his mother. Flynn lived relatively close to the camp for a while, living with Ptah who, bless his heart, tried his best to live in the mortal world.

Flynn was dabbling in a few things, working between following his father's path as an 'inventor' or maybe trying something else, like welding or hands on things as such.

He never really set foot in the camp, usually the extent of his knowledge was that it was there. Until Ptah became jumpy and fled the mortal life he was trying to live, to reside in the camp. Flynn didn't really care. He's a 'go with the flow' kind of guy and worked with what he could in the camp.

Other: Sally Jackson's Bkue Cookies

Extra: Nothing for now.




Staff member-Anything else that needs filling.

Ptah isn't generally known. He's a bit of a nobody, despite having willed himself into creation. He isn't close to the Egyptian pantheon, and tried to blend in with the mortals. He would've succeeded, but something felt amiss, so he packed up and decided to volunteer at Camp Desheret.

Ptah is the Creator god, having thought himself into existence. He is known to be the main god in the Memphite trilogy, with Nefertum and in someplaces, Sekhmet. For the sake of the roleplay, he's slipped out of that. He is known as the Artificer, creating the world and all that's in it.

His symbols were mostly associated with the Apis Bull, the djed pillar, was sceptre and an ankh.

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Edited on 02/01/19 @ 10:25:07 by Vah (#155730)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-06 22:45:32
Name & Nicknames: Merida Ada Grey(Flame)

Was not able to find a good picture, so I'll do a Description: She has beautiful, dark red curly hair. Her hair goes down to just above her hips, but her hair is normally in a tight braid. Merida has dark green eyes and a few scattered freckles in her face. She is about 5'7 - 5'9, Merida does not really care and she never really measured herself. Most of the things that she wears, is either black or dark green. She normally is seen wearing black jeans, short green shirt, black bomber jacket, and black/dark green tennis shoes. She also has a beaded necklace, there are 5 multi colored beads with different markings on each of them, representing the passed years she had spent at camp. Mingled in with these beads where other items: a small wooden carving of an arrow, a woven golden piece of thread, a civil war area coin with a hole through it, and lastly a piece of leather shaped like a leaf.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetorosexual

Child of Apollo

Personality: Most of the time she is clam, like a still lake, but if you throw even one stone in, she might just explode. She's not really good at making new friends, but sometimes someone might break through her armor.

Abilities: Marida is an excellent archer and is great with a dagger, she always tries to keep one or both on her. When she's bored, Merida with curse people to talk in rhyming couplets for fun. She loves wrestling and will sometimes provoke Ares' children, just to wrestle them. She is also a great artist and can sometimes be found in the morning, sitting on the beach drawing.

Background: She was born to Shannon Song, but never knew her father. Merida never minded not knowing her biological father, since when she was three years old her mother married Aaren Grey. She always saw Aaren as her father and had her little brother and sister, Tom and Estelle, to play with, so Merida never really spared her father a thought. That all changed, when she was 11. A few days after her birthday, Merida and her step-father went on a camping trip. Only the two of them, it was her mother's idea. Something about them spend Daddy, Daughter time together. The first day was fine, but in the night of the second day a strange sound awoke them. It was two Furies, who had picked up on Merida's scent. The rest is a blur to Merida, all that she remembers was that something attacked and that somehow she was saved. Merida was saved by a Satyr, James, sadly her step-father could not be saved like she. Not wanting to put her family in danger, she did not contact them for three years. In that time, she was claimed as Apollo's daughter. It turns out that her step-father was only badly injured and is still alive, she still has not gone to visit them though.

Extra: For the longest time it was believed, that she was a daughter of Ares.
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Edited on 17/01/19 @ 09:41:01 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2019-01-07 14:15:56

Name & Nicknames (if any):
Aver, Ave

Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description:
Around six feet tall and appearing to weigh perhaps 180 lbs, Aver is imposing. Their skin is nearly black and their hair is equally dark, in a shorter afro style. Their facial features are as if you saw them in a dream - you know what they look like, but can't describe it, or remember very well when you're not with them. They wear, generally, a white hoodie with a large golden symbol on it and jeans or sweatpants with hiking-type boots. Their eyes are gold, and lack pupils, a feature many find disconcerting when looking them in the eye.

When around mortals or particularly fearful campers, they use the Mist to maintain one face, though it isn’t always the same one.
Art commissioned by Husk for me (this bitch stays getting art i don’t even know where to start with it) from this person:

“Dreams say what they mean, but they don't say it in daytime language.”
Gail Godwin

Questionably in their twenties.

Gender neutral.
They/their pronouns.


Child of Bes.

Haughty and proud, Aver hates to admit they’ve made a mistake or been wrong about, well, anything. Despite only being the child of a relatively minor god, they know that they are powerful in ways others could only dream of, and do not take kindly to disrespect. They can be headstrong, often refusing to see another person's point of view, and they are not one to change their mind quickly, preferring to hold strong to their beliefs and opinions until they’re presented with irrevocable proof of their wrongness. They are not good at making new friends, but once they’re befriended, you will never need fear betrayal; they are unwavering in their personal relationships, loyal to a fault, and despite that they may argue with those they’re close to, if they care enough, they’ll set it aside.

They also have a tendency to want to parent other people, especially “young, troubled youths” and might be seen as the “go to” councilor for any type of emotional crisis or situation requiring advice or guidance. However, emergency situations are not their forte, as they are patient and stubborn and would want to search their dreams for the answers when it would be more prudent to act first.

They carry the following:
A bell bandolier that holds seven bells; they wear it from their right shoulder to their left hip with seven bells, largest at the bottom. The leather is white and the handles are white wood with gold caps. The purpose of these bells is generally unclear, but they seem to know what they’re doing with them. (They give them a measure of control over dreams, the ability to put weak(ish) beings to sleep, and the ability to not allow someone to wake. Think Piper’s Soothsaying, but they aren’t actually talking and they have to use a bunch of fucking bells.)

Also, Good Mist Control. It’s basically dreamstuff right

Normal childhood for a demigod, with added super lucid dreaming. Claimed at thirteen by Bes, a goddess of dreams, and went to Camp. Did some good learning and eventually decided to just stay there and mentor younger generations - is very useful for preventing nightmares in younger kids.
Lmao trying to write???? Who even does that anymore

Sally Jackson’s Blue cookies.
If any of the tenses are weird/I used a female pronoun in here, don’t worry, I just copied it from an existing character sheet in my Toyhouse, in which the character uses female pronouns and changed them to be right.


Name & Nicknames (if any):
America. His name is America. Please call him Aries. No one knows his name is America because he is so embarrassed.

Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description:
Commissioned by Husk of our characters. Aries is the awake one. Drawn by

Six feet, six inches tall, Aries is thin and covered in lean muscle; his skin-and-bones stature belies his nearly-absurd strength. His skin is paper-white and his hair is black and cut close to his head.

He also has quite a few piercings, including a septum ring, a bar in his left ear, several other piercings in his ears, and an eyebrow piercing. His features are fine, walking the line between strange and handsome; to some, he may be both. His eyes are black, to the point where you can't see where his pupil stops and his iris begins.

"Yeah, that name's stupid as fuck."
Me, but I wrote him saying it. It isn’t even about his name it’s just something he said.

Oh no i have to make him a teenager
Uh . . . 17????



Child of Ares.
(“i’m named after my dad”)

Somehow, Aries is made of both fire and ice. He doesn't deal well with boredom and he never seems calm at all. He has a sharp tongue and is fairly violent, but no one could say he's actually evil; it's how he is, brutally honest and perhaps a little painful. He is fiercely loyal to his friends. It's difficult to say if his bark is worse than his bite, because neither is great, and he is prone to lashing out if he's annoyed. He has little to no filter and no control over what he says or when, regardless of how bad a time it may be.
He loves thrills; street racing, breaking the law, things that will give him that rush of adrenaline he craves. Pulling other people into his bad ideas is a specialty of his and one that he enjoys; the more people in trouble, the better.

He’s stronk
Also remember in the books when ares had that aura or whatever that made ppl around him wanna fite? I want that too but like tbh i’m worried it might count as powerplay. What if its weak or only affects really unguarded minds (sleeping ppl? Animals? The possibilities are endless)

Oh no do i have to write a lot for this? Can i just give you the cliffnotes? Obviously his normal background won’t just shoehorn in here.
He had no idea his father was a god, literally a god of war, until he was picked up by a satyr after putting a guy at school through a wall. His mother was Kinda The Worst and half abandoned him when he got tall enough to make food for himself, not that she was all that present before. And now he’s at Camp Half-Blood, and has been there for two years, give or take, with only a few incidents and without forming many lasting bonds. But now some lady named Aver is here and why is she becoming his mother he doesn’t understand but also doesn’t want it to stop.

Sally Jackson’s Blue cookies.




Camp Half-blood Activity Director (and she is VERY excited!)

Goddess of Spring and Vegetation
Wife of Hades and Queen of the Underworld
Persephone is both more and less than one might expect. She certainly is different. Her skin is tanned but has blue undertones, like she regularly spends time away from the sun, and her hair is naturally red and curly. She had laugh lines around her mouth and eyes, but doesn't appear to be that old otherwise. Her eyes are bright green. While she often appears to be wearing makeup, it's rarely as dark as one might expect from the queen of the underworld, preferring a nice cat eye and brown-nude lipstick to anything heavier. Freckles cover her skin. She is not conventionally attractive, but has an underlying beauty.

She wears a golden circlet that appears to be made of living flowers, beyond their shine and color, but otherwise doesn't wear anything to indicate her position. Persephone can usually be seen in jeans, an orange Camp Half-blood t-shirt, and sneakers or hiking boots.

In terms of personality, though one might expect her to be haughty, Persephone is gentle and soft - like spring. Her smile is like the first day of warmth after a hard winter, and it isn't difficult to see why even Hades would fall hard for her after a while in her company. She is constantly enthusiastic about her job directing the camp's activities and wants to make sure that every camper is having a good time - it isn't uncommon for her to have arranged two or even three different events in one night due to the sheer number of campers and her desire for everyone to have an activity they're happy with. Her excitement can seem over-the-top at times and she regularly uses it for comedic relief in skits (which she has no qualms about participating in).

When you consider her situation, though, it isn't difficult to see why she might be a little exaggerated sometimes. On her own or with small groups of campers, she's much calmer, and sometimes you can even tell that she deeply misses her husband. Her work at the camp is something she volunteered to do, but only because for the moment, she has been exiled from the Underworld to punish Hades. Zeus decided that he relied on her far too much and decided that he needed to remember how to manage his own realm without his wife.

She's pretty upset about it, but because of her previous arrangement, Zeus can't keep her from visiting the Underworld whenever she pleases in the winter, nor can he prevent Hades from coming to see her in the warmer months.

As for powers, she doesn't have anything by way of combat, but she can call forth plants to grow (which can be weaponized) and has an amount of control over the undead, including being able to call them from the Underworld to do her bidding, thanks to her husband. But not a lot of them, because it wasn't even her power to start with.

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 11:25:58 by Nyanunix (#11487)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-07 19:42:59

Name & Nicknames (if any): Skýlos Echodnos

Sit, stay, heel. I've never been a good dog.




Child of Cerberus

Rarely seen on two legs, Skýlos is described by the few lucky folks who've seen his human form as "uuuuh", "obviously a dog", and "Probably don't pat him". He stands at 180cm and weighs a good 80kg. He's sometimes mistaken for one of the war god's children due to his build and demeanour. His hair is an odd ruddy colour, the tips lighter than the rest as if he'd gotten them bleached long ago. His eyes are amber, though often hidden under his unruly fluff. He doesn't dress well. His wardrobe is simply what's comfortable and thus full of hoodies and sweatpants, much to the disdain of every child of Narcissus.
His more usual appearance is that of his dog form. A large hulking beast-like thing. Standing at 100cm at the shoulder and weighing the same in kilos, it's already formidable. The pair of snarling heads and snake-like tail does little to make him cuter. His fur is a dark red with grey ticking. His eyes are the same amber as his human form.

Quiet and sullen, the picture of the elusive "bad boy". He's often short with people and rarely conversational. If you get more than a non-committal grunt out of him then you're in his good books. If you lure out a full sentence then you're being invited to his wedding. Despite what one would think, he's rather sensitive about his appearance. Humans found him unsettling due to his size, and distasteful due to the strange dog smell he carried with him. He does desperately want to make friends, he's just scared of rejection. It's part of why he sticks to his dog form. Somehow people were more open to a giant dog rather than a weird-smelling human. He's a good listener and, typical of a dog, can be very guarded of his friends.

Big fookin puppper - Becomes a big fookin pup
Pup senses - Can sniff and hear very good
Venomous - Got lovely snakey fangs for biting things

His dad is a dog, do you really wanna know?

Extra: Sally Jackson's Blue cookies

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 14:03:25

⤀ Edward 'Eddie' Seo ⬴

Source (Face Claim: Vernon Chwe of Seventeen)

[ Name: Edward Vernon Seo AKA 'Eddie', 'Beastie' ]

"I'm not totally a beast. Not really. Sort of."

Age: 17 (December 27th)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning onto homosexual

Child of the Hydra

Appearance: Edward enjoys switching between his Korean wardrobe and his Camp one. Although he hides, he thinks it makes him somewhat different in a way. His favorite colors are already orange, yellow and green, therefore they come up in his outfits a lot. His style is, interesting, to say the least. A bright green hoodie over his orange CHB t-shirt with green converse and blue jeans is surely something. Highlighted by his constantly changing hair color, cloudy color-shifting eyes, fair skin tone and the black face mask and rubber gloves, he looks like a kid playing scientist. And yet, he is quite a tall kid, standing at 5'10, with a lithe frame. Figuring he shouldn't really look like a dragon, his humane features come from his mother. His movements are fluid, almost snake-like, and speed is his finest ability.
Being the son of a monster, he does have another form. Another hydra, yet slightly smaller in size. He also bears wings along his long body, a gift given to him that his father did not have. His scaly hide changes in hue, sometimes shifting to darker or lighter shades of green depending on his mood. If he is sulking, the hide becomes an inky dark green, nearly black, while it brightens to nearly neon when excitement hits him. Thin horns sprout from each one of his heads, while long, pointed claws are embedded in his hands and feet. The tail narrows out into a whip-like tip, constantly tapping or whipping around, his own result of ADHD. It is when he is in the dragon-like form that people get nervous, seeing the small details like the venomous fangs just jutting out from under his top lip. Treat him well, and he loves messing around with his heads. It's even amusing to watch him tangle and knot the heads at the necks by mistake, the eight skulls hissing and spitting at the pain head until they become free.

Personality: As frightening as some assume he may be, being the son of such a well-known Greek terror, Edward is particularly gentle and quiet. He has a knack for scaring people off unintentionally, sometimes killing a plant by his touch and likewise. Having been cut off from society his whole life, he found his good place in music, and is often found with earbuds plugged into an iPod, one of the old ones that barely gives off any signal to other monsters. After all, Ed does protect his fellow campers, even if he is looked down upon. Despite being peaceful and undisturbed, the boy can snap, his words sometimes sharper than his claws. 'Beastie' is one of the many names that he earned whenever he snapped, even though he despises violence. As much as he regrets it after the adrenaline flows out of his veins, he ends up in many fights that he gets hurt in, a result of refusing to use his abilities. Too dangerous he says.


Transformation: into a nine-headed dragon, topped with poisonous breath and venom.
"A creature who’s venom was so dangerous, that even the breath exhaled by the Hydra could be lethal to any man. Additionally, the Hydra had the confounding ability to regrow any decapitated limbs with alarming speed. It was said that for every head that was severed, two more would grow in it’s place."

Poison: To elaborate, Eddie's poison stays with him in humanoid form. His fingertips are like acid, and dark venom drips menacingly from slightly elongated fangs when he gets irritated. To prevent accidents, the boy wears a pair of black rubber gloves and a mask over his nose and mouth.

[ WIP ]
Half American and half Korean, Edward spent most of his life in New York after moving from Seoul, South Korea.
Raised by frightened mother and terrified stepfather. They locked him in his room whenever he wasn't at his private school, and were happy to kick him to camp.
He has a human younger sister, who looks up to him and loves him. Edward wears a silver bracelet with her name on it.

Speaks English, Korean and Chinese pretty fluently. One of his best friends back at the private school was Chinese.
Has a yellow-grey tabby cat named Noodle.

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 14:12:46 by Anonymous (#150179)

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-14 22:11:23

"Ask me if I'm happy, I'll tell you what, happy is a diamond in the rough."

Name & Nicknames: Brutus Achilles.
Brute is relatively common and a nickname he'll accept, often shortening his name to such.

{Commissioned by me, drawn by Moonl00ny AKA Mintfish also seen here.}



Sexuality: Homoflexible

Child of Achlys

In general, Brutus doesn't look as friendly or approachable as he is. Given his height, naturally tall at 6'2, and his heavy built frame, Brutus can be imposing to some, despite his overall harmlessness.
Couple that in with Resting Bitch Face Syndrome, and you have a man who perpetually looks irked.
When he smiles, it is often characteristically lopsided.

His shoulders and chest are broader, although, he is not overly muscular and maintains a fair balance between a more fit physique and an average one. Among his chest are the scatterings of vitiligo, creating a pigment much lighter than his natural skin tone- which is a deep olive with bronze highlights.
He is rather insecure in regards to the condition and tries to hide it as best he can, though he can do little to naught to cover the tracings of it on his hands.
A long scar runs down the length of his rib cage.

Brutus' face maintains a rugged air to it, with a relatively chiseled jaw and cheekbones of a higher set. His nose curves slightly at the tip and along lies pink, faded scar- one he attests he has little idea as to how he obtained it.
Freckles dust the areas around his nose and cheeks. His eyes are lined with thick lashes and are bright green, with specklings of a more earthy, brown hue towards the pupil and a darker ring around the iris itself.

His thick hair falls in curled waves, about medium in length, and is of a dark, chocolate brown hue that borders on black with a faint hinting of red tones. Brutus often keeps it neatly tucked behind his ears.

Grim, to say the least. Be it his heritage or the result of his childhood, Brutus is a depressive sort. When humored, he is often wry. Although, not frequently is the lad humored, perpetually feeling as though he holds the weight of bricks upon his shoulders. Such is the result of being a child to a God not particularly revered in the sense that many others are. The gracing of a genuine smile on his rather stony countenance is rare, although, he strives to keep up with feigned grins of feigned happiness.
Moreover, a character of forged, falsified happiness is one he likes to play, much like a puppet on a string, going through the motions and immersing in a facade. This facade shows an individual who is charismatic and jovial, the direct opposition to his true nature.
However, Brutus refuses to embody the misery his mother did, despite his continuous state of sadness, therefore, struggling to come to terms with his depression, he puts on a mask.
Denial over his abilities and his heritage consume him.

That is to say, to those around him, Brutus forces himself to take upon a light-hearted demeanor, often mimicking those around him for cues on how to be happy. However, let it be known that Brutus holds tendencies not to get close to anyone, or, in the worst case scenario, to self-isolate completely, if only due to an ability of which he sees to be a bane.

Despite his melancholic persona- the real persona behind the masks he so frequently dawns, Brutus has a fiery streak to him, and, in a way, is something of a troublemaker at times. Be it from questioning authority to just general obstinacy, Brutus is prone to snapping. Such mannerisms only bring him more trouble than he knows what to do with, especially when it clashes with the outward personality he covets people to connect with him.

Brutus does not come to trust easily, shying away from putting a lot of faith in other individuals lest he is let down. Although, like many aspects of his personality, he keeps this under wraps.
In truth, Brutus would like to trust others with ease. However, a grand sense of paranoia dissuades him.
When trust does find Brutus, Brutus becomes as loyal as can be, perhaps to an extent where it becomes a fault. Friendship can be scarce for Brutus; therefore, he puts what meaningful relationships he develops on a pedestal.
On the offhand, Brutus holds grudges with fervor, unable to let go of slights without extended periods, if at all. Accustomed to isolation, his ideologies of friendship can be black and white. Aware of this flaw, he strives to understand how relationships operate.

Overall, Brutus is trying his best to find a place within the world where the ground doesn't shift beneath him, coveting stability and security.

Depressive Aura:
Being from the god of misery, Brutus can spread woefulness and sheer melancholy. Sometimes, to his chagrin, he cannot control this ability, so, in turn, he never allows himself to get too close to another.
This dosage of misery and sadness can be spread via the touch of his hand if he wills it, although sometimes the aura permeates from his very being.
At most its most potent state, it can obscure thoughts and bring a person to their knees from sorrow, although, Brutus hasn't achieved the ability to do this quite yet, being in somewhat of a place of denial and dismay over this particular ability.

Emotion consumption:
Brutus can feed off of negative emotions, gaining power and strength from what he absorbs, boosting his agility and reflexes until he becomes a force to be reckoned with, although this is another power not much to his liking; unless necessary he does not oft utilize it.

Poison Touch:
Another touch-based power, Brutus can induce toxicity with the touch of, specifically, the pads of his fingers. Brutus can control this power pretty well, never having accidentally induced poisoning on another. Alongside this, Brutus has a vast knowledge of herbology, be they medicinal or poisonous.

Brutus was born amongst a cult dedicated to Achlys, being the son of the head priest and, of course, Achlys herself.
A unique bonding, Brutus' coming into being, spun like a thread into existence from Achlys, Brutus' "birth" was seen as an event of great significance to the entirety of the cult, and as such, chosen as the next high priest, Brutus was destined to be groomed to suit the role; this, however, proved to be a detriment.
Kept in utter isolation to procure the essence of misery- even tucked away from his father- Brutus was reared strictly by Achlys.
Achlys' form was one of a willowy woman, struck by emaciation, who wept endlessly, known to cradle in a corner, her arms around her knees. Dust settled upon her shoulders in perpetuity, her nails long, like talons, and her skin pallid, her teeth continually chattering.
And yet, Brutus was raised by this ghastly sight of a woman, although, poorly so, for Achlys' knew only sadness and misery, being her domain; therefore, that is what she taught Brutus.
While physically healthy as a child, psychologically, Brutus knew little of happiness, dashed away by his mother who forced him into her realm of despair. Thus, his psychological profile began to distort.
Happiness became an enigma, a mystery so far out of his wrenching fingers.

Expected to become Achlys' top acolyte and spreader of misery, it became demanded of Brutus to indulge in his powers at the hands of the cult that praised him with raw, joyous prayer.
As he grew, so too did a rift between him and his mother. Fury consumed him as his search for a world of joy grew. Exhausted and wearied by his mother's domain and by the grooming of the cult that encompassed him, Brutus hoped to flee to Camp Halfblood, hearing murmurings of its existence and going on a sheer hunch.
The eve he left was one of dread, and not without his mother's knowledge, for she saw all within her realm.
Swearing to him that he would return- not fit for the world outside, Achlys' gave a rare act of kindness to her child.
Rendering a portal, she granted Brutus entrance to Camp Halfblood, however, not without reminding him of his unsuitability for the camp and the suffering he would wreak amongst others.
Brutus took that chance.

Brutus has vitiligo, of which he is insecure about, although he tells others little of this.

He genuinely feels an ounce of pity for his mother, cursed to be in the state she is in, regardless of what she did to him.

Joyous emotions are not something he is accustomed to; however, he seeks them out anyway.

He won't tell you where he got his scars.

Brutus sleeps a lot. Feigning and facades make him weary.

Brutus hates his name, but can't be bothered with alternatives.

Sally Jackson's Blue Cookies

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Edited on 15/01/19 @ 11:13:38 by Husk (#37594)

Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-27 17:52:13
Name/Nicknames: Joseph M. Evans (Flynn calls him Skinny)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi(mostly gay)

Child of Ptah // Flynn's younger twin

I have an entire gallery dedicated to his art... lol
- Height: 6' 2"
- Weight: 120 lbs (super scrawny)
- Hair: Caramel brown
- Eyes: Emerald brown


Joseph is very shy at first, he doesn't make friends easily and often sticks behind Flynn's side. He can be either super sweet, super awkward or super rude. He tends to be snappy and fiery, often getting himself in trouble with his big mouth.

Joseph generally tends to be free reign, but sticking terribly close to his SO is a difficult challenge. He likes to explore and go on his own, being extremely stubborn despite everything against him.

Joseph.... is a little weak in powers. Flynn took most of the split power. Joseph can create another form for himself and weak amounts of the basic elements. He... is very unskilled with power and magic. Though he can heal if he puts his mind to it.

Pretty much the same as Flynn... except...
Joseph never made it to Camp Halfblood. He is still missing.


Joseph doesn't trust easily...
Uh... yeah. Figured I'd better get this written.
Sally Jackson's blue cookies.
Joseph's addicted to chocolate. He loves it.

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Edited on 30/01/19 @ 06:23:18 by Vah (#155730)

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