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Posted by | Rising From The Ashes | Character Sheets |
![]() Circiinus [RLC 18.03.2022] (#35103) ![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-29 17:56:16 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.DISCLAIMER: Locations and mythos are the property of Rick Roirdan, as such, we do not claim it (http://rickriordan.com/). ______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome! ______________________________________________________________________________ Camp Halfblood: Camp Deshret: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please Fill Out The Form for Campers, Located Below: Name & Nicknames (if any): Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description: ‘Insert a quote that best fits and or describes your character’ (optional, delete if not needed) Age: Gender: Sexuality: Child of (insert Godly parent/monster here) Personality: Abilities: Background: Extra (fun facts - delete once added): Please Fill Out The Form for MINOR Gods, Located Below: Name: Gender: (what they present themselves as) Role: (Staff member, Head of security, Director of Activities etc) Summary: (God of ----, their abilities/powers, their reason for being at the camp (punishment/volunteer etc) ______________________________________________________________________________ OOC Chat (Click the 'Main Roleplay' banner to return to the RP) ![]() Edited on 14/01/19 @ 13:11:15 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103) |
Circiinus [RLC 18.03.2022] (#35103) ![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-30 18:19:10 |
Peter James Lovel Commissioned Art coming soon Nathan Elliot Young Commissioned Art coming soon Vanessa De Luca Commissioned Art coming soon ______________________________________________________________________________ Aurelia Maria Ornery Commissioned Art coming soon Reyna Vane Commissioned Art coming soon ![]() Edited on 02/01/19 @ 19:18:31 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-31 22:58:38 |
𝒪𝓏𝒾𝒶𝓈 𝐹𝑜𝓉𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓈 Ozias was born in London to a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. Agatha had a penchant for poor decisions, especially in concerns to men, and Ozias didn’t grow up in a stable household as a result. They moved fairly frequently, either living with family or friends for as long as they would have them or moving in with his mother’s newest boyfriend. Though Agatha clearly loved her son she was neglectful, intentionally or not, and Oz often had to be the adult of the house, taking care of her rather than the other way around. 🇦🇧🇮🇱🇮🇹🇮🇪🇸 🇦🇧🇮🇱🇮🇹🇮🇪🇸 ![]() Edited on 10/04/19 @ 14:58:31 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 02:26:20 |
𝒮𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓊𝓈 𝒮𝑒𝓉 ![]() Edited on 01/01/19 @ 02:27:34 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Virgo (#129617)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 12:57:06 |
Ezio Michael Franklin ![]() Edited on 06/01/19 @ 14:13:31 by Virgo | Madagascar Project (#129617) |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 20:04:12 |
![]() Picture made in live portrait maker Jaclyn Cooke Age: 19 Gender: female Sexuality:hetro Child of Anubis Personality: (part of bio) Abilities: Curing: able to cure most wounds, with the exception of magic induced ones. Minor cuts dont have any sort of reporcutions but if she were to cure a major or life theatening one it would put her down for a few hours (fatigue, pass out) Reserection: brancing off from the curing ability she has the ability to resurrect someone that has been dead for 5 or less minuts at great cost to her, be coming weak or in worst cases acoma for a few days. Travel: unknown to her at the moment. she can travel with a soul.To the afterlife and back again, somewhat like Styx can in Greek mythology. Shifting: she can take all three forms her father can, human, hybrid and jackal. Each form gives her abillities Human form keeps her hidden and safe in the human world Hybrid: her healing powers are amplified so is her strength jackal: weaker but faster in this form she can also travel threw the portals of life and death in this form. Background: Jaclyn Cooke was raised in Dublin. She has a creative spirit and is very generous. She often helps those in need or anyone who asks for it.but Jac can also be very sneaky,she has a tendency to steal if she can pocket it. She also love hand to hand combat as she is not keen on having a weapon that can actually kill someone. She turned to street fighting when she found out her true nature as a way to cope with it. But she came to love fighting as well. Physically, Jaclyn is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with olive skin, red wavy shoulder length hair and black eyes. At the age of 16 she tapped into her powers as she healed a stray dog after it got hit by a car. Asking her mom about it she was told Anubis was her father. Her mother went on by telling her how they met. (She will tell this in to if anyone asked) Extra (fun facts - delete once added): - her skin takes on a grey hue when angry ( think of the black coloration on anubis) -she hates the heat and dry weather's. - she can drink anyone under a table -she can play an electric bass -her only companion she brought to camp with her is her coyote named Thorin Other: sally jacksons blue cookies ![]() Edited on 03/01/19 @ 22:31:47 by Zero (#76271) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 23:33:02 |
![]() Edited on 10/02/19 @ 20:35:41 by K/DA Kindred, the Lamb (#45189) |
Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 10:03:21 |
Name: Flynn A. Evans Image: (Possibly coming soon. I'll do art for him) Quote: "What can you expect? He's two parts stupid and one part caring." - Coyote (another player on here) Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual (usually) Godly Parent: Ptah, god of creation, fertility and architecture. Appearance: Flynn stands tall at 6'2" and weighs about 160 pounds. His shoulders are broad and filled out, giving him an almost imposing stature. If it weren't for his usual facial expression. A dumb lopsided smirk. Flynn bears bright aqua blue eyes, a stark contrast from him dusty golden blond hair. His hair is generally kept up in meticulous care. He has a light splashing of faint freckles on his cheeks and nose. His skin is a tanned color, giving him the... "perfect look" if it weren't for the... way he moves. He is often tripping over himself or doing something. His hands, larger and calloused, have many scars--small and mundane--from dumb things he's done. Personality: True to the quote, Flynn's overall personality is caring. He likes to do things for others and tries his best to make sure they're safe. He has good intentions, most of the time, however the lack of complex common sense usually takes over. Flynn is not the brightest. Even if he has good intentions, the way he carries them out may not be so good. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't have a good filter. If he thinks something, he usually says it. Whether or not it makes sense is a gamble. He doesn't have a good poker face either, emotions play across his face very well. Abilities: Minor abilities of creation. He can make little things. If you want a taco? Sure, he can make it. Want a bicycle? He... might be able to make it. Want a car? He can't. It's only small mundane things that he can do. He can do charms, occasionally, but everything takes away energy and if he spends too much... he's out for the day... or week. Background: Flynn lived a pretty much normal life. Except for the fact that he never knew his mother. Flynn lived relatively close to the camp for a while, living with Ptah who, bless his heart, tried his best to live in the mortal world. Flynn was dabbling in a few things, working between following his father's path as an 'inventor' or maybe trying something else, like welding or hands on things as such. He never really set foot in the camp, usually the extent of his knowledge was that it was there. Until Ptah became jumpy and fled the mortal life he was trying to live, to reside in the camp. Flynn didn't really care. He's a 'go with the flow' kind of guy and worked with what he could in the camp. Other: Sally Jackson's Bkue Cookies Extra: Nothing for now. --------------------------------------- Name: Ptah Gender: Male Role: Staff member-Anything else that needs filling. Summary: Ptah isn't generally known. He's a bit of a nobody, despite having willed himself into creation. He isn't close to the Egyptian pantheon, and tried to blend in with the mortals. He would've succeeded, but something felt amiss, so he packed up and decided to volunteer at Camp Desheret. Ptah is the Creator god, having thought himself into existence. He is known to be the main god in the Memphite trilogy, with Nefertum and in someplaces, Sekhmet. For the sake of the roleplay, he's slipped out of that. He is known as the Artificer, creating the world and all that's in it. His symbols were mostly associated with the Apis Bull, the djed pillar, was sceptre and an ankh. ![]() Edited on 02/01/19 @ 10:25:07 by Vah (#155730) |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-06 22:45:32 |
Name & Nicknames: Merida Ada Grey(Flame) Was not able to find a good picture, so I'll do a Description: She has beautiful, dark red curly hair. Her hair goes down to just above her hips, but her hair is normally in a tight braid. Merida has dark green eyes and a few scattered freckles in her face. She is about 5'7 - 5'9, Merida does not really care and she never really measured herself. Most of the things that she wears, is either black or dark green. She normally is seen wearing black jeans, short green shirt, black bomber jacket, and black/dark green tennis shoes. She also has a beaded necklace, there are 5 multi colored beads with different markings on each of them, representing the passed years she had spent at camp. Mingled in with these beads where other items: a small wooden carving of an arrow, a woven golden piece of thread, a civil war area coin with a hole through it, and lastly a piece of leather shaped like a leaf. Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Hetorosexual Child of Apollo Personality: Most of the time she is clam, like a still lake, but if you throw even one stone in, she might just explode. She's not really good at making new friends, but sometimes someone might break through her armor. Abilities: Marida is an excellent archer and is great with a dagger, she always tries to keep one or both on her. When she's bored, Merida with curse people to talk in rhyming couplets for fun. She loves wrestling and will sometimes provoke Ares' children, just to wrestle them. She is also a great artist and can sometimes be found in the morning, sitting on the beach drawing. Background: She was born to Shannon Song, but never knew her father. Merida never minded not knowing her biological father, since when she was three years old her mother married Aaren Grey. She always saw Aaren as her father and had her little brother and sister, Tom and Estelle, to play with, so Merida never really spared her father a thought. That all changed, when she was 11. A few days after her birthday, Merida and her step-father went on a camping trip. Only the two of them, it was her mother's idea. Something about them spend Daddy, Daughter time together. The first day was fine, but in the night of the second day a strange sound awoke them. It was two Furies, who had picked up on Merida's scent. The rest is a blur to Merida, all that she remembers was that something attacked and that somehow she was saved. Merida was saved by a Satyr, James, sadly her step-father could not be saved like she. Not wanting to put her family in danger, she did not contact them for three years. In that time, she was claimed as Apollo's daughter. It turns out that her step-father was only badly injured and is still alive, she still has not gone to visit them though. Extra: For the longest time it was believed, that she was a daughter of Ares. Sally Jackson's Blue cookies ![]() Edited on 17/01/19 @ 09:41:01 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203) |
Nyanunix (#11487)
![]() Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 14:15:56 |
I DONT KNOW HOW TO FORMAT I LIED, I KNOW HOW, I'M JUST LAZY AS SHIT Name & Nicknames (if any): Aver, Ave Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description: Around six feet tall and appearing to weigh perhaps 180 lbs, Aver is imposing. Their skin is nearly black and their hair is equally dark, in a shorter afro style. Their facial features are as if you saw them in a dream - you know what they look like, but can't describe it, or remember very well when you're not with them. They wear, generally, a white hoodie with a large golden symbol on it and jeans or sweatpants with hiking-type boots. Their eyes are gold, and lack pupils, a feature many find disconcerting when looking them in the eye. When around mortals or particularly fearful campers, they use the Mist to maintain one face, though it isn’t always the same one. https://file.toyhou.se/images/7268560_jHORSoBuJDggeSV.png Art commissioned by Husk for me (this bitch stays getting art i don’t even know where to start with it) from this person: http://denimbxy.tumblr.com/ “Dreams say what they mean, but they don't say it in daytime language.” Gail Godwin Age: Questionably in their twenties. Gender: Gender neutral. They/their pronouns. Sexuality: Asexual/romantic. Child of Bes. Personality: Haughty and proud, Aver hates to admit they’ve made a mistake or been wrong about, well, anything. Despite only being the child of a relatively minor god, they know that they are powerful in ways others could only dream of, and do not take kindly to disrespect. They can be headstrong, often refusing to see another person's point of view, and they are not one to change their mind quickly, preferring to hold strong to their beliefs and opinions until they’re presented with irrevocable proof of their wrongness. They are not good at making new friends, but once they’re befriended, you will never need fear betrayal; they are unwavering in their personal relationships, loyal to a fault, and despite that they may argue with those they’re close to, if they care enough, they’ll set it aside. They also have a tendency to want to parent other people, especially “young, troubled youths” and might be seen as the “go to” councilor for any type of emotional crisis or situation requiring advice or guidance. However, emergency situations are not their forte, as they are patient and stubborn and would want to search their dreams for the answers when it would be more prudent to act first. Abilities: They carry the following: A bell bandolier that holds seven bells; they wear it from their right shoulder to their left hip with seven bells, largest at the bottom. The leather is white and the handles are white wood with gold caps. The purpose of these bells is generally unclear, but they seem to know what they’re doing with them. (They give them a measure of control over dreams, the ability to put weak(ish) beings to sleep, and the ability to not allow someone to wake. Think Piper’s Soothsaying, but they aren’t actually talking and they have to use a bunch of fucking bells.) Also, Good Mist Control. It’s basically dreamstuff right Background: Normal childhood for a demigod, with added super lucid dreaming. Claimed at thirteen by Bes, a goddess of dreams, and went to Camp. Did some good learning and eventually decided to just stay there and mentor younger generations - is very useful for preventing nightmares in younger kids. Lmao trying to write???? Who even does that anymore Extra: Sally Jackson’s Blue cookies. If any of the tenses are weird/I used a female pronoun in here, don’t worry, I just copied it from an existing character sheet in my Toyhouse, in which the character uses female pronouns and changed them to be right. ---- Name & Nicknames (if any): America. His name is America. Please call him Aries. No one knows his name is America because he is so embarrassed. Image of appearance (provide credits)/Image description: https://file.toyhou.se/images/10469653_7htktLcTaq5xC09.png?1542012704 Commissioned by Husk of our characters. Aries is the awake one. Drawn by http://jaimesstump.tumblr.com/ Six feet, six inches tall, Aries is thin and covered in lean muscle; his skin-and-bones stature belies his nearly-absurd strength. His skin is paper-white and his hair is black and cut close to his head. He also has quite a few piercings, including a septum ring, a bar in his left ear, several other piercings in his ears, and an eyebrow piercing. His features are fine, walking the line between strange and handsome; to some, he may be both. His eyes are black, to the point where you can't see where his pupil stops and his iris begins. "Yeah, that name's stupid as fuck." Me, but I wrote him saying it. It isn’t even about his name it’s just something he said. Age: Oh no i have to make him a teenager Uh . . . 17???? Gender: Male. He/him/his. Sexuality: Homosexual. Child of Ares. (“i’m named after my dad”) Personality: Somehow, Aries is made of both fire and ice. He doesn't deal well with boredom and he never seems calm at all. He has a sharp tongue and is fairly violent, but no one could say he's actually evil; it's how he is, brutally honest and perhaps a little painful. He is fiercely loyal to his friends. It's difficult to say if his bark is worse than his bite, because neither is great, and he is prone to lashing out if he's annoyed. He has little to no filter and no control over what he says or when, regardless of how bad a time it may be. He loves thrills; street racing, breaking the law, things that will give him that rush of adrenaline he craves. Pulling other people into his bad ideas is a specialty of his and one that he enjoys; the more people in trouble, the better. Abilities: He’s stronk Also remember in the books when ares had that aura or whatever that made ppl around him wanna fite? I want that too but like tbh i’m worried it might count as powerplay. What if its weak or only affects really unguarded minds (sleeping ppl? Animals? The possibilities are endless) Background: Oh no do i have to write a lot for this? Can i just give you the cliffnotes? Obviously his normal background won’t just shoehorn in here. He had no idea his father was a god, literally a god of war, until he was picked up by a satyr after putting a guy at school through a wall. His mother was Kinda The Worst and half abandoned him when he got tall enough to make food for himself, not that she was all that present before. And now he’s at Camp Half-Blood, and has been there for two years, give or take, with only a few incidents and without forming many lasting bonds. But now some lady named Aver is here and why is she becoming his mother he doesn’t understand but also doesn’t want it to stop. Extra: Sally Jackson’s Blue cookies. ---- Name: Persephone Gender: Female she/her/hers Role: Camp Half-blood Activity Director (and she is VERY excited!) Summary: Goddess of Spring and Vegetation Wife of Hades and Queen of the Underworld Persephone is both more and less than one might expect. She certainly is different. Her skin is tanned but has blue undertones, like she regularly spends time away from the sun, and her hair is naturally red and curly. She had laugh lines around her mouth and eyes, but doesn't appear to be that old otherwise. Her eyes are bright green. While she often appears to be wearing makeup, it's rarely as dark as one might expect from the queen of the underworld, preferring a nice cat eye and brown-nude lipstick to anything heavier. Freckles cover her skin. She is not conventionally attractive, but has an underlying beauty. She wears a golden circlet that appears to be made of living flowers, beyond their shine and color, but otherwise doesn't wear anything to indicate her position. Persephone can usually be seen in jeans, an orange Camp Half-blood t-shirt, and sneakers or hiking boots. In terms of personality, though one might expect her to be haughty, Persephone is gentle and soft - like spring. Her smile is like the first day of warmth after a hard winter, and it isn't difficult to see why even Hades would fall hard for her after a while in her company. She is constantly enthusiastic about her job directing the camp's activities and wants to make sure that every camper is having a good time - it isn't uncommon for her to have arranged two or even three different events in one night due to the sheer number of campers and her desire for everyone to have an activity they're happy with. Her excitement can seem over-the-top at times and she regularly uses it for comedic relief in skits (which she has no qualms about participating in). When you consider her situation, though, it isn't difficult to see why she might be a little exaggerated sometimes. On her own or with small groups of campers, she's much calmer, and sometimes you can even tell that she deeply misses her husband. Her work at the camp is something she volunteered to do, but only because for the moment, she has been exiled from the Underworld to punish Hades. Zeus decided that he relied on her far too much and decided that he needed to remember how to manage his own realm without his wife. She's pretty upset about it, but because of her previous arrangement, Zeus can't keep her from visiting the Underworld whenever she pleases in the winter, nor can he prevent Hades from coming to see her in the warmer months. As for powers, she doesn't have anything by way of combat, but she can call forth plants to grow (which can be weaponized) and has an amount of control over the undead, including being able to call them from the Underworld to do her bidding, thanks to her husband. But not a lot of them, because it wasn't even her power to start with. ![]() Edited on 13/01/19 @ 11:25:58 by Nyanunix (#11487) |
Ser Isles (#57298)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 19:42:59 |
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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-13 14:03:25 |
![]() Edited on 13/01/19 @ 14:12:46 by Anonymous (#150179) |
Husk (#37594)
![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-14 22:11:23 |
![]() Edited on 15/01/19 @ 11:13:38 by Husk (#37594) |
Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-27 17:52:13 |
Name/Nicknames: Joseph M. Evans (Flynn calls him Skinny) Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi(mostly gay) Child of Ptah // Flynn's younger twin Appearance: I have an entire gallery dedicated to his art... lol Specifics - Height: 6' 2" - Weight: 120 lbs (super scrawny) - Hair: Caramel brown - Eyes: Emerald brown Personality: Joseph is very shy at first, he doesn't make friends easily and often sticks behind Flynn's side. He can be either super sweet, super awkward or super rude. He tends to be snappy and fiery, often getting himself in trouble with his big mouth. Joseph generally tends to be free reign, but sticking terribly close to his SO is a difficult challenge. He likes to explore and go on his own, being extremely stubborn despite everything against him. Abilities: Joseph.... is a little weak in powers. Flynn took most of the split power. Joseph can create another form for himself and weak amounts of the basic elements. He... is very unskilled with power and magic. Though he can heal if he puts his mind to it. Background: Pretty much the same as Flynn... except... Joseph never made it to Camp Halfblood. He is still missing. Extras: Joseph doesn't trust easily... Uh... yeah. Figured I'd better get this written. Sally Jackson's blue cookies. Oh... Joseph's addicted to chocolate. He loves it. ![]() Edited on 30/01/19 @ 06:23:18 by Vah (#155730) |
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