Posted by Blood and Stars 2.0 | PineClan RP Thread

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2019-01-16 23:49:41

To Blood and Stars
The PineClan RP Thread
Welcome one and all to the official PineClan RPing thread for Blood and Stars! This is ONLY for PineClan characters! Rogue Clan characters are not welcome here! Please check the rules and information below for extra information~


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- Rogue Clan characters are NOT privy to information divulged or discussed here unless it is provided by one of my NPC characters -


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Warm with a slight breeze
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Love The Shadows
(Hibi 2R 3Vi) (#124832)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 05:24:14
Briarstar|20 Moons Old| Chieftess| Tortie and White Female w/ Green Eyes|Location: Pineclan Camp|Mentions: Timberstar, Frecklepaw, Umbraclaw, Jaystep, Willowshade

Briarstar's eyes gleamed with satisfaction and pride. "Umbraclaw is an excellent choice, I was hoping you'd choose her." The young she-cat was indeed the perfect choice to mentor Frecklepaw, and not just because she was Briarstar's chosen. The two cats had a lot in common, and had similar motivators. Umbraclaw wanted to make her mother proud, and Frecklepaw wanted to live up to her sister's name. It was perfect. Umbraclaw would also help to bring Frecklepaw out of her shell more, and perhaps give the young cat more confidence. Briarstar nodded to herself, Frecklepaw would definitely turn into a fine cat now.

Feeling Timberstar get up, she turned to look at him and nodded when he signaled where he was going. She flicked her ear in acknowledgement and watched him go. He was a cat if few words, but when he did speak his words always held meaning. Briarstar appreciated him for this, having such a direct cat who didn't beat around the bush made the clan stronger.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she pricked her ears to listen to Jaystep and Willowshade as they assigned the morning patrol. Frecklepaw had been chosen, so she looked over at her little sister. Briarstar let out an exasperating sigh, as it appeared that Frecklepaw had not been listening at all. The spotted tabby was gazing around camp with an absent-minded look; she was obviously deep in thought. Rising to her paws, Briarstar strode over to the apprentice.

Frecklepaw|6 Moons Old|Apprentice|Cream/Chocolate Spotted Tabby Female Hetero Blue/Green Eyes| Location: Pineclan Camp|Mentions: Briarstar, Umbraclaw, Frostheart

Frecklepaw was lost in thought, her mind still tumbling over how unfair the treatment of Frostheart was, when the sound of paw-steps coming towards her roused her from her thoughts. She turned and saw Briarstar, who had a mildly disappointed look on her face. Frecklepaw felt her heart sink, wondering what she had done wrong.

"Sooo, are you planning on standing around here all day?" Briarstar said. Frecklepaw thought she could detect a playful tone in her voice.

"Have I missed something? If so I'm sorry, I'm just... still shaken from last night," she thought quickly.

Briarstar eyed her for a moment before continuing. "Well, I have good news for you! Timberstar has decided that Umbraclaw will be your mentor, and your first lesson starts now. You'll be joining her on patrol this morning." Frecklepaw's heart fell. Umbraclaw was part of the guard, meaning she would be expected to be as ruthless as them. Briarstar noticed her worried expression, but luckily took it to mean something else, because she continued. "You'll be fine, I know you'll be able to handle the responsibilities that comes with this. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, tell Umbraclaw and you can hold off from learning new things and practice what you know for a while. Now, you better go over there, I'll see you later." With that, Briarstar waved her tail in farewell and walked away, leaving a very nervous Frecklepaw.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 19:24:43

Sunbird|20 Moons Old|Shaman|Golden tabby Mollie|Mentions Directly: Timberstar|Mentions Indirectly: Brierstar|Location: Camp

The shaman raised her eyebrows, as the chieftain crossed the camp and came towards her. Wrapping her long tail around her paws, the golden tabby she-cat waited for the large tom. As she did, Sunbird looked passed Timberstar, too his mate. Her golden eyes twitched with something like mixed amusement and annoyance, she sometimes pitied her best friend, for her mates stubbornness. Maybe, after taking care of Timberstar, she could share-tongues with Brierstar? As the chief sat down next to her and bent down, Sunbird got to her paws. She appreciated the large tom's sentiment, but this did not help much.
Drawing up to her full height, the she-cat inspected the chiefs injuries. Most of the smaller scratches seemed to have closed already, that was good. Still, that wound on his shoulder was worrisome. "Here", the golden tabby she-cat said, giving Timberstar the Dandelion leaf. "It will reduce the pain a bit", she informed him. Reaching over, the shaman wrapped some of the cobwebs around her paw. Pressing her paw to the wound, she held it there, so it could soak up the blood, she just needed to still it for a few moments. With her other paw, Sunbird grabbed the mixture of horsetail and goldenrod. Lifting the now blood soaked cobwebs, Sunbird got a good look at the wound. Wanting to let it dry out a bit, before puttying the poultice on, the shaman turned to the other deeper cuts Timberstar had. One by one, Sunbird covered the gashes in the dark greenish gold pulp.
Sitting back a bit, she looked over her work. She had to suppress a slight chuckle, at the sight of the dark green pulped smeared in the large dark brown tom fur. In some areas it made Timberstar's fur stick together in clumps. Clearing her throat, Sunbird turned back to the chieftain's large injury. Applying more of the horsetail and goldenrod mixture to this wound, Sunbird made sure the pulp got into well. Shortly after, she applied the cobwebs. "This should be better", Sunbird told the large tom. "Make sure to keep this on, as long as possible", the shaman directed Timberstar. "Also..", Sunbird started, moving the borage leaves closer, "Make sure to put these into your nest, they'll help your wounds close up faster", the shaman finished. She looked up, to see if the leader had any questions.

Falconkit|4 Moons Old|Kit|Thick furred calico Tom|Mentions Directly: Lavenderkit, Creekwhisker|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Falconkit turned into his sister's "blows" a bit, something that Creekwhisker had taught them recently. It definitely helped. "No way, I'm going to let a bear defeat me!", the kit said, rising up onto his hind legs, so he could meet Lavenkit. Falconkit succeeded, but it backfired. He did not count on Lavenderkit's waite, this made the young tom fall back, onto his back. Most of his thick fur caught the blow, but Falconkit's breath was knocked out a bit. The young tom growled and rolled over, pinning Lavenedkit briefly to the ground.
Before the she-kit could start another attack though, Falconkit sprang back. Turning on his heels, he ran off to towards the elders den. It was dark in there, so it would be easier to attack Lavenderkit. Trying to lead his sister into the trap, he called over his shoulder, "Come on, let's see if Creekwhisker will teach us how to fight!", Falconkit called. He had a smile on his calico face and his blue eyes were bright. Reaching the elders den, the young calico poked his head inside. "Creekwhisker, coming in!!", Falconkit said into the dark.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 20:16:01

 Willowshade|Warrior of Pineclan|Cream and Gray tabby female, with blue eyes|Location: Camp|Mentions: Jaystep
Willowshade nodded as Jaystep fixed her layout of the days events. Her gaze flickered only briefly towards the medicine cat den, and Cinderpaw. Her brow furrowed slightly, nose wrinkled in a mix of emotion. She understood the apprentice was young, but Ashblaze had chosen her path, and they both knew the law of the clan. Her distaste at the emotional cat however, was quickly dissipated at Jaysteps next words, quiet, for her. At his lowered tones, her tail tip twitched and her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
"Then, lets go." With a few prancing steps, she shifted in place, then made for the camp opening, slipping into the foliage beyond and breathing in the forest air with a sigh.
"The warming of the days will probably bring out some of the squirrels, and other ground creatures. But, I did notice there were rabbits in one of the meadows last time I passed through." she spoke half to herself, half to Jaystep who she figured had followed since the orders had been already stated.

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2019-01-22 02:08:14
Umbraclaw|Guard of Pineclan|Black Mollie| Location: Camp|Mentions: Timberstar, Briarstar, Frecklepaw, Cinderpaw

Umbraclaw had watched silently as the traitor Ashblaze was sentenced to die at Timberstar's paws. This was hardly the first time that she would witness the execution of a turnclaw, in fact she had been watching these proceedings ever since she was a moon old. While some queen might choose to spare such sights from their young kits, her mother exposed it to them early on. Both to hammer in what happens to turnclaws and desensitize them to it. She intended to turn one of her litter into her successor which meant potentially having a role in such proceedings, so the sooner her offspring were hardened to it, the better.

As a result, Umbraclaw merely saw this as a chance to learn from watching Timberstar execute a piece of traitorous filth. While she felt no pity for Ashblaze, she did feel some for Cinderpaw who was currently being restrained by Brokensnow. It was rather unfortunate to see a valuable apprentice poisoned so early in their youth and likely already ruined because of it. Perhaps her new mentor would be able to cleanse her, but she wasn't sure how likely that was. However it anyone could do it, Brokensnow could.

At this point, both combatants were still alive, but Timberstar was bleeding a bit more, a fact that did concern her a least until he smiled. Suddenly he leaped at Cinderpaw, his claws aimed for her throat, but was intercepted by Ashblaze with fatal results. It had been a very wise strategy on the Chieftain's part, after all, her mother had always told her to exploit her enemies weaknesses and obviously Cinderpaw would be one for Ashblaze. The guard didn't believe that Timberstar truly intend to kill the apprentice, but it was possible that he didn't really care one way or another.

With Ashblaze dying, she quickly moved to protect the unconscious Timberstar until he could be safely moved to either his den, or the Shaman's depending on what seemed the better choice.

~~~The next day~~~

Umbraclaw had been informed by Timberstar that she was to be Frecklepaw's apprentice, a piece of news that pleased her. To train the Chieftess's little sister was quite the honor and responsibility, one that she intended to give her utmost to. Especially since Briarstar was a very close friend of her's and the one who gave her her guard position in the first place.

As such, she intended to quickly get started with the apprentice's training and was currently seeking her out. It wouldn't take long to find her with Briarstar and she quickly offered a short bow to the Chieftess before greeting them both. "Good morning, Briarstar and good morning Frecklepaw. I trust that you have been informed that I am your new mentor? I'll tell you right now that I have high hopes for you as does Briarstar. Now I'm not a difficult cat to get along with. Just give me the proper respect due to a mentor and your very best and we shall get along just fine. Now then, it's time for a patrol and I believe the exercise will do you some good."

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Edited on 25/01/19 @ 01:12:19 by Katia (#134163)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-22 14:39:49

⇺ [ Duskfang ] ⇻
Tom • 24 Moons • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions - Umbraclaw (Directly) / Ashblaze, Cinderpaw, Frostheart, Frecklepaw, Timberstar (Indirectly)

On an ordinary night, Duskfang could drift into unconsciousness without much fuss, untroubled by the day’s events. Every time he closed his eyes the evening prior; however, he was greeted by the sight of Ashblaze’s slit throat, Cinderpaw’s terrible wailing still ringing in his ears. ’She was a filthy traitor. There’s no reason to feel sorry for that wretch,’ Duskfang reminded himself, but even such reassurances couldn’t lull him into sleep, leaving him tossing and turning all night, drawing complaints from the mouths of his exhausted neighbors.

It was Cinderpaw; truly, he sympathized with. Not Ashblaze. Never Ashblaze. She brought this bloody fate upon herself confronting Timberstar so boldly. Did she really think she could win? The killing blow had been impressive, innovative, but Duskfang’s heart had skipped a beat as the massive tom lurched toward Cinderpaw with claws outstretched, reaching for her vulnerable throat. He had moved, almost automatically, only stopped by Dawnpelt gripping his scruff and yanking him backward.

“What were you thinking!” She hissed under her breath after the event drew to a close, her tone scolding with an underlying tremor of fear. “You best pray no one saw you!” If any cat had. They said nothing. Perhaps his little mishap indeed had gone unnoticed with everything else going on. If Dawnpelt hadn’t intervened Duskfang admitted to himself, he wasn’t sure what he would have done. Never would he want to stand against Timberstar, but...Cinderpaw was innocent in all of this and didn’t deserve to die. The action had been thoughtless, instantaneous. He hadn’t taken the time to consider it was a ploy to distract Ashblaze. Surely...surely Timberstar wouldn’t have actually killed Cinderpaw?

Giving up on getting any rest, Duskfang rose to his paws, shaking out his ruffled pelt before moving to exit the warrior's den, wincing as the branches surrounding the entrance dragged through his pelt. His size might be an advantage on the battlefield, but it was an irritating hindrance in concerns to almost anything else. Pale blue-gray eyes scanned the camp before settling on Umbraclaw’s dark form, noting she appeared to be gathering a patrol. Making his way toward her, he dipped his head to the guard respectfully, regarding Frostheart with a far more curt expression before returning his attention to Umbraclaw.

“May I join you?” He asked, voice somewhat muted as memories of the night before continued to race through his mind, the remnants of the battle still marring the camp a dark reminder it hadn’t all just been an awful dream.

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Edited on 22/01/19 @ 14:45:27 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2019-01-22 16:00:16

 Frostheart|Turnclaw kin of Pineclan|scarred, Unkempt white and brown she-cat with pale blue eyes|Location: Camp|Mentions: Frecklepaw, Umbraclaw, Duskfang

At Jaysteps calls to the morning patrols rang through the clearing, Frostheart shifted her path, creeping towards where Frecklepaw, now joined by Umbraclaw sat. She paused a few mouse-lengths away, her intentions and pressence clear but keeping a safe distance from their conversation, and their claws. Umbraclaw was as fierce as any guard, and Frostheart knew that the events of the previous night would have everyones fur on end, and her loyalties questioned perhaps even more aggressively than ever. So, she sat in stillness, slightly hunched into herself, until a new voice made her gaze flicker upwards.
Her watery gaze only briefly met Duskfangs, before she looked away swiftly from his curt stare, skuttling sideways slightly on her paws to give more space, keeping as submissive as possible. She remembered training with Duskfang, briefly, many moons ago and he had always been a strong tom, and while they may had been apprentices together once, those days were like a foggy memory of a different cats life. So, she continued to stare at the paws around her, waiting for the order to head out.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2019-01-23 00:01:54
Timberstar | PineClan Chieftain | 36 Moons | Tom | Camp | Sunbird
Timberstar winced as Sunbird thrust a leaf under his knows. He could not identify exactly what it was, but it smelled less than pleasant and he really did not want to put it in his mouth. With a grimace, the massive tom chewed the leaf and swallowed as quickly as he could so that it was tasted as little as possible. "Doesn't hurt," he grumbled, his deep voice stemming from low in his chest. He closed his eyes, and allowed the Shaman to rub along his cuts and scabs, pressing poultices and wrapping cobwebs around his long coat. He was both lucky and unlucky for having such thick fur. It mussed up where she slathered on the chewed up herbs and twisted where she stuck cobwebs to it. Though he had a rather... tentative respect for his medicine worker, stemming mostly from the fact that he knew full well he would never have been able to learn half of what she knew, but at the same time anything lacking in physicality was something Timberstar cared little about.

He did close his eyes and clench his jaw slightly when Sunbird went to deal with his biggest wound, the slash along his shoulders. The first time it had happened, it had hurt plenty, but Timberstar had little shame about it. He'd gone up against Juno herself, and several of her lackeys. In the end his shoulders had been so bad that some of the tendons and musculature damage was irreparable. Though he was still able to walk and move, his range of motion had been severely limited. This reopening was much more painful, both a hit to his pride and to his weakest physical point. When she had finished, he dipped his head to her, and pulled the herbs she recommended he place in his nest to his chest. "Need someone to accompany you for herb gathering?" he rumbled, not offering for himself but simply wondering if she needed to go out today to collect more herbs to replenish what she had just used. He himself wanted to sleep more.

Creekwhisker | PineClan Elder | 90 Moons | Tom | Elder's Den | Falconkit ; Lavenderkit
Creekwhisker was asleep inside of the Elder's Den, enjoying the cool dryness of the den. His ears twitched when he heard the small cries of the Charges, in particular the little tom, Falconkit. Though his eyes had long since failed him, he knew both of the clan's kits by scent, by sound, and by touch. Falconkit's fur was long, fluffy, and soft, whereas Lavenderkit's fur was more wiry and coarse, though still soft as a kit's coat tended to be. Creekwhisker had raised many litters through his adult life, had mourned many kin, and trained many warriors. His work caring for the charges had not changed even when his eyes left him. He opened pale, opalescent orbs, and raised his creaky head. "Do come in, Falconkit," he said, his voice old and weary but still filled with life, "I assume young Lavenderkit will be joining us as well?"

He shifted his body to the side so that he was more comfortably set to be in a half upright position, his head angled vaguely in the direction of the entrance to the den. His unseeing eyes made it a tad difficult to orient himself when communicating with the youngsters, but he found that unlike most adult cats, Charges had no qualms about how he looked. He was sunken in and frail in comparison to his youth, and his unsettling pale pupils often scared those who had time to acclimate to normal eyes, but the kits... their minds were still too young and innocent to be stuck on them for long.

Jaystep | PineClan Guard | 44 Moons | Tom | Camp | Willowshade
Jaystep watched as Willowshade pranced forwards a few steps. With an amused look, he took the lead when she paused, and slipped through the tunnel out of camp, his tail lashing back and forth. He listened to Willowshade mumbling things under her breath, loud enough that he could catch snippets of information she was speaking of. He nodded along silently, knowing that she was speaking things she had been observing about the territory. "That's good," he praised her, his voice even, "observations are paramount to being a successful guard. They will help you recognize conflict between your warriors, dissonance in stories, hitches in language, the tells of a Turnclaw. Everything you do will be defined by your ability to observe and identify problems in your clan, in your subordinates."

Jaystep picked up their pace, heading out into the deeper parts of the territory. "Today, we're going to explore some of the quickest routes through PineClan territory," he explained, "it's incredibly important to know your way around the territory and to do that you need to know how to move through it. There's going to be times you need to get somewhere fast, else risk the lives of yourself and your clanmates."

He paused, and glanced around them. "Where would you suspect is the start of the path of least resistance towards the fallen tree at the border?"

Exit to: Border RP Page

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2019-01-23 11:38:12
Lavenderkit || Female || 3moons || Smokey black pineclan kit with emerald green eyes || Location- Pineclan Camp || Mentions- {Direct} Falconkit, Creekwhisker{Indirectly}

The wind got knocked out of her as Falconkit pinned her down, and she took a bit to gather her bearings, standing up to see Falconkit running to the elder's den. The kit's words enticed her over to the den, and she bounded towards it, "Yeah, Then I can beat you!" she huffed reaching the entrance of the den, "I'm here!" she announced stepping inside the den, not expecting any sneak attacks. She paused at the entrance, squinting until her eyes adjusted to the dark in the den.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-24 00:28:10

⇺ [ Adderbite ] ⇻
Tom • 40 Moons • Guard
Location: Camp • Mentions: Timberstar, Sunbird (Directly) / Falconkit, Lavanderkit (Indirectly)

Adderbite watched the kits play out of the corner of one eye, feigning disinterest as his tongue idly swiped across a paw that was subsequently drawn over one of his ears. Both youngsters were especially promising compared to the last few litters born into the Clan, even his own ill-fated offspring the Newleaf prior not lasting long enough to leave a mark. Adderbite paused in his grooming, remembering Finchkit and Sparrowkit leaving him in a dismal mood.

’They were weak. There’s little room for that here. Better to die young than live long enough to become a disappointment,’ a cold voice reminded him, the whisperings of his own thoughts. By the time he cast his gaze back to the kits they’d disappeared, the last sign of them being Lavanderkit’s plumy tail vanishing into the elder’s den. Concluding it was high time he put himself to work now that his entertainment was otherwise occupied, Adderbite rose from where he lay sprawled in a swath of sunlight, stretching his long limbs in turn before scanning the camp.

A flicker of amusement lit his eyes as he spotted Timberstar with Sunbird, observing from afar as the shaman set to work. Their leader was clearly less than thrilled with his predicament but was resigned to his fate. Once the necessary herbs were applied he made his way over to the pair, catching the tail end of Timberstar’s question. “I am free to assist if such is needed,” he offered, assuming Timberstar would rather not accompany Sunbird himself, nor should he with the wounds he currently sported.

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Edited on 24/01/19 @ 00:29:45 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Love The Shadows
(Hibi 2R 3Vi) (#124832)

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Posted on
2019-01-24 23:39:38
Frecklepaw|6 Moons Old|Apprentice|Cream/Chocolate Spotted Tabby Female Hetero Blue/Green Eyes| Location: Pineclan Camp|Mentions: Umbraclaw, Frostheart, Duskfang

Frecklepaw had been watching her sister leave when Umbraclaw approached her. She looked at the she-cat and waved her tail excitedly. She was very keen to get out of camp and stretch her legs, and perhaps being in the forest would help clear her head. "I'm very happy to be your apprentice, and I think we'll work well together." She said earnestly. Umbraclaw seemed very nice, and maybe working with a member of the guard would help to keep her loyalty on track. "I wonder how far out we'll patrol today..." she murmured. Frecklepaw knew that the length of the patrols could vary depending on the cats and the current atmosphere of the clan. The incident with Ashblaze and Cinderpaw would have made the clan more jumpy and even more hostile towards the Rogues. It was possible they could be sent out all day for the sole purpose of killing a Rogue or two. Frecklepaw hoped that was not the case. Looking past Umbraclaw, she saw that Duskfang and Frostheart appeared to be joining them. She didn't know much about Duskfang, but with Frostheart on the patrol they might be out all day to wear the she-cat down on purpose. Then again, Umbraclaw didn't seem to pick on Turnclaw's kin, and she had never seen Duskfang do so either, so perhaps it would just be a normal patrol, Spirits know Frostheart could use a break from the constant torment.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-25 18:50:28
Smokemask| 27 moons| PineClan Warrior Grey tabby with a black tail tip and bright yellow eyes| Location: Camp| Mentions: OPEN
Turnclaws. Like they could beat Timberstar.
Smokemask ranked his claws down the tree branches just outside of camp.
Turnclaws made him… anxious.
Another splinter.
Turnclaws reminded him of rouges. Of the very rouges who killed her sisters.
He inhaled sharply, a fleeting image coming to mind of Snowpaw. But he quickly pushed out any thoughts of her. She was dead. Without her spirit token, rendering her dead dead.
He leapt off the branch.
Raising his tail, he went back into the main camp.
Smokemask, looked for any other cats.
Must have just missed patrols, he mused to himself.
He couldn’t help but glance over to the spot where just days ago the Chief fought with Ashblaze. Where Ashblaze was now, he had no idea. The tom didn’t care much for Turnclaws after they were dead.
Ignoring the spot, he made his way to the center of camp to wait for someone to give him instructions.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-25 19:10:47

Sunbird|20 Moons Old|Shaman|Golden tabby Mollie|Mentions Directly: Timberstar, Adderbite|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Sunbird's ear twitched, as the chieftain asked his question. Well, she did need a few more herbs and now cobwebs as well. The shaman leaned down and pushed the few stray leaves next to her into a small pile. "Well...", Sunbird started, but was cut off, when Adderbite came over to them. She had been about to say that she might go out later, with a patrol or something along those lines. Now though, Sunbird cocked her head to the side a bit, as she considered the guards offers. "I suppose, I could go now", the gold tabby she-cat said, nodding her head to Adderbite.
"Give me a few moments, just to see what I need the most and then we can head out whenever you can", Sunbird told the guard. Turning around, she was just about to head back into her den. Stopping in her tracks though, the she-cat turned back around to look at Timberstar. Within a few brisk paw-steps, she was back and standing in front of the much larger tom. "I know it's too much to ask you, to stay in your den, but at least stay in camp and no strenuous activity. If I see even one wound reopened, I will confine you to the shaman's den", Sunbird declared, giving the chieftain a hard look. She was not here to just keep patching up old wounds, Sunbird had better things to do. Turning on her heels, the she-cat walked back into her den, grumbling to herself all the way.
Once she reached the inside of the den, Sunbird quickly walked over to her herb store. Giving the store a quick look over, the shaman took notice of the things she needed to stock up on. She needed more borage, broom, honey- if she could find some - dried oak leaf, and ragwort. Giving it another look over, she nodded to herself. Most of the things should be easy to find, the honey was the only thing that could be a problem. Turning back, the golden tabby she-cat was soon outside again and heading for Adderbite. "Alright, I know what we need to get", Sunbird said, sitting down in front of the tom, "Ready when you are", she added.

{Sorry, I'll post Falconkit's tomorrow}

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 20:54:08

Falconkit|4 Moons Old|Kit|Thick furred calico Tom|Mentions Directly: Creekwhisker, Lavenderkit|Mentions Indirectly: OPEN|Location: Camp

"Ya, it's me", Falconkit called, in response to the elders question. His ear twitched, as he heard Lavenderkit coming closer. He needed to hurry, if he was going to ambush her. The young calico tom, quickly raced over to Creekwhisker. "Stay still", he whispered, glancing around the elder. "I'm going to ambush Lavenderkit", the kit added, hissing a bit in anticipation of the attack. Falconkit stiffened, as his sister came into the elders den.
He needed to be careful now, it would not take long for his sister's eyes to adjust to the dark. Using the darkness and the shadow Creekwhisker casted, Falconkit creeped to the side of the den. Keeping his one side pressed to the side of the den, Flaconkit made sure to keep his paw steps as quiet as possible. He needed to be stealthy, using everything he had learned from Creekwhisker and watching the apprentices practice, the young tom made his way towards his sister. He needed to be quick. tacking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out again, Falconkit fell into a crouch. Once all of the air was out of his body, he tensed his muscles. What had he heard the apprentices talking about? Keep your paws firmly planted, until you leap, right?
Pushing off, Falconekit jumped into the air, letting out a roar- not very impressive- as he did so. Landing against Lavenderkit, his whait pushed them both over. The two kits rolled head over heels out of the den and into camp. Falconkit landed with a huff, his head was spinning. "Got.... you", he said, his voice mirroring his dizziness. Opening his eyes, the world was still spinning, closing his eyes quickly again and shaking his head, Falconkit reopened them again. He was laying across Lavanderkit, so he'd done it, right? Falconkit chuckled, "I got you, well sort of", the young tom said. Lifting up, he laughed out loud, "You need to get better sis, how many more times am I going to knock you over today?", Falconkit smugly asked. The kit was being way too cocky and had opened himself up to a retaliatory attack, by Lavenderkit. Falconkit was way to happy and proud of himself to realize this though and instead, puffed out his chest in pride.

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2019-01-27 01:05:33
Umbraclaw|Guard of Pineclan|Black Mollie| Location: Camp|Mentions: Frecklepaw, Duskfang, Frostheart (IND) Briarstar

Umbraclaw look quite pleased with Frecklepaw's enthusiasm and replied to it with. "I am glad to hear that and I'm sure that Briarstar would be as well." She did intend to report to Briarstar later on how Frecklepaw's first day as her apprentice went since being assigned a mentor was such an important milestone in a young cat's life. The guard had every hope that it would be an excellent report that would make the Chieftess proud.

It was at that moment that Duskfang approached and after dipping his head in respect, asked if he could come along on patrol. A request that was answered with. "You are welcome to join us Duskfang, though I believe I would like one more cat to come with." Looking around Umbraclaw noticed Frostheart, a turnclaw's kin hanging back and narrowed her eyes. "You are coming along as well" While her tone was dismissive, at least her words didn't hold any barbs or contempt.

Now that their group numbered four, Umbraclaw would lead the way out of the camp and into the forest. Much to both Frostheart's and Frecklepaw's relief, she had no intention on taking them on a particularly long patrol. While such a thing would be very useful, she did have Frecklepaw to consider and that last thing she wanted to do was utterly exhaust the new apprentice on her first day. No, right now it was important to bond with her and try to make the day a good one for her, especially after the distressing events of last night. After they got back from the patrol, she could see about getting another one going if need be, though it was likely that another guard would have that covered.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-28 20:55:19

⇺ [ Adderbite ] ⇻
Tom • 40 Moons • Guard
Location: Camp • Mentions: Timberstar, Sunbird, Smokemask

Adderbite’s tail twitched with amusement as Sunbird delivered a lecture before returning to her den to check on her herb supply. She was undoubtedly the only cat beside perhaps Briarstar who could get away with speaking to the chieftain in such a tone. “Best to do as she asks, I imagine,” he advised lightly, “Unless you want an earful once we’re back.”

Once Sunbird reappeared he bid Timberstar farewell before motioning with a paw for her to lead the way. As they padded toward the entrance he noted Smokemask had been left without a task. "Smokemask, come along. Sunbird needs to gather herbs. You can assist." One could never be too careful these days. Their shaman was too valuable to lose, the more protection she had the better.


⇺ [ Duskfang ] ⇻
Tom • 24 Moons • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: Umbraclaw, Frecklepaw, Frostheart

Pleased to find his presence welcomed, Duskfang rested back on his haunches, bushy tail curling around his paw while he waited for the command to leave. The tip of his tail began to flick the longer they lingered, a hint of impatience he wouldn’t dare voice. His eyes slid to Frostheart once more, but the molly wouldn’t meet his gaze, staring pointedly at her paws as she similarly awaited further instructions.

Memories of the days before she was labeled a Turnclaw’s Kin ran through his mind and he found himself shifting uncomfortably. She’d been bright, and promising, and there was a time he might have considered her a friend. It was truly a shame this fate had befallen her, but like every other cat he had gone on to treat her with scorn, his young mind impressionable, wanting to be viewed as a proper PineClan cat, and no true-blooded PineClanner would ever be caught associating with Turnclaw’s Kin.

As Umbraclaw rose to her paws Duskfang did the same, following the guard through the camp entrance, chasing thoughts of Frostheart’s past from his mind in favor of focusing on the task at paw.

((Sorry these are so short I have hella writer's block.))

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