Posted by Blood and Stars 2.0 | PineClan RP Thread

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2019-01-16 23:49:41

To Blood and Stars
The PineClan RP Thread
Welcome one and all to the official PineClan RPing thread for Blood and Stars! This is ONLY for PineClan characters! Rogue Clan characters are not welcome here! Please check the rules and information below for extra information~


- Do not post OOC here, this thread is ONLY for RP, this is the OOC thread -
- Rogue Clan characters are NOT privy to information divulged or discussed here unless it is provided by one of my NPC characters -


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Warm with a slight breeze
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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 22:31:41

 Frostheart|Turnclaw kin of Pineclan|scarred, Unkempt white and brown she-cat with pale blue eyes|Location: Camp|Mentions: Frecklepaw, Umbraclaw, Duskfang

Frostheart only moved as Umbraclaw did, following the patrol as they exited the camp, and into the forest beyond. Her pawsteps dragged slightly, but even she seemed to find a slight boost in energy as the scents and sounds of the forest filled her senses. It was refreshing, vast, away from the prying eyes and snarls from the clan. Even if it was temporary, it was freedom. For a moment, she let her gaze travel further than their current path, out into the trees and beyond. For a moment, she couldn't help but entertain the thought of running, and not stopping. She didn't realize she had stopped in her following for a moment, still as she pondered.
Then, a twig snapped and she jerked back into reality. Glancing at the other warriors she trotted back to close the small gap, her attention back on the ground ahead. Jaws parting, she tasted the air, trying to see what she could catch besides earth. A brief herb scent passed her, and she shook her head, trying to ignore the odd way the plants always seemed to jump out at her first. She glanced at the other cats.
"Are we-" she paused, her voice raspy and quiet, but after a moment, she continued.
"Are we looking for something specific today?" she mewed, still not meeting any cats eye, but her gaze had at least raised from the earth and made it to about chest height.

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Love The Shadows
(Hibi 2R 3Vi) (#124832)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 22:51:05
Frecklepaw|6 Moons Old|Apprentice|Cream/Chocolate Spotted Tabby Female Hetero Blue/Green Eyes| Location: Pineclan Territory/Patrol|Mentions: Umbraclaw, Frostheart, Duskfang, Briarstar

Frecklepaw followed her mentor out of camp, being sure to stay behind her and Duskfang, and just ahead of Frostheart. The young she-cat breathed deeply, enjoying the fresh, new scents that the forest held. She felt like she could finally breathe again, being away from the stares of her clanmates. She felt like someone was always watching her every move, comparing Frecklepaw to her sister at every chance they got. No one seemed to understand that she was not a copy of Briarstar, that she had her own thoughts and skills, and would never be able to live up to everyone's expectations if they expected her to be exactly the same as Briarstar.
Sighing inwardly, she shook away her thoughts and focused on the task at hand. She needed to enjoy the moment instead of wallowing in self doubt. Frecklepaw lifted her head slightly and parted her jaws, trying to test herself. She didn't smell very much, or at least nothing that stuck out. She mostly smelled plants, no surprise there as this is a forest, and possibly stale prey, but she couldn't pinpoint what creature it had been.
She jumped slightly as Frostheart spoke, not expecting the sudden break in silence. Frecklepaw had never really heard the she-cat speak, and judging by her raspy voice Frostheart didn't do it very often. She looked back at the unkempt white she-cat, then looked at the others and nodded in agreement. It would help her to know what they were keeping an eye out for, since she hasn't had much experience with different scents yet.

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2019-01-30 19:49:14
Umbraclaw|Guard of Pineclan|Black Mollie| Location: Border|Mentions: Frecklepaw, Duskfang, Frostheart

With Umbraclaw in the lead, the patrol group of four left the camp and started heading deeper into their territory. Her destination was the border so they could reapply the scent marks and leave a few more claw marks as well. The events of last night was more then reason enough to increase surveillance and territorial marking after all. As they walked, the turnclaw kin would speak up, asking if they were looking for any specific today. A question that she would actually answer with. "Rogues are always a priority and I also wish to reinforce our scent markings at the border. Aside from that, also keep an eye out for anything unusual and finally I won't turn down any good hunting opportunities either. You can never have too much food back at camp after all." Her voice was a bit dismissive, but still probably nicer then what Frostheart normally got. The guard was not known for being particularly abusive to turnclaw kin as she preferred using the time and energy that others spent tormenting them into more productive things. Instead she was normally just dismissive and coolly apathetic towards them.

Assuming their trek to the borders was uneventful, upon arriving, she would order them to start scent marking and add a few more claw marks as well. She too would join in byt heading to a tree and rubbing her cheeks against it before clawing at it's trunk before moving onto the next tree to repeat the process.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 00:53:25 by Katia (#134163)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-01 18:29:35
Smokemask| 27 moons| PineClan Warrior Grey tabby with a black tail tip and bright yellow eyes| Location: Camp| Mentions: Sunbird, Adderbit
Smokemask leapt to his feet, nodding.
”Right away, Adderbite. Hello, Sunbird. I’d be honored to help guard you,,” he dipped his head respectfully. The shaman would need protection going out into the territory. These rouges were so unpredictable these days. He quickly got to his paws. The grey tom scrambled over to join the two waiting cats, his fluffy tail streaming behind him.

Stumbling, he right he’d himself with a few embraced chest-licks. He hoped the older warrior and shaman wouldn’t judge him too much. Snowpaw wouldn’t have cared, involuntarily, a thought of his dead sister crossed his mind. Shaking it off, he nodded Sunbird and Adderbite.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 23:42:30
(sorry late reply, had an influx of birthday and traveling oml))

Lavenderkit || Female || 3moons || Smokey black pineclan kit with emerald green eyes || Location- Pineclan Camp || Mentions- {Direct} Falconkit, Creekwhisker{Indirectly}

As the dark colored kit stood in the entrance, she began to feel like something was off, she perked her ears as the sound of little paws scuffling across the den floor broke the quiet. Her eyes adjusted a bit too late, she caught the last moment of Falconkit's crouch before being toppled over. Next thing she knew she was on the ground, black dots danced behind her eyes from the impact. She shook her head and wriggled out from beneath her brother, paws splayed out to keep her balanced as she recovered. Falconkits moment of arrogance would be his downfall, "Famous last words." she sneared before getting a running start at the other kit, pouncing in the last steps, paws outstretched as she attempted to push the older kit over, She landed over him, and bat furiously with her fuzzy little paws, eyes closed as she let out a squeal of a battle cry, "I will never give up!".
After several seconds of this attempted assault, she slowed to a stop, huffing, and collapsing dramatically onto the ground. She breathed heavily, held her eyes half lidded and said between breaths,"I ... fought myself to death..." before sticking out her tongue with a "bleh" sound for effect.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 12:09:15

Sunbird|20 Moons Old|Shaman|Golden tabby Mollie|Mentions Directly: Smokemask, Adderbite|Mentions Indirectly: Falconkit, Lavenderkit, Timberstar, Umbraclaw|Location: Camp - Just outside of Camp

Sunbird gave the chieftain a nod of her head, both out of respect and also a bit of letting him know that she would be sure to check on him later again, the golden tabby she-cat turned towards the camp entrance. She had also given Adderbite a nod, as he let her pass. Her mind was already starting to work, trying to figure out where they could find her herbs. broom, dried oak leaves, and ragwort: would be the easiest, they could be found practically anywhere, throughout their territory. Borage and honey: they would be a bit harder, she'd have to look near the river for both, Sunbird was not looking forward to gathering them.
The she-cat had been so deep in her thought, that when Smokemask greeted her and then came over, that she jumped a bit. "Hello, Smokemask", the shaman answered, briskly dipping her head to him. Great, now she'd be surrounded by two toms. The golden tabby she-cat gave an inward sigh, she was quite glad that she was a shaman, she would not be forced to take a mate. Sunbird could not stand the badger headedness of toms and was more than sure, that she could never be a mother. As he thoughts turned, just to amuse herself a bit, to kits and what her's might look like, her amber eyes wandered over two multi colored balls of fluff flying out of the elders den. Falconkit and Lavenderkit, she guessed. She'd over heard that the kit seemed to have promise as a warrior, would the she-kit be good as a shaman apprentice? She wondered. Sunbird was still young, so young that when she'd first taken the position, some of her clanmates had called her unworthy- under their breaths of course. With all of the rogues, there could be a chance she'd be attacked, if she was killed who would treat the clan?
Not having realized before, the she-cat had stopped in her tracks, to look at the kits. Shaking her head, Sunbird turned back and continued her walk to the entrance. As soon as she'd reached the outside, the shaman looked around. Sunbird was looking for an area to find the broom, dried oak leaves, and ragwort. She'd probably be able to find them all in the same place, her amber eyes keep wandering around, she was also waiting for Smokemask and Adderbite to join her outside. Knowing how overprotective the guards seemed to be nowadays, Sunbird would rather wait than listen to a lecture. She'd gotten one a few days back from Umbraclaw, just because Sunbird had dared to step out of camp, to get some fresh air.

Falconkit|4 Moons Old|Kit|Thick furred calico Tom|Mentions Directly: Lavenderkit, Adderbite|Mentions Indirectly: Sunbird, Smokemask, Skinktail|Location: Camp

Falconkit let out a slight cry of surprise, as Lavenderkit suddenly jumped at him and knocked him over. The kit was about to roar and batt her back, but was stopped when his sister started to batt at him instead. Putting his large fluffy, Falconkit tried to shield his face. Not that Lavenderkit's paws would do much damage and Falconkit would really be able to defend her attack off, still the kit tried. When the attack stopped, his blue eyes peeked out from behind his paws. His ear twitched, as he heard Lavenderkit's words and her flopping to the ground beside him. Looking over, he gave her a smile. "You win, little sis", Falconkit said. He did not want to say the words, but thought it would make her happy. What he actually wanted to say, was that it should be a draw, but what did it really matter. Reaching over, the bigger kit tapped Lavenderkit on her nose. He had a smug/aloof grin on his face. Turning over, he'd still been laying on his back, Falconkit got to his paws and started to shake out his fur. With his long, thick fur he'd have dust in it was a while, he needed to get it out himself, otherwise Skinktail would give him a thorough bath. He was far too old, to be bathed like a little kit.
Still shaking out his pelt, Flaconkit looked up. Sunbird had just passed them, after her came Smokemask and Adderbite. They were heading outside, maybe.... just maybe? Falconkit shifted his weight from paw to paw. As Adderbite got closer, he took a heart and stepped forward. Pushing down a big lump in his throat, Falconkit looked up at the guard. "Umm, Adderbite?", Falconkit started, a bit cautious at what the guards reaction might be. "Could I.... I mean I'm....", Falconkit gritted his teeth, 'Get it out already, you fox-heart', Falconkit scolded himself. "I'm 4 moons old now, so I'm a charge. Could I.... could I come out with you?", the young calico tom asked. Why had he explained himself? He was sure the guard knew he was 4 moons old now, there was only him and Lavenderkit in the nursery after all.

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Edited on 04/02/19 @ 12:11:33 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 12:46:59
Creekwhisker | PineClan Elder | 90 Moons | Tom | Elder's Den | Falconkit ; Lavenderkit
Creekwhisker smiled upon hearing Lavenderkit's voice, and he stretched, hearing the scuffle once again begin to move, rolling back out of his den and into the clearing of their camp. He gave a little yawn, and rose onto his paws, old bones creaking. Officially 'up' now, the blind siamese tom pushed his way out of the den, exceedingly careful not to trample any kittens despite him knowing that they were not underfoot at the moment. His large tail swished, and he settled onto his rump, just in time to hear young Falconkit concede to his slightly younger sister. The old warrior smiled, and reached out a paw in the direction of the two kits. When he felt the nearest fluffy thing, he gently tapped them onto their side with a gentle push. "Remember to keep alert at all times," he laughed, realizing it was Lavenderkit he had nudged over, "you want to keep your weight spread out onto all four paws, else you're easy to topple."

When he heard Falconkit stammering towards the guards escorting Sunbird, he jerked his head up and called rather in a commanding manner, "Falconkit, come here and stop bothering the guards. It's an Elder's duty to escort you out of the camp on occasion, not a Guard's." His voice was harsh but still affectionate, and he wrapped his tail around the young fluffy calico when the little warrior was near enough.

"If you wish to go out," he conceded, "I'll bring both of you now, but we must stay close to camp. These old blind eyes don't help with the territory anymore."

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-05 01:04:02

⇺ [ Adderbite ] ⇻
Tom • 40 Moons • Guard
Location: Camp • Mentions: Sunbird, Smokemask, Falconkit, Creekwhisker

Adderbite waited patiently as Smokemask hurried toward them, the slight trip that sent the gray warrior stumbling the rest of the way purposefully overlooked. While clumsy, eagerness to obey and serve one’s superiors were traits to encourage and the younger tom caught himself quickly enough. Once Sunbird rejoined them he moved to follow her, little more than a silent shadow as the shaman led the way out of camp. A small voice calling out to him caused him to pause just before reaching the entrance, his green gaze soon after settling on a fluffy bundle of calico fur staring up at him with beseeching eyes.

His expression remained stoic despite the wave of amusement that washed over him, his attention momentarily diverted from Sunbird, though he expected Smokemask would be smart enough to stay with her. Creekwhisker was quick to order Falconkit back; his firm commands issued before Adderbite had a chance to answer. “He’s quite right. It’s too dangerous for a charge to be gallivanting so far from camp. Perhaps another time, once you’ve grown a bit large,” he replied in a surprisingly gentle tone before trailing after his Clanmates, catching up with them in a few quick strides. It appeared Sunbird hadn’t wandered too far without him.


⇺ [ Duskfang ] ⇻
Tom • 24 Moons • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: Umbraclaw, Frecklepaw, Frostheart

Duskfang walked at the rear of the group, pale eyes scanning their surroundings for signs of any unwanted visitors. The fact their territory hid rogues so well was always a troubling thought, they could leap down from the branches overhead or burst from the cover of bushes and patrols were often none the wiser until it was too late. Duskfang could still recall the first time he was ambushed, six moons of age and fresh into his apprenticeship.

Fear had overcome any courage his younger self might have possessed, and he’d made an attempt at squeezing under a nearby bramble shrub only to find he was too large to properly fit, permanently scarring his nose in the frantic struggle to take refuge beneath the thorny branches. His mentor had given him a proper cuffing for that. Hailfrost proved an exceptionally harsh teacher, but if asked how he felt regarding her methods now Duskfang would proudly proclaim he wouldn’t be half the cat he was today without her.

If the experience had taught him anything, it was that vigilance was everything. As they neared the border, he did as Umbraclaw instructed, leaving scent marks before heading in the opposite direction of the deputy, creating deep gouges in the bark of every tree he encountered. He found his gaze slipping to both Frecklepaw and Frostheart afterward, wondering how they were fairing.

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Edited on 05/02/19 @ 01:07:31 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Love The Shadows
(Hibi 2R 3Vi) (#124832)

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Posted on
2019-02-12 13:00:49
Frecklepaw|6 Moons Old|Apprentice|Cream/Chocolate Spotted Tabby Female Hetero Blue/Green Eyes| Location: Pineclan Territory/Patrol|Mentions: Umbraclaw

Frecklepaw listened what her mentor had to say, inwardly sighing with relief that they weren't going to purposefully look for a fight. Having practically no training, she wouldn't exactly fair well in a skirmish, and would most likely get in the others' way. Besides, the young she-cat didn't want to fight the rogues.
Once they reached the border, the cats briefly disbanded to scent mark. She watched Umbraclaw rub her cheek against a tree and proceeded to do the same to a little stump. Upon finishing, Frecklepaw gazed across the border, curiosity pulling at her paws, but she stayed where she was. Knowing she would get in trouble if she expressed any interest in the rogues, she turned away from the border and opened her jaws to check the scents. Nothing smelled out of the ordinary. Rogue and Pineclan scent were strong here, and made it quite hard to distinguish other scents. Shaking her head in mild frustration, Frecklepaw padded over to Umbraclaw to wait for the others.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-12 21:53:12

Sunbird|20 Moons Old|Shaman|Golden tabby Mollie|Mentions Directly: Smokemask, Adderbite|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Territory

The golden tabby she-cat looked over her shoulder, as first the warrior and then the guard came out to join her. Sunbird thought for a moment, yes that would definitely be the best. "Alright, first we'll head to the east clearing and then....", the she-cat gave to two toms a look, knowing that her next words would probably be met with protests. "Then we'll head to the border, I need to look for some herbs at the river", the medicine cat finished.
Before Adderbite or Smokemask could say anything in protest, Sunbird turned- and with purpose- headed for the clearing. She was not really in any mood to hear the toms words of complaints, if they even said anything along those lines, Sunbird was so far ahead of them now that she would not have be able to hear them properly anyways. The golden tabby she-cat soon reached the edge of the clearing, the medicine cat stopped for a few heartbeats and waited for the two tom's to join her. Once the two tom's where next to her, she nodded to the clearing, "I'm going to be looking for broom, dried oak leaves, and ragwort", Sunbird informed the toms. Figuring that the warrior and guard would probably just be patrolling around, looking for threats, she turned back to the clearing.
Taking a few steps into the clearing, she briefly looked back to Smokemack and Adderbite. "Maybe you two could keep an eye out for oak leaves", the golden tabby medecine cat said, with a nod to some nearby oak trees.

Falconkit|4 Moons Old|Kit|Thick furred calico Tom|Mentions Directly: Creekwhisker, Lavenderkit|Mentions Indirectly: Adderbite|Location: Camp

The kit set his jaw in a pout, as Creekwhisker pulled the kit back. "But...", Falconkit started, just to be cut off, this time by Adderbite. As the guard finished, the young tom nodded his head. Looking over, at the elder who had wrapped him in his fluffy tail, he listed to the elder's words. "Alright", Falconkit relented, with a nod. He would've much rather liked to go out with the guard, but if that would be too dangerous.... the calico kit shook his head. Alright then, if they had to go out with the elder, it did not matter. The only thing that was important, was that they could go out of camp.
Breaking free of the elder's tail, Falconkit rushed over to Lavenderkit. "Come on, Creekwhicker said, he'd take us out of camp", he was exite now. Even if they could not go far from camp, maybe they could still find something fun to do. "He said, we can't go too far, but maybe we can find a mouse and try hunting it", Falconkit suggested, bouncing on his paws a bit, he really wanted to go out. "Come on", the calico kit said again. Reaching over, he playfully nipped Lavenderkit's ear, then turned to run off, just in case if she chased him. Falconkit skidded to a stop at the entrance and turned around to look at the elder and his sister.

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LittleAntler (#30151)

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Posted on
2019-02-17 11:48:54

Burntcrow || 30 Moons || Warrior || Ginger classic tabby tom || Mentions Indirectly: Ashblaze, Cinderpaw, Timberstar || Location: Camp || Open

The images of Ashblaze's death ran through Burntcrow's head like a movie, and the scent of her blood wafted around his nose even now.

The dark ginger tom sat outside the warriors den, his yellow eyes regarding the spot where the Turnclaw had fallen with a pleased warmth. Oh, it was a shame that he couldn't kill her himself. He would've relished in slaughtering a cat who had so freely chosen the side of those who had killed his kin, who killed so many in their Clan. She was foolish to think she would change any minds, and cruel to try and pollute the minds of their youth. Timberstar had taken a few blows, yes, but he would most certainly pull through. His tactics when executing the traitor were outstanding - Using her apprentice as bait. Burntcrow had confidence that the leader wasn't truly aiming to harm the apprentice. He was merely playing Ashblaze's weaknesses to his advantage.

Burntcrow purred to himself, his whiskers twitching. Alas, poor Cinderpaw. Her poor mind had been corrupted by a Turnclaw; She was young, though. Perhaps it wasn't too late to salvage her mind. Poor thing had been traumatized by the experience, surely, killing and death didn't come so naturally to some cats of PineClan. Burntcrow, personally, had no issue with it. In fact, he liked to keep trophies of some of those he killed - Little things, such as claws or teeth, which he lined his nest with as a way to brag.

As camp slowly began to wake around him, Burntcrow set about grooming himself. It would seem a patrol had already left, so it would be best for him to simply prepare for the next one. He wasn't particularly the best hunter, though he'd do it if requested, and preferred the thrill of patrolling the very outer reaches of the treeline, where the Rogues were more likely lounging about, prowling in the shadows. The smell of their acrid, smoky pelts sent a burst of adrenaline through him, sending him into an almost feral state of hunter versus prey. He was undaunted by their fire - It had taken so much from him, consumed nearly all those who he loved, and he was more than ready to leap through the licking tongues to kill its wielder.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2019-02-19 20:27:00
Lavenderkit || Female || 3moons || Smokey black pineclan kit with emerald green eyes || Location- Pineclan Camp || Mentions- {Direct} Falconkit, Creekwhisker{Indirectly}

Lavenderkit stood still as she listened to the adults, shaking her head as falconkit messed with her. "I- I don't know..." she said thinking about the camp did make her a little nervous. The idea of being able to explore seemed really fun, but she feared some beast might come up and take one of them.

((Sorry its really short and late school this semester SUCKS))

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Love The Shadows
(Hibi 2R 3Vi) (#124832)

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Posted on
2019-02-19 22:49:15
Briarstar|20 Moons Old| Chieftess| Tortie and White Female w/ Green Eyes|Location: Pineclan Camp|Mentions: TImberstar

Briarstar was laying partially in the shade beside her and Timberstar's den, with her ears pricked forward as her whiskers occasionally twitched while she scanned the camp. She had vowed to watch her clanmates more closely, still feeling angry that one of her cats had turned against them under her watch. Her green gaze flitted over towards the nursery. The kits would be apprenticed in a few moons, and she made a mental note to talk with TImberstar about an idea she had. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have the most loyal and worthy cats mentor them, to prevent more turnclaws and instill their code into the kits in the most effective ways possible. Young cats are impressionable after all, and a good role model would do them good. Briarstar turned her head to the side and rested it on her paws. There was much to do and much to think about.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 03:28:58
Timberstar | PineClan Chieftain | 36 Moons | Tom | Camp | Briarstar
Timberstar's frame inclined slightly at Sunbird's orders and his guard's advice. He would be taking it easy, it was one of the few things he could do at this point. His damaged shoulders were enough to limit him in his abilities but... that wouldn't stop him from being the Chief. With an amused look, he slowly rose to prevent his sticky bandages from tearing free of his frame, and slowly walked towards his mate, raising his eyebrows and jerking his head slightly in greeting. He gently bumped his head against her shoulder, and easily swirled around her, dropping down onto his side with a small grunt. He swept his tail around her back, his deep brown eyes staring out across the camp coolly. "Umbraclaw will be good for Frecklepaw," he rumbled, picking up on the worry for his mate's sister. Frecklepaw was not exactly the strongest cat, the brightest prospect, but she was related to him through their bond now, and he would be damn well certain to assure her success in this clan. Umbraclaw was the cat to do that for him- she may be Briarstar's chosen but she was a trusted warrior all the same, and while his other Guards were busy he would be lending his trust to Briarstar's chosen.

Creekwhisker | PineClan Elder | 90 Moons | Tom | Elder's Den | Falconkit ; Lavenderkit
Creekwhisker gently rose onto his paws, his tail swishing with amusement as his head followed vaguely the path in which Falconkit was weaving across the camp. He heard the tentativeness in his younger charge's voice, and he reached his tail around her, pulling her a little closer so that she could feel more sheltered. "Don't worry kitling," he purred with amusement, "Even I was a little apprehensive on my first outing, and I was older than you. Believe me when I say that you will be safe as long as you listen to what I have to say. If a blind old man can make it out, a brave young warrior will certainly be fine, won't she?" He carefully stepped forwards then, sure to avoid trampling any 'brave young warriors', and strode confidently towards the bramble tunnel that led out of camp.

"At my side, young ones," he called cheerily, "an adventure awaits!" The old warrior had no intention of bringing the kits any further than a couple foxlengths from the camp, but there were tricks to make it seem much further. The first of these consisted of every so slightly steering them to the side as they exited the camp, a small winding path around the camp that would keep them occupied. They were not yet accustomed enough to perceive the slight change in direction, and Creekwhisker knew this well enough. Eventually they would pick up on it, but that was at least a moon away. "What can you smell? What do you feel, do you hear?"

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Edited on 21/02/19 @ 03:30:53 by Razz [PUTP Sidereal Symmpie] (#18166)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 07:15:23

Falconkit|4 Moons Old|Kit|Thick furred calico Tom|Mentions Directly: Lavenderkit, Creekwhisker|Mentions Indirectly: Umbraclaw|Location: Camp - Just outside Camp

Falconkit looked over to his sister, as she spoke her doubts. "Oh, come on don't be a mouse heart", the kit said, jokingly coming over to Lavenderkit and bumping her side. He looked up at the elder, as he started to reassure his sister. "That's right", the young kit agread, nodding his head to the elder's words, "We are brave warriors". "We also won't go that far from camp", Falconkit said, nodding to the elder. "And if anything does come and threaten you", here he paused, fluffed himself up and showed his claws, trying to look threatening, "I'll chase them off", he declared. Shaking himself, he gave Lavenderkit a cheeky grin, then turned on his heels and ran after Creekwhisker.
It took the young tom several heartbeats, before he was walking beside the elder. The old tom was much larger, so his strides where at least double that of Falconkit's. His eyes were wide, as they walked through the opening in the brambles, there where so many smells lingering in the tunnel. He was so excited, his pelt was ingeling from anticipation. As they walked out of the camp, his blue eyes keeped flitting around his surroundings. Everything looked so exciting and new, as they walked around outside. He wanted to run off, his paws where itching for it, but he suppressed it. He was going to be a great warrior for the clan, so he could not act like an excited kit, even though that's what he was.
The calico tom was so busy looking around and studying everything around them, that he bumped into the elder's leg, when Creekwhisker suddenly stopped. Shaking himself, he looked at nearby tree, trying to hide the fact that he was not paying attention. Falconkit looked up at the elder, as he asked his questions. "Well....",the young tom started. Looking around his nose started to twitch, as he smelled his surroundings. "I smell cats", he said, after a pause he added, with some pride in his voice he added, "It's Umbraclaw and the other cats that went on patrol!" Turning his head, he looked up at Creekwhisker with a smile. "Oh ya, feel and hear", the young tom added, remembering the elder's words. Looking to his paws, he simply said, "Well, I feel the leaves and sticks under my paws", he quite bluntly said. Moving his right paw he added, "And I think I stepped on a rock before."
After a heartbeat of studying his paw, he placed it back on the ground. Looking around again, he closed his blue eyes. Twitching his ears, the young tom concentrated hard on his surroundings. He wanted to impress the elder, he needed to hear something impressive, like mouse or even a squirrel. The kit, just needed to hear something. Suddenly picking up some small scuffling, Falconkit's ear twitched again. "I... I hear", Falconkit said, faltering. "I can here", his voice was a bit stronger now as he turned on his heels, his eyes still closed. Bumping his nose into something, he opened his eyes and deflated, "I smell you", Falcon said, pouting as he saw that he'd bumped against Lavenderkit. The young tom must've smelled his sister, stepping back he muttered to himself. Here he was so confidant too, now he just felt stupid.

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