Posted by Warriors Roleplay

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43



🌱 - Newleaf
🌿 - Greenleaf
🍁 - Leafbare
🍂 -Leaffall

🌱 - Newleaf

•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

Locations so far:

•Anouraclan Camp:

--Apprentices Den
--Warriors Den
--Elders Den
--Leaders Den
--Medicine Den
--Fresh-kill Pile

•Anouraclan Territory:

--Decaying Grounds (cluttered with rotting wood, herbs, humid air, and plenty of rodents of all kinds. The burial ground for elders. Kits and apprentices aren't allowed over here due to the many large broken pieces of wood just waiting to cut a small animal open.)
--Broken Building: (A small, old and abandoned building twolegs left behind. It has no roof and the walls have rotted and fallen down to about three to four feet, maybe a little taller than that. Nature has grown over most of it.)
--Mossy Areas: (Multiple areas throughout all the territories. Very mushy ground and always a bit humid.)
--Training Area: (Warriors and mentors train here, usually with their apprentice or a friend. Plenty of room, soft solid ground, and trees with low and high branches.)
--Lake: (large and in the center of all the clans, rivers running into it and out of it. Open to all, free, unclaimable territory. Located past South Border)
--East Border: (Another clan)
--West Border: (Another clan)
--North Border: (Twoleg territory: contains rogues, loners, twolegs, kittypets, etc.)

•Notable Places Outside of Anouraclan:

•Moonstone: (Cave where deputy's get their nine lives. Medicine cats visit this place often.)
•Hidden Underground Tunnels: (Hidden and underground tunnels that were dug by ancient cats. Collapses easily in most areas, therefore dangerous.)
•Mountains: (Rocky, far-away scenery. It would take at least four moons to travel there.)

Copy and Paste opening at the top of your every reply (in roleplay), edit if needed

-(Name)-(Rank)-(Location)-(Mentions //indirect and/or direct//)


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Edited on 20/03/19 @ 10:33:40 by Audrey II (#169528)

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-10 14:51:38
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Fresh Kill Pile|Mentions: Blossompaw|

Dropping the small bird onto the pile carelessly, he looked around. He saw Owlscar, still injured with their twisted leg, Blossompaw talking to her mentor, Frostbite, and then the deputy, Foxshadow. He then turned his blue eyes to Palebelly. He wondered if Blossompaw would be answered or upset if Echostar had let the queen stay. The ginger tabby slowly walked towards the leaders den where Palebelly sat quietly sobbing. His tail fell down slowly, feeling the guilt rise again. If the queen was kicked out for her simple mistake, would it be their fault? The two apprentices had her confess to breeding with a kitty who probably didnt actually have any intention of joining the clan.

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 15:02:43
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Camp |+|Mentions: |+

Palebelly didn’t notice Applepaw. “We’ll make do, my darlings... I’ll figure out how we’ll survive. Nobody will ever want us.”

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20mia08 (#66703)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 15:14:22
(Skipper)-(Loner)-(Lake)-(Mentions: Open)

((Assuming he's ok to go, will delete if I'm wrong))

"May all cats old enough to catch their prey join me beneath High Branch for a clan meeting!" He probably looked like a complete mouse-brain who had lost any sense he once had, babbling to himself out here by the Lake. But Skipper felt that he'd be reciting that verse one day, leading his own rebel clan that lived by none of those silly clan rules. Every cat could hunt for himself, be in a relationship with whomever he wanted, and believe in whatever afterlife they preferred. But being but nine moons old, banter like this was common. It was just a dream, for now. Until he grew up, he was more like a pest on Anouraclan's territory. He didn't cause much trouble, save for his occasional attempts to swoon she-cats.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 17:32:08
Blossompaw |App |@ skipper|Lake

the young she cat looked over to see her friend walking up to Palebelly and her heart sunk,turning she left camp and walked toward the lake,looking up she seen Skipper or who she used to know whats Hazlepaw,running she tackled the tom to the ground " Why are you here?" she asked the tom

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:23:36
Did I kill the chat?)

Blossompaw|App|Lake |@ Skipper

she waited for the tom to respond

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:25:21
(naw i’m just waiting)

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:26:08

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20mia08 (#66703)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:26:51
((I don't want to post anymore with Skipper until I know he's for-sure accepted))

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:27:26
(i don’t think you really have to b accepted)

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:31:45
yea you don't have to wait)

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20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:42:08
(Skipper)-(Loner)-(Lake)-(Mentions: Blossompaw)

Tsking gently, Skipper used a long, flat paw to shove the apprentice off, rising to his paws and shaking the dirt from his pointed pelt. "Chill out, cat. The lake is free land, so you've no right to run around and tackling cats and demanding what they're doing. That's no way to initiate a conversation." He lacked an ounce of aggression in his voice, and instead sounded as calm and cool as a lazy river. With a final shake of his leg, he removed whatever dirt she had rolled him into. "I ain't in your territory. Besides, if I was on Anouraclan land, I used to live there. But that doesn't matter because I'm on unclaimed land, and I'm as free as a bird now. I have no rules or code over my head." Narrowing those crystal blue eyes of his, he turned the tables on the apprentice. "Hey- what're you doing off of Anouraclan territory, then? Breaking the code? Looking to get yourself exiled? Running off to chase some dream about some tom and...badger or something?"

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 18:46:34

she rolled her eyes " One I have a name. Two you left so shut your trap and Three no I'm not running away with anyone" she hissed narrowing her eyes at the tom " Now why are you so close to Anouraclan territory?" she asked her fur was flat on her back but her claws ripped into the ground

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20mia08 (#66703)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 19:01:39
(Skipper)-(Loner)-(Lake)-(Mentions: Blossompaw)

She really set herself up for the perfect pick-up line opportunity, but Skipper didn't pursue. He wasn't into the hostile type of she-cats-- at least not right now. "Well, for one, you never told me your name, nor did you bother to ask for mine. You tackled me." Why was she so on-edge, anyways? Had she never seen a loner before in her life? "I'm close to the territory because that's what I do- loners travel. So I'm travelling and hunting. Outside of your territory. Minding my own business." In the corner of his mind, he was curious as to how much trouble he could get this apprentice in if he caught a patrol and spilled the beans on her crossing out of Anouraclan territory. But he was no little tattletale, he was a handsome tom with roguish charm- or so he thought. He was pretty confident that he was.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 19:12:23

" I know your name well at least what is was when you were still in the clan Hazepaw" she meowed " And my name is Blossompaw "

" Anyways I should go before I get myself in trouble" she meowed and turned around " But first why did you leave the clan?"

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-11 11:19:12
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Fresh Kill Pile|Mentions: Palebelly|

Applepaw hesitated before looking over the queen. What she had said to her unborn kits sounded like something his mother would say to him and her other litters. Except, the only difference is the tone of voice and the meaning behind it. His mother just wanted to guilt trip random toms into letting her stay the night with them. Palebelly just wanted to stay home... Applepaws fur bristled as he took a couple of steps to her. He didn't know what to say and he hasn't apologized to any cat before. "Palebelly, I..." He whispered a bit aloud, enough for him to be heard. He didn't continue, not sure if he should even try. How could he apologize for himself, much less for both him and Blossompaw? Especially when Blossompaw had no intention to. He really wished he could just... toughen up.

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