Posted by Warriors Roleplay

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43



🌱 - Newleaf
🌿 - Greenleaf
🍁 - Leafbare
🍂 -Leaffall

🌱 - Newleaf

•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

Locations so far:

•Anouraclan Camp:

--Apprentices Den
--Warriors Den
--Elders Den
--Leaders Den
--Medicine Den
--Fresh-kill Pile

•Anouraclan Territory:

--Decaying Grounds (cluttered with rotting wood, herbs, humid air, and plenty of rodents of all kinds. The burial ground for elders. Kits and apprentices aren't allowed over here due to the many large broken pieces of wood just waiting to cut a small animal open.)
--Broken Building: (A small, old and abandoned building twolegs left behind. It has no roof and the walls have rotted and fallen down to about three to four feet, maybe a little taller than that. Nature has grown over most of it.)
--Mossy Areas: (Multiple areas throughout all the territories. Very mushy ground and always a bit humid.)
--Training Area: (Warriors and mentors train here, usually with their apprentice or a friend. Plenty of room, soft solid ground, and trees with low and high branches.)
--Lake: (large and in the center of all the clans, rivers running into it and out of it. Open to all, free, unclaimable territory. Located past South Border)
--East Border: (Another clan)
--West Border: (Another clan)
--North Border: (Twoleg territory: contains rogues, loners, twolegs, kittypets, etc.)

•Notable Places Outside of Anouraclan:

•Moonstone: (Cave where deputy's get their nine lives. Medicine cats visit this place often.)
•Hidden Underground Tunnels: (Hidden and underground tunnels that were dug by ancient cats. Collapses easily in most areas, therefore dangerous.)
•Mountains: (Rocky, far-away scenery. It would take at least four moons to travel there.)

Copy and Paste opening at the top of your every reply (in roleplay), edit if needed

-(Name)-(Rank)-(Location)-(Mentions //indirect and/or direct//)


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Edited on 20/03/19 @ 10:33:40 by Audrey II (#169528)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 15:12:19
Cherryfrost||Warrior||Lake||Mentions: Blossompaw, Skipper

Cherryfrost watched the apprentice walk away. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the lynx. She decided to settle here and listen to his antics for a bit. "A new clan you say? And what would this clan be named? What WOULD be the rules?" she asked. "Because for it to work then you need some rules. But not super constraining ones like the warrior code.

She lowered herself to the ground and tucked her paws under her. Her tail found it's way around her hindquarters. She watched him leap onto the rock and couldn't help but chuckle to herself.

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20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-11 15:24:55
(Skipper)-(Loner)-(Lake)-(Mentions: Cherryfrost)

"Well," the pale tabby began, taking in a deep breath as if he was preparing for an endless speech. "I have a few good names in mind, but I'm a polite fellow who loves input, so it'd be up to a vote. But my contributions so far would be Wildclan, Stormclan, Freeclan, or Riotclan." Skipper built himself up in an almost sarcastic manner, but at the same time, he did mean it. While a very self-confident cat, he wouldn't be against any input or advice for such matters, so long as his ego wasn't damaged. "Rules? They'd be basic. Take care of the weak of the clan, and never kill without reason. Obey your leader and elders. Borders will be respected, but they cannot contain relationships. And medicine cats? Heal your clanmates, doesn't matter what you believe in, so long as you believe in your clanmates." Yeah, it was cheesy, but it was a work-in-progress. And the relationship thing...well, that applied heavily to him, hah. Not his fault he was just irresistible.

(Foxshadow)-(Deputy)-(Camp)-(Mentions: Frostbite)

"Good afternoon," the red tom returned the she-cat's greeting with a small nod of his head. He stopped in his tracks when the warrior mentioned their leader, and he cocked his head thoughtfully. "I'm not sure, I haven't sent her on any patrols recently. She may still be in her den, if you need to ask her a question."

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 15:35:40
Cherryfrost||Warrior||Lake||Mentions: Skipper

The ginger female watched him puff himself up like he was important. "I don't feel like any of those clannames have a good ring to them. No offense of course. Maybe something like...." she paused and looked up at the sky thinking, "Peakclan. Because you would be at the peak of warriorship. You would have the freedom to move about." she said and looked back at him. Who would be the leader? You?" she said and smirked.

The young tom was funny to her and you could see the humor gleaming in her eyes. She stood up and walked closer to the rock, setting her paw on it gently. She would join this clan. Her current clan was stingy anyway.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 16:22:08
Frostbite|warrior|camp| @ Foxshadow

" I don't need her but I am getting worried about her...she has never been gone this long before." she meowed and looked at him " So you should get ready to become the leader if Echostar is not back soon " she smiled softly

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 16:41:37
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Camp |+|Mentions: |+

Palebelly felt sharp pains in her belly. She winced and inhaled sharply. “Ah...” She lowered herself until she was laying down. “This isn’t happening right now.. I can’t... I still have to tell Echostar...”

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 16:57:11
(Seed)-(Loner/med cat)-( Anouraclan Clearing)-(Mentions Palebelly)

Seed was staring up at the blue sky, once in a while looking back at the clearing to see if anything was wrong. She was mostly checking up on Palebelly, who was due for kits any day now. She knew that Palebelly might have a day or 2 left before kitting but it still was important to check just Incase she was kitting early. Her ears twitched when she heard Palebelly wince and Seed ran over to her “Are you ok?” she asked Palebelly

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 16:59:51
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Camp |+|Mentions: Seed |+

“I-I don’t know... It hurts.” Palebelly groaned. “But I don’t think I’m birthing yet. I sure hope not. I need to talk to Echostar before it happens. I don’t want my babies being born in a place that won’t love them.”

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:03:10
(Seed)-(Loner/ med cat)-(Anouraclan Clearing)-(Mentions: Palebelly)

Seed shook her head “You should stay here just in case, I don’t want you collapsing. Just stay here until the pains go away, ok?” She looked at Palebelly hoping she would listen to her, Seed didn’t want to have to argue with her but she might have to if Palebelly protests.

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:06:03
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Camp |+|Mentions: Seed |+

“Nobody wants me here, so I’m leaving once Echostar tells me to. I’ll have them by myself. I’m the only one that will love them.”

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:09:18
(Seed)-(Loner/med cat)-(Anouraclan Clearing)-(Mentions Palebelly)

“No please just stay right here, if you go out there you and your kits might die. Also I don’t think you can get very far right now.” Seed looked at Palebelly before speaking again “I can get someone else to tell Echostar or you can tell them after these pains are over.”

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:14:51
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Camp |+|Mentions: Seed|+

“My kits don’t need to be here. They don’t deserve to be here. Me and my kits are unwanted, so we’ll live by ourselves.” Palebelly sighed. “Fine, I’ll stay here until they’re born. Then we’ll leave.”

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20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:16:02
(Skipper)-(Loner)-(Lake)-(Mentions: Cherryfrost)

"I'll consider Peakclan," Skipper was resting on the rock now, observing his paws with great interest as he flexed them to reveal and hide sharp claws. Letting out a fake-shocked gasp, the lynx point rolled onto his side with his jaws parted in surprise. "Me? Leader? Oh, I'd be so honored! Y'know, they should've named you 'Cherry-clever." Hmm, this cat wasn't so bad now, maybe she was ok. Skipper even made the attempt to joke with her. "You know, cherry sounds like 'very'..."

(Foxshadow)-(Deputy)-(Camp)-(Mentions: Frostbite)

Foxshadow awkwardly angled his ears backwards, uncertain about what Frostbite had to say. "She's alive and well, I can promise you that." He stammered in shock, disliking the idea of taking over an entire clan shortly after he was promoted deputy. He was yet to learn much about leadership from Echostar, he definitely wasn't ready to lead a clan. "She's just...busy. She has an entire clan to care for, lots of weight on her shoulders."

((@Dove I wouldn't mind taking one of Palebelly's kits if you're giving some away! It'd probably be a female, I expect she'll spend her apprenticeship in Anouraclan, maybe leave to explore afterwards, depending on where things go.))

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:17:12
Blossompaw|app|camp(trees)|@ no one

the young she cat must have dozed off for a bit because when she woke up she was on her side and her fur was messy " Of course I slept how fun" she hissed to herself and began to groom herself,forgetting she was in a tree the she-cat rolled off the branch and landed on the ground in a pile a leaves " Oh Starclan" she yowled " That scared me!" she meowed to herself and sat down giggling at how dumb she could be when she was in trees

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:19:09
(Seed)-(Loner/med cat)-(Anouraclan Clearing)-(Mentions Palebelly)

Seed knew that if she took kits out of the camp when they were so young that they would die so Seed decided to speak in a more strict voice “You and your kits need to stay here until they are old enough to travel. They’ll die if they go out there and you cant leave them, who knows what’s out there. You must stay here until they can travel, I can’t make the leader choose what they choose but I’m pretty sure they’ll let you stay.”

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:22:07
Cherryfrost||Warrior||Lake||Mentions: Skipper

Cherryfrost laughed. She sat down next to him and shook her head. "You would make a TERRIBLE leader." she joked back. Her tail swished back and forth. Her now bright eyes showed hints of laughter here and there. "Very what?" she purred, smirking all the while. She poked one of hi claws playfully.

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