Posted by The Lost Role Play Thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 10:41:04

"Who speaks for the voiceless? Who defends the injured? Who cares for the weak? Who remembers the forgotten? We do."

Tucked away in a dusty crawlspace lives a pack of dogs fighting the odds. Every day they face challenges and difficulties, every day, they stare death in the face. But somehow, they survive. How do they manage? How do they live where so many others have died? Their answer, should anyone bother to ask, would be a simple word: together.

1. No powerplaying or godmodding. Doing so will earn a warning, then a permanent ban from the role play.
2. Kindness must be exhibited out of character, but in character, feel free to fight, snark, argue with, and hate another character, so long as that animosity does not extend to the player.
3. Try to avoid 1x1. Include other characters whenever possible, so no one feels left out.
4. If you will be unable to reply for an extended period of time (over 24 hours) please notify me.
5. Animal control encounters will not occur every day. However, when they occur I will roll for the success of your escape
6. Place headers on top of your post. They should read, "Name | Gender | Rank | Location | Mentions". They do not have to be in that order, but they should include that information.
7. This role play is semi literate, meaning at least five or six sentences a post. Occasional writer's block is understandable, but should not become commonplace.
8. Above all else, enjoy yourself. Build relationships, make new friends, relax, etc.

Alpha Male: Rembrandt; 。BlazeRed。
Alpha Female: Atisha; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome
Beta: Autem; Polopony
Hunters: Uno; Little-Coyote, Memphis; Emery🌸 {CherryPie}, Kokori; Matchy, Josiah; Corvid, Echo; Lionesspride, Erwin;「Komasan」
Pups: Nuka; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome,
Loners: Yoru; Vespertine [MAIN], Luna; SuburbanPrince
Character Sheets
OOC Thread
Source to Above Image

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 10:43:06 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 10:57:20
Autem {Tem} | Male | Beta | The Streets | Mentions: Open

The spry little dog waited quietly in the shadow cast by a towering building. His mottled coat helped the illusion that no dog sat where Tem was nestled. His mouth hung slightly open, his tongue just protruding from his mouth. Though he wasn't uncomfortably hot, the pavement was quite warm. His neat little ears were aimed directly across the street, where a man sat on a bench, most likely enjoying his lunch break. The sandwich that he was unwrapping was music to Tem's ears, and it took every ounce of self control for the hungry dog to simply stay where he was. In another time, in another place, Tem would have had no reservations about sidling up next to the unfortunate man and turning on every ounce of charm he possessed. But times had changed, and Tem couldn't risk himself like that. Instead, he rose to his worn paws, turning bobbed tail upon the man and sandwich and heading deeper into the maze of alleys. It was slightly cooler there, and the jaunty pace that Tem quickly adopted prevented his paws from touching the pavement for too long, anyway.

His ears had relaxed, and now flopped to the sides, bouncing loosely with every stride. His scratched nose tested the air in a lazy fashion. A cat darted past him into a smaller side alley, catching Tem's attention for a second. But cats put up too much of a fight for a meal, anyway. He paused for a moment, stopping beneath a drainpipe and eagerly slurping at the drips of water that slid down the plastic. Then, he continued on his merry way, the small, dark hole beneath the abandoned building coming into sight. Tem slipped easily through the entrance, the need to stop for his eyes to adjust ignored. Instead his shook himself, setting into flight a cloud of dust, before coming to rest on a blanket he had come to fondly refer to as his.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 14:24:07
{B}Echo|Female|Hunter|The streets | Open

The dark brown female sat down outside watching everything with narrow eyes.Lifting up her nose she parted her maw to taste and smell the air,letting out a growl as she smelled the humans. "Humans" she growled lowly and went to go hide behind a box. Sinking down to the ground slowly as she watched a car pass by.

Echo sat up as the car left and she took it into her paws to go out and find something to hunt. Jumping over the box she trotted out toward the park that was closed due to so many dogs going around and trying to attack other dogs ...well many Echo herself which always got her in trouble

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:03:10
Atisha|Female|Alpha|hideaway|Open for interaction; mentions Tem

Atisha looked over as Tem enters, "Anything that would set the hunters back out there?" The fae asked as she shook her pelt out, the wet dirt and dust colors in her short coat helped her blend when she went topside but she rarely did due to her tenancy for reckless behavior, even the Alpha male all but forbade her from leaving. It didn't bother her, this is where she belonged anyway, and this is where she intended to stay.

Nuka|Male|Pup|Streets|Mentions Echo

The pup was growling at a rat that had taken his scraps, He chased the rodent around and nearly ran into a dark brown dog. He'd yelp softly and run behind a post, scared of her, he wasn't very big, and knew an adult could kill him if they wanted to. He'd peek out from behind the post and whine softly, gauging the dog's mood, his scarred eye resting on her as he waited.
"H...Hello." He'd say with a scared whine."Y..You're not mad at me for bumping into you....are you?" He'd ask softly. His tail between his legs in fear.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:14:34
Echo looked down and grabbed the rodent killing it by crushing it's back before looking down at the pup and chuckled " No I'm not. " she smiled before lower herself to the ground tossing the dead rat toward the pup " What are you doing out here by yourself? " she asked

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:23:09
Nuka|Male|Pup|Streets|Mentions Echo

Nuka caught the rat before scurrying over to her, "I'm all alone, mama and papa are dead, killed in front of me by the cur that was our human.....he then tossed me out the door and down into the cold, scratching my eye and ear on that tall box in front of most of their homes." He said pointing to the notch in his ear and scar across his eye. "I've been fighting to survive by my self since....and that was....a moon ago now." He said softly. "I don't know where to go." He said softly whimpering.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:25:32
" I'm sorry little one for your parents...Come with me my alpha's will love to have you join. " she smiled before standing up

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:34:49
Nuka|Male|Pup|Streets|Mentions Echo

The pup seemed hesitant at first, this female was the first to treat him with any kindness since he was cast away like yesterday's refuse. "I'll try to be good," He said softly as he came to stand by the older dog, a gentle whimper to him. He would look to the older dog before asking, "Are there any other pups there?" He asks as they begin to go towards the dog's home, he held the rat by the tail as an offering.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:37:20
" No We don't come a crossed pups much but don't worry I bet you'll find some friends in the pack...and you keep the rat "

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:54:48
Nuka would sigh, "Ok, I just don't know how to be around adults...and I'm sick of being alone." He said softly, as he gripped the rat differently, his age feeling like a barrier more than a boon. He looked to her and tried to keep up, "An offering for the leaders, Not much, but it's something." He said softly, knowing it sounded stupid for a pup to be thinking that way.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 16:58:55
The female chuckled but nodded "Now were almost here just have to cross the road than we are safe and back at camp"she smiled down at the pup before they started to cross

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:05:07
Nuka followed and whimpers as he trips on the curb on the other side a bit, scuffing his paw. "I'm ok, a little tender but nothing I've not had before." He said gently, his tone soft but stronger now. He felt stronger standing beside the female, safer, He seemed to wonder what kind of dogs lead a pack in a world gone mad.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:06:38
" Just in here if the Alphas den . Want me to come in with you? " she asked

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:19:02
Autem {Tem} | Male | Beta | hideaway | Mentions: Atisha, Nuka

The mottled dog stretched luxuriously upon his blanket, his spotted tongue curling in his open maw as he yawned. But at his alpha's word the faithful canine was on his feet, facing her, head tipped up to compensate for size, bob tail wiggling only so slightly. "None that I saw, but there was a sandwich..." His gaze unfocused for only a moment as his empty stomach let itself be known once more. But his shook his head, erect ears flopping loosely. He opened his mouth to add something, no doubt some dumb joke, when he froze. He'd heard the strides outside the little hole in the crawlspace. It took only a moment for him to rule out a human, and after that, he relaxed. He turned around so he was beside Atisha and facing the entrance, hoping against hope that whoever wiggled through the patch of light had brought food.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 17:19:17 by Polopony (#96942)

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:21:06
The pup nods, "Please, I'm scared to go alone." He admitted, his tail firmly between his legs. He was very nervous that he'd be attacked on sight. He looked to her then the entrance, softly whimpering some.

Atisha|Female|Alpha|hideaway|Open for interaction; mentions Tem

Atisha senses someone outside, "That's a new scent, hey Tem, could you go investigate for me, while I set up a bit more" She asked softly as she started to dig through more boxes for blankets and other bedding material. for any incoming dogs.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:25:51
Echo nodded and walked in " I found someone when I went out to hunt " she said calmly moving out of the way so they could see the pup

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