Posted by The Lost Role Play Thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 10:41:04

"Who speaks for the voiceless? Who defends the injured? Who cares for the weak? Who remembers the forgotten? We do."

Tucked away in a dusty crawlspace lives a pack of dogs fighting the odds. Every day they face challenges and difficulties, every day, they stare death in the face. But somehow, they survive. How do they manage? How do they live where so many others have died? Their answer, should anyone bother to ask, would be a simple word: together.

1. No powerplaying or godmodding. Doing so will earn a warning, then a permanent ban from the role play.
2. Kindness must be exhibited out of character, but in character, feel free to fight, snark, argue with, and hate another character, so long as that animosity does not extend to the player.
3. Try to avoid 1x1. Include other characters whenever possible, so no one feels left out.
4. If you will be unable to reply for an extended period of time (over 24 hours) please notify me.
5. Animal control encounters will not occur every day. However, when they occur I will roll for the success of your escape
6. Place headers on top of your post. They should read, "Name | Gender | Rank | Location | Mentions". They do not have to be in that order, but they should include that information.
7. This role play is semi literate, meaning at least five or six sentences a post. Occasional writer's block is understandable, but should not become commonplace.
8. Above all else, enjoy yourself. Build relationships, make new friends, relax, etc.

Alpha Male: Rembrandt; 。BlazeRed。
Alpha Female: Atisha; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome
Beta: Autem; Polopony
Hunters: Uno; Little-Coyote, Memphis; Emery🌸 {CherryPie}, Kokori; Matchy, Josiah; Corvid, Echo; Lionesspride, Erwin;「Komasan」
Pups: Nuka; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome,
Loners: Yoru; Vespertine [MAIN], Luna; SuburbanPrince
Character Sheets
OOC Thread
Source to Above Image

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 10:43:06 by Polopony (#96942)

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:42:20
Atisha|Female|Alpha|hideaway|Open for interaction; mentions Tem, Echo and Nuka

The alphaess looked to her hunter then to the little ball of fuzz, "A...pup...what in the moon's grace?" She'd ask with a gentle tone. Her eyes seeing how thin the pup was. "Echo....we are barely able to sustain ourselves, I don't know if we can support a pup right now." She said sadly, hating to have to even consider turning a dog away, let alone a pup with no one else to turn to.

Nuka whimpered as The lead dog spoke, he drops the rat and nudged it forward, ignoring his tummy, "Please, don't send me back out there...I won't survive.." He pleads with a soft whimper, "I'll hunt what I can, I'll do anything to pull my weight, just please, let me stay." He whines.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:45:50
" Look we should keep the pup for one it means less dogs that die out there and two we can train him to hunt "She said softly " And I can start hunting near the woods even if it's farther away from camp we could get more food"

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:52:20
Autem {Tem} | Male | Beta | Hideaway | Mentions: Echo, Nuka, Atisha

The little dog sat beside his drastically taller alpha, peering at the puppy with kind, warm eyes. It pained him to see a dog turned away, he'd once been there, but his sharp mind turned rapidly, until his sharp profile turned to face his alpha. "I know you don't really go outside much, but what if we went together? I could try and keep you focused, and that would be one more dog on food patrol." He offered, tilting his head in a questioning manner. "There's tons of humans out there, and as long as there's humans there's food. I think we can manage, right?" Tem was careful to keep any notes of finality out of his voice. He respected his alpha's decisions, but he didn't want to see this puppy turned away. "We can wait for Rembrandt as well, see what he thinks."

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:54:50
Echo nodded " I'll go hunt near the forest tonight "

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Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:20:37
Luna | Female | Loner | The Streets | Mentions open?
(quick question sorry but what do you mean by mentions? It's been a while)

The stubby little loner meandered down the side of what was thankfully not a busy street. She has been wandering aimlessly for days, her mind cluttered with confusion and insecurity and her once neat coat filthy from living in dumpsters and getting soaked by cars speeding over the gutters. She spots a group of girls gossiping down the street, causing a spark of hope to form in the tiny, lost dog. Luna's ears and tail perk up in excitement as she nearly bounds towards the group, only for her small flame to be snuffed with disappointment as she realizes none of them are her owner. She continues down the sidewalk, whimpering as she turns a corner and dejectedly enters an alleyway.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:22:53
Echo left the den and seen the small dog not caring she let out a loud growl and bared her teeth " Who Are you?!" she growled

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Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:28:47
Luna | Female | Loner | Alleyway | Mentions Echo

Luna whimpered, cowering at the sight and sound of this unfamiliar and aggressive female. "M.. My name's Luna! Please don't hurt me!" She took a few cowardly steps backward, almost tripping on her tiny legs. This was her first encounter with a stray since she was recently abandoned, and she was unsure of what to do and expect. She froze and waited for a response, trembling with fear and anticipation of what was to come.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 20:55:37 by SuburbanPrince (#93588)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:31:00
" Who are you?" she asked a bit calmer but her eyes narrowed and small growls escaped he maw. "Beta come handle this...please don't think i can hold myself back any longer" The dark female barked before leaving and heading toward the forest. " Strays "she growled " Dogs " she growled again

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 18:39:42 by Lionesspride (#128112)

Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 18:50:11
Luna | Female | Loner | Alleyway | Mentions Echo, Tem

Luna, still trembling, finally answered; "I'm just lost, I don't mean any harm! W.. Who are you? What Beta are you talking about?? Please, I'm just confused and lost, I need help..." she trailed, clearly distraught. She whimpered, fearing this Beta mentioned would be bigger and scarier than the dog she just encountered.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 20:55:59 by SuburbanPrince (#93588)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 19:36:33
Autem {Tem}| Male | Beta | Alleyway | Mentions: Luna

Tem perked his head up at his name, or rather, his rank, reached his ears. Excusing himself from his alpha, the little dog trotted towards the direction his name had come from. Slightly disgruntled by the annoyance the dog speaking had exhibited at his name, Tem in no way expected what he found. He saw Echo's fading form, and a corgi standing alone. This dog was a stranger, and Tem's hackles bristled. The normally gentle dog adopted a stiff legged stance as he came to a stop a few feet away. He was taller than her, but not by much, so he relied on his puffed chest and oversized ears to build a bigger dog than he was. But this female did seem very, very scared. He relaxed a little, but he still held himself stiff and erect. "What are you doing here?" He asked, kindness barely evident, but present, in his tone.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 19:36:48 by Polopony (#96942)

Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 19:52:59
Luna | Female | Loner | Alleyway | Mentions: Tem

Luna, surprised that the Beta the frightening dog mentioned was less intimidating than she had imagined, relaxed slightly. "I was just passing by, I'm sorry if I'm trespassing... I was just looking for my owner, is all. She left me to wait at a street corner, but I ran off because it was too scary and got lost. I've been searching for her for days with no luck." she explained, her voice trembling. "Have you seen her, by any chance? She must be searching for me, worried sick!" Luna exclaimed. Though she seemed concerned, there was a twang of doubt in her voice. "At least, I hope she is..." she trailed off yet again.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 20:56:20 by SuburbanPrince (#93588)

ghostdad (#1650)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 20:37:32
Josiah | Male | Hunter | The Streets | Mentions: N/A
The scruffy black canine was currently preoccupied with trying to snag a couple measly rats. He had managed to back up a pretty sizable one into a corner, fat off human scraps it had hoarded. The rodent bared its yellowed teeth as a threat, but Josiah wasn't a stranger to a few bites and scratches and paid it no heed, even as it chomped down on his wrist. He squashed the rotund middle of the rat with the unaffected legs paw, pinning it down, and quickly broke it's neck, resulting in a fairly clean kill.
"Eugh." He grimaced at the sight of the twisted body. Sure, rats weren't all too appealing, but they were still food. He snatched up the carcass in his jaws, turning and trotting off in the direction of the hideaway with the slightest limp from the small gash in his left leg.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 20:52:33
Echo walked next to Josiah " How was the hunt/ " she asked holding a rabbit " And No I did not steal this from a humans home I went out by the forest " she said muffled. The dark brown female kept a pretty good pace with the male before looking down to see the small gash " Rat pick a fight with you ? " she asked chuckling a bit

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ghostdad (#1650)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 01:23:35
Josiah | Male | Hunter | The Streets | Mentions: Echo

Josiah set off quick as a wink, not wasting time or risking running into a human. They seemed to have a ghastly habit of abducting dogs, never to be seen again.
"About as well as it could go."
The jet-furred male chortled lightly. He noted that, despite him not faltering in his dainty yet brisk gait, Echo seemed to have no trouble keeping up. Which was quite the feat, he was a fair bit more energetic and lively than most, and not many matched his energy.
He opened his maw to comment on the admirable size of her kill, before she mentioned the minuscule injury.
"Ah, yeah. Those pesky rats love to bite off more than they can chew. Figuratively, and literally." He said with a lop-sided grin. He continued jogging along the asphalt path, feeling the gritty, rough texture under his paws.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-04 01:47:50

Yoru | Male | 4 Years Old | Tosa Inu | Loner
Location: The Streets | Mentions: Luna, Tem

Yoru's senses were in overdrive, the myriad of scents and sounds surrounding him near overwhelming. Nothing beyond the pounding of his pulse in his ears could be heard above the shouts of the humans gathered around the ring in a circle. The sharp, coppery tang of blood could be detected in the air, and he could see dried streaks of it splattered against the walls as well as wet puddles pooling in the dirt around his paws. It was unfamiliar, unnerving. What was this place? He wasn't alone. There was another dog in the pit, and that at the least, felt familiar until the other male launched toward him with a ferocious snarl and sliced his nose open, droplets of crimson liquid dotting the ground as he jerked backward.

"What is this?" He demanded furiously. "This isn't how we do things." His foe sneered contemptuously, and Yoru felt his frustration grow, hackles rising. "I don't know where you're from pal," the other dog replied scornfully, "but around here it's fight or die. Wise up before it's too late because only one of us is leaving this ring alive and right now all bets are on me." Without another word, his opponent rushed him again, and everything went black.
The nightmare, or memory rather, faded as Yoru's eyes opened, a dull gray wall flooding his vision.

Rising into a sitting position, Yoru remained motionless for a few moments longer until the tight feeling in his chest lessened, and his breaths felt less ragged. This was the fifth time he'd had the dream. The dog's face, his words, the sight of his torn, broken body at the end still haunted him. He would never forget. Leaving the lonely alleyway behind, Yoru did the same thing he'd done every day since escaping his captors, searched the streets for his home or his owners, not a hint of either ever found. The lack of nourishment and proper rest were beginning to wear him down. His limbs felt sluggish, his eyes drooping, head held low. Once a proud dog, he couldn't find the energy to walk with the same confident stride he once possessed.

As he turned down another pathway the pungent scent of rotting things lured him to a trashcan nestled against the far wall. Once the thought of eating garbage would have appalled him, but he couldn't afford to be picky. The metal can was knocked to the ground with a resounding clang, and he rummaged through the pile of rubbish, consuming anything that appeared to be edible. It wasn't enough. Nothing he found on the streets ever was, but something was better than nothing. He would have moved on if the sounds of growling followed by a panicked voice in the adjacent alley hadn't caught his attention. He paused, straining to listen, but was unable to pick up more than a few words.

It sounded as if there might be trouble and he found his paws moving in the direction the sounds came from. Within a matter of seconds, he was lingering at the alley entranceway, spotting two other dogs further down. A corgi stood with her back turned toward him, facing an only slightly larger male striking a dominant pose. Amber eyes narrowed slightly and he started toward them, not bothering to be quiet as his untrimmed nails clicked against the pavement. He came to a stop just behind Luna, staring down at Autem with an unreadable expression. "Is there a problem here?" The scent of other dogs hung heavy in the area, wreathing around them. A pack lived here, and while that was sure to leave him outnumbered, he was undeterred by the threat.

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 01:54:04 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

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