Posted by The Lost Role Play Thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 10:41:04

"Who speaks for the voiceless? Who defends the injured? Who cares for the weak? Who remembers the forgotten? We do."

Tucked away in a dusty crawlspace lives a pack of dogs fighting the odds. Every day they face challenges and difficulties, every day, they stare death in the face. But somehow, they survive. How do they manage? How do they live where so many others have died? Their answer, should anyone bother to ask, would be a simple word: together.

1. No powerplaying or godmodding. Doing so will earn a warning, then a permanent ban from the role play.
2. Kindness must be exhibited out of character, but in character, feel free to fight, snark, argue with, and hate another character, so long as that animosity does not extend to the player.
3. Try to avoid 1x1. Include other characters whenever possible, so no one feels left out.
4. If you will be unable to reply for an extended period of time (over 24 hours) please notify me.
5. Animal control encounters will not occur every day. However, when they occur I will roll for the success of your escape
6. Place headers on top of your post. They should read, "Name | Gender | Rank | Location | Mentions". They do not have to be in that order, but they should include that information.
7. This role play is semi literate, meaning at least five or six sentences a post. Occasional writer's block is understandable, but should not become commonplace.
8. Above all else, enjoy yourself. Build relationships, make new friends, relax, etc.

Alpha Male: Rembrandt; 。BlazeRed。
Alpha Female: Atisha; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome
Beta: Autem; Polopony
Hunters: Uno; Little-Coyote, Memphis; Emery🌸 {CherryPie}, Kokori; Matchy, Josiah; Corvid, Echo; Lionesspride, Erwin;「Komasan」
Pups: Nuka; UnovaSolarflare{StampsWelcome,
Loners: Yoru; Vespertine [MAIN], Luna; SuburbanPrince
Character Sheets
OOC Thread
Source to Above Image

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 10:43:06 by Polopony (#96942)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 03:16:04

Rembrandt | Male | Saarloos Wolfdog | Alpha
Location: Streets --> Alleyway | Mentions: Yoru, Luna, Autem

Rembrandt walked along the edge of the pavement, sticking to the shadows of the back-alley road that lead towards his pack's base. What he had intended to be nothing more than a short patrol of the territory had turned into a full-on confrontation with a group of flea-ridden cats. Luckily he'd come out unscathed, as none of the mangy felines had been brave enough to attack him, but it had taken him a while to herd them out of the territory without causing too much of a ruckus. A small snarl escaped his maw as he thought back on the creatures, glad he had managed to drive them off. They were nothing but pests who ate all their food. One of his large ears swivelled to the side as he heard the familiar voice of his Beta not too far off, seemingly questioning someone.

His interest piqued, the male turned and trotted over to the alleyway where he'd heard the barks coming from. When he rounded the corner the first thing his eyes settled on was the spotted pelt of Tem, a smaller corgi stood just opposite him. The corgi herself wasn't much of an issue. She didn't look especially defiant, and Rembrandt had no doubts that Tem would be able to handle her. The brutish male who came to stand beside her, however, was more of a problem. The thing looked like it could eat poor Tem with a single bite. He'd have to intervene.

'Is there a problem here?' The voice of the scar-mangled loner reached Rembrandt's ears as he made his way over to the trio with light, elegant strides. "Not unless you create one," he called, undertones of a threat hidden in his silky voice. He came to stand beside Autem, staring down the unknown male with an intense amber gaze. "What makes you think you're in any position to question my Beta?"

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 03:17:39 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 06:30:25
Autem {Tem} | Male | Beta | Alleyway | Mentions: Luna, Rembrandt, Yoru

The little dog's compassion faltered only slightly at the dog's mention of how desperately she wanted her owners back. Though his heart went out to her, he couldn't help but remember the code that was drilled into his mind since he joined. Your humans will never come back for you. They left you. Stick with us, and we never will. But he wouldn't dream of living her here. The world was big, and this corgi was little. Just as he was about to relax, the moment he opened his mouth to put forth a suggestion, a massive, dark brute appeared around the corner. It took every thread of Tem's will power not to duck in submission and fear. Instead, he drew himself up as high as he could go, puffing the chest that contained his thundering heart out, hopefully making the little dog seem bigger.

He prepared to stage a debate, as he knew should he instigate a fight this massive dog would simply lift him up by the neck, and Tem's too short life would be over. But he was too optimistic, too hopeful that he words would diffuse the situation, to cower. But before he could explain, a shadow fell over him, and he looked up at the wolfish face and honey hued pelt of Rembrandt. Tem could have sank to the ground in relief right there. Now, it as no longer a huge dog facing a little one, it was a huge one facing a huge one. In Tem's opinion, that was pretty even. But he still stood bravely beside Rembrandt, his bobbed tail stiff, and for once, immobile, his erect ears shoved forward, his sharp profile looking in Yoru's direction but not making eye contact. Despite the extra reinforcements that had just shown up, Tem had no mind to start a fight. Now that Rembrandt was here, Tem was quite content for him to do the talking, the normally chatty cattle dog tongue tied by the situation, and the sheer luck that Rembrandt should show up at just the right moment.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 16:06:31
Echo nodded chuckling a bit " They always do but it can be fun when it's like 13 rats fighting you just like a do-" she stopped realizing that most of the pack didn't truly trust her because of her past. " Umm anyways how has your day been? " she asked hiding the fact that she was embarrassed.

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 17:03:21 by Lionesspride (#128112)

Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-04 16:28:04
Luna | Female | Loner | Alleyway | Mentions: Tem, Rembrandt, Yoru

Luna swiveled her head to the sight of a stoic male, twice the size of the Beta, and turned yet again to face another just as large come up behind the Beta. Overwhelmed by the sudden amount of unfamiliar dogs of incredible sizes compared to her tiny, trembling body, Luna cowered in fear, every inch of her being wanting to be in the safety and comfort of her home. Her mind was infested with how many ways she could get mauled between the two titans, and she could feel her heart racing. Maybe, she thought to herself, I can shuffle out of this without getting hurt... Hoping she would narrowly escape their wrath without getting noticed, she finally got her body to move and she slowly began to inch away from the three.

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-05 00:36:47

Yoru | Male | 4 Years Old | Tosa Inu | Loner
Location: The Streets | Mentions: Luna, Tem, Rembrandt

Neither Tem's attempts to make himself seem larger nor the arrival of another male with an authoritative stance and a height that truly did rival his own seemed to faze Yoru, his stoic expression never faltering. The thinly veiled threat hidden within Rembrandt's tone saw the slightest hint of narrowing eyes, but beyond that, he appeared unmoved.

This dog's words sounded strange on his ears, but the accents of this land were still new to him. He supposed his own voice held evidence he came from somewhere far away as well. "I don't purposefully start conflicts," he replied slowly, staring into Rembrandt's fierce gaze unflinchingly, "but I'm happy to finish them when needed." He might have said more, but he noticed almost immediately when the corgi began creeping toward the alley entrance, eager to escape the tense confrontation from the looks of it.

Now that she had removed herself from the situation he no longer had any reason to remain and abruptly began backing away. It would have been easier to turn around, but he wouldn't dare bare his back to a pack of strangers. "Don't follow us," he added curtly, though he half expected the wolfish alpha and his beta to rush them. His faith in other dogs, to say the least, was not high as of late.

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 00:38:49 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 04:32:58

Rembrandt | Male | Saarloos Wolfdog | Alpha
Location: Alleyway | Mentions: Yoru, Luna, Autem

Rembrandt raised his head slightly at the male's comments. Who did he think he was, speaking to him as if he were any random street dog? He searched the dog's expression for anything that might help to decipher his thoughts, but the male was completely unreadable. He must not be a very experienced stray, though. Only dogs who didn't know any better would speak to an Alpha of a pack in the fashion that he did; on his own territory, no less! Well... that, and dogs with a death wish.

He watched him as he began to shuffle backwards, unable to hold back a scoff when he asked that they not be followed. "Just keep walking until you're off my territory. I won't be so forgiving if we see each other again," he warned, turning and padding off in the other direction. "Come along, Tem." As soon as they were out of earshot he'd turn to speak to the Beta again. "I want a patrol sent out around this area before the end of the day to ensure that they've left. I'd also like for everyone in the pack to be informed that if they spot a brindle dog with a scarred muzzle he is to be brought to me immediately. I can't have a dog like that lingering around here if he's not in the pack." He wasn't as worried about the corgi. She'd looked fearful during their confrontation, and he doubted she'd be daring enough to defy his orders.

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Matchy (#162395)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 11:08:54
((Ok now how to jump into this...i suck at joining started rp's

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 14:32:22
Autem {Tem} | Male | Beta | Alleyway | Mentions: Rembrandt, Yoru, Luna

The little dog showed no response as the corgi began to slip away. Instead, his intense gaze remained focused on the massive dog across the alley. But when he backed away, and Rembrandt's warning rumbled within Tem, the dog's curiosity was piqued. Were these two a pack? A competing group, perhaps? Tem had never heard of two individual strays standing up for each other. That was typically what dogs joined this pack for; protection and companionship. But he had little time to ponder, instead he spun around to join Rembrandt, taking two strides for every one of the Wolfdog's. He listened intently, erect ears training on his alpha, and a chipper reply followed the towering male's orders. "Yes, sir!"

Already, the stub tailed dog was thinking of suitable candidates to patrol. No one too small, that dog was big, but no one too stupidly brave, either. Maybe Luna, though she'd seemed a bit aloof lately. Perhaps Josiah? He was always a good soldier. Maybe he could throw them together, two was always better than one. His sharp little mind followed its narrow, twisting passages as he trotted to keep with with Rembrandt's walk.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 16:32:14
Echo came back to camp and dropped the rabbit in a small pile of noting. Growling the female turned but stopped seeing the humans so she grabbed the rabbit and ran to the hideaway. Her slick pelt helped her jump through the way as she stumbled after landing

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 16:34:54 by Lionesspride (#128112)

Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-05 18:18:07
Luna | Female | Loner | Alleyway | Mentions: Tem, Rembrandt, Yoru

The anxious corgi, who had been straying towards the entrance but far enough to where the short, tense conversation was still in earshot, finally relaxed as she came to the realization that the pack dogs had little interest in her. She stayed long enough to see the threat and the stranger back off, and was ready to bound in the opposite direction to get as far away from the pack territory before she stopped mid-step. She took one glance in the direction of the hero with piercing golden eyes and cautiously padded up to him after a moment of self-debate, only to be hit by a wave of mind-boggling regret for coming up to speak to the largest dog she had ever seen. What if this dog was a threat to her?

No, he just saved me, she thought, mentally scribbling out the menacing what-ifs. I have to thank him.

She padded closer, managing to squeak out a few words. "Hey, I um... I just, y'know, wanted to thank you because you just saved my life, I mean, I could've died there," she began, her few squeaky words beginning to spill even faster. "Those dogs were big and scary and even though you're bigger and scarier - I don't mean that as a bad thing by the way - you seem kind of nice! I'm so grateful you somehow swung by just in time and" - she finally caught her rambling - "I just wanted to thank you, so, um... thank you." She chuckled nervously, hoping she didn't just waste his time and that she didn't just get herself into a heap of trouble.

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ghostdad (#1650)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 19:54:43
Josiah | Male | Hunter | Hideaway| Mentions: Echo

He raised a brow, noting Echo's abrupt interruption of her own sentence, but decided against mentioning it. Judging by her reaction to her own words, she presumably wasn't comfortable sharing whatever she was going to, so he decided to leave her be. Instead, he replied to the casual conversation she set.
Eventually he reached the hideaway, crawling in and releasing the rat from where it was ensnared in his jaws into the small pile of whatever bits and bobs they'd managed to gather up. He stretched his wiry body, mostly dark fur over bones, before glancing around to catch what happened in his absence. The air in the place felt heavy with tension.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 20:00:41
Echo sat down away from everyone watching everything unfold,her body shook as she wanted to chase the new male away but the male left and the fight dog stopped shaking before standing up and shaking dust away from her coat making it look dull. Narrowing her eyes the doberman got used to the dark place again and wagged her tail slightly before walking off letting out a small whine of happiness. "Hopefully one day we all can make a huge pack and leave this place,go to the forest or better yet the doglands ( read a book that had doglands )." the female smiled and began wagging her tail thinking of the place her mother told her to go to and that one day when she was free her mother would meet her again but with her father. " Wonder what mother dog is doing now.." she said aloud

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-05 21:21:25

Ewin | Male | Hunter | Hideaway | Mentions: Josiah

Ewin was just laying around, unsure of really what to do. He was bored and wanted someone to play and bring out his inner puppy, or at least tolerate him enough to chat with him. 'Why does it have to be boring? I'm going to die of boredom at this rate!' He'd whined to himself, his tail softly thumping on the ground beneath him. His ear perked as he heard someone walked in, turning his head to see Josiah, probably returning from some kind of hunt as he saw the dark furred dog set something small down. Ewin stood as his tail wagging happily, he was glad one of his packmates were here. He finally had someone to converse with. "Josiah, I don't think I can explain just has glad I am to see you! I was starting to get the impression that everyone just got up and abandoned me!" He barked, chuckling a bit afterwards. He was about to open his muzzle to speak again but paused as he suddenly felt a change in the air around him. It felt calm yet heated, almost aggressive in a way. Whatever was or had happened the tension from it was real, and Ewin wasn't too sure how he felt about it. "You feel it too, right Josiah? The tension in the air I mean?" He would ask the other male. He doubt he was just overthinking this.

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-06 00:03:13

Yoru | Male | 4 Years Old | Tosa Inu | Loner
Location: The Streets | Mentions: Luna, Tem, Rembrandt

A scathing remark danced on the tip of his tongue, but Yoru swallowed back his words, concluding any further comments wouldn't be worth the trouble they'd incite. He wasn't at his best after days without proper sleep or sustenance and he had no idea how many dogs lay hidden inside the hideaway. The wolfdog alone would already be a worthy adversary. Yoru might have the advantage in regards to weight and muscle, but he'd learned in the ring slimmer, faster dogs were not to be taken lightly. Under different circumstances, he might have admired the male's poise and self-assurance, but Yoru had never been a fan of being bossed around.

Once clear of the alleyway with no sign of the pack dogs pursuing him, he allowed some of the tension to ease from his body. In the moment, the confrontation had made him feel more alive than he had in days, but now that it was over he could feel a familiar sense of weariness and gloom returning. The wolfdog alpha's threats meant little to him, but he supposed there really was little reason to linger within another dog's territory. This area of the city clearly wasn't where his owners were located anyway. The issue was he didn't have a clue where this territory began or ended and he didn't have the best sense of smell anymore, but he wasn't about to go back and ask them.

A small, anxious voice drew his attention downwards seconds later as it appeared the corgi had returned to thank him. He waited for her nervous chatter to cease before offering a dull, "you're welcome," proceeding to pick a direction and start to move. Yoru wasn't entirely sure why he'd intervened. It wasn't as if he were particularly kind or compassionate, but she had looked rather defenseless and it struck a nerve. Dogs who picked fights with those smaller and weaker than they were a disgrace, and while he could acknowledge he couldn't know their intentions he hadn't been willing to just walk away. "Those dogs want me out before the end of the day. Do you know where their territory ends?"

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ghostdad (#1650)

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Posted on
2019-03-06 00:38:48
Josiah | Male | Hunter | Hideaway| Mentions: Ewin

Josiah's attention was brought to the ashy coloured male bounding over to him, seeming relieved to have someone around. Of course, that didn't come as a surprise to him, as the brute always seemed happy as a lark, cheery and ever optimistic, which Josiah appreciated. It was always a nice relief from their regular hardships, especially when some of the dogs in the group were sometimes a little grouchy or stern. But, it appeared that he wasn't the only one who had been away. The slim male frowned, brows furrowed. "I thought it was just me."
He breathed in the muggy air, analyzing. The smell of his pack-mates was faint, but not so much to be concerning. It didn't really seem too unusual, as they scouted off for food often. However, he couldn't shake some sense of uneasiness, as if there was some event he was missing. It felt off. "Has everyone been gone for a while now?" He asked, before adding on to lighten up the mood. "You didn't catch fleas to scare everyone away, did you?" Josiah said in mock suspicion.

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