Posted by Only the moon: Werewolf Roleplay!

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-03-21 16:52:10

Only The Moon56742f2dba.gif
Oi there mates! Welcome to the red moon pack! Your luna here Luna! Let me take you through the run down of the pack and some of the rules!

Alright, so the layout of the pack is pretty awesome!

Pack House!: Here is where most of the pack members stay but most just stay if there is an emergency and want to be close to the others! We also have big meetings here! Its a tall 4 story building with lots of windows and a grand entrance! It has a pool, work out room, and a theater!

Lunas house: Ah My house! Not to brag but its the most second largest house on the property! I live here alone because I am yet to find my mate and settle down! Not many people are allowed in here and normally its only me and my maids! Sometimes I have formal dinners but that's rarely!

The town square: This is the thriving of the town! Most people have either small businesses or there house is nearby so a lot of people like it here and tend to think it is very safe!

Alright to the rules!

Pack rules:
No killing pride members unless I give permission!
No sneaking out of the pride
If you disagree with me that's challenging my authority and im not afraid of blood
I don't take kindly to traitors.

Roleplay rules
Don't harass others to be your mate!
Don't talk back to me if I say something or add another rule!
Im really lose about this kinda thing so I don't wanna add more rules so dot make me!

Alright so now you know the basics! You can start your journey in the pack! Have fun fighting for your life or falling for your mate!

(Quick ooc chat tag Here ya go

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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 00:25:46 by greenapple (#127393)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 07:51:53


Sehun's eyes flew wide in disbelief as he stumbled to his feet. How did she know him? How did she know what he was about to ask? Is she a mind-reader, a psychic?
"Are you..." He hesitated, a faint pink coloring his face. "Areyouamind-reader?" He said the words so fast it could barely be audible, a mess and cluster of synonyms leaving his pursed lips.
He knew he was being an idiot. But he couldn't help it- He was kept in his home as a child always, so he wasn't really exposed to reality. So... Could the stories his maid had been telling him true? Of fairies and treasures hidden under the ground... Of mind-readers and people with supernatural abilities?
"Oh- Ah, I need a tour too." He blurted out right after awkwardly. "Canyougivemeoneplease?"

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 07:58:15
Akemi giggled and smiled "Word spreads around when we get a new pack member. I'm usually the one to help them when they need to get to their new living area and if they have questions. So i pretty much know everyone here!" She nodded "Where do you want to go first, your living area or just a plain tour" She got off the rock and took off her hat she had that was hiding her ears (I might need some help with her backstory but i already put a gist of it on her character sheet) she then brushed off the dirt that was on her

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:05:24


"T-thank you." Sehun stammered, forcing a friendly smile on his facial features. "I... Can I just have a plain tour, please..." He trailed off, already forgetting her name. Shit. Sehun thought, his smile growing more and more awkward as seconds pass with a long, uncomfortable silence between them. What was her name again? Ak-Ak...
"Thank you again, Akami." He said after his dreadfully long pause, a relieved sigh escaping him. His Korean accent was odd mixed in with English, since he wasn't the most fluent in the language. He had heard of other Koreans in the pack, all of them being fluent in English, meanwhile he was struggling with a packmember's name.
Oh Sehun, you dumb shit. You pronounced her name wrong.

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Edited on 17/04/19 @ 08:06:19 by Loey (#166237)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:09:12
"My name is Japanese even though so if you ever have trouble with my name just say Ak" She smiled and began the tour showing him the important places first and then for their last place his house

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:16:53
(oof, its late at night, i gotta sleep. will rp tomorrow tho ^^)

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:18:40
(kk night Loey im still in class ;-;)

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:47:18
Luna smiled " I found my mate " she smiled cheesly

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:52:24
Ayla smiled "So I have been told" she looked up at Kade and glared. "Where is this delinquent" she asked looking around

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:53:48
" The shower "she pushed past Ayla and ran up to Sam's room before softly walking in making sure not to make a sound,leaning against it she listened

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Edited on 17/04/19 @ 08:54:58 by Happy hyena (#128112)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:57:51
Sam looked down at his finger, his finger looked pruny and he knew he was in the shower to long because the water had turned ice cold a while ago. He started humming the lyrics to a jonas brothers song.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 08:58:54
luna felt the door open and she yelped loudly as she hit the ground with a loud thud. " SHIT"

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-17 09:18:34
Sam jumped up a bit and grabbed the shower curtain ripping it back, he yelled a bit but he had a vocie crack so he sounded like a 14 year old boy going through puberty

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 09:27:38


Baekhyun|He/Him|Beta Male|Voice
Baekhyun is panicking. Panicking.
This is bad because the beta rarely ever panics. The fact that he could remain calm in dangerous times was a trait that others respect from him, expect from him. But today, that was not the case.
The male's eyes flitted from one tree to another, expecting another unfamiliar face to pop up and try to murder him like last time. The sound of the gunshot was still distinct, echoing repeatedly in his ears that drove him to the brink of a near anxiety attack. He paved his way through the bushes leading to Luna's house, brushing off the leaves that entangled in his hair in the process. He stared at his watch for a moment, and then he heard it. Breathing.
Somewhere, someone is watching him.
Baekhyun stood still, his wolf senses enhanced and listening.
Then he hears it. Another gunshot.
Luckily, this time, he only manages to avoid it.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 09:41:43
Luna covered her eyes but laughed

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-17 09:50:05


Baekhyun|He/Him|Beta Male|Voice
Baekhyun's first instinct is to run. Dodge those goddamn bullets that were firing at him in breakneck speed. But he doesn't, and he may regret that for now. He wasn't quick, he wasn't strong. He wasn't anything special, but he would kill the hunter. Shifting gracefully into his Hudson Bay Wolf, Baekhyun disappeared behind a cluster of trees, leaving the hunter confused with a gun pointing at open space. There is a quiet thump, and suddenly the shadow of the small wolf is in front of the hunter's vision, displayed on the mossy wall of a hut he faced.
He turned, gun firing in a frenzy, but he was too late. The only thing he saw was the beautiful wolf turning into a monster with it's jaws open wide. A scream is ripped from his throat then broken abruptly by a sickening gurgling sound as his neck was snapped in half with a single bite from Baekhyun, leaving him toppling lifelessly onto the ground. Blood flowed freely from the side of his mouth, dripping noiselessly on the ground he died on, the flesh of his neck torn apart and bleeding terribly.
Baekhyun stared coldly at the hunter's body, crimson liquid also dripping from his jaws and staining his front paws. There were some stains in his fur which he knew in his human form would stay on his clothes.
He backed away, shivering. He never knew he could kill someone so quickly with ease and no emotion.
He didn't think he should show up to the others looking like a bloody mess, but he would because he knew one thing: Hunters were back in town and were trying to kill them.

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