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![]() Priz (#127393) ![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-06 01:04:40 |
![]() Edited on 13/04/19 @ 12:31:45 by greenapple (#127393) |
Timo (#53555)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-07 14:09:50 |
Form Name Gardenia (Dia for short) Nyree Leighton Age 15 Year Fifth Year Looks Dia has an angular oval face with high cheekbones and arched eyebrows. She has very pale skin, long dirty blonde hair that is usually braided or in a bun, and dark blue eyes. She is about 5 feet tall at the moment and is somewhat chubby (Baby fat! Her mother says.) sexuality Straight Personality Dia is very, very shy. It's not easy for her to go out and make friends. She is courteous but rarely gives anyone the opportunity to see this. She prefers to keep to herself and read or write. She is also incredibly resilient, and few things seem to really bug or annoy her. She's exceptionally calm and doesn't emote a whole lot, though if you pay attention, you'll be able to sense her emotions. She has an incredible imagination, and whenever anyone sees her, she's usually scribbling something down on a piece of parchment. Background As far as wizard lives go, Dia had a rather normal one. She has two older siblings - twin brothers that graduated from Hogwarts about two years prior. Her father works at the Ministry of Magic, and her mother stays at home. She always had enough to eat, a warm place to sleep. She's never really known suffering. House you're in or wanna be sorted into Hufflepuff other Patronus: Maine Coon cat Wand: Redwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 13 ¼" and supple flexibility ![]() Edited on 19/04/19 @ 14:30:15 by Prussia (#53555) |
Delinquent (#95362)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-08 04:30:03 |
Constantine Babbitt ● Stanley for short ![]() Edited on 20/04/19 @ 03:19:20 by Snufkin (#95362) |
✾Gala✾ (#66561)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-08 10:07:02 |
ah this ended up being v e r y long ✾Name: ➢Celandine (Cei) Raisani ✾Gender: ➢Female ✾Age: ➢15½ ✾Year: ➢Fifth ✾Appearance: ➢ About 5"6. Coffee-and-milk skin with rounded, medium-sized cocoa eyes and an oval face. Her hair is dark-chocolate brown, dark enough to appear black unless in direct sunlight, and curls on itself at the ends nearly enough to form ringlets. Bangs usually cover most of forehead and are looped behind her ear. Wears black plastic-rimmed glasses with immaculate robes coupled with a monochrome scarf around her neck, which stays there even in summertime (for reasons discussed below). Usually seen with a messenger bag and an austere, judgemental expression, and walks quite purposefully- 'as if there's a Ministry council to attend' in her words of her mother. ✾Sexuality: Heterosexual (though this may not be set in concrete) ✾Personality: Celandine is, rather unexpectedly, the one who cracks often political jokes in class and has derailed many a lecture for a friend by distracting a teacher with an interesting question; however, with adults or non-classmates she is mature, businesslike and eager-to-please. The girl is self-aware enough to know that climbing social ladders is easier by being likeable (this is most probably the reason why she's in Slytherin and not in Ravenclaw). Unfortunately she isn't quite that perceptive enough to see that her outer stern shell drives most people away, seeing her as only a surface-level Slytherin buttering others up for unfair advantage; thus though she's friends with most of those in her house, she's never been very intimate with anyone, certainly none of the opposite gender. Though she usually wouldn't pick up fiction if there wasn't at least some sort of romantic subplot, pure romance novels only seem pandering and a waste of time, and she's very good at ignoring crushes until they disappear. With younger students and children, she's kindly and charming, having experience with the things in the form of four younger siblings. She's a good liar, though moralistic enough to use it to get others out of trouble, and as a friend she'd be the one distracting the teacher with a difficult Potions step while you steal the chocolates off their desk and then be the one dreaming up puns to nearly make you choke on the sweets afterwards. Celandine is very prudish with herself, always wearing a scarf to hide her chest, donning shirts with long sleeves and owning nothing which is more than a couple of inches higher than her knees; she couldn't care less what others wear, though. It's a free country. TL;DR : Straight A bookworm student who uses favoritism to dodge the rules, though she'd always save a spot for her friends at the top. A useful partner-in-crime armed with dad jokes who's pretty good with kids and loves fairy-tale romances but believes they're only over the rainbow. ✾Likes/Dislikes: ➢Likes the cold, cats, dragons, spicy food, sushi, well-earned praise. ➢ Dislikes the colours blue and yellow, pork, too much noise, public humiliation, shallow drama. ✾Background: ➢As one can tell from her skin colour and last name (which she has long given up on trying to get people to correctly pronounce), Celandine is not pure Briton; she was born in the country of Scotland, where her parents met, though her true nationality is Pakistani, going back countless generations. She was actually raised in a household very much like a Muggle's and possesses knowledge enough of electricity and vehicles to interest her peers (contrary to popular expectation, she assures primly, not all Slytherins are pure-blood fanatics. Those are only the loudest ones) as well as a healthy collection of Muggle encyclopedias and fiction (dinosaurs and The Golden Compass are her favourite). She has four younger siblings, all girls except the second child, and rocky relations with her mother whom she describes as notably controlling. ✾House: ➢Slytherin ✾Additional Info: ➢ Wand is alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 14" and surprisingly swishy flexibility. Suffers from noise-induced migraine problems (which she admittedly plays up to avoid going to gatherings and assemblies). Note: May she be part of the student council, like a prefect or something? I think it would pair nicely with her personality ^^ ![]() Edited on 13/04/19 @ 20:22:14 by Gala (#66561) |
Unova, Rebellion's overseer (#51172) Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-11 22:21:58 |
Name: Nanaco Longclaw Age: 12 Year: first Looks: Slender, with tone muscles masked under her robes, shoulder length red hair and piercing brown-green eyes are often set with a sharp gleam to them. sexuality: Bi with a male lean. Personality: Often comes off as cold and calculating, is more on the quiet side and prefers the company of animals, but once she warms up to you, you'll find no more loyal friend nor 'compitant advisor'{quoth her father} Background: Coming from a Pureblood family, Nanaco had much expected of her, which she had no problem doing for the most part. However, when her family revealed it's dark side, she was a little less willing to oblige. She now has few friends, but with her first year starting, she hopes to turn that around House your in or wanna be sorted into: Slytherin other: wand will be made of Hawthorn Wood with Dragon Heartstring Core, as is normal in her family to carry dragon heartstring core wands, the only exception was her mother who held a phoenix feather core. However Hawthorn wood is near unheard of in families that cannot draw a direct line to the Riddle family of old. ![]() |
Starslash (#172408)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-12 04:27:51 |
Name: Cody Wildwood Age: 13 Year: 2nd Blood Status: Muggle Born Looks: Cody is a fair-skinned boy with a bit of chub, despite being in shape. Cody usually uses a little of his reddish-orangish curly hair to cover his green eye (He has Heterochromia, RIght eye: Blue Left Eye: Green). Cody is 5ft 9 in, he is always mistaken for a 3rd or 4th year. Sexuality: Homosexual Personality: Cody is a very shy and cautious boy which leads him to doubt himself on many levels. If there is ever an opportunity that comes out for Cody to experience he gets too scared. Despite his cautiousness, he will sacrifice and risk whatever he can to save the people he loves and cares about. {More will progress throughout rp} Background: Cody was born into a muggle family as the only child. His parents never really approved of him being Gay or being a wizard for that matter. His parents never got him anything he wanted, only things he needed. When Cody was invited to come to Hogwarts, his parents were more than happy to get rid of him for as long as they could. ![]() Edited on 15/04/19 @ 03:57:00 by Starslash (#172408) |
RoosterChick (#46649)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-12 09:08:06 |
![]() Edited on 12/04/19 @ 09:28:19 by RoosterChick (#46649) |
bumblehugh (#65260)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-12 23:20:27 |
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Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-13 16:48:22 |
![]() Edited on 13/04/19 @ 16:50:07 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 01:02:11 |
Name: Iris wells gender: Female Age: 16 Year: 5 Looks:A very short girl who stands just under 5 foot. Her skin is fairly pale, though she spends her days outside, she is normally shielded by the trees canopies. Her hair looks like chocolate waves down her back falling just above her butt. Her eyes are what her mother used to say made her unique, they look like newly found emeralds but they have small freckles around them. Her clothing items consist of, a baggie swearer with black skinny jeans when she is not wearinf her school robe. She also always has a small flower crown on, normally it has different flowers each day, though it always has lilies on it because those are her mother's favorite flowers. sexuality: Straight. Personality: She is very quiet and shy though she looks like she would rip anyone's head off. . She hates loud noises and stays out of the path of most male scared of the stories of what her father told her. She doesnt have many friends so spends her days walking around and exploring the secret passageways. Background (Not using the actual ocs backstory so this one gonna be quiet short...) She was the grand daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (I ship them) she had the werewolf blood and the wolf animagu. She comes from a small house on the countryside with 4 older brothers who did not inherit any of the things she did. House your in: Gryffindor other: She has an owl and cat. The owl's name is scarlet for its scarlet eyes and the cats named peeves after her favriot ghosts at Hogwarts! ![]() Edited on 19/04/19 @ 01:34:05 by greenapple (#127393) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 01:07:35 |
Name: Noah Daniels gender: Male Age: 17 Year: 8 Looks:Very tall and well-built male due to working out each day. He has many scars around his body from multiple fights he had gotten in .His hair is a left over and is a black mess. His eyes are a very dark brown which turns more like black when angry or frustrated. His clothes consist of a leather jacket and his school pants, he dislikes the dress codes and refuses to wear it most of the time. sexuality: Bisexual (leans in the direction of girls) PersonalityThe biggest fucking asshole you will ever meet. No, he's not mean but he's very cold and never shows what he's feeling, he had never been in a real relationship but he had been on multiple blind dates that his friends set up without him knowing. He rarely ever shows any emotions but he is willing to help people who really need it. Background (this is his real background so there are some things that would not have happened) Noah grew up in an upper-class home. He grew up with 5 other brothers who were extremely successful in life and grew up to be wealthy like his parents, him, on the other hand, grew to be an outsider but got money from his parents who pitied him. At age 3 he noticed that his older brothers were all getting the grade A which made his mother extremely proud. He would play games with his brothers which normally were rough due to their male natures. He was normally taken down as quick as he could stand by them. Being the youngest was his favorite thing because he had never gotten in trouble. His mother was his best friend and would always make him sweets while his brothers were off at school. At the age of 5, he was getting ready for his first day of school, he was extremely excited to go and get the grade A, like the rest of his brothers. The day rolled around and he got in the car and drove to the preschool. When he arrived he hugged his mom and ran into the small building. During playtime, he had gotten in a fight with another little boy who had stolen his candy. The little boy left with his mother after Noah had landed a powerful punch on his nose, a move his brothers used on each other a lot when one of them took something of the others. He was sent home to and had to wait a week before going back. At the age of 12, he was the school bad boy, the guy most girls wanted but were too scared to get close to. Though he promised himself never to hurt a girl he was tempted a lot. Because of his wealthy parents, the school never expelled him, the worst he got was a month off of school because he broke a boys arm in a fight. He had asked his mom to buy him a boxing bag, she agreed thinking it would stop his violent tendencies but they only grew stronger. At the age of 16, he had caused 3 people to be paralyzed but only from the waist down, had been in juvie 5 times, had 9 tattoos and had made friends with the wrong people. His best friends name was James and they did everything together. James was in the working class and usually stole the food he ate which Noah always helping with. James probably had over 10 kids because he was a major man whore but he never left a trace scared hed have to pay child support. House your in: Slytherin! other: He has an owl he cares deeply for named grace. ![]() Edited on 19/04/19 @ 01:07:53 by greenapple (#127393) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 01:13:08 |
Name: Sam welch gender: Male Age: 16 Year: 5 Looks: Sandy blood hair pools down of his baby blue eyes that hold a smooth past many would not expect. One glance at him you could tell he loves to be in charge and could take down even the strongest leader. Standing at a good 6’7, he also has a very incredible build for loving to eat cookies every day. He normally wears grey sweats and a lose T shit when he is not in his school robes! sexuality: Straight Personality He is a very big rule breaker. He doesn't like to listen much and is normally late to all classes even if he is let out early for a class. (small cause im making him up on the spot....XD) Background....... yeah not gonna happen rn House your in: Slytherin other: He is the one making the potion! Has an owl named Sherlock! ![]() |
kkb (#122294)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-02 08:45:24 |
Form **Name** Meadow Fire **Gender** Female **Age** 16 **Year** 5 **Looks** Meadow has medium sized frown hair with highlights. She has light blue eyes that almost look silver. She is 6 feet tall. **Sexuality** Bisexual **Personality** Meadow can be a very quiet person, she will focus on her studies a lot but that can all change in a time. When you get to know her she’s all weird and crazy but in a good way. When she’s around people she trusts he’s very outgoing. **Background** Will only be shared with those she trusts **House your in:** Hufflepuff **Other** Pet: Snowy owl | Female | Name: Snowflake Patronus: Tokinese Cat Wand: Hazel wood with a Phoenix feather core. 12 1/4” and unbending flexibility ![]() |
casu consulto (#78689)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 08:39:16 |
Name : Benjamin Kassis Goes by : Ben, Benji Gender : Male Age : 16 Year : Sixth Looks : He's fairly average in terms of height - actually, he might veer towards a bit shorter than average? He's sort of slight in terms of build - he's not skinny, just rather… wiry. Benji's quite fortunate in that he's managed to side-step any adolescent awkwardness. He carries himself with a sort of self-assured confidence. His hair is brown and tends towards the curly side… so he keeps it short to keep a handle on this (and he usually manages, er, fairly well). His eyes are dark brown - but framed by eyelashes that are quite frankly wasted on him. He has an even, olive skin-tone that usually prevents him looking too pasty or haggard in the aftermath on spending hours pouring over some book or lacking sleep. And when not clad in uniform he prefers darker shades (but not green, despite his House) and much prefers his clothing to be well-fitted. Sexuality : Ah, who knows? He's really quite private so it's all open for guess work. (I've preferred MxM pairings in RP for years now so there's that - but my OCs have a history of acting against my wishes. D;) Personality : Benji tends towards keeping his own company - he's not exactly solitary by nature; it could probably be argued that this was learned behaviour. He would much rather be actively doing something than not - and when he makes a decision on something he commits himself to it fully. Benji doesn't really do things by halves. He is carefully polite almost as a default and he can be difficult to really get to know. He has been accused (correctly) of holding people at a distance. Being one of those fortunate souls that finds themselves comfortable in their own skin he doesn't feel he has much to prove to anybody (save for himself) and this can sometimes rub others up the wrong way… He isn't arrogant really, he's just a bit uncompromising and unwilling to go out of his way to appease other people. He's a skilled liar on occasion and it's quite possible he's more than a little proud of the fact. Background : He lives with his mother, her husband and his two younger half-siblings. His mother and step-father are both able to do magic and they're reasonably well off financially. His younger brother & sister are six year old twins - which prevents him being 'close' to them in one sense, but Benji thinks they're kind of brilliant in their own way. His own father died when Benji was much younger (he barely remembers him) - his father was from Egypt and worked as a Curse Breaker. He was ideally suited to the work but rumour has it that this was due to his family historically being Dark Wizards (and so many of the curses his father came across, having been of his ancestors' making, were perhaps easier for him to handle) and Benji has, unfortunately - to his mother's mind at least - taken an avid interest in that line of work… His father's side of the family still live in Egypt and his contact with them can be sporadic - but he's actually really close to his grandmother and visits at least once a year. His mother would really rather he didn't. House : Slytherin Other : He has a rather small, perpetually scruffy looking Tawny Owl that he dubbed Bartholomew - the runty feathery pest is the consequence of an embarrassing flash of sentimentality when choosing a birthday gift at the age of 14… Somehow (and Benji isn't sure how) he found himself walking out of the shop with Bartholomew tucked under his arm rather than the noble-looking Barn Owl he'd originally headed in there for… He wanted an owl for practical purposes but due to his small stature (his enthusiasm can't quite make up for lack of size sadly) Bartholomew isn't best suited to the tasks Benji had in mind. His wand is a Willow/Dragon Heart String combo. ![]() |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 09:56:07 |
Name: ![]() Edited on 13/05/19 @ 08:53:46 by Happy hyena (#128112) |
Charlie|Superstar! (#171404) Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 05:18:41 |
Name Brooke gender Female Age 15 Year fifth Looks Light Blonde hair, blue eyes, shorter then the average female teenager. Round face with small freckles on her cheeks and nose, always wears black stockings that look like pants, black shoes and the slytherin uniform sexuality bisexual Personality goofy, brave, creative, she hates when her friends get hurt but keeps to herself House slytherin other She always knew hogwarts was real and her dream came true, now all she wants to do is work on magic her wand is a Cherry/Dragon Heartstring combo :3 Patronus: Dragon (got in pottermore test) ![]() |
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